Triple Strap In Patent Colt. Also a complete line of canraa aod outing shoe* for yoor va cation trip. Red Cross Shoes $3.00, 83.50, 84.00 Canvass and Outing Shoes SI. 25 to 83.00 ti*y J. K. HOYT first Ships Carry Anchors In fair weather. WHY? Foi the same reason that >ou should insure your house before the fire comes. Wm. Bragaw & Company, First Insurance Agents in Washington, N. C SHERIFF GIVES STATEMENT I (Continued from page 1) Sheriff Ricks advertised me on one occasion and I did not pot mad be cause 1 had not paid tuy luxes, and 1 have through error advertised few men wlvj had paid their taxes and as soon as 1 f>ianrt it out. I took their names out of t ie paper and did not sell and wrote each party. We have a small crowded opce and have to wait on ladies, gentlemen, prisoners In Jail and the telephone sometime* all at the time and is there a man living under such circumstances who would not make a mistake? To the taxpayers of Beaufort county: I want to give you an idea as to the progress of your county and the increase of work on the Sheriff In 1913 the total taxes col lected by Sheriff Ricks was $S5, 095.24. In 1914 the total tax col lected by Sheriff H'.oks axul Windley was ?86,030.43 In 1915 the total tax that I am to collect and have collected most of it is 2 154, 234.76. I had $27,00" draiuage tax to col lect. 1 had to fell the drainage tax this year in February, when hereto fore it was advertised right along with the S:ate and county taxes, which necessitated my hiring extra help I had io hire an extra man to get up our State and county ad vertisement, as our tax books do not show the number of acres, or who it adjoins ar.d I wished to keep the peo ple satisfied about their taxes in ordei4 to do this I had to go to the Registers' office and get the de scription from the abstract book. Now in regards to the office: 1 es pecially want It one more term and that will- give me ample time to collect In lots of little accounts ow ing me personally. 1 have done a? much for my friends and the party as any man in the county of Beau fort for the past four years; and 1 hope my friends will nominate mo for one more term as your Sheriff. With best wishes, W. B WIXDLBY, Sheriff. i Advertisement) l.l.OYD (itOKdB TO HANDLE TILE IRISH SITUATION* (By United Press) J London, May 25. ? David Lloyd .Ceorpe. minister of munitions, has Won given full charge :n the Irish $Uu&ti3i). Premier Asquitb today I to :d Commons. All: THOSE WEDDING PRESENTS Don't worry. Stewart has them. Another big assortment of Glass wire received this morning. Beau tiful and the prices are right. Dont forget the place, Savings Baaic Bldg. C-25-ltc. A N NOt* N C EXE NT. To the Democratic Voters of Beau fort County: I hereby announce myself a can for County Commissioner from !<:chland Township, subject to, | the action of the Democratic prl- , rr.aries May 24. 1 9 1 <?. B n. THOMPSON. | 5-25 tfc. I tir County (VmimixHionm. To the Democratic Voters of Beau fort County: We hereby announce our candi dacy for re nomination as members of the Board of County Commls sioners. If nominated and elected we w'll endeavor to economically administer the affairs of the county, as we have tried to do in the past Respectfully. W. E. SWINDELL. H. C. BRAGAW. W. S. D. EBORN. C. P. AYCOCK. W. H. WHITLEY. 5-25-tfc. * , THE UNIVERSAL CAR The superior quality coupled with the very low cost of operation Rive the Ford Coupelet exceptional value as an enjoyable and serviceable mr every day in the year for women an well an men. A regular member of the Ford family. # Coupelet $590; Runabout 1390; Touring Car 1440; Town Car 1640; Sedan $740, f. o. b. Detroit. On Bale at Washington Motor Car Co. Established 1911. PERSONALS { Rev. W. P. Constable fed daugb Ur. Mlu Edna. arrived la U? city yeeterday from Durham where Miaa Constable has been attending school. They are en route to their home In Hyde county. While to the city they were the gu4ata of ' Mr. and lira. J. L. Mayo. Mlases Esther and Virginia Brown who hare been yftltlng lira. Harry Brown on Bonner street, hare r*? turned to their home In Swan Quar ter. They were accompanied by Master Harry Barber Brown. ? e a ? Miss Violet Stllley baa returned from Greensboro, where she. baa been attending- the State Normal | college. ? ? ? ? Oratz Credle, of Scranton, who la well known locally, was In the city today attending to business matters. ? ? ? ? "| ' H. C. Boyd, of Plnetown, one of Beaufort county's progressive far mers. was among the out of town visitors In the city today. ? ? ? ? X. I John Roberts, of Swan Quarter, is spending today In th? city attend ing to business matters. Miss Mamie Latham Richardson, Miss Ruth Chad wick, who hu been the guest of Mire. E. L. Roper on East Mil a street, has returned to her home In Swan Quarter, 8he vas accompanied by Miss Llla Rev oo Nortk mm ? * and Mr. c. B. Uw k?i n-| firom Kuhi City whara- ihejl att?cd?