Sylvan Valley News MINER & lUJEKSF. Our County—Its Progress and Prosperity the First Duty of a Local Paper. BREVAKl), TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. N. FRri'AY, AI'RII, i. 1904. VOL. IX—NO. 14 Dunns Rock Lodge No. 2f>7 M. F. £r -A. M. fleets Friday on or bt'foro the full »^oon in each nioiitli. nt 2 )). in. A iisit- in<^ Mason.s arc «*oniially invited to meet with us. sptly Wm. MaxWKLL, See?/. Brevard Telephone Exchange. Horixs: Daily—7 a. ni. ti) 10 |>. Sunday -S to !(> a. in.. 4 to p. ni. Central Ofliee CooptM- IJloeK. Professional Cards. W. A. GASH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 7 & 8, McMinn Bld'g, Brevard, N. C. W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Investigation of Land Titles a Specialty. IU)onis 1 and 2. rii-k«'lsinior Buildiny ZACHARY &. BREESE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices in McMinn Block, Brevard, fi. C. WELCH CALLOWAY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I’ract iei's in :ill tlir f<»urts Rooms 9 and 10 t.'icMinn Bloclx, Brevard, K. C. Misce!!(Gfteau?. Dr. H. fi. CARSON Surgeon Dentist ( mVi (>v» r U:;iik. m;Ni»K!;s(iNvii,i.K. n. r. Satisfitctio’.i in a I (>iifiiitions. f2‘.i=' C. C. KILPATR.!CK, CONTRACTBB m BUILOEB. Office at Barber Shop, Brevard, N. C. EYES OPEN AT LAST, 9 farmer he?ins to ronlizt what nt) an-.-iinst. < Anioricjin. \\ . I ()i '^rcxii :iii(l 1 ix* iloii. Bunici(Mit evid('nce that the ht^ef trust was still in operation. Meanwhile the case of the govern ment ajrainst the trust is now pending in llie sujireiDe court on aii])eal hy the (h'feiKhinls and will not he rt'ached for at least a year. Mr. \Vade said, al- thoujrh tlu‘ attorney c:en(‘ral eouJd ask for its advaiicenK'nt under the law passed in the F!fly-ei.t?hth oon^n'ss. Mr. Wade told a story that convulsed the when he waid: “I went into a Chioapo restaurant to dine. I ordered a sirloin steak. waiter asked me if I ui;ln't want onions wiili tl.e ste; k. I told him lliat : I did not. that I was "oin;x to the the- ' ater and tluit I didn't want JinyLhinj;,' so malodorous as onions f,n my breath. The Avjiiter looked at n>e jiityin;;Iy for a nunut(‘ and then r(>inarke(i; ‘Wait until you ^<'t your hill for the steak. It will tak(« yoin* breath away.’ ” LOW RATES TO California and the NORTHWEST! TEXAS PRESiDENTiSL POWER. Wise Selection cf Candidates a Matter of Importance. stiinaU's uiv(‘u on a ill t 1k‘ huiIdiiil:' 1 iih’. T. L. CLARKE, Architect anii Gontracter laJis and s])(.‘rilic of buildiuL!' work oil all kimi^ T. B. CP^.AR.Y, Contractor for All Kinds of Brick Wcrh. (’enu'iit Work, I’la-ti-'-iiiL:. ilaj?li and Itouyh ( ai^Uiiij a S),(.‘»-ialty. BREVARD. N C. G. W* Summey—Carpenter l>est of I'cfommeiniatioiir' -his wo^k. ,)obs in or t»nt of tovvn accfptfd. All work L'uai-antctMi. J. O. DERMSD, The Boiiile Jeweler, Watclii's aii<1 .1 t‘Wt‘1 ry for salt*. Fine Watch, and Clock r*'|>airiiio-. All Wo>’k i:\iarantc(Ml. Wc^t Main st. It lonic.s .•soiixnvh.