MR. FALLIS PRESENT VowMhlp Owd Ro?d m which OT.T thirty i MMI iaat ' Dijbt. i auu M(k?r ?dBMi l?t?rr?Uni u?. .aluafi *ardlng road work tm'< Wrta .,Ja,?u ?W at him l#raold ort?r 1 b*ra prMMt, who deal lUbtened retarding t o* the work. Mr. rants . was tut r la. Stewart, mrctv} -( your road condition* till Iwv* ta be thoeoughly Investigated u< leoked fnto. I am ready *to -do this Ad everything elee that might he <* assistance to yon. If* there *e any questions which eomp of the gentlemen here topfglii ^Wotifcd like to eik, I would be gUUfl*. answer Wr. Warren? I would lH^to-ask, Mr. Fallls. whether you fofe gone iArer ell of the toade in ib^town Mr. Faille? I've Just driven over them in a car, but have' Aot fpade a detailed observation^ ' Mr. Wdrren ? iWh?t dfc **nr M'lnk would be the but to build? 77 t* Mr. K.m? *m ?<??'<! ?ow.rer; 1 am tfur engineers hW* weeks and thoroughly laveatlgate jtour condition* Judge Bragaw ? I would* Uke- to mk. Mr. Fallls. '? ? itatw fund proviafc<fv f6f engl . , , *> - Mr. Faille? Yes, Mr; an eteo fjt. : SS>- K if: Judge Bragaw ? He ifce territory himself ti&v flffak'e? pre tralnary InveSTTgatlonsf ! V Mr. Fallls ? Y^s. " ".Iti? "? Mr. Arihbell-tAnd #oe* M*. Faille? Yes. And th*tt t will come back and |ook over the situa tion again with aim. lit pot a man here ' who Is thoroughly afeqealftf*d ? 1th the oaster^ part of the State And competent to do ^the work. Mr. Warran-*-You would then strongly advise jhe township to em p'oy an mglneej|? Mr. Fains ? AH. the tine. I would Have the entire work done under fcle supervision. Mr. Warren ? What, salary woold Me draw? bellMo today BILUB R1TCHIB I* m l-twl IrKO Com?4y "ROOM AMD BOARD -A DOLLAR AND A HAW JANS NOVAK la a !wo-r??I drun* THK ORBATKR C0HRAOE" Mr. Mora* ? What la the cost of | maintenance per mile per year? Mr. Pa) It* ? It runs from 95 to| 160. - Judge Bragaw ? Woqld ?)ie prob lam of proper drain age evolve more | MrTTralHa ? Tm, to aom* extent. Mr. Stewart ? What would be the beat metkod-of operation ? for the "Bttfe highway commission to work *ith rbe en glower? Mr Falll#? Tfce beat plan would Ve fe* jolt to appoint ^a committee ef -threO' ta?n to act M an executive 'wMtnHeei l4t>,?lfct#?rt ? Would it be nec aery to pajr them a salary? ' * Ifrrkllta ? -No, it is not euatomar ,w; z\-'J \ ' L. Mr. ?tewart ? If we apend 150.000 here. ihoyiM we (hen employ a com petent man to look after the roads r| Mr. ran>a?Br>i! re? Mr. atfw^rt ? What after? would] we hare \o pay kim? Mr. Faille ? You would not Hare to be* the same kind of a man aa you dtd for yo4rr eonatructlon work. Iffa irark would be largely dragging and keeping dttcheaopeo. Ton ought to get hfifi for aboet II# a month. Mr ParrUher ? Mow Wtte wooHfc you ad rlke building the roads? '? j Mr. rattle? Thirty * ' ttf eh ? you'U hare a right of witfjftlnMt/wtll be there for future work. It 6oet?j little mor?*o bnild a wide road Ckeo; Mr. Qrlmea? How mrfny men are uauelly employe* In a gang? . ? Mr. Pallia ? It *ip00j| ^ vtt? nu fiber of B>?les. If >Ou <ha** Jlfi mulda. yini ought te taave abort equal number of M. It aleo de da upbn tke aomat of drelnaii | work. Mr. Qrime*? Can yoe uee as many ae'il pneiea IB one g?ng? Mr. FalUe ? Tee. and II mules If Mr, Orhtfta ? How many ganga ?git we tw me? Mr. PelHa ? Oee big gaag would yard* of excavation up to the pres ent date. v The original cost of excavation was estimated at about II 7 0.000. This baa been increased over $50,000. thus making the ooet of the excava tion over $320,660. Entire new equipment was par chased for this Job, erected In Bel he reo. and- .towed to- the work. The coat of the plant, read? for worki was near $100,000. The main ditch, from the sound to the pumping station, is seren and one-half miles long, seventy feet wide, alfht foot doep at the month j and six fQet at the pnmping station, 4^ e., below sea level. From the pumping station In the lake, the opata canals run east and west. 8maller canals load ont of t U?M running north, and are one and oflft*. half miles apart. The odd numbers running to the boundary levee, the even numbers running Just across the lake. * IN - TO START DRAINING LAKE I MATTAMUSKEET JUNE I.l Engineers Expoct to Have Work Finished by That Time | Contract signed For Excavation In July, ?13 Unless something unforeseen oc curs to delay things the pumps will ?tart draining the MeUamuskeet Lake on. or about June V next. This Is one of the greatest drainage un dertakings ever attempted in tfei* country. Those in charge of the mamnpoth scheme are optimistic as to the Una! result and ij; begins lo look to the outsider that taetr claims will hold good. The oon tract was signed for the excavation of the ditches hi Lake Mattamuskeet district on July 16. 