?OR SALE? TWO* 4 ft. COUNTER cases, Cwo 6 ft. counter ea??a. one 4 ft. flo^ cue, one SO ft. wall <ase. J. S. Campbell, Jeweler, Phone S83J. 4-15-ltc. ? f* COTTON SEED FOR SALE ? Onuine 8lmpklns J>rollftc. Call ua up. Phone 69. Win. Bragaw & Co., WashlngtQn, N, J5?v 4-14-tfc. J a KJH BOX WANTHDi' WOULD Ex change alee White Mountain re frigerator. Adams Supply Co. * 4-1 5-2 tc. iH U SKATES, SKATES. SKATKB, Mo Keel-Richardson Hardware Co. ? 4-14-ltc. > I WILI> 8ELL OR TRADE FOR A pair of well tjred pigs, a very ftne Collie dog. H. H. Broome, Aurora, N. C. * 4-1 3-3 tc. ? SKATE WHILE THE SKAT1NO IS gQod. Get your skate* at McKeel Rlchardson Hardware Co. 4-X4-2tc, BOOMS AND HOARD IN HOUSE ..centrally located. All modern 4toaven fences. Cafl^59. 4-10-8tc. FOR SALE: RHODE ISLAND RED eggs 60 cents per setting of 15. Address Mrs. J. O. Mlxon. Wash ington, N. C.. R. P. D. 4. 4-8-lwc. WILL SELL PORTIONS OF MY 80 acre farm to snlt buyer. Three and a half ml!es below town on the Pamlico River. John M. Barney, Washington, 71. C. 4-10-dtp. - WASHINGTON PARK LOTS KOR sa!e. Casb or Installments. Induce ments to ballders. -A. C. Hathaway 4-4-tf*. WANTKp TO BENT AT ONCE. ..About six or seven rooms wlrti ;<J 'bath. Addreaa Box It, City. . 4-7-tfc. SAVES DAUGHTER AWd ?l Mother u DmU Pro WfU Dinghter'i Uitkel; EnJ. ItT ? " ? **? *et ?h|f IB d? anything for nearly tlx months," write? Mr*. JLauri Bratcher, of this place, "and was down In bed for three months. I cannot tell you how I suffered with my bead, and with nervousness and womanly troubles. ? Our family doctor told my husband he could not do me any good, and he had \ to Rive H up. We triec another doctor, but he did not help me. At last, my mother adrtsed me to take ,Cardui, the woman's tonic. I thought ; U was no use lor I was nearly dead and tothing seemed to do me any good. But I took eleven bottles, and now I am able tp do 'all of my wock and my owoi washing. J ? 1 v I think Card* "4%w b?1 medicine la fee world. My weight hat Increased, and I look the picture ol health. " II vo? sutler from any of tha ailment* . ? peculiar to women, get a bottle of Cardut Way. Delay Is dangerous. We know It will help you. lor It has helped sol 1 1 many thousands 0 1 other weak ? one* In the past SO years. At an draggtstt Notice of Flrut of Creditor*, In the IHNtrict Court of the lulled Btntee for the K*M?ra District of North Carolina, Sixth Mvfleioo. In the matter of J. JR.- Kdams ft Jfc H. TOItford, formerly trading as J. K^Adams ft Company. vnSa t In Baaknrm, To the creditor u Snd B. i^.Wharord. formerly trad* )g as 3. rf. Adamf A. Company, of Washington, In the Co?nty of' Beau fort. and district aforesaid, bankrupt Notice la hereby given that on the , fth day of ApMI, A. D. 1910. the said J. K. Adams and H. H. Whitford, formerly trading aa J. E. 'Adams and Company were duly adjudicated bankrupt; that the first meeting of the said creditors will be held at] Washington. North Carolina, (n the Kederaf "Court Building, on Monday,] the 14th day of April, ltlO. at 10; o'clock A. M.. at which, time tbe aald creditor* may attend, prove Jhelr claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt. an?T transact sut-h other busineaa aa may proper Income before the iisld meeting. Tliia the 10th day of April, A. D. 1910. FRANK H. BRYAN. Referee. --ton, N. C. NEW YORK TRIBUNE TELLS WHY IT COMES OUT FOR ROOSEVELT The New York Tribune printed the, i following editorial yesterday morn Od. Roosevelt for President. I "Colonel Roosevelt and no 'pussy footing!' ? | - "The Tribune likes this .candldste and this issue. "We a, re for Colonel Roosevelt cause we believe the. country needs him. No one~-*tse wiikquickea the f pulse of the nation '.as ^s will quicken 1L No one else will stir the conscience