a i hi SHINGTON DAILY NEWS 1 " ^ m 1M TWi I1I1H ?1? jiaftr. etra? sort* wind*. ~ ij t i -1 ? ? ? - WASHINGTON N. C- SATURD\#fiTERN'OON JUNE 5 ?13 *? ">9 JURY BRINGS NOT GUILTY VERDICT j ARE ACQUITTED ?? ftUl having rtolatad tba liquor Tbay ^*r* triad by Jury aod Tha gmm ni triad bo> ?or? it^linl Recorder Bryan. Tha BdH m iifr?atU by Attorney M. 6. <brt?r, white Col. W. C. *od t tha defendants. Tfce I <* C. *. Rka. w*. JL OdU?, Jaha lx Pbiiupa. Mcwm AU1 ?00?. W. c. WlxurtMLd and J. D. The defenae contended that tha Mcoor batafad to 9wtt and Bar*ar a* M IndHtdoftla. and not a firm. Tha ltqaor -waa measured t? lh? aoart room and ft waa found not to aaaaad two aniona. TW# allowed ?art ??? 4a*a t Iran a ration, which wonH ha wttfctn tha Umtta of tha Cmt. tla iiroaaeotlon claimed that tha lienor -vaa owned by tha Arm. aad that tha ?rra >waa nitty of har ta? la Ms peaaaaaloa more than tha law atlawad. Tha jury arrlred at a ?ardBct in than half an hour. A of apeetatora ware In and followed tha tbavy Suit For Damages \ fttl ?V I to my ko In which hm rnmmM. th. Toun, wo* or J. "W. Btawart. viaM th* daalh of Barl Tutor, th* ato-Taarold son of Wr. Hi Mrs. L. J. Taylor, Mr. T?7 ?fcr. u>M*ah Mi attorney*. W. D. Wtfnr MB S M. Oreen. baa died aatt JunM Stawan and Ms /**? w. Btawart. for dam 0*M la.??? amm of 9>5.000 and the ?01 WB| op at th? next term of Own ii n Superior Court for th* ?**? caaaa. ? bkb eocxplalnt Kr. Taylor claim? ?hat 7?mam Stewart waa under the age lU?v*4 by the lav for drlren of aiOooMlM and that he did wil wrongfully drlTe the au kllled hie eoa He tik? father of'J am vltfvlly and wrongfully al io drl re the an torn o leed the death of the Journal. $100 Prize For Hi story Essay Traag Mm Mom Old Ford Rwlm Honor at UnWn of North CwoHna Cooper, of Old Ford, who (ha Waahlngton %l?h eehool a few year* a*o. wa* nmflj awarded a yrlae of $100 #or wrttlne tha boat history aeaay ea t*e ??Wet of *X5#lon!al Rxpan ?foa 1? Beaufort County*' at the Un taarrtty of North Carolina Mr. Oaoyar I? tka aoo of R. A. Cooperf Ml la wall known la WMMncton. } Trtampfc if Mu?*?. IwWItt Mtar day rta J *rtaa?k a* th* daat and dumb laJk 1*?? atartina fft* Ton k?o? ?M Mliwrt ? ho*la dnrto? tha la. kMr fipta tha ah or* Thar? war* ??. ana. M aad dama talkina ?al*t4 r*h thatr flagara to tha hmhar v. laad. ?boooald roply. Thar war* th Wh that could talk, fraal anh?*fd taarall- -Laadoft ^ Wik bliltfl ftrttti r*pU*d Thr**-Ptnf** M4tm*ad h*r. Uaardniu, , j aWlaaaa of OrttMaa ' to Oat. Tbira alpt < I Mr X?o toarna k I was 0?loh Ml' *? aonsm.ma m aa i ?a' a (r? othara ma? ??? MHWdV?? Y.M.C.A. PLAN DISCUSSEIlf BY MR. GAY LODGES TO HELP c*y wm ?*%?? c? Room lb?? for Y. M. a 1 An excellent suggestion, and one which he ssje kM bean discussed b r several ass*' of the city, vu made this morulas regarding a lo cal T. 0*. C. A. %>y Her. R. L. Qey, pastor of ti? Flm Baptist Church of Lhlfl <ttj. f "Naturally. being a preacher. I cannot help bnt be interested in the T M. C. A. morameat/' said Mr. G*7, aad I sincerely hope that the project to esrried oat successfully in the near future. There is no ques tion bnt that *? need It. "A number of gentlemen irere recently discussing this question and to Iced some exoellent suggestion? regarding the best method of pro cedure. Within the next year or two the local school will be found too ?mall to accommodate all of the students, and It will be necessary to make other arrangements to teke care of them. It is probable that the present building will be used by the grade? and that a new structure will be erected for the high school. "Now it has been suggested that the city purchase the lot owned by the Masons, and that a new building ht erected there for school purposes. Then, if 'the Mssons, Odd Fellows, Pythlans and other secret lodges of ahg ^plty would combine and