oaty In t^e tint 6 Mance, hot al*o In the fiHIn* of T* A sarins ??' ?les.W?!-th (ho an nual CM1 of running consraaa . U promlaod through the cutting out of superfluous employes and In aotlTe ' romiflttees: and utrrhdluetaolhfrd rommlttaea; and through the Abol ishment of the time honored rttm month'. p?r. plarrs all aro put Into be known as the armatsa?' In th? TW .election of committees by the house. A provision to prerent fill blistering under the role giving au thority to dlacharge committees fro mi < nnilderlng bllW. A prorltlon p?r mlttlag amendments to appropria tion WUa whenever thaae amend ments wtll result m retrenchment of national expenditures Authority ??."*? *s TW rul<! lo nrerent nl'hinlerlnn on > motion to dlaclwria a commlt-l ??? (rom custody of a bill !? the ro ??lt ot the Mhbuater conduct*** In tha laat ?<-ulon by lUprwnUtlTO1 Mann ot llltnot.. Ho b*d th. poat-| 77? Ti TUP. I.AKOi?T MX* TO BE i? PATSXT OR TAX, AXKLK 8TRAB I OL-N MKTAI, CAW PCMPf -WE.,, . . , . f '?* *ea Commute*. Mated1 that Uwy would, be offered to the houae Tneeday. Ira mftiaMr after the preliminary or gaalaatkm of the Unit coherers >' la Ita effort to redwre the home payroll and dlapmae with ertra em ployee. the democratic caneua an t horned rwi<Ul chan see: The afcolahment or ?8 appolntlrc poel theaa; the dropping at aix atamltntt cOaamlfifeee fro* \he houae Matt, and the abolishment of the eitra pay al lowed each aeealon to the employes. I The Brat of these Items !? expect ed. to aare ?1 >0.0)0: the aecond lit. 000 end the withdrawn ot the ex ? tea month" Win aare another ?l?, i The poeltlons under the houae. heretofore apportioned ataongal the poaltlooa under the clerk of houae jeoold be abollihed. | One chief bill clerk with four u alf tanta and ? etenotrapher Krto take the Piece of the large jdeirka raeurewd. l iMtmnao ttnrii Oaf IktlanliM Hon. John H. Small, .ad . cttjpen of thu city ha* Wn *? ? member of the Rlrer. bora committee In the next Th1? l> an honor -Well the many friendi of Mr. delighted at kin promotion. bO" hoard from committee. Not only la tbla to be concratylated but ?rws, hikes t m spkcul ?i ? . A'y> . ????*'- ? 4 1-9 to a... t-a to M mXKS 11 l-J ? t Prtre ?a.no. 2 1-2 to B. 1-rirf M.IM) / Q1ARTKB ITJlt-K, M?.KS 11 ?.S ???. SPECIAL ?IM>. rov HHOCLI) INSPECT THIS UXR ?E OP CHILnttKX'K SHOES KVKIt ' ? this cltr*U*f SaUrta, morning 1 o'clock. I There vera about fortv-ili teach tftta'wSte '"hoo'lt* hsre^eHnJ too; time UMtn residing hi oth er counties hare returned to the\ homes. . .' \ __ -J The meeting was called tq order hf Superintendent of Public Scjiool; W. 1- Vaughan of this city. ?Att"r the organisation had been perfected Mr. Vaughan presented to the teaehers Professor H. K, Austin, who bolt, the chair of wlence In the ??at Carolina Training 8ehooI, at Greenville, who a40reased the tearh ?r? m the topic: "gome problems that the teachers of todsr moat be Austin la a thorough claaa room locturer and bis addrea* took the shape of a well presented lecture. Ho divided his talk Into throe divisions In tire Brat division he spoils to the aeoesaltT tor thor ough preparation ta the tuhjeot a wbolj that the teacher moat prest^. kV^pa thi teTchlr luat'ose d.T ahead of the eiaaa. fa lh? second place he dlrorted bis hearers to the method* of prepara tion. ahowlng how the teacher mat know the relative values of facta In tk? Ieaaon. so as not oatr to he able to polat ' them oft to -the ehll<L hut also to oaaMe the child to recognise the more Important parts of taA In this d trial on Prof?wor Austin omw wh? teacher tell, to th<nr '?"? Md mikaa . .7^ ?!"* " *n,truot,?n mere ly adding f?ct upon ?iu,out r#_ Se third pl'.c. the speaker dieted he UMh.r. to thd neoe-lty know 'ia? "" lndlTtd??l child aa well ?? the children In *" " FtahUy he explained that he r*?. resented the But Carolina Training School at OreenTlTle. Said he be f ????? that they nt prepared to at teachers to meet their wlotw by taking advantage of lie eight weeka aummer course the ??acher could watn profeaalonal training xt a coat of *ot er?r flTe dollars.. r V',1 ;? The address was llateacd to with l?>tt by all preeMbV- ,, ?>,? ->V Superintendent Vaughan arter Professor Austin had dated, emphas '*? Altai V. Jar.la, Alice <!? Esther Tripp. Lucy wladeld P?ne. lo?s D.nl.1., Minnie i. Nmncj Oewmrd. Ruby 3?ll u?