of the people as he will stir It. No one else will Inspire pa triotism as he will inspire It. "No one e'.se personifies the tssue which tho Republican party must make as he personifies it. No one else presents so effective ah antithe sis to Wilson as he. If we are Amer icans. real Americans, the ColoncJ Is our man. While timid politician wero consulting the census books and counting the German vote he spoke and Mio country harkened. ^ "He Is the leader In the light for Americanism, and we don't believe in changing leaders whep*' we are going' to the -front. "We are for Co'.onel Roosevelt in spite of the fact that we were against thlnvfoor yean ago. No one fought ?him harder than we. No one will | fight harder (or him. It has bees | easy to pot Aside our pride, our sense of resentment ^t what occur I red In 1911, and the ntmdred other things that tend to keep alive dlvis i1?" Choosing Country's Path. "As a people we should feel that we had hung back, that we hain't gone the limit' In the true American way. The governments of Europe would feel this, too. They would ! conclude that wq meant to temporire. ! | "Something would be lost of the nigral effect of moving straight on; under the lekdecehip of the i&an who represeuts-+i??^purpo8o q? this coun try as no one else does or can. "The Colonel stands for the things tho'Trlbune stands "for. These things wiU ho advanced more by h!e nom-| inatlon than by any other nomina tion that can be made. The Tribuna | must support him. "We are doing morphia year than shoorlng a new President. We are choosing which way the country I shall go in the era that is now open ing. Just as our fathers chose the nation's path in the days of 1860/' TO WITHDRAW TROOPS FROM MEXICO WOULD MAKE VILLA A HERO By MAJOR E. XV. DAYTON, Awociate Editor Army ami Navy ?lODlHAi. An American army is qpveral hun dred miles south of El Paso in obed ience to an order of the President. With singular success, they bav> marched through that wide region 1 without causing friction with a pop ulace whose more ignorant and law less elements are kno<?A 10 be blttor enemies of Americans. ^ . It is significant that the first at tack by the civil population occurred on the day when the Carranza de mand was made for tlfe withdrawal ot the American forces. . in considering the general situa tion in 'Mexico it Is only fair to ad mit that the d&rranza attitude was an inevitable result of his political altuatioal Zapata Rival^f Carranza. Of all the Mexicans who have maintained a leadership with r?;al power back of it none has been more consistently ^ popular than Papain. The great factors in" the Zapata pro giamme are ?hia propaganda to 1:111 or drive out every American and.con flscata his property. Tli at" Is the most popular slogan in Mexico. Its popularity onatUed Pan cho Villa to recruit a large party of men willing to extend the idea across the frontier a?4 kill end toot on fie American aide. . Carransa It a weak leader in Mex i ieo bccause he Is. trying to stmJ midway between the few who hav* money and property and the man who want it. It was inevitable that, it Carranza strongly favored the American effort [ to- punish Villa he wqja!d great'.? weak&a- such ? prestige as was his. i The refusal to' put the railways at ' the d'.spoEal of the American forces proved bis desire to see the-Amorl-( can effort rail. I It Is to be hoped that no short-' sighted political exigency may Induce the recall of our soldiers with their task not accomplished. That would crown the murderer ; Villa w^th a glory as a great hero among a large element In Mexico. - VtlU'f Opportunity. Their\ is little doubt that If Cur rant's demand were obeyed ai;4 our forces withdrawn Villa would [promptly outrank Carranza in popu lar favor and soon