erect on# building or temple to be ased jointly by them, they couM probably be induced to jrlre orer I two or three rooms for the use of the general public sa a gymnasium, reading room and for other means of dtr?pton and entertainment. ^"iCTlot# west of the postofflce would make an Ideal location for t%fct Vf11*1"#! Ig rt*F eould be se cured. I bellere they belong to Mr.. Havens. ?It appears to me that thi? scheme would afford the best means for de ciding the proposition all the way around. It would afford s good Hit? for the school house. It would give the rarlous lodges bstter quarters and It would give the young men who do not belong to any order s chance to secure entertainment and amusement in clean moral sur roundings." ~Maxwe)l Leads Local Shooters JUde High Areraf? of .09 Y enter - da jr. Plum DUcuAMd for Fourth of July Shoot. An Interesting ?hoot was held by the local run club yesterday after noon at which ?Maxwell lead the field with the high ?core of 92 per cent The rfhootlng an m whole wan abov the average made at any event held byt he local club t hrtu season. Plana for the toig Fourth of July shoot -were further discussed yes terday and detailed arrang^menp were made- This will, without ques tion. be one of the biggest event* ever held by the Washington club. Yesterday'? ?ceres were a* fol lows: Names Iltrde Killed P. C Maxwell 75 08 .98 floslres 76 64 .IB MIT* < 78 89 .80 ttertln? 80 88 .78 Fth?rtd?e 78 88 .74 79 -?? ?f4 88 U 64 T**?po* 78 48 .60 Ph<4?? 76 46 .60 Vlltott 76 48 .68 thwart 60 16 .66 Wlnflsld 60 86 .61 MAixn TMfdrn | 1RAVH HANTTT. Altmay. N. t? ;?? I.?T>opntr Attorn?7 (NMrtl ??tMr ??<?7 Hk Ml tbo_ ?art of ?pnftl? fsr ? ?rtt of prohibition to ?roroirt tb? ?amp*not Hm of * fttrr to ?Mt tho m?K; of Burr K. tn. I J. IMMm, x* Mr Mont, la ?? TtautH w* *??>*?, a* Twelve New M en Wearing Horns Initiation* ?t Elk Lodge Lout Night Successful. Ceremony Wh Followed by Supper. Tbe "big night" of the local B. P. O. E. lodge came off last night. *U successful in every way. Twelte candidates wore initiated in to membership, the ceremony being followed by a most enjoyable sup per. Although the members are some what reticent regarding the even ing's event, it le rumored that the proceedings had any three-ring cir cus backed off the boards. Those who were initiated were W. A. Blount. Jr.. W. B. Beetty. Claud Jordan. Ernest Harden. Warren 8h*ldon. Charles Stancill, Sam Silverthorn. Roy Peterson. H. W. Williams, M K. Berry, Guy Buckman and Ed Pllly. Morris Pleased With Advertising Says Tlurt It Brines BvceUent Re sults. Dally News a Good Medium. When asked this monnlng whether Tils newspaper advertising in con nection with Clark's big sals was bringing him results, I. Morris, man ager of the store, stated that he was more than satisfied with the re sults. ' "A number of customers have come In and mentioned seeing the advertisements. In some cases they brought the paper with them as memoranda. I heartily believe in advertising and I believe the Daily N?#s Is an excellent medium." Dentists Meet At Wrightsville Tooth L'uIIwn of State to Hold An nual Convention There on June 21, 22 and 23. Wilmington, June 5.?The pro gram for the 41nt annu&l convention of the North Carolina Dental Society which will meat at Wrlghtsville June 21. 