1913. The time for oom^letlon was thirty months from this date. It was contemplated then that the work would amount to about i miles of ditches and three million two hundred fifty thousand yards of ewaratlon. Since that time there has boon added to this about fifty miles of dltchee with nearly a mil lion yards of excavation. The largest ditches have all been completed, and there haa been nearly three million NEGRO WHO SHOT OFFICER GETS FIVE YEARS (By Eastern Press) Rocky Mount, Jan. JJ. ? Bud Waller, the negro who on Christmas Eve shot Officer Walter Bartholo mew of this city, dangerously wound lag him. and who came near precip itating g lynching, waa tried here rn 45 lustlon. which It ? r?d Would be atiemDtML-if tire' negro *jas allowed to remain Wk ' He was sentenced to Ave years Imprisonment yesterday. Officer Bartholomew. It is stated, will re cover. " {PlTKBURtiH TO HEAR FIRST SPEECH ON PREPAREDNESS I Washington, Jan. 12. ? President Wllaon plans to speak In Pittsburgh. CI ve'.and, Chicago, St. Louis, Kan ?as City, St. Joseph, Dee Moines and iJavenpor ton the first trip he will take to lay hla national defense pro gram before the country. He expects to leave Waahington January 28, and remain away one week. Preliminary plans tor the second trip to be made about the middle of i?aat month, already are being con sidered. This Journey probably will lake the President' as far west as Denver, and if possible he will swing througk the sooth to stop at Bir mingham and other cltiee. Pittsburgh will hear the first pre paredness speech, Saturday, January 19th. Mr. Fallis ? As tbe work progress es I will be glad to run. down here as often as 1 can ? at Imh onc? jt month- ? *nd advise you to the bfcat 01 my ability. Mr. Stewart ? What is pie pleas are or the association regarding suggestions to the board of com. Snore retttlve to the sppolnt Df three mo? to act aa an exe committee? Swindell ? 1 don't believe any- . will b? done bjr the board re- 1 gilding this point until the bonds ai4 accepted. Relative to sugges tion*. 1 believe that the board will b* glad to have them, but at the; name time, 1 want to say that the board will nee Ha own Judgment re gardless of wke is reoom mended or Who makes the recommendations, r - ft whs the* moved that the matter Ii)q deferred until a later meeting. Judge Brngaw read the following I resolution, which was unanimously I adopted: "iUtolved: That this auioclaUon I Dledfe It* hearty co-operation with any other townfthtp In Baanffrt county, which may In die* to IU 4# slr? for coed roads In tweh town ship. a ad IU aid is ovary way poaal ble to anoonraga and foator tha *?raa? of tha good road movamant In Baaofort eonnty " Jgdge Bragaw. on hahalf of tha aaaOdatlon, also avproaaad alncora approclatlon and thanks to Mr. ftl* :w? for hla Intarast In tha good roads mpv?tnra' hara and for tho aaaU I t* ft <? th?i h ? has randarod. I |h?r baslDoaa balng baongbt ^fww'ara. ?h# mooting *d}o?road. CHILDREN AND TAKES HRIl OWN LIFE Lyons. N. Y., Jan. 22.? Mrs. Ed win Payne, 34 years old, banged her four.year-old daughter, her two year-old son and herself with three, separate p'eces of clothes line at tached t? * hook in th^ celling of the family hem* fa i AlloWay, three miles sooth of bore. yestMay after "noon. *r. Paytoe found ^the bodies of his wife and children^ when he returned home from work last night. He told the coroner's jury his wife had been acting strangely for sev eral dayB. " ? r ? CELEBRATED THE ANNIVERSARIES. OF LEE AND JACKSON Daughters and Children of the Confederacy Prepared Inter, estlng Program. The anniversaries of General Lee and President Jackson's birthdays were observed In Washington by an excellent program rendered last night at the court house under the auspices of the United Daughters and Children of the Confederacy. An appreciative audience attended the exercises. The program was opened by the singing of "The Old North State" by the Children of the Confederacy, which waa