establish hlnuelf j in control of the war-torn country. The Carranza demand will have the effect of deflnlte'y branding th% j American -soldiers who are in Mexico as enemies of the country. What hap | pened yesterday at Pijrral is likely [to be repeated at scoros of places. "1 The recent concentrations of Cnr 'rarta troops toward the north had no benevolent purpose. They are there j ' to give color to the claim which Car rans* fcopfts later to mak?, that Me jtroops ejected the "Qringoes" from the soil of Mexico. | CONGRISS OPPOSED TO ANY WITHDRAWAL Washington, April 15. ? An unof ficial poll of ongress tod a/ disclosed an overwhelming sentiment against rpfaince with CarranM's demand withdrawal of American troops In Mexico. ^ . ? | The prevailing opinion la that the troops should be kept there unt'.i the' object of 'the expedition la accom plished, regardless of the conse quence. The question put to each member of the House And the Senate was the | following: "Do you think the United States 'should comply with Carraoaa's de mand?" The resu'.f ef the poll follows: ' ' ?ffie House. ? tB8 ? Democrats, 5; Republicans, ts Socialists, 1, Tots!, 11. NO ? Democrats, It; Republicans, 83: Prohibitionists, 1; Progresslve Pnotectionlst, 1; Progressive, 1. To tal. 1?*. i Non-committal - Democrat*. 1 7 ; | Republicans, 66; Progressive Repub lics, I; Progressive Democrat, 1. Total, 144, Absent ? Democrats, 69; Republi cans, 44; Independent, 1; Progres sive Republican, 1. Tota!, 116. The Stnste. YES? None. f NO ? Democrats, 16; Republicans, 14.. Total, 80. ' Non-committal*? Dfmocmtn. 16; Eepubllcans, 16. Total, 4t. Abssnt, 27. The members of the House whb are In favof of withdrawal, follows: Gray and Huddleston, Democrat". Alabama; S.oans Republican, Ntebras ka; Meyer London, Socialist, New York; Bmall, Democ-fet, Nortb Csro l!na; Helgesen and Norton, RepublW cans, Nortb Dakota; Bailey, Demo crat. Miller and Crsgo, Republicans, ! Pennay'.vanla; Saunder*. Democrat. Virginia. ' ? 8a be?i be u> ike Mly Mm Best Goods ?AT? POPULAR PRICES Stationery, Rubber Goodtt, Toilet Ar ticles. A complete line of Patent Medicines. Cigar*, Tobacco. Beet Ice Cream aud Fountain Drtake The Palms .y ACROSS" FROM P08TOFFICE ^ Petrocrad. April 15. ? A bill per manently prohibiting tho sale of bev erages, containing moro than 1*4 per cent of alcohol will be prepared ?hortly by the Ministry of Finance. The Agricultural Committee of the Dum* has approved the bill rentric: Ing the consumption of meat. It has recommendrd that the slaughter of cattle be rpohiblted on Tuesdays arid Thursdays and the sale of meats !n restaurants ot? Mondays; Wednesdays and Fridays. She Grows Net-tous at Nightfall. More dreaded than an alarm of flro by night is the hoarse, brassy ooush of croup to the nervous mother who ;ear^ mis terror' of childhood. Why Torry, when a few timely doH*>B of Foley's Honey and Tar will ward or croup and clear the throat of chokinc phlegm. It will give you confidence to face nightfall without fear 01 croup. Mrs. Hon Meyer Ink. Clym^r N. Y.; saya: "Our Utile girl would <ur*?ly have had croup but Foley'* Honey and Tar stopped It at once.' . Davenport Pharmacy. l?y un.ied itosb) Eau Claire.* Wis.. April 16.? This town'* canning factory, beginning today, is being remodeled to turn out twenty six million quarts of good old Irish stew, at the rate of half a mlliioh cairs a wo&k, for the Canadian soldiers on the European fronts. In a f.w days hundreds of giant kettle* i with big Area tinrior Ihetu will begin to sipg their bubbling. boi'lzg gong of beef and cfcTTots, bean* and corn,' jay and night. Tho stew will b?