22 an<l 23, ha* been announced. There are a number of important features. A now policy will govern the convention In that Instead of I having the paper and discussions, an i formerly,a post graduate progressive I clinic and lecture course will be l conducted. Som? of the leading den j tists of the country will take part. , The state board of examiners will be In session for three days pTlor tp | the convening of the convention for the purpose of examining applicants for license. BARNKB WlUi RECOVER. Nothing Yet Known as to Cause of High Point Shooting. (High Point, June 6.?Frank Barnes." who was shot and sertouSly wounded Monday evening by Carter J since, 1? holding his own remark ably well, and there Is every indica tion that he will survive the effect of the bullet wMoh penetrated his sknll Just below the left tempi? and ] is stilt somewhere In his head. here gre yet ftb generally known fact# of the cawses leading up to the shooting which a?ook plane at James' fcgine about 6:20 Monday morning, tut rumor is Mill busy, and unless thsre to something of sensational na tsrs fcvp?aM out at Us the 4 ana wU| he disappointed. No Time Now T o Send Troops Into Mexico Officers Declare That It Would B? I\xir Policy to Take Steps In "Hurt Direction. M?/ Need Army Por German*. JNew York. June 6.?A Washing ton dispatch to the Tribune says: Contrary to the policy which has moved many army officers for the last two years?that the United States should step in and restore peace and order In Mexico, if nec (wary by an armed Invasion?the best ogrinion among the officers now seems to be that this is no time for sending troops 4nto that country. The offlcern make the point that the standing army wonM be needeJ as a nncleus for the real army w hich would hare to be raised In the j event . Of trouble with Germany It would aot^e a good thing, they say, for the government to hare to raise an army in preparation for a war with Germany while the regular forces were busy In Mexico, and un able to render any assistance in the getting together of tha million or more Aen to be radsed if the United States should become directly in volved In the "Huropean war. Candidate For Lieut-Governor\ Max Gardner, of Ahrlby, Ha* Announced Candidacy For Thin Office. The announcement of O. Max Gardner's candidacy for the office of I-leutenant-Gorernor has been heart ily endorsed by a large number of prominent men In the State. Mr. Gardner Is a native of Sheflby, & C. In 1908, aH State organlxer or Democratic clubs, h* organised over ono thousand young men tn the various colleges of the State into active membership In Democratic j clubs. Mr. Gardner was also unan-, imously elected president, pro tem of the last Senate, and as such, was frequently called upon to preside ^>ver the body. It seems to be conceded that an eastern man will be nominated for Governor, and It is believed that th* Lieutenant Governor will come from the west. Is Host At "StagT Party Fred Maltteon Kntert*ln#?1 Friend* La? t Nl|ht With Dinner. Enjoyable Affair. Fred MilHuon *u h on t to a party of hl? friend? laet nlfht. The affair ?-whlc^ wae etrtctly "ate**'?prov ed a moet #aJoyable one. A number of wpeeehen were mad? after the Rjpper and Mr. Mallltion -wan the recipient of both conrr? tula Won and pretended commiseration ower the ?tep which M 1? undwetood he planu tekin* In the near future.' Thoee present wwe T>ra. Jo?h and Dare < Tayloe, Joe T^yloe, I>r. John Rod-1 man, Wiley Rodman, ?. M l?ttttoj Walter Crodto. W M Bofe. W. Vf Mollhenn<v, Dr. Ed. Brown, ?d Clark, Frank and Owr Borwara. TO WBVBV RTOINCW J. W. Leonard, of Wa?t 8?t<md ?treat, left Wedneadar for Sera?, Bprtnva. ?kara ka ttIH i ??? H* Ml *?attk. Sermon On Conversion 'Turiiaf to God" Was flub J net TMs ciuwed by Mr. Hop? at Chris, tlan Church flfrricoH. The largest congregation of the week attended the eervicoa last night at the Qhrlsrtan church and listened to a moat Impressive sermon by Mr. Hope on "Turning to God." He I dealt with points necessary in con version?a. change of heart, a change , of character and a chance of relar 1 tionship. His words -were well chosen and his message brought la ' a clear manner to his hearer?. There will be no services at the church tonfght. Tomorrow morning at the regular morning services. Mr. Hope will preach on "Future Recog-j nition." A large attendance is also expect ed at the Sunday school, and espec ially the new class of which Mr. Hope la Instructor. Mayor Favors Curfew Law Says I?w Would Be Excellent for; WuhiiifltuD If It Were Strictly lOnforeetL When asked for an expression of opinion on tha suggested "Curfew law' for Washington Mayor Kugler stated this morning that It would without question be an excellent la-w for the city, If It oould be enforced. "It Isn't right for the youngster? to be roaming around the streets at all hours of the night.'