Pays DEVIL IS NOT IN IT BT KAISBK THB WEIED SPELL OF GOD Satan and &is Inpe Take Back Seat In Matter ef DeTfliib Deeds Louie Sykerkrep, af Cravk«&, leiva* has acquii^ «uch faaae in recent weeks an ffotiier of a satire on Xaiser ^Wilhelm. Seperte kaTe eente to kiat from Tumulty, Daniels, Boeserelt and people in erery state of tka Union and in <!^nada for eopiea ef kis artiele. Here it is reprinted front Ka&hua Telegrapkt Vke Iniemal Beirion, June S8, 1917. To Wilhelnt ron Eohennollern, Xin^ of Prussia, Kmperor of aJI GemuLny and Enroy Extraordinary of Al mighty God, My Dear Wilhelm: I cen call you by that familiar name, for I hare always been rery close to you, much closer than you could CTcr know. From the time that you were yet an undeveloped being in your mother’s womb I have ahayed your destiny for my own purpose. In the days of Rome I created a roughneck known in history as Nero: he was a vulgar character and suited my purpose at that -particular time. In these modem days a classic demon and efficient eupercriminai was need ed, and as I knew the Hohenzollem blood I picked you as my special in- stmment to place on earth an annex of Hell. 1 gave you abnormal ambition, like wise an oversupply of egoism, that you might not discover your own fail ings; I twisted your mind to that of a mad man with certain normal tenden cies to carry you by, a most d^ger- ous character placed in power; T^gave you the power of a hypnotist and a certain magnetic force that you might sway your people. Three Evil Spirits to Assist I am responsible for the deformed arm that hangs helpless on your left, for your crippled condition embitters your life and destroys all noble im pulses that might otherwise cause me anxiety, but your strong' sword arm is di'iven by your ambition that squelches all sentiment and pity. I placed in your mind a deep hatred of all things English, for of all nations on eai-th I hate England most; wher ever England plants her flag she brings order out of chaos and the hat ed cross follows the Union Jack; un der her rule wild tribes become tillers of the soil and in due time practical citizens; she is the great civilizer of the globe and I hate her. I planted in your soul a cruel hatred for your mother because she w^as Eng lish, and left my good friend Bismarck to fan the flame I had kindled. Recent histoi'y proves how well our work was done. It broke your royal motner’s heart, but I have gained my purpose. The inherited disease of the Hohen- zollerns killed your father, just as it will kill you, and you became the ruler of Germany and a tool of mine sooner than I expected. To assist you and further hasten my work I sent you three evil spirits, Neitssche, Treitschke, and later Bern- hard!, whose teachings inflamed the youth of Germany, who in good time would be willing and loyal subjects and eager to spill their blood and pull your chestnuts, yours and mine; the spell has been perfect. Playing No Favorites You cast your ambitious eyes toward the Mediterranean, Egypt, India and the Dardanelles and you began your great railway to Bagdad, but the ani- bitious arclrduke and his more ambi tious wife stood in your way. It was then that I sowed the seed in your heart that blossomed into the as sassination of the duke and his wife and all hell smiled yhen he saw how cleverly you saddled the crime onto Sei'via. I saw you set sail for the fjords of Norway and I knev/ you would prove an alibi. How cleverly done—so much like your noble grandfather, who also secured an assassin to 'remove old King Frederick of Denmark, and later robbed that country of two provinces that gave Germany an opportunity to become a naval power. Murder is dirty work, but it takes a Hohenzollem to make a way and get by. . , Your opportunity was at hand; you set the world on fire and bells of hell were ringing; your rape on Belgium caused much joy. It was the begm ning, a perfect foundation of a perfect hell on earth, the destruction of noble cathedrals and other infinite works of art was hailed with joy. in the infernal regions. . You made war on friends and ro© alike, and the murder of civilians showed my teachings had bom© fmit. Your treachery toward neutral nations hastened a universal upheaval, the thing I most d*eired. Your undersea warfare is a master atroke, from the smallest macker©! pot to the great Lusitenia yon show no X favorites; as a war lord you stand su preme, for you have no mercy; you have no consideration fer tie baby- to its mother’s breast as toey both go down into the deep together, only to be tom apart and leisurely voured by sharks down among the corals. _ Above All Expectations Come time ago w© met on the td middle aged woman who had jl eome from tramning over the Ol aeechee bills im uraage county, hul ing fer gold she said. Bhe looked f We lear:^ later that she has frittej away the best part of her life ia 1 fasbiem. Fer long years she bas lived un<l tbe weird s^l of gold, and there a many etiber folba ia North CorelJ wbo- kace lived under this same spf We wonder if they Icaow that bees preduce greater wealth in honi and wax year by year in Nerth Cair liaa than the gold yield of ail oil mines. Our gmd production last was only $8€,000; our honey and wal wefo worth $260,000. 