- mucin. Beaafe W arren, rl^ Hn. C. C. Sprul'l, Allc* Mlnnlo Drown. Su**n A. Mite Wtlltrd. Edith Hod* Jordan. Mr*. Bonner Watort, 10 AlUgood, Ormond, Morgan. Mattle p. WooUrd. I'iWfWfcVAl, M. UtthK. ? yon belle re In the future *el t of Washington? Hare you the ipertty of the city at .heart? If have then you will he, pjeeent maFA meeting at the conyjji^pie evening at \8.50 o'clock to dl? t the question whether or not the tamuakcet railroad to Wash-' ttrncted from Bel haven to Whsb #?,. Thta In the moat Important Vital question Washington haa to confront In many years. Can afford as a community to allow ? chance to ally us without at \, taking some fiction. If 49 <4o something t oalgbt then tWa * needed road will he lost to o* +er- The time is Mr. Toalght work# Tomorrow will be too late. Tonight U the timr t? decide The Dally New* calls ,mon ,n 7't|Ma> to be present tonight .at the coort Mi discuss this important Nothing could be more MneBlclal to the future of Washington th.. the ?>?!?tnictlon of the K,?,n?,kM rallltwd to thlaeHy Do the people d**'r* l,? Tonight telle whether or "?*? "aster Arthur ?r. eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. St. mr , aged about U-years. oollng with a pistol .near his aeoiden tally shot In thi tempting to snap the woaponj knowing it waa loaded, . the r Bred and the result waa the itered his hand. Dr. J, <J rendered meaical aid. While Mexico City. Mf*., April 1 . ? Com mitting Wtnsetf to the advocacy of many of the reforms demanded by the revolutionists, although profess edely bowing to the Influence of public opinion. OenVral Dla* answer ered hla critics through' his semi-an nual message at the opening today ?f the Rational congress. . Tbe principle of no reflection of the 9btsi exec u tire and Incumbents of ether elective oflcers and the rw totm of the electoral laws" ^o that' the prfHlege Of the ballot ?sy be enjoyed' by cltteea* "who sre considered capable of voting" were advo<fcte<f. *S/"v ' _ 1 v The message refers specifically t^ the application of the no re-election principle, to the naming of governors of yie chief contentions of the dis contented element through the re public, the president stating that if a bill providing for the "periodical renovation" of the officiala In quds tion should come before congKss It wootd have hla earnest support. A bus# of power by Jefes Pollt'cos. another of the evils complained of by redden ta In the rami diatrlcta. is to pe abated, according to the plan outlined by the president. ? < Tho president proposes to ' Im prove the efficiency of the Judiciary throogh a more careful selection of Efflcactoua putl.hmrm of JkdifcUt functionaries (or malfeasance la to be bittacfa^ through the enactment of more stririisent measures. On the subject of the division 'of the great private estates, first broach ed by Minister Umaatour In his Par is interview, the executive declared his determination to find sufficient means for bringing about the Ifeao* vat Ion. In no previous message of , the president has there been anything In the nature of a recommendation. Un til today his mwessgsB have been re sumed of things accomplished. The public, knowing that the pres ident would in this meaaage to the Twenty-itfth congress depart from the ordinary- course and sulggeat "Pe cla> legislation, has shown most in tense interest. This"* feeling of /mpeeupcy found expression In the memfters of cong ress and from the mhpptte ^he . chief executive entered the okamber of de puties until the last wofk)^!^ m*e sage. every man on tto'fioor as weli lMHPfmt Amount of A?f *> the Oxford Orpfun Th? ?U*? ot orphan* from the Ox totf. Orphan Asylum ftre an ent?i?. tainm.nt ? Aurora laat frUmj ,t en1"*- *W home waa sacked and or*r oh kundred and twenty dot. ,,r* w" *>? reoalpta of the evening. Thl? lrthe largeat amount the claaa bare received aince ttiey have be^n on tM^ai'Urn tour of the etaM and sMaki welt for Aurora Thl? town always doca the right thine at the right time. Thej are to b. oon ffratulatcd. E.K.WILLIS THE I PEOPLES' GROCER PHONE 76. - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Specials Fox River Butter, tub 17 l-2c Fox River " prists 30c. lb French Roll Wafers 20c Can lb. M it U 1 M lflc pkg Oatmeal 8c Karo Syrups, per can, 8c 21b Can Armonrs ' Roast Beef 25c 45c Can Lobsters 35c Evaporated Fruit F*cy Peaches 10c ft " Aftriote 15c Export Soap. 7 b?r? 25c Sb Best Lamp Starch '25c Small Size Pkg Gold Dust 4c Something New in Flower Pets. Call and see them A nice lot of Coortry Made Bread Trays Jost Received. Gft yoors befoffe, they are picked over. ELECTRIC LIGHT IS NOW CHEAPER Bnrron* wmu JUeetrtc 'ught?? lu I*a?r7 ? Comfort? CleanllMaa ? Conrealence. Ererrbody tu now afford U. Cu you lonitr a?ord to Me Oxygen consuming UlvMnaats. The new Maida Lamp glrei the moat beautiful art Weill light kuo?n. Call Washington Electric Plant Proof will be aubmlttad. , - I III ^ IIJ Hi 11 il'l 'l j Gem Theatres TnniHit T BOOTS MRKWORKK? Comedy. FOR KEMEMBRANCE? Drama. TUB i.uckV l MBIgggaiji ?? Mm. ? WgSjeexioa* t J. K. HOYT | Ste leans Get Your Easter Hat Befpre the Rush. New Shapes Just in- ||| - J. K. HOYT - FIRST . ; ? ? ? ?

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