Are You Interesle THE RUM TRAFFIC. A StronflT ArrniKnnient of the Infii- niou« llti.sltieKM hy the Ne^v York 'rribiine. If SO. wliy send your money awav lionie? Wo are inv- parod to do youi- work here sal- isf'tetury. We are also pre- ]»ared lo dean, dye and jtress elotliir.^: elean all kinds of ear- ])uts at yoni" home on the tloor. reii('\vlht*a]»|)ear:ii:ee and bright en tlieeolors: remove ink sf»ots from them. Prompt attention ”iven to all calls, .lusi r*n<:' j)hone Xo. (>S. Brevard Laundry. A. T. i’.o\vi:x. (;. 11. nrcrKLV.)' ' ' * Notice—Entry No. 2436. r. (iiiiii li;i\vt‘ i‘-';rr> mikI cIjiuiI' -in ;i<to« m' lilH'l liH'lv II If "• s.» -IV I) j !< lu'i'“ :iil V 1' :i:it IhihI . ill k 1''vx n>.hi|'. 'I ai >ylv;mi:i <‘(>iliiiy N (.! . \ iiu '111 th-' <>I liiiii'in «':iiiil> iTt'i'k. it tiii'U iiyiii lu> 'I <>x:i u .> y li Vff. :i<ij .iniii'4 ili? of .1 F Hmv- :iuil nilu- Hfuriuiiiiiir 1*11 a \\ iiM»- (>ui‘-. :i i iill't I'll Valli'KS fd.lIM' Mav ;io. K'U <■ N>>. lot i (>iin>k*iiniit. (^i:i MsnAwi; Notice—Entry No. 2437. I W. K (lailiiwiiy oiui-'v ainl c’aiin' ;'()(» a<-’t‘s nf ■ laiKl III Ha t lino low II-Ir)'. TcMi^yl v:ii i i : (’oiiiity. N. <■ . lyiii- on waU-r- of Al>’aiii- j HiaiU'ii a’lil ritiiitarif'of llu‘ Wc-t Ki>i k ol tlu* | Fr-iicli Hro ul river, a j'fiiiiiir iiu-lanil>. of .1 1> | <iano\'..-ly. A l^'xaii'NT WiKoii laini< aii<i otlu rv i Hfiriinuiiu' on a vliilt' oak I’.riijaiiiin Wil'oi.'s | oM roriicr. nimiiiiu iIkmi<-c v.iili tlu' wc'f liui- o; , tin* Hi'iiiatnni W'iNi'.ii i>l l trai't anil vaiiou' : t-oai"f^ for l oiiiii iMtii'iiI. KiiU'fril .liitir 11. I'.-ti-i. i U I-:. (^Al.I.oWAY. i 1. \V. M. Hi'ii'v. Kntry'I'aUiT f r'rran>ylvania i .■(>.intv. t(,T!;fy lliat t !n-fi ni-n ■! ii; a re tnu-lopit-^ | of ciitrk-- iiiai!i‘. w :l r l>y r u-n nct" lo ' til;'fiitrv lioiiii in my Iilii o. \V. M.IIK-K'S'.. lv..ti V r..kcr. UMWRSITY Cf North Carolina. Jicademic Department, Law, Medicine, P.'iarnzczcy. I'lee tuition to lenchers lo tuiii* i-4t‘is’ -ons. .''choiai>liips and hians l\)r tht- needy. 620 Students. 67 Instructors. Xi'w I'oniiitori(‘s, (; \ imm-iuin, \\ :itt‘r Work'. ( \‘i!tral lltatiii^^ Sysl Mii. 'Phi' Fall 'rorni Ite^ins S*‘pt. -■■), !i>- 4. FRANGiS P. VENABLE. President ( li;*.\tel li ill, N . ( IM-P-A-X-S Tal.ulos I>«»(*tors liixl A LL'ood urt'scripl mn For inaiikiii'l 1 he ri-fciit rMTcki.'t i'- f“no',ii:li foi' n,«i:al oc; a'^ions. riif faniiiy hotilo 'f, i ic t') ( o ituin> a - uiiply fora vi,‘ai-. A;1 <ini.u"i:i>t■ -l'Ii llitni. TO BE GIVEN AWAY This Handaome Embroidery Outfit, stnTr.vcl <>n nin- t»*ri:iK v.ill I «.• ;i:.:cl> free «'f ch.tru'* li ■ '«n* ists «■! 1 ( rysantlieniwn. ^Vntor; it-. e < ll\ll in.' will) 0 J». i-lcs. ■ cai li in. . 2 .lainty C'-’IIars. '2 An. h* f-r 'inil r sjni. 1 H’ •' kninrk. ‘J 1 - r r ' • liar .. * .-Valiiwin I -kiui Li'nveuii>)n*il 1 <eM.u:ns f<»r shirt-waist iTnainciilatiua. READ OFFER BELOW A trade which fhturishes upon tlu ruins of its snp[)orlt*rs, whieh dcrivt its revenues from its plunder of hotr.t s and from the defrauiliiii;' of ludpU.