6 WAKlto? (X*iORBD to work lm lo< arooda. I. F. Lyark. Stmpaon. N. C. -V aiifi ? ?? . ? C - V :? 3 WAWTOP Q^X LOOS, FROM 10 ^ t?rh? M Cw>?mi Co. 1-4-lf*. ,? ? ? r_ ^?-*3$3B3?SU.t. ? |M IM? bright Hi. for kic | TVaH <* flW'fetf Tmytf Of Mtn?, Br^d CifA adPwi t lUm Dratea* IM.tricU, Van art barabr notlBad and dt r???d ond.r -?h. drala^a lav and It. ame&dEB'*u. that all dralaac* t.iB. nut b.rpaid on of tefol* th? lltt du Of D?e?arb<r of atek rw, and: all who fftl to pal oa or bll.ll that data' Will1 fca'attvartfatot la lu uarj and told on Ik* flrat Mokdaf In rrbrn.ry Tab. varalac nd ba tulM ac " card tat ta tha drmlaafa lav. aa* ?ai? co.t. .. W B WINDLBT. Sheriff ? ll |MMan 1 Inarmed throat, bronchial traablri or tor* cheat art relieved by Foley', Homrr a*d TV <klA<??tM?fM air punpa, eoothee u< heal* la llai?ed lurlun. a?4 mow unni bre*thlac. W. C. Alia. BmIi; Mo., nil "1 hare raleed * famllj of roar children ul iud Foley'i Ho*ey end T?r with *11 of them. 1 a%4 It tkm*? coach and croup mod icl*^ I oT?r need. I need ft tor it* hi or to* yeara ul can recommend If for oroaiC" Vareuport Pbtrauj A DM I N IHTRATOH'H KirlK K. Having qi|q Tiled admlDlatretor of the Htm Ot Oku Rom. dec Ma id, late of Veaafort Count y, North Oeaiollna. thle la to notify HI pit none bavlnj clalroa agalhat the eo late ol tbo aald deeeaaed to mhlblb) them to tht underelgned at Waah Inflton, au o? be?ore Me 1 Ith day of jaqoarj. or thla notice win be pioaded la bur of rttomy. AH p?noee Indebted to seid eetate win plcaee make Immediate payment i Tbla 11th' day of January, lilt. < JA1 R RUM. Aduinlat rotor of the aetata of Oeear Rnaa. l-l?-twc. . -i FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS ?ew York. Ma. fl^TKlt book ????'? here to see yoa again." said Abraham Ablowlts's stenographer. "Till hla I'm not la." replied Mr. AblowUx, a lawyer at No. ttl Brood, way. "Bet he hv you coma In.** ex plain rd the typist. "Then etod him la." explained tke attorney, "aad I'll got rid of him forerer.' Isldor Foam eatered aad began to dlseoaree or the exoelleat qua 11 tlee of an encyclopedia. The lawyer, who coatee to baataeea dally In an elfht-paaeenger ear, ahfd: ? 'Fee rat, l'*e told you a doaen times I don't want to bny aa ency clopaedia. I'm too poor. I'd sell the Itroaseds I'm wearing to get hold of a few dollars." "What do yoa want for them?" the hook *l rot aaked. "Tea dollars." replied tke lawyer. "Toa're on." said the book ageat. "take 'em off." Ablotrltd. having an excellent eye It* gescheft, took off the troaaers sad hahded them to tho hook ageat. Then he locked the door, told the stenographer to tel I clients to wait, and tried to call ap his home by teV It eeems the house telepboae waa oat of order, ia consequence of which he was -a prlaoner in his private of fice from 10:10 o'clock yesterday otoraing uatll 7:10 o'clock last Bight when his wife learned of his predi^. sment aad sect him aa other pair of wen mi WES HUB , i ? ?? - ? tmf To the Patrons and Friends of the Washington Tobacco Warehouse: Thinking perhaps ve did not get ts aar bood-bre to all of our cm to. more mnd Mead*, ws take thte means of wishing that you ail hart had a *e*y merry Christmas an (J that jou may have a happy and prosperous New Year. We also want to thank ??r frteads one and all for the liberal patron ise they hare given ua for the pa?t MMODf and are glad to say that w? hope to beta Washington at the came jJld Washington Warehouse door, for this oOtnlag snaaon to greet our many frtepds and stand by them in the future ae we have done la the peat. We are quit* aura that there ?? no one more interested tn Washing toa'a eueoeea a a a tobacco market than we are and we aspect to do our beat to make each succeeding year a banner year orer he previous one until she stands second to none aa a I tobacco market. * We