-it, sus[)iciniis to t (»l‘ tli»‘ (l(,*ii)<)(*rati(* pai’t,.' in till' south who have; always ->loo(l hy its iioiiiitK.M* tmdcM* all •ii'cMiiii>tan(*(‘s. that thos(‘ ik'Ws [la[icrs which t'oiiirht lir.van in !h' last two (•anii>aii^’ns an* now 1(1 V(H*at iuLT thi; nomination of .] iu|o(> Pai-j\(‘f of Now VofU. Tho •andidacy of William Iv. lloarst i> :o\ (‘r (iiontioned hy t hoso so-call ‘d (h>mocra! ic pajx'fs. allhouo'h 1C has S('L-u:’('d lh<“ dc'h'ii’atos in ‘Very Slate whit-h iui> so far lu'ld ils I onvoniioa. In ti.i-; conn(H-- ,ion t. is wt‘11 (Miouo-h to l(‘toiir •oadiM's icnow what is o'oino' on. )ur Washinii'ton coi vosjiondtMU'c John vSharji \Villiani> of M sij'i»i, tlu' hi'ii;ia!!l i'oor loador o t he (ifihoc) :u-y in 1 ho I ar. nn'nlioiiod. in spoa'Kino-nf lhi^ mallor lo mo llio oiljoi' ()ay ; 1'romint‘iit momlMM- of 1 no ] joust .'ai<i; -.john Sharp ^V■;Hiam^ woald ma and an Lnit(‘(J States t hi‘ fa»’t I iiai h TEE PI]CPLE’3 T7ELPAIIE AT STAKE The \'<5lor?H Ar«* Tl»r«*e“ 3o(jri*oos Ite- nioA'otj l''roiii J*c»«.vc“r—'S'J:c*re- for«‘ Tln*y Slioiilil I-'^.;t‘r<‘i!>io l'iii:sii:il Watc'!s im liON.x I !i t!se S«“U‘c {i;>ii of a Cliiof Kx«-fnl iv«». TIk* l'ai'i('d I talcs, vvli n they adopt- I'l] tlu' constltuti;::i. jilac.d ex*rjioniiiia- ry power in the haai.s of the jircsident. 'I'o him coiuidcd tlu* v»‘io j»ow(*r. Aiivin.i; liiin th(‘ auihoriiy lo decide wiiat laws shall hccoiiic opciMtive. H(> is (•(taiiiia!!(]:'!• in of ilie army and )i;i\y oT ilit* I'niad Siiilcs and of the miilt.ia of llu‘ several stales when call- <‘(1 inio s<-rvic(‘. lie has {»nw«‘r to make treaties, and ail tlic diplomalii' j>ow('r in n'i.iiion lo forci.mi nations I'csts in his l,;!ads. li!' has power to convenc cM}!;;rc.'-;s in “.\I:•;!ordinary session, and in case of a (ilsaurf^'aieiit ad- I join-".ui; in beiweea tae iwo lioU:;;'s (if ' that hoiiy he adjoiirn eoimrcss to I si!<-!i liiiie ;ss Lm* sii.-ill ihink prci>;‘r. 'I’lie I niiiHir powers «ii‘ i!ie pr-siiieai rouad I oiit, and m.;k.‘ aiaios; aUMK-raiie the ex- railway Will sell daily bet\v(?en S(.‘ptoinlH?i* and Xovetnlx'r .'{Otli, iovr colonist ticla'ts to points in iVashington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah. Jtrizona and New Meicico. Sliort liiu“. quick tiiiio. no hu> tran-jVi'.'., h\t> !’f ii;i!iiu ( hail-iMi'i. K<>: 1 1 s, si-lu'ilu;i-s, maps and full '..i- inn u r tc ii> E. CLAr.K, W. T. SAL’?;OERS. 1 raw-liii.^ ,\L:t. (ien. A ri.A.NTA, (4A. *jun MORGAN WORKS an i(h':;l caiididati j H'-iordin.-ay pov 1 a I he ita lii I I I ■ <' 1 (t o 111 (; f till it it \\ oro not for wosdd n< t ho tani nin.u' two woclxs hcfofo ilit' Mj> sissiIi])i const i 1 ii 1 iiai would b(‘ t in solo iss ii<> in t hiM-a !ii[ >a ii^'i:.' n(' t iioi o you ai'o. " BEEF TRUST ARRAIGNED. Spartanburg, SASH DOOliS r.LIXDS s. c. i^orcH ,1!).? I)KKss!:i> LTMIiKli A. C. NORTON, Practical Boot and Siiosmaker Harness Work a s]>eeialty. West Main Street noar Caldvsell. The ^thelwold l>revard’s New llotid —.Modeiai ^Vp- j)ointments Open all the year. ' patrona-.’f of the travelinu- ]>nblic ;is well as summer tourists i.-. solicited. Opp. C’ourt House, Brevard. X.C,’. JM-r-A-X-S Tal.iilos Doctors lind A good i)rescrii)t ion For mankind Tlie .")