-.' ehildhood, from the de-.,i a<hit ion o. manhood; wliich recjulres for ii- })rosperity the inju’.y of tlu* eo nmuii it\'; which u.iiii.sler>> to evei’v vile :nu \ieious pjissitiM and j)rop< r.sity, whiel makis ditinkards, aii<l tiii*'v«'s, aiu t inItez/.lers, and tranil)lers, ami wile bfaters, anti miirdert'r.s; whieh biiu ali/es and de*>Tades a!l who ar; broii^lit in <*on1:iet with it, e;miu i claim tlu* respt ct. and assnredix oii:rht not to be :ilde t(> claim the c ii ei)iira<^cnu‘nt of i iu‘ community. It indeed indicates' the extent < ( t lu‘ pi'e\;ilent d> ni.>rali/al ion that :■ business so inherently in!’;iinous. sc ni’<i:it'si ion:ii)!y a<r:i:i;st public p( l!r\ should hav(> be. n [’(rmitteii to (si-ib iish itself so tii-miy that tl;<;'e w hi pursi!(‘ it :ire c.un im-eti. not onl\ Th.-'.t it is U'^rit imate. but th;it it i^ “ciititlcd 1<> protc'cticm and r<“sp(“c'. I’lit u|'(ui >vhat f,Tound do thes<- bold ciairns I't st ? What i‘)nst it ules a h“<jritimat«*. re- spei‘1 able busi u: ss ? Is a busiiitss whicii (h'bauehes. im poMM’ishis atid injures 1 lu' ])ubl!e (‘itluT the oiu' or the otiu-r? \\ lien sneli (HH‘sli<tiis ha\e to be asked ii is tiuu’ that tiu'v were set- t It d (I<'li nil e!_\'. At j)res( 111 rum seilinj^ is teehni<-al- ' I \ leo i I i ina i e. j 'I'hat is lo say. it is not unlawful. i*.ii' eiinse»jU( iH'es af(‘ w h:;' we st'e. it \vi»u!d be a.'i abuse of l:’,n- <.’na.'r<‘ to tet-m it respectable. Kiil ii do( s not stoj) at those inso- 'ent ri ( iensii ,ms. It teils the [leofile it Jia's the p<di; ieal pow(-rs. that it is <ii'oani/ci|. ;ini: thai il wid liLvht reform an<l ti'ii- peT'anee with lh(' \otes <if t I'.i.' uufoi-- t unat es it !;as iii'brut eel. 'Ihis. then, is what the eommuiiit\ has to face. It !:iust eitliir siil’init to tlu* jioli; ie::l suprer.;aev of the rum sidleis. i' must either aci*i pT th'i:’ e'ov»'”n n’l i;; lit must either li-nv to their stan<';!!'(^ ■of morals am! i’ti-’a!-<' lh<ni to If en lit'ed to “pi'ot I iM i'Mi and res:>ee;," m :t niu>t m:il<e no i;s mind to a e- i: )li<'t. the aim and <.nd oI' \\!;ieh si::;!' lie the overt’M'ow of this aiiomiii:'. a'.iiise. r.nd tile ju-oKet^iu of i!h rji;i>ses airain. l the worst foe of civ- ' ilizat ion. 'i'hey will ojipose any reform what ever. 1 lu'V deny the rii.’]it of tlu- people to protect thei;:se|\e> at all. They tdaim the riirlit for theniselvcs To poison arid Iwutali/.e and <ie”i-a(li a!! w ht: :n i !i i \ i'u n i-each. 'I'hey think they will Ik* suppoiMti. :iii this by tile pnidie t h< _\ lleeee aric ii'jiire. and upon tiie j i; ■ r-1 e nc- <>! \\ hose animal appt tiles ihe_\- i-o.-i r-e i \ j . • ■'■(•'1 la I e, i I . ! Ki;lurio tiny h;u’ unhappily been | jusliti«‘d in ihis (;» pendence. i 'I'ht' men \\!’o had nii;:'I cause ti | icailie ihe bi:si!,e'-s have bei'ii a!iiol:L' | tlie fii'si 1,1 upiio (i and fortif\' it. ' Hut (d;an^’<‘ is e\»*n now p.issitu; , o\ t-r jiublie opinion. i j It is becoming'' mo!-<* and more sren- eral!^- reeoo'ni/, <I ihat in t em pe ra ii'-e is at the bottom e.f two-thirds of tin . s(,ei;i|. political and moral t‘\ils thai 1 rtiard |>roLTi'( >s. and jierplex an<l | j iia r.'iss t lie le:^ is la t oi'. ■ !t i.'. beinij" <-omprehcnded that an | ifi‘eeii\,. fra:iehi'-e i-<<juires soiiriei \ | a Ii!. i : I !! ;•:( ne-' in t iie \ ot er. I III faei. il i.x b’inL'' r<‘ali/.ed that the | of the cornti'v dcpetids la’’”i- [ ly ii|ion nasKr'n.'r tlu' elemen;.