wiah to eay that we expect to be In Waahingbon In the early spring and summer, looking after the ln tereat of the Waahtugton tobacco feaarket aad the Waahington Ware bouae, aad we will be glad to see all of our ouatomera and friend*, and will be more than glad to do any thing that wf can in aeelitlflg them In apy way^poeeible. We alao wiah to say that we will be III Rocky Mount, Va.. through the winter and we will be glad to hear from, any of otir friends at any time, snd to render them any service that We can. Again thanking you for the lib eral patronage *hown ua In the past rears aad trusting to eoutlnue to serve you la the future, we beg to* remain, i Yours very truly, g. A. GRAVELY * SON. Props. | 4,800,01 SALES ?>s hi Waftfclngton, Ju. I?? Cotton glnnod prior to Jwatr; 1 totalled lO.fO.til running bnln, u ma. ?.r.d with 14.44i.un teloo prior ts JiDdirjr 1 of lilt, counting round M bolf t?lM >U ?xolidlog Hntwa. tk< Ocuai to4?r momH CiKRALDIXE FARRAH. Nted American prima donna so- i prano. who sings in Raleigh 00 January tUh. Other artist* at the, same concert will be Reinald Wer-J ran rath, baritone; Ada 8aaaoll. harp-j 1 at ; and Richard Epstein, accompan ist. k is expected that a large num ber of Washington fans will take this opportunity of hearing the cetsbrat <*d Farrar. if as many as twenty persons consent to go. a special train may be secured, which will leara this city some time in the af ternoon and return the same night. [ The career of Cteraldlne Farrar. reads almost like * fairy tale. Juat In her thirties, thia American girl, haa been one of the reigning prima donna* of the age for fourteen y.^ars. 1 Failure hae never oome to her. When as an lnexpferlenoed girl In her 'teens ahe made her operetta debut in Berlin ahe was at once#acclalmed one of the naoat extraordinary sing ers of our time, and as years have gone and with them Increasing ex perience and skill, she has atrength. ened her hold on the publics of all countries. nu issn ins n a Will Hold Annual Convention at Now IWn Thla Month. Man) "fWula Expected. The sixth annual convention of the North Carolina Forestry Asso ciation will be held at New Bern on Tuesday *n<j Wednesday, January 8R and 86. Through the courtesy of the N w Hern Chamber of Com cueice the meetings will be held In their assembly room. ! The- flrst day will be devoted to addresses and discussions. Governor Locke Craig hoprs to attend and make an address on "Mt. Mitchell. Our Plrst State Forest." In' which he U so much interested. Mr. W. W. Ashe, of the United States Forest Service, is to speak on "Forest Man agement for the Eaetern Carotins Landowners." Mr. C. I. Millard, of Norfolk, Va., one of the foremost authorities on the relation of lum bering to forestry, will discuss this subject. Congressman J. H. Small, the State Forester of Virginia, and. a number of other prominent men have promised to be present and ad drew the meeting. An Illustrated Ifteture on the forestg of North Car olina will be given mt night by the State Geologist. The seeond day will be largely taken tip with ? trip Into the pine forests to be gltsn by the John L. Roper Lumber Company. Varying type* of forest alffi methods of lum bering ?will he ween under expert guidance. The Chamber of Cotemerce and the Women's Club of New Bern are uniting to make the delegates wel come. i MRS. SlLVERtHORN DIED SUDDENLY PwM A? mj at Her Home it Mid i dlatoa Mankjr Nlfht Death Dm to Heart - Mm. O. M. SlIViTthorn dle<f aud-l denly of heart fltlitlre Saturday night at ht home In Mlddleton, Hyde county. She *M about ?5 years of *ge and it uurvived toy ten children, two of whom. Rorauluft and 8am, are I reel dent* of thl? city. All of the family were H bedeide when the rai no President W'ilnon Will Maintain Hi* Stand for National Drfmw. Washington, Jan. 11. ? President Wilson Is taking persona] charge of the battle for preparedness, and will soon appral to the people of the country lo lend support to his fight. Unsatisfactory reporta by adminis tration supporters determined him to take personal action. He will make speeches In Baltimore or New York on the preparedness lBsue. The President will confer with Chairman Hay of the House military committee and other leaders at an early date on forcing the defense plans through. 