-cent packet is (MioTi<:lM()r u>^uiil (iccas'ons, , t j • i • The faniiiy bottle a:o o.-t.t'-) ((.-tainssasiu)i)iv ofet ruH over. in their desnaii’ lor a year. All drusjgists sell tJiom. ’ ^ . . , , n . they aro be«:iiinin" to talk oi tak- ini^r a candidate from tlie soutlt All I'lH'iny <*f I'jmmI in'«“r ('oiinr;!!- »‘i* l*y V.sulo of loiiv". )ur Washiniiton coi rosjioiuh'nco ('onuressm;:n \\'adi‘. Iowa’s only last week contained the following- I>emoerat in contjrt'ss. slronuly de- nounc(‘d thi* nu'thods of ( hicata* meat pa<-kers diiri!>”- tlu> de!>at(> i:i the ‘'ihe intiM’ost ImM'O in the iK^Xt house. lie Ixiian i>y callinu' aiiiariioi) d(‘inocratic pi'osidontial can(ii-|to tlu* stat('m(>ut of the attorney ^cn- date doos nol abate in tholoast. coniiilainl ha-j l.ivn made riiu sti'ides bcii.ii IIKUU^ by th.^ 'i'"’''""' >''' s..-,,,,'.. ,> 1 , , Tr ' • Injunction proiiibitini;- the jiackers Hon. W ilhai.i Kaiulolpli H"arst is almost tho soh? topic of con versa i if tluMc was a t.ot.le of lu cr in the tion wlii'rever poliiicians do con country that had not p:>id the tjix or if <rreo-at(>. Almost every day •» mountaineer ch.:sc« to ,iis- , .• 1 • 4 .. till a little whiskv witliout a license, brinirs mnvs of his cai)ture of ,, , ^ .Tudiii' u aue said, there was always an some moi(^ d(^l(*Oiite.s oi .sonn* otlicer of the government on hand to man of [)romim'nce in the party rer»ort the fact. Althouuh it w:is no councils comino- out for him. Morions that the beef trust was still Tli(‘Pai'K’(‘r mkmi are Ihoroiitjiilv pui.ik-senn- , , , . , , ' - ment. tlu‘ departnu'ut did not lift ti dem<u a iz('d Jind his band wtio-on , ,, , ^ ■ hand. lie eharacterixed the excuse iiere i.s n(*arly I'ead}’ to han^oul j;iv(>n that nothin.t;' could be done un- a siii'll “staildin,:^ room only.' less somebody lixed complaint as trivi- Tiie old politicians of the party J^overnment a^ent could find all arudiiaMl yi.d <lo not know <-on,plaint l.o want«l if I,., ivcnt 1 1 ' country beyond the Missis- t<) maU'e of it. j-J.itherlo they i gjppi have cilwiiys htid thino-s their own. Jnd;ie AVade told of the orjianization way ill tixini^ np conventions and l^niijr formed in Iowa which will soon be (‘Xtended into >sebraska, ^Iin- senditiijf delegates. a 1 ove I’i ied. consei'va:iVC ;ind w<>ll lialaiie“d pri';-itie!il:; ll;e>e I r;':iieat!otis pov.'ers have resulted ;4i'iierally ia tiie Welfare of ti!«‘ people df the I’nilt'd Slates, 'i'he vo:< r?; h;:\e a!wa\s lietMi •Mi’eiiiely eareliil la itiiiiiii,:^' forw.-ird t.-lMdidales fer the hl.uhest o!!iee. :iiid un;il pai.y neiaia;:t ion-; hei-aaie tlie rc.l-' no w< ;■(' made. I'artisaai polities .and tl;e rule of the i I’evv' tliroaL'.i orpiiiization and the (>x- iiendiiure- <.{' money hav,- siaee pariv rule u>urji(‘d torni;'i‘iiietiiods I'orecd ;h( selection of soaie pre -id 'iils v.'l:o wer; not ’(ip lo the hiv.h ordc-r o!‘ foraier days. 'J'he \-.;tei-s of the rnit(-d Stales <'aly indir(ctly hav(* to ilo v. iih tl i* selec tion aiiil election of i»i‘esi;l.^. iliey vole for electors, v. ho, r.n.i. .^.:e pri's- «'at party s\.