-- | wl'ieli l:a\.- iheir orii:i!i in and c’e;i\' all 1 !r i r s 1 re nr! h from i' ii m. a nd \\ h ' ndlitale at e\ei'\- tn'-ii aL'ai:ist ;>im( L’Iernmen t. |.ure sicial c(:i'.‘'it'".I's re!:i:iou and proi^Tess. \. 'S', 'riiliiiiie A I' viu Ol' iiom:st .kk ivi;) ?». THEIR EYES OPENED. Ropiililfenn ViiterH »*f AVlNOonNin l.i«'nrit SoniethiiiK'. The I{(*pul)lican vott'r in Wisconsin must be Kettinj; a bad opinion of the leadiM’s of both factions into which his party is If ho believes the evi dence produced by both sides to prove th(*ir opponents are utterly unreliable. This proof of tlu? total political de- pravit-.Y <*f ro.stmast(*r iJeneral I’ayne. Chairman Ihibcock and Senators Spooner and IJnarh'S is no ni'ws t(» lhos(‘ who have be(*n lonu' upon the walchtow(*r and observ(*d the trend of tlK'se leaders toward the corporations and combines. The common peoj)le .‘ire to them but sheep for the sheariufjr and freese for th<‘ plu<“kin,i;. That the He- pnblican vol('rs of Wisconsin—and oth er st:it«*s, for that matter have so lom; shut tlieir eyes :uid voic'd tlu* straiirht ticket has been a wonder to itoIitie:il observers. How m:in.v of tlu'se v(*ters will “taki* to th(> woods” or cut the ticket now their <‘.ves .‘ire ftill.v oi)ened remains to b(* setMi. btit tliere slionhl b(' enonj.rh to lun\v thi* trust i):ir1y in Wisconsin and elsewhere be.'oud boix’ of resnscitiition and a new deal Ik? in- nnguratt'd. SHOWED HIS CONTEMPT. liiiU'it* Method tit a Nnvnl Oflleer of Sho^viiiK IIU DUtHnte for a Alenial ANsi^rnikient. NEW UREA. ■Womari*G Kaj<c>5iir\o is. w iflirn:t e-:; 01 .V. 'n.f’;p r!-e*.t .'>0-. ont i'I '-i. ■ .1 Ir it :■ ■ n ..II ■ . r.i;-. . : ■ ■Tit I;;'.". f .<- I ;!.-'t .-.ivi iT.’-t; 1 ‘ .inv»l!tT.-;m Mi.T.'ri-iiic-•I I '.'i-' • :r ■ - ■ • ^ !i:'' liT i'i- fV ;'li- N i- W 11>I- \ W' ■ '' •; . /INK i- .I 1 .1, Il n: in . . I r*.. I; ;;K<. c .f ,i!’. <• t i-: I '• -Mri- t4i liMMilioii tiii% {Mjirr v» KFW ir>tA PUCLIGHiNG CO., 6.^6 Bro?.ov.'ir', ^c•v ICELLTHECOyGI=3 and the IVITK FOR Prsc 5Gc &$1.00 Free Trial. V'f (ill!:'''/■..; o' \f < y CNSUa'iPTfOW OUGHS and OLDS } Surest end Quici? est Cure for all THKOAT and I.UifG :»:R0XJE- | LES, or MONEY BACK. p vjiiicgTOjrj^bTEffgggrataaaaBBiiBsxBsegas .Sub.scribe ff>r the ►Sylvan Vai.i.kv 2Ci:\vs, only paiicr in the (.otnity. ) First .Tockey—(lo ;;headl I've bet otK) louis a”-;iinst m,\ horsel St'ccmd .Iocke\ And I'm to giet 1,(IU0 if I'm i)ealenl—i’oii<diinello. A Feiiiliiliie Trnlt. Mabel—Tinu* and tide wait for no m:in. .I.'ick—l?ut everythinf; has tf) wait for the wonu*n.—N. V. .lournal. It would be a Fimj)le matter to be .n moderat** drinker, if it were not ?o much hard( r lo refuse the second drink .luiii the first one.— I’uok. A short time aeo a portrait of Cap tain l’erci\al, a former ollicer of the na v \ . \s as |ire>»'iit ed t <i t he ilt’j a rt nu nt. 'I'lic eaiitiiiti. who (;ie(! in 1 w as an 11(1(1 charaeter. He was Kni.wii as “Mad .latdv” rerid\al. because of eect n- t nellies which on many •■ecasioiis iiroiiirht him in coiilaet w i t h t h e na va 1 aui horit ies, says a \\ :;shii;y i i m report. The portrait was sent t>_\ ,\lr>. William Niidiolson. but who she is tl.ei’ep.Tri- nient is unable to di>covi-r. (aptain Tercival was sent t o Morocco \\ ii h his fritiale to bi-iiii.’