april it. nit. : remembered. The d ay Vru ? lonul the rltttcns at thoeit advantage at propitious weaths lira cat tothe services In the r< ?11 tlx cfcurehee of the city U 3 ration o t th? Rlaen Und ws memoratej In a strle worthy an y nothing la heard on th. atreel the fitting war la which thia aei >- be- forgotten day waa celebrate he Eplaoopal church oa 8uads ain# thf rector. Rev N.thanl. Slag delivered a Mnaoa of fore power on the Resurrection Th Ic was excellently rendered by th r. AH the aaUwna. etc., Mr h enjoyed by the large congr* m. Mr. Edmtmd Hardtac th lent organist at thla church di n much pralM for the way i :h his choir rendered their waj nUe. The chancel waa a pa bower of e?ergre?n. potts ta. dogwood and Easter llllles. tter the aerwm and the oCertn ?h amounted to 1 170. 09. the ece! l the afternoon at lad o'cloc children of tlw Sunday school ha r uaual celebration. Ia Ue chat no placed a large cross and e waa placed Bowers > from th aa. When Aajshed It preeebite net attractive picture. bo addreee to the achool wi e by Heir. J. H! Fulford. recti Bon Episcopal "church. Boayai topic of his addreee waa "Obi ao and Missions." It haa bee ? awhile sines we hare hoard more Interesting While pUI ? thotwhMul and Inatructlve. Mi ord la one of the coming dlrtat la ehurch la Worth Carolina. H Beaufort county hoy aad ever ?a of the county feels prood < s haa a bright and promlalng ft . Ho la a worthy ambassador.!! Iter the addreea of Mr. Palter Norwood L. Ilmmtu preeente prinea to the pupila who ha e the highest average Id lesson ?rtmeet aad attendance, a praj ?oh and hymnal waa donated b i IJda T. Rodman to that gli I attaining the highest sverag eeoas for the mm Jtir. Thla wi by Mlaa Ullle Dell Willi At'thta cl,ur?h >t 11 o'clock S|v T. Oibb. dPll.ored ? bwutlfrl s:r ra on tb? Resurrection of Chrtat. i.yr hi, in M y Cosets |a Individuality ? id Perfect fitting | ie Corsets Have no Equal, v;^' ? ' 'f ' for Style No. 121 at $1.m! m UK HLLLS Fftcy H?ve Been Ordered.) to Fferforca Duty ? i I !i EH TO WEI una' Win he Held at Ilal for Clwrllng nmxg, Thto lM<* Ootm Into! VMtct on May 1 ? Rule* Given Out. Balelgh, April 16. ? Adjutant Gaa-j >r?l Lelnater today, with authority ?rom the united 8tataa W if ^ naat, haa designated another claaa ?//Mean ttem tlx North Carolina 4*tloaal Guard to ?o to the Mexican >order for a two waeVi fay. Tha : ucky ollean an Ma]. T. 8. Pace, of ha Second Iafaatry. wll?on; Captain K. A. Jackson, of the frirat Iafaatry. Ht, Airy; CaH. B- C... Chambers, ol I he ThfTd infantry. Durham: Capt, I r. U. Black of the rNWwntal commlaT arjr, of Charlotte; and Capt. Don. K. Icott. regimental adjutant of tha hlrd iQfantry Of OMhaa. North Carolina Waa entitled to 1to| ?Beer, for this detail laataad of (our nd tha war department aakad for ?na major or Infantrr. oaa adjutant >f infantry, oaa coamlaaary omcer) two company oScera of lalaatry. Win he itaf d to ra At nmeatlnf of tha tha Nortk .CaraHaa " Thla ia Ue am tlaa tha i Er.'ssaerssrt from rammer to fall win i suitable rules to profct the railroad companies from imposition. V ? Tbls law foes lata effect M /j lot, ?4 the commission today handed down the following rules: That when passenger* desire tc cehek baggage on mileage books, thsj railroad cesnpaaJf* shall not M Quired ta do so unless the mileage book snd baggage nre each the prop erty of the person for whom the bag gage 1b checked; that when baggage Is cheeked before a ticket Is obtained.1 the baggage master shall tear oft tUe baggage strip for the distance the baggage is checked and 'shall mark or stomp^ the date of Isspe and desti nation to which baggage is checked pn the fac? or back of ouch part or mileage coupons as correspond .with >*ggage coupons attached; thai the at anr time within S4 lours thereafter pf*se*tjter the ticket (or mileage te ll*. Jackson Uftftd. t irgaret Ann Jackson, moth* . John T. Pedrlck of tills at bar reald?nce at Old Saturday at 10 o'clock !a year o t her a?? Some t> ahe was stricken With "> My '*11 ezptnm ejcUalre of conelct labor ud tuirdi. Ttla will probably amount to $s(?.?0 per ?eMh I* addition tb terminals and rights of way. It la now time tor the clthtena dir the city and alone the entire route to complatf their part o f the contract ?o that the matter may be entirely cloaed up without further dalar. . At the Grm Theatre . The Sunday afternoon aerricea at the On Theatre from s to ( o'clock, conducted by |fr, Albert Vanne of England, are being largely attended. On yeetartay afternoon he delivered ? moat helpful and^lnatructlve talk on the "Unknown God." Theee aerricea hare only bten In trogreaa for a few Buadaya but al ready they have had Ihelr Influence In the community. . ?-< Mr. Vanne Will an next Sunday at tha name hour apaik. All are cor HE WAS TRYING - TO WIDE ACROSS 3'h ? i, ,? . ? - Rev. M. Du i osc, of Mor ganton Drowned ?rc.iiniB)! Takes I1f-e 1^ !"nl~ VI- tr of-Hls Two Voting Sons? Body :ioj ? Yet Beroverecl ? Ww Formerly ItrJ tor at HI. Mary's School at Ral eigh. Morgan ton, April 16 Tlx whole tow* wu shocked this morning about 9 o'clock, when the word ran from ?