followed by & prayer by Bev. E. M. Snipes. \M1? Bessie Connolly sang a most beautiful selection In her nsual tal ented manner. Mrs. Harold Wash burn recited "Mars' Robert Is Asleep" with exceptional impres siveness and feeling. Her part on the program was one fft the most enjoyable of the evening and she waa aecorded generoua applause. Prank Bryan appropriately intro duced the speaker of the availing, H. C. Carter, Jr., who delivered an interesting address on the Ufa and deods of the two heroes of the South. He paid high tribute to thoi characters of both Lee and Jackson, told what the two men meant to the South and gave as extremely enter taining and also educational account of Jackson's valley campaign. Miss Glasgow sang two selections: "Annie Laurie" and "The Last Rose of Summer," which wore especially appreciated by the old veterans present. The singing of "America" land the benediction by Rev. H. B." Searlght, ended the program. FIK8T PRKSBYTBRIAN CHURCH. Services at 11:00 a. m. and 7:80 p. m., conducted by the pastor. Rev H. B. SeaiiRht. Subject of mornln* sermon, "Perplexities of Prorldene*" Theme of evening discourse, "Btead faatnene of ralth." Banriay School at 3:00 p. nv, H O. Moat. Supt.. J. B. Sparrow. Aaet. Bupt. and Macher of Men's Bible Claaa. Strangers sod travelling man are eotdlall? invited to aft 4 he services of the church. "Come tbOu with us. and wa will do thee good." WVISTOX MARKKT CORFTBD RREF it E. K. WILLIS, both stores. 1*. wux HI liata our y or nm ? lai U.ll? H?wi. ? . THERE ARE ALL KINDS OF GERMS. The Wife: "What are you prancin' round like that for, AbnerT" Ab: "Goth, can't ye eee I'm a-dodgin' grip germiT" ? R?hH In New York World. WORST FLOOD IN DECADE j IS AT HEIGHT IN ILLINOIS Chicago, Jan. 22. ? Northern 1111 l&oln last night faced the worst flood 'conditions of a decade. Small streams had become torments and ! larger rivers inundated thousands of acres, marooned hundreds of homes, and did damage estimated at many hundreds thousands dollars. The Des P'.aines river' inundated Rockdale to a d^pth of six feet, and flooded the lower section of Joliot. Whole tactions of AuVora were' fciciai'. - ? ? ? . . j The Rock river and its confluents j th? Pt*cft tonka and Sugar rivers,, threatened the destruction of Inter-', urban and steam railroad" Idges. ft oats and rafts look^tpe i ace ofj ?tbgons and automobiles In" many iovvns and cltioa. No loas cf life was reported. I*a ngvrrt Marooned. * Peoria, .tan. 22. ? Fifty passenger* on a Chicago, Burlington and Qxilp cy train wore reported marooned 1 1 miles weat of here today. Ottawa In Darknens. Ottawa, III., Jan.>?2.~-Hum4r?d? of families ha?e been drivatl from their homes; man/ IUt? bs?n <C||* rojf n<? a^d ;?<?>? hss-of fa^arto? sro closed .ajj^ibtotatult-tfcm fft?d |irhlcl)r is sweeping through Illi nois and Fox river valleys. v Ottawa Jg In darkness and thare is no street csr traffic. FEDF.RA' T * - iS or." ?< .lj ji SMALL Washington. D. C., Jan. 22. ? Con- I gressman John H. Small, of North 1 Carolina. loday expressed himself as being very much opposed to the Hughr.s-Smith bill, which provides for Federal censorship' of all motion picture - films. In speaking on the subject this morning, l*o had the following to say: "The Hughes-Smith bill providing for federal censorship of all motion picture films Is only one of the many activities seeking to have the fed eral government take over the Iocs , police powers of the statos, and su pervise the moral of local commun- 1 ltles." said Representative John H. . ?mall, ot North Carolina. "The State i of North Carolina and all other 1 states are ampler prepared to sup?r- ' vise the morals of Its Citizens a9 any I commission appointed by the Prel- 1 SPLENDID PROGRAM AT NEW THEATRE ^ The New Theatre will offer their patron* tonight- a splendid program, In whicl^here will be a fine three reel feature by Essanay entitled, "The C^l| of the Sea." There wUI also^tWo single reels of good com ?dy in a drama. For Monday night thla house will have a seven reel program. :n which th *y wf*! offer thr; flrat episode of what they bel.ev. will be the beet serial that they have yet had a chance to present. Francis Ford and Grace Cunard, those two great characters that made such a l^t here in "Ladle Love" will take the leading parts In this new serial. "The Broken Coin," which wlfl run for fifteen weeks, with two reels every Monday night. It la predicted that the house will be crowded Mosday night. . AT THR BAPTIST (THt'lWTH. Rev. Edward B. Jenkins, of Bllt moro, will preach at both morning and evening service*. Subject or morning sermon: "The Maaaage froqfgthe Early Church to tlA 16th Century Church." Subject of evening r'Woii "The Mttaton of the Menetah." i ent or by T'V.ijreas. \ "I fre?