* he stated, "and If rou nnake a law. farcing them to be In by a certain hour. It will without doubt have good ef fects. providing It 1? enforced prop erly." "Die Or Bustn Says Langley Negro C onfident n?t i*C Will Keel Over Tomorrow. Continue?* Hi* Preaching. Jerry J^ngley, the colored resi dent of Pierce afreet, who Is prophe alng that he will die tomorrow morn ing at ?en o'clock. Is still attracting Isrge audl?"noes hy his earnest preach lng. In which he dndulge* almost continuously. Jerry claims tlint there's nothing to It?he's going io kick the bucket tomorrow or burst In the attempt. 'Tf Ah don't die tomorrow; If Ah don't keep mah wo'd. Ah wantn somebody to take a red hot Iron and brand 'IilAH' across mah fo'head.' , The odda are S to 1 that J*rry win still be here Monday morning. HUARI) mft BABY OVER PIfONF. Albany. N. Y.. June B.-?Ohas Seymour Whitman. Jr., the Gover nor's baby, cried so loudly 1n executive mansion here tonight tha Ms father w^io An In Ban Francleco. ! heerf\ him. The <loverr\or llatene.1 io his baby over the telephone It required several minutes to Induce the baby1 to utter a cry. RAVfl TMKim. It cost quite a Utile bit to ad vertise. And whenever you see my name In the paper Aon't think I am talking to the other tallow, but T ?na jo*, you. you. BJJCAR*8 9TOTWO. : PRESIDENT'S KOTE : , Two-Hour Session Held by That Body. Note is of Most Definite Nature. TEUTONS ARE NOW TAKING OFFENSIVE MAKING GOOD FROGRKtiM ON THE EASTERN FRONTIER OF W AR INACTIVE IN EAST iUUiAiin Rombard Austrian Fort*. Hfoch <'lakn to bit Making Slight Ualiu. (httmiw Take OffcnuiT?. London. Juno 6.?Having captur ed Prtomysl. the Auntro-Germau force? are mn'.ntaining their offen sive with unusual speed along the Galician front. The troops which broke through the Rumlan line at Stry are pushing northward rapidly. A Russian -war office statement ad mits that in the region beyond the Dniester the A ustro-German army has advanced along the Tlsmenl.iu 8try front. Put Off (iemian)*, A Petrograd deepatch says the German force which captured l.lbau in Russia on the Baltic some time ago. ha,? been isolated Russian forces ar? said to have cut off the Oermans from their ha?ip at Memel. East Prussia, while other Russian troops have approached from the north and aouth. so that the only German communication with Llbau now is by sea Bombard Austrian Fort*. Few detailn aro available of the development of the Italian cam paign A statement from General Cad orna, Italian chief of staff, ssys the preliminary movement? are con tinuing all slon* the frontier, de veloping to the advantage of the Italians. Tho Vienna war office states that the Italians have homhsrded Austrian fortification* at several points without success. Prmrh Makr> Slight Gain*. Condlt/loiis virtually are stationary along the western front, so far as in nhown by today's official com munication*. Blight gains north of Arras are reported by the French. fllnk flwHIUh ftteamrr. TBe Swedish ateamer I^appland wa? runk ye?t?"Tday off the Scotch roast. No submarine wa* sighted but the captain believes th?? vessel was torepdoed. All on boatM were rescued. 'Won t Cut Hair Till War Is Over Rt. Paul M?ti Fntor? Wasit In whlrli He Agr**? V?f to Put M*or* to HU T/ftfk*. flt. Paul. Juti? B.?William A Fl*chh*rh. of flonth Rt Paul, hasn't had hI* hatr ca! Muc? tha irr?