1 Gold production is a minor rantt^ even in America; year by year hens create a greater volume of weall in eggs alone. California leads til United States in the production ofl gold. Last year the total was nearly I 22 million dollars. But her crop ofl cereals was worth 60 million dollars, f or nearly three times as much as her I gold. Where Our Gold Is The largest wealth in North Carolina lies in her soils and seasons, but thi^ j commonplace fact makes no apical ' romance and stirs no ferment in our| brain centers. "We have hardly evenB begun to cash-in our agricultural ad-T vantages, especially in the Tidewateil country—our great winter garden, afT the Washington authorities call it. I But we frequently find communiticfl here and there that are paralyzed bj the weird spell of gold and visions o| immense sudden wealth some gooi| day in gold mines. ■ Now and then a wild-cat concer.! of these properties, make! a great show above ground, sells blu® sky stock to foolish people, and mintl the-pockets of investors much deepcB than they mine for gold. A hunch # these chaps has just been rounded by the Federal authorities. . Eveif year or so the story is repeated' arl so it will be till the end of time, vj imagine. Busy Days Ahead It is interesting to learn from Presi-I dent Alba B. Johnson, of the BaidwiTl Locomotive Company, that “at no time! in the history of the works has theriP been so large an amount of businesJ upon the books” as now, and that th| Record-breaking -production of thJ present year—2254 locomotives madl in 10 months, or nine every workinjl day—“will be further continued dui* ing November, December and thB months of 1918.” There are exceptional reasons wlJ the big plant on North Broad street 1 so -busy, one of them being the veil heavy orders placed by the America* French and Russian Governments, bw still this gi-eat activity is fairly reprl sentative of the high pressure thl prevails in many lines of manufactuiB It is almost needless to say that til shipyards of the Delaware have nevl seen anything approaching the rush 1 business that now keeps them on til jump. With the completion of new Hog Island yard, where 30,Oi men are to be employed, it is probl ble that 100,000 employees will dral their livelihood from the Bhipyar* that are scattered along the river fro| Bristol to Wilmington. Such is tM demand for ships that these planB may reasonably expect to be busy fj several years to come. This activij keeps many other line of trade, smi as plate -fniils, engine builders, etJ in full blast, with equally good proP pects of long-continued activity. I The Philadelphia district wifi, theri fore, enter upon 1918 with liigh eX pectations of a busy and prosperoif year. Some day there will _ come I reaction against the too rapid pa>l forced by the struggle in Europe, bil if we may judge by the-country’s ew perience after the civil war of 1861-6| this may be postponed for some timi In the meantime Philadelphia is gi’O'B ing as never before. The need's of til present are so urgent that it would I futile' to worry over the future.- Philadelphia Record. The 1917 potato crop is estimated i consist of 453,000,000,000 bushels, c half again as much as last year. R| ports from the commission on car se| vice indicate that more than 750,0(J cars "will be needed to handle it. I have strolled over the battleflelda of Belgium 'and France. I have seen your hand of destruction everywhere; it’s all your work, superfiend that I made you. • rhave seen the fields of Poland, now a wilderness fit for prowling beasts only; no merry children in Poland now,, they all succumbed to frost and starv ation—I drifted down into Galicia where formerly Jews and Gentiles liv ed happily together; I found but ruins . and ahes; I felt a curious prMe in ray pupil, for it was all above my expecta- tiems. I was in Belgium when you drove the pDacefu! popuhiUon like cattle into slavery; you SL-parated and wife aiul fovcod th-cm to hard oba-r iii the I bave .'.i.i-a ilir' mo. t fiendish ilLt-L-a open yo..!ng I •; '•m.- )iU>tcr- I '-- fin ^ Oi their owners away to starvation. You have strayed away from legal ized war methods and introduced v code of your own. You have killa and robbed the people of friendly nj tions and destroyed their propert| You are a liar, a hypocrite and a blu; fer of Hie highest magnitude. You ai a part of min© and yet you’pose as tl personal frierwi of God. Ah, Wilhelm,-you are a wonder! Ya wantonly destroy all things in yoj path and leave nothing for comii| generations. Content to Take a Back Seat I was amazed when I saw you fori _ partnership with the impossibj Turk, tha chronic killer of Chrietin and you a devout worshipper in 1 Lutheran church. I confess, WilheU you are a puzzle at times. I A Mahommedan army, commandJ by German officers, assisted one el other in massacreing Christians inP new line of warfare. I When a Prussian officer can witnel a nude w'oman being disemboweled 11 a swarthy Turk, committing a doubl murder by one cut of his saber, ail calmly stand by and see a house fil of innocent Armenians locked up, til house saturated with oil and fired, thil my teachings did not stop with yol but have been extended to the whoi German nation. . f I confess'my satanic soul grew sul and then and there I knew the pujl had'become'the master. I am a ba'.I number, aii(b v,y dear Wilhelm, I nba| cate in your favor. ^ The great kc-y of hell will be lu 'OV .ri'yni.i. The gavel thal lias e d<!c-iVi= ol; da/nred sc'-'e “

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