-.. 'lit t the popularity of m. tlon . c.*v** aud their perman esry as educational factor. Like tho preas ;nd the drama moving pic tures may be obscene or may violate good morals but they will be regu lated and controlled by the force of public Hentiment through the aeV. oral communities and the Btates for med by such legislation as may be tec BBary. So far as I can obnerve this agitation la mainly advocated I by a few ultra enthusiasts who are acous'oirted to look to the federal | governrn- nt for the rectification of any public evil and to hang around WaAh'ngton instead of deleting their 'nntlvtin* to. thy t?etterm?pt? it their r?spt" communities acd states. I wll! d/jdI assuredly vote against the Hughes bill." CANNING FACTORY FOR ELIZABETH CITY Movement <m Foot to KfiUbbllfth a -Factory There. Farmer* Asked to Co-operate. (By Eastern Press) JTt'zp ?' iV'.y, J?n 8-2.- ? A more' is ou foi?L to csinblirh a can J'ing factory In Eltiabeth City. Messrs. Foreman and Derrick son of the Foreman->l)errlokson Veneer Company, are behind the movement, which means that If definitely un dertaken the plan will be put through. These gentlemen nay that they are ready to erect a cannery if Paa quotank farmers will oo-opera%? with them by undertaking email ?? perlmenu la tomato eultura tkla year. If for lnetanoe, one hundred and twenty-fivs farmers will agree, to plant an acre in tomatoes thlsl year, the matter of erecting ? can.) nery will be begun at once. SUED POTATttBS. 05JOK i*I?. iiidn mwi ni hm o?u ?t a. I: WIU.18. botfc iCOTM. I MTIft.W TO HIVE WILSBN nijiM. AH INVITATION HAS BERN KX tfcNDED HIM BV TUB CCR KJtNT TOPICS CLUB. ' THINK HFLL COME A a Cttj I m LargMt is Kltchia'| DU Ml mm MaJm Mf Lm&t to OppoMtf to TUM. BellMrf'Wtt. ?on Will AeeepC <By Eastern Pro*#) Rocky Mount, jaa. St.? Prcaldent Wilson baa been exfendeA an ^tita tlon by the membership committee of the Current Topic* club this city to Includ* Rocky Movant ip hit "awing aronftA the drele" to eXplala hie v j?wa on -the preparedpeaa fcuee tion. "" T. ? | Newt was received here this form ing that as Bocky Y#unt tk the, larg est city in *r. Kitekln'k dloUlct end as the latC?f -!e Je^tl^fco atone* unturned to make &ta iocntttllieote endorae hfa views on mdttaB&J de fense, the !&YAt*tl6n from tlda city will be serlouBly" CcmJldered. \ It Is expected that detnlto word from Washington will he received shortly. Should the President no cppt, special tralne will be to Rocky Mount from every city (9 the eastern part of the State and piasy thousands of visitors will nndpubt edly take advantage of the oppor tunity of hearing and seeing the chief executive of the United Spates. ^ Will Visit BUte. Washington, Jan. 2 2 .7? President Wilson informed Senators 81nunon? tffid Overman today that he'ifftnJd not be ablo to visit North Carolina on hla first swing arqund the circuU which begins sou<6 time next yeek. but that he will make another trip ahorUy* after he returns and if ex pect* to vlalt at leaat two ^orth Carolina cities. HAS BOUGHT OUT PURE MILK CO. W^ni End Dairy and Pure Mll^c Co. Will Be Cuiuolldated In the Future. Jamen A. Hackoey. Acting aa agent for tho Weit End iMlrjr'Co., hu pur chased the Pure the offlcea of which have bee* located ^t the corner of Third and Market afreet* Mr. Hackney stated this morning that the Pure Mtlk Co. would ^n the future be operated with the WMt End Dairy %ud that the power and water, of th* latter plant would be used entirely. ONLY A PKW 1>AY8 LKKT TO BUY at cost. Buck man Broe. 1-22-llc. SHORTER HOURS, And more pay to the man regards Ills personality as an asset. We. want to ke?p you looking "spl? and span' ,a#w we? <1?antmt. tuff, WRKJHTB STBAM PRRBBING WORKS Phone 211 A8T?TttM la tn? D?!lr (few* TO-NIGHI r Eniannf pr#??nt? > ( "Tb* Can of th? S T?\ f?t?M "Tkft VfcnUMni Of OBW 1 T?\ "Tb? Loom of Cb*ne?" ? 1 r*ol Momdar HUht : 'Tke Brok?a CoM^ PrtootsftiO

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