*t Ku ranaan war broka out In Ajrrfi*?. 1914. HI? mattad anil tanrlad lock* of *andT hua huva glvwn rl*a to many *urm1n** and rumor* In Pack In r toiwn. Ftaf-hbiWli ndtnlttad ha had under taken to waar hi* hair untrfmmed until tha ?nd of the wat. hut denied that tha renuft of tha atrurffte would makt *ny <Wfferenra. " Thnna tha w*r will ha ended snon " ha *ald. "for T will not have m t hair out til! ft In ovar.*' He hlntad at a hat wHh a frlen-1 In flt. Paul. but related all hland l*hmanta to tall tha friand'a nama "If T wear mr hair tin horn till tha war I* orar ha wfll -pa* ma 1100 a vaar." addad Flaohbach "If I rot It bafora tha #md of th? war T will hara to x>ay him tlftft * vaaf. I am aa mira aa any ona can ha that yiHU t* tlat I)II ? I'NITKD STATES MIST KNOW WHAT A'l'lTI'UPK GERMANY 1H GOING TO TAKH ON QITOVHON OF MAJOTDCB WARFARE. NO alternative' COURSE GIVEN fit'iierally BeJIered TTiM Diplomatic Ih-latlims Will Bf Severed If (ifmun)' Doan Not Ltw np to Demand? Made by y Coon try. * t \ New German Note FloWxyl. *' Washington. June 5.?President Wllnun finished the new note to Ger many yesterday afternoon and laid It before the Cabinet. After the cabinet meeting the member? w??re unusually reticent but there were ?orne Indications that the note had not been finally dla yosed of. "We reach?*! no final conclusion abmr. anything." said one. In answer to questions Secretary I Bryan replied "I cannot divulge anything that happen* In cabinet, meeting." The meeting larted two hour?. It Is stated. however. that the ' cabinet approved the note as a whole Minor change* In phraseology may me made to make it conform with previous erprwodons In diplomatic correspondence of the United State?. The principle Ir fhred and unalter able?that the United State? must know definitely and promptly, whether Germany Intends to Ignore vfrtt and Hearah rights and continue torpedoing vessels without warning, or whether rules of maritime war fare which have governed for cen lurlea will be followed. In German quarters here, dt Is ex pected that the German reply will be *?theld until Gerard has arrived and explained 1he situation. Ms, It la estimated, will take at least a fort n'ght aa the boat on which the en voy sailed wonld not bring him to Denmark much sooner. Plague Menaces Entire U.S. Cost Country I* fterfonaVy lYireatemed With an lnraMl?m of Bubonic Plague, Say? rhrNtcUn. Mow York. .Tun* 15?According to Dr. W C Ruclcor. n?*l?fj?nt "urponn Konoral of the United State* Public Health fl^Tvlco. prartlcatly the cn llro roaot line of tho United Rtatog I* "s^rlouRly monacod" with en In vasion of bnhonle plugu* T>r. Backer !? ono of tho foremen* Aulhorft.lo? on tho anhjact In thin country. It 1<* 1ar*o1y doe to hi* effort* that Cal ifornia In praMlmlly free of thle droad dl*oai?# Ml* labor? In the eradication of the plairuo from New Orleanii aro ?o recont ?* atlll to be familiar to th* public, T>r RucVer *et forth the detaflle of proaont pluru* eondltlon* In a pa per on Ple?ne?it* Qooaraphlc re tribution and It# Menace to tha United Btatee,** which ho read before nhe Stato Medical Aaoodatlon of To*a* at Fort Worth. Te*aa "Bubonic -plamio follow* tho main travoliMl road*. aproadJnc out a Ion* tho le?o b*at*n path? to the romota ond* of the oarth.'' ho aald. "For nately. It? aproad from ono country to anothor oonnw mora frequently by wator than by land." New Theater TO-TTTOWT. AewxiatWI Film* K?RKRI/t? lffWDAT KTOHT ?th Wptaodo of ?TH? MPixjrm qr w-*r>*w RUMS OF COLON AFTER GREAT FIRE Mor? than half of the city of Colon. Panama, wm A??lrormd)fT the recant great conflagration. The photograph (Ivea a new of the ruins from Bolivar street, looking toward Oiiakihel. The rnlna of the market are seen In the heckj round.

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