^J th?, (uoer.1 or Mrv Laana'1 father Captain Uui also rUltad | Nabraaka vklto ?u T*. * * ? Mile Olive Mann, who has been at-l tending the. 8*ate Normal College, passed through the city yesterday j en roots to her heme In Swan Quar-j ' vFbR COUNTY TREASURER. in response to the many inquiries that J have had recently wanting to know' if 1 was going to be a candi date for the nomination for County Treasurer at the Democratic Pri mary. to be held on Jane 3rd. 191ft, 1 beg to say that I will gladly accept it, and very much appreciate same. I will promiae to give the very beet service thst I possibly can If nom inated and elected. E. R. MrXON. 6-ii-tf. of truth In Ue report and It l? ab solutely without foundation. I do not recall having seen Mr. Johnson in Raleigh except on on? occasion while 'the Legislature was lft ses&lon. At that time I offered my services if there were any mat ter* In which I could assist him. Be told me they were trying to get some changes in the drainage law and that Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geol ogist. had the matter in charge. After he hwi talked with Dr. Pratt Mr. Johnson told 'me ,he thought- they had 'a bill prepared which contained th? necessary amendments. (For some cause the bill failed to pass the housa and the drainage laws remain as before). During -our conversation Mr. (Johnson ststed he had tfesrd there . woiffd be an effort made to paas a 'stock law for Beaufort oouaty. I asked blf opinion, and he replied that he would not. pass such a law and said a petition favoring it had been presented to him and he refus ed to sign-it unless the question was submitted to a vote pf the people. I now hare In my possession -the] 8b. n. piuM .W halt , dam or mora bird. lo.f?d on th.l root ot tho houM tret built oo ne.u| 8h? ftnallj loured oat tb< it "WW1? their Wires ?er? elsewhere, the meA bin!, have Oeeal astn* my bfrdhouse as a einb." Mid] Mrs. Brlxley. Indignantly. WANTS MAILS BENT TO NEUTRALS ON WARSHIPS | . (By Dnltod Priw) WuSiagtODt May tt ? Repreoen tatlT* Tmiu. or HUMCtnattU, has introduced 4 resolution proposing to tend the malls between America and neutral natloan on warships. petition lie referred to and" Mr. Johnson's name doe? not appear on that petition. Any one doubting this statement may examine the pe tition at any time at my ofAee. I have not taken any adtlve inter est in. this cam pa If n and make this statement only to oorreot a false Impression which some are endeav oring to create b J circulating false reports. JAB. 1m. MATO. LEWIS & CALAIS *\4s Market Street . *\'f ' , ' * ? ? * - " " ? * ' ' * *? . v '? ? The Home of Men's and Boys' Furnishings The Summer Season has just begun and now is. the time for you to buy your Summer Merchandise. We are offering for FRIDAY and SATURDAY Special Prices on Our Merchandise as Quoted Below. Our Palm Beach and Kool Kloth Department is * Com plete and it WiV Pay You to Buy Now Before The Stock is Picked Over. x $8.00 KOOL KLOTH $6.95 One Lot Underwear Special For Friday and Saturday 50c Value .35c Mens Pure Silk Socks 25c Value 15c Boys' Pants $1.50 Value $1.27 S1.25 Value 98c $1.00 Value 89c Regal Shoes $5 00 Value $4.15 $4.00Value ."I. $3.35 Boys' Suits $10 00 Value , $8.50 $8 50 Value $6.85 S6.00 Value $5.15 Special Reduction on all Suit Cases and Bag s. $7.50 Palm Beach $6.45 One Lot of Underwear $1.00 Value to go for_75c Men's Shirts $1.50 Value fl.27 $1.00 Value ^ . 89c 50c Value ..... 39c Men's Caps $1.00 Value 89c 50c Value V 39c Men's Woolen Suits # $25 00 Values S21.50 822 50 Values S18.95 ? ? : We are Showing, the very Latest Styles and Patterns in .'(port Shirts. Priced at 50c, S1.00 v % 1.50 See Our Line of Summer Rain coats Before Buying ' All Straw and Panama Hats Reduced. If You Have Not Already Bought Now is The Time To Save Money. $8 00 PANAMAS **.?B $4.00 PANAMAS ,?? $3 75 PANAMAS ... w.J. . .??> ?' W.OO IJ.00 MILAN STRAWS .......... *1.60 RBOULAR 8TRAW8 - 11.00 REOUl*AR STRAWS Positively Nothing Charged or Sent on Approval At These Prices. LEWIS & CALAIS The Men's and Boys' Store ? - . ? . ' Market Street Washington, N. C.

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