*<yltbto mouth that Her. McNeely Dnbose. late rwctor ot Oram Episco pal church, had been drowned In the Catawba rlrer near the dtjy The whole community la. distressed and shocked beyond words sod great sumbers of citizens are at the rlrer trying to Sad the body. . This morning about V o'clock Dr. DuBose want down to the rlrer and croeaed at the upper bridge with hla two boys, Wd about 10 and Ik years, to shoot dock. He walked up the rlrer about ? hall mile. Aa honi or so later the boys returned to town saying their father had shot a duck nearly across tbs rlrer. snd then waded In to fst It. The rstaslsder of the story goee that when about halt WSJ serosa, realising thst lt was too deep, or the current too swift. h> turned beck toward the bank As tie wss returning, he drifted down a lit tler sad was hidden behind s Mump msms&si&i oat lower down, walked down the bank, and <iot ?eetnx th.lr fatker bo ?sa. to sail, hut received no smwer. They celled same men nearby, and thsse ran quickly tooths scene. As the news reached town s grsst concourse of eltlaeas roshed to tho rlrer, hot nothing hss bean dlscever Sd to throw any additional light' on thin sad tragedy. The rlrer Is being dragged In a rsln search for the body. The rlrer Is ewollea by recent rains Sad the current Is quite swift. It msy he sareral days before the body Is recovered. Before Christmas Mr. Dubose wss given -an Indegnlte leave of abeeace by his church on account o f 111 health He we?t to Columbia. 8. C? where he hss s brother, from there to Flor Ids. About two months egohe ssat his reslgnstlOB to the church here and It was raloctaatly accepted. The re port waa that he would net be able to resume work for twelve or eigh teen months. Eeerly this week Mr. Daboe* returned apparently restored to perfect health, aad felt so wan that he bed taken up some church work. He bad conducted eervlce In Orsos Episcopal church only yester day. Rev. McNaely Dubose came of a dlstlngulshel South Carolina family and was 16 or 66 years of age. He waa rector of Trinity church, Vshe vllle, for nineteen years and ?u so greatly beloeed there that he has teen often colled back to mlo'iter to the elck and aftllfted He waa later rector of St. Mary's College ?o.- rlrls at Raleigh, and while there he 'of ferer! a temporary br-ikdi/9 i health. He Sad beep rector of Grace Epla :ra fOf.thjM was AcjHltur with ill IXjJSkd. H fh*4 eopal church here for three half years. Ue wu * rli?rn and greatly I a wide circle of frti*ds la this state and elsewhere to whom thla news wllj be a ?r*at shock. Morganton waa only recently con gratulating 1 tee If thatHfcia godly man and his eharmlng family wnoid con tinue to make their home here. He I* survived by his wjfi and five chil dren. Former M^Aageis Here. Mr. R. H. Mar^ton of.&emlorscti. N. C., who waa at one ttitl manager <%tbe Dixie Theatre faerK?waa In She jelty thla morning shaking hands with fots many friends. Mr. Marston 4a fiow engaged in the drug business In rfenderson. .;fa ./ i ? Second Quarterly Conference. "The second quarterly conference for Washington station will take Olace in the Baraca room of the First Methodist church tonight at 8 o'clock. All th* offtdal body Is urged to be present. * ? ??? wneifHU ' - SflHHMf H Whitaker and Frank Jenk ins, both tolond, became Involved ln a difficulty ? in Dudley's near beer saloon on Water atreet laat Sat urday night and the reault waa that Whltakar was aerloualjr cut In aerer-. al plaeea on the. head and faefT.Both partlee were In the aaloon and In ?oma w?r had a misunderstanding Without wsralas to Whitaker Jenk ln? attacked him with a knUe He , waa out on the noaa and bead. Dr. B. M. Brawn rendered medical aid. Jeoktna at once made hla escape and the pi Ilea. Wbltabley waa arfeetmt and placed In the elation house tor Bate keeping . ? : ? K ? OM IllMlis's Ooatsstloe. Mljae* h?HF Myers and Maud Wladlep who are the committee of the Daughters of the Confederacy io solicit funds4or the Chapel Hill mon ument ar4 arranging for an Old Fid dler's convention to take plaoe in Waahington at an early day. A hana some prise will be presented to the winner of the contest. It Is the desire and hope of the committee that there will be many volunteers to enter thla No doobt it will prove interesting and laughable. A great time Is ex pected. The date and program wttl be announced through the columns of the Dally News later on. ?U i ? ;l ? E.K.WILLIS THE PEOPLES' GROCER PHONE 76. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A DOT EXTRA FINK COUNTRY HAMS AND HHOl" -LDK.KS. WK CAN GIVE YOU MOST KVKRY 8IZK FROM ft lb*. to 12 Ih., LET VH HAVK YOUR ORDKR, YOC WTLIj FIND THKM KXTRA NICK. HAMS, ANY SIZE 18c lh 8HOUL.DERS. ANY 8IZE, . 14c lb Snow Drift Lard. any quan tity # ? 18c Bb. 1Mb. Tate Snow Drift Lard 8e 8. [KING AN A VKRY BEST PURE L LARD SOMETHING FINE 18c 18

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