10 ? Baltimore Capitalist* Investigating PomlbillCie* of Freight Ltne to Neuee City. (By Eastern Prow) New Bern, Jan. 11. ? That there is a probability of New Bern being connected with Northern ports by a boat lioe. waa made known today when C. 8. Kills, representing the Industrial Finance Co. of Baltimore Md., came to the city and conferred with a number of business men lu regard to this matter. Mr. Bills stated that several capi talists In Baltimore had been mak ing investigations along this line and that they had reached the conclusion that a freight steamer could be ad \antageom*ly operated between this p6lt and Baltimore Plans for operation of the line are yet In a chrysalis state bnt It ho llered that they win materialise and that before many days have parsed by, the line will be la operation. MOCKHOiiDBRJI HK1CT1NU. The regular annual meeting at the Home Building 4 Loaa Aseocla tion will bn held at the banking room of the Barings A Trust On. on Thursday. Jannor? tt, ltt?. at 4 it* p. m. Ino. n. Sparrow, too. CAfJCEIg P Insurance cancels chance, Is your LIKE insured? We represent the Mu tual Life of New York? the oldest American Company. Wm Bragaw & Company, First Insurance Agents, Wash>agrtoni'IVl C| Jw AS DO NOT TAKE "ANY OLD-tTHING" WHEN YOU BUY TOOLS. BUY OURS. WITH OUR TOOLS YOU CAN DOJMORE1WORK AND BETTER WORK, WITH LESS LABOR, AND THEY [LAST LONGER. m WE WON'T'PINCHrYOU ON THE" PRICE. BUT GrVEiYOU THE BEST MAKES AT A LOW PRICE. DON'T YOU NEED SOME GOOD TOOLS RIGHT NOW? COME IN. Harris Hardware Co., WASHINGTON, N. C. Vlw?f?r In I Ml +wr ?<Wn Ink. *?U rtri*rr or ?tv Mi !? oanaad by tha action of tbf ?4r. A tar drop* of Ttnecar pat la* tea Ink vfU make It uuHu aerate b* -Jba fcattar ?- k??o Lha lj*% W 8ad Sound. *1rat Working Girl? ' Say. Mas*. V ?card an awful sad tbin* Lhla mora inl-" Sacond Working QLrl ( w tar dy)? "8* did 1? ? -ilia alarm citxvk."-* I if a. Maa the HibH. ' ?*1ia* a man Bay-. I dual <vant jwmpiain," It mean* 'hat no ?,c'j 1 plaint Qoat of Lbs time. ? AiehtMr Uow. Appropriate Rmpohh. In * certain tourtry town th?l tired an old Frenchman ctmex) La Diana Cue night M>ine Of kia friends 7&to tain: a nurprl: > party and prw ?en ted hiin with a ?d<ch chain. ThaJ week the locv 1 pap- r printed an a* count of tho rffalr, t aring that In a* knowledges ; :e gift *fr. Le Blanc r* sponded in a fe* well chosen worde." Curious to know what 'he old Frenofc man said, someone awL d the report* wno was present wh'?t thoae "welt chosen worda" w?re. 'Well, 111 UJI Ton," he answered. 'When Charlie finished his prescLtA'.ina speock *bC hold out the chain, tjio old man ? vh? end hoen eying It fwdlly oil the wiring ?suddenly snatched it from his hand, ?ind exclaimed. "Py chee. dot w** $ good one'" ? Youth's Coxj uaniee. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS GIVE GOf D RESULTS Job Printing That Pleases If Our Work Is Not Satisfactory It Cost You Nothing Send or Telephone Your Orders To The Daily Ne /? Office J. LBON WOOD J AMIS W. OOU MMubrn New York OottM lich? f J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKBRS>nd BROKERS. Stock*. ?*??*, OMtoa. OmIb M PniMw, Tt PIwm MraM CupHtar Ballttec, Norfolk, V*. Print* wlrw to M ?w *?rk 8 look Biotttnc*. Ckioeee RmH TfUi U4 ottat BmhW ommti Cwtiil-n na^MHallr ?Minn.

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