-.leiii. ;iri' pledvc.i lo eUct j the c:in;Iid:!tcs lht‘ p.-irty cimvralions | iiy send your lllOUeX' a li i‘( >.ul have nominated. Nor h.ave th(‘ voter; ::?iy di!’<-«.-t V(,>ice in the no!aiiiali> 'i'hey 11;( rely elect pr( ciact del('n:>tes to county conviMi* ions, who in turn I elect d(‘ie,'-'.’ates t..» district canveaiions. | ;nul these st=lect the <h-le.i,ates to the I nationa.l conve!ition. so the pe .tile ;ir(* i thret‘ de;-rees removed from a.clual | p.*\v(‘r. I A'iewin.!.;’ the vast jireroirative of one : who is (‘Uet«*d presidi'ut, how car«'fully ( mantels ttnd till .simila/’ ?na.<' tiu* voters sliotdd watch ;;nd ward all me o<‘iore Iron work and castniys (,(' .‘verv de.<cription. J-]stiniale.s furai.'iied |ir(»mptly on all work. V/ri. JOHES, Pres, and Treas. J. A. MULLIflAX, Supt. 3B.EVARD Macliiise oters I when vou can ifot lowt'i’ pric<'s ;i-us. I ^ ■ homo lor Turned Coiurtins and all other luriieil Vv'ork. Door and Window Frames .!I10 a salt* ‘ Th(\y have Just bejrun to i-eal ize that the people of the counti*y are taking a luind in this affair and th;it they ai-e not in it. They must either <?et oat of the wav or The Sylvan Valley Xews office for Lliinks of all kinds. and the names of Senator Joseph nesota and siuToundintj states to the lieef trust. It is compost'd of fann ers, meat dealers and business men who are sufferinj^ inider exactions of the mi*at trust, v^'hieh is lixing the low est prict‘s for buying cattle and eharj;- in;; exorbitantly for meat. Steers fed on forty cent corn and brincrini;- lo\v pric(‘s at the (’hicaj;o stockyards are heinjr sold to downtown restaurants in the form of steaks on the basis of from 18 to 20 cents per pound. That facJ: alone^ Jiidgt? Wade declared, wag the stejis necessary to obtain man. 'J’he IJepublican.s through rintr i",ih‘, are now saddled witli a Ciindidatt* tiiat a minority at le;"st do nol want and m.-’.ny will not vote for. 'I'he leaders !i‘cl they ai'o t: kin,u‘ <h's]?erai** chaiict's in allowin.i; th(‘ nona!iatioii of Mr. Itoosevelt to j?o to him in d(*faidt of opposition. In forcing him four years :i;.ro to take tlu‘ nomin.-ition for vict* prtvid.ent they have saddh'd them- selv(*s with an Old Man of the St'a that now’ cannot be unloaded. The jtresi- (h'lit, willt all the i)atronai;e and power of his ollice, is now beyond their pi>w- ('r to linn down. They will have to ^rin and bear it. What an opj>ortum'- t.v tins offers to the Democrats who, with th(‘ two-thirds vote, <‘an compel work. Call and s('e sendin.ii’ orders away. Vei’y truly, Kilpatrick’s & King, J. M. KILI’ATUK’K, Manager. Gangway, Duclvwortli & Oc., BEAL ESTATE DEALERS, Rooms 3 and4, McMinn Block, Brevard; H. C. the majority to pay IkhhI to a respeeta- Buy and sell all kinds of Heal Kstaie, ble niinorilv protest I ; a i , * * I (.ollect rents, and attend pro])- I erty wiien ownei- is absent. Tne fear that the Slav was about to ; pgf^ijpg Lg,^(jg g SpeCtailY. ,n-('rrun the world seems to be some- | »* *»■ wiiat allayed. Keep your eye on the Conlest.

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