* j packed In cans and shipped via Hal ifax u> . Kuropo. The contract was I awarded by the Canadian govern-' mcnL Tho first half million cans should be ready by the middle of M*y. I Feel All Used Up \ Lot* of Washington People. Do. Does ylur back ache constantly? Do you have Bbarp twinges whert stooping or lifting? Feel all used up? aa If you could Juat go no further? *4^hy not look to your kidneys? Why not use Doan'a Kidney Pills? Read tbe.statdhent of this nearby resident: Mrs. P. B. Buck, R. F. D., Grimes land. N. C.. sayfc "I had a nagging pa!n In my back, which caused a lot of worry. In the morning I was sore and stiff ?nd tired easily. Head ache* and dizzy spella were freouent and the kidney secretions parsed too often. I had other symptom* of. kidney trouble. Finally I began using Dosn's Kidney Pills and they cured me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't elmp y a?k for a kidney romsdy ? get Dean's Kidney Pills ? Hp same that Mr#. Rnck had. -Foster-MUburn Col, Props., Buffalo, N. T. Get That Insurance Today Four alarms in two days. You may be next. Phone uSi 59 or 266. We'll fix it lo light. Wm. Bcagaw & C ompany, , First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C J. LHUN WOOD JAMKM W COLI M?nb?rt Hew fork l?Ooa Rxchmog*. J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS Stocka. Bonds, Cotton. Qr*ln and Provision?, T9 Plum* ritr^et. Carpenter Building, Norfolk, Va. Private wire* to New York Stock ExcHang#, Chicago Board Tradn and other financial centers. CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Investment ar.d marginal aocounta glvon careful attentlou Screens for t/jo uj/r/c'&u/s anc/ cf -)ors mcrAe //fc? UJO/'f/? //v/s7<f ffl&'vo f/ot ///en/ DON'T PUT UP A RUSTY. WORN-OUT OLD SCREEN. IT WON'T KEEP THE FLIES, MOSQUI TOES AND INSECTS OUT. BUT WILL MAKE IT HARDER FOR YOU TO "DRIVE" THEM OUT. BUY OUR NEW SCREENS AND SCREEN WIRE. THIS WILL MAKE HOME LOOK PRETTY. THEN YOU CAN BE SAFE FROM THESE LITTLE DISEASE BEARING PESTS? AND BE COMFORTABLE ALL SUMMER. Harris Hardware Company RIOTING AFTER PARHAL FIGHT El Paso April 15. ? Rioting. in | which much property was destroyed, followed the clash at 1'arral, accord* ins to advices to A. J MnQua'ters, of Boston, president o fthe Alvarado mlniug Lompuu/ at Parral. Ilnd Second Plfiht, i Washington, April 15. ? -The Stata I departmer.t consular dispatches to-, day confirmed reports of a second fight at Parral. No details weN [given. Doing Wrtv j Btx ? TTow you making out o. , four raaolutlop to ?ronomtie?" Dlx- i "Tin* I !>? got my running *xp?nav I alo??d down to a walk." Wiclmv of Spell Allowed Her Dowrr. Jury CouJiln't A{Ke <?ta lte*t of Case. The case of the heirs at law and the w!do wof David Spell, colored, against J. J. Hodge*, while, was do sldel In court yesterday. The widow will he allowed her dower, but the suit over the disposition of the property resulted In a miw-tr'al. the Jury fallin gto arrive at an agree ment. It Is understood that they stood 11 to 1. This Is the second tnls-trlal that has occurred in this rase. It will probably be taken up again at the next term o(. court. 1A DAILY |A . Iw Volt Coupon ?" "&OOD FOR 10 VOTES IN THE DAILY NEWS TOUR PARTY 4 PRIZE CONTEST For Mis* (or Mrs.) District No. . f v. . Address. ?... In order counted, Votes must be neatly trimmed and pinrW tether and correctly labeled as to number of votes contained in Kimdle. NOT GOOD DFTLBM HKNT IN IIY A PHIL 22, H?I0. TAB LB OF PRICKS, and Votes C liven on Hub ttcrxp lion r THE DAILY NEWS ? 9 Months . m+4 $2.25 , 8,000 Votes 1 Year ;JK $Ji.OO 19,000 Vou* 2 Yeara im. $tt.00 28,<MH> Votes ? Year* JB\ *V?.oO 45.000 Vote* 4 Years ifa $l*.00 60,000 Votes 6 Years Jg*. $15.00 80.000 Votes There advantage in holding bark subscriptions. It it fniaradtaii^ thai thoy will turn* earu a greater uUiuber oi vote* * A. '

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