- ba(d% a cari.’ii< f jack asses for the u'o \ t'ri' merit. a m! in order to show his (.onlempt for t le emi»io_\- Tueut of a war ves^t 1 for such a mis sion. ' n enterinLT \t‘w \ iirk harbor he ran in all his ^-uns and placed the head of a ja(d-:ass through ea<di port as the ship sailed in. The siii-lit of a (!oul>h' row of j:i(d<asses’ heads jirot rmiin^^ T rom lht‘ ])laees wliere ^-uns w fr«‘ looked for created a sensation at the time and ‘‘.Mad .lack’’ li.irrowlv es caped a rejirimand. l’ro«:f J ^ II . “I 'o von'. (■ a lh(Uisand vears was e\iT as a <ia\'. ami e. da.\ as a tlKUisaui; _\carsV “I believe tlu* lattei half all rioht enough—l‘\e just spt nt the <;ay at the dentist's." - Dct roit I'n i I’rt ss. Nil*lit WMs ll<‘r “1 would coniiii noariy all ni^lit h)n”',” writes Mrs. ( has. Applei;at«*, of Alexandria, Ind., “and could hardly j;et atiy sh't*]*. 1 had con- sinnption so that if 1 walUi'd a l)lock I would C*ou<ih tVij*iitt‘ully and spit blood, but wlu'u all other nicdi- cinos failed, three i;;'1.0() botti(‘s of Dr. !\in«’?) New l)i.'(*overy wholly (•lU’ed me iuid 1 ^aine<l 'jS p(unuls.” It’s absolutely }i;uarantt*ed to cure C()U<rlis, colds, l.i^rippe, bronehiti.'^ and all throat and linju- troubl(>s. i*rice .^Oe. and SI. Trial bottles free at all drujijJTists. The Svlva.n Vai-lkv Nkws office for line job printiui^. A ion. If T’n'sident Uoosevelt will onl.v con- tinuo his U'ssons in .iin .iitsn until fall !;(> may le;irn how to enact tlu* pjirt; (d’ the tnid(*r doi; with the r(*qiiisite (vise and .abandon. — .Tatdvsonviiie (I‘’la.) Timi's-riuon. Tin* indications are. it is said, that this .vear's prune crop will the lo\v*'st prices on rt'corU. 'I'his is cheer ful news for tlu* st:ir boariier. A sav:int ndvi.s(*s societ.v i>eoit!<* to stud;,’ seic'iiet*. Hopeless. It is impos sible* to j^et Ji scientilii* proposition ll:rou;^h ;i pin.uponu' mind. 'I'he <'ountr.v h.ojies that oth(*r orators may f»illow rneie .foe ('annou's e\am- p'<* ;ind for, 1 heir cmmpai,L:ti spceelu's. N«*ei! Xot Uitnu tlu* Trii^t.s >o\v. It will I-,;* :i nice lhi!>v: for .^lr. iviiox lo be tri’.usf(*rred from the d(*partineut of jllstic;* to t-he riiiled SlaK'S seu:!t(‘. As altorney ueiieral ids must have been lacerated at the times when he felt it his duty to stick juns in the bi‘.r combim‘?i. to draw blood from the b(*ef trust and tin* Northern Securities <‘oinpan,v. In tl.e senate he will n<>t Ik* <-aI!e<l ujion to In* cru(*l U> the trusts. He will not have to briui; tliem into c<’»urt and dMiotiuce tln'ui as public en emies. Wh(*ii I'.<* b<‘eo’!i(>s senator Ik* can r<!‘.;ar(l t'u* cond)im*s (‘iilu'r with friendl.v indilference or as in* de’>(“l.»pments of oiU' iii('(h*rn inilustfia! s^st(*!n. At any r:it(*. if he c!»iitinues to hati* them it will not lu* iiicumbeut upon him to harm them.-Daltimore Sun. Here It Is Again.. We Have Two Guessing Contests Going Mow. ])Osi(los ull the prizes we are going to give ou tlio gouMi contest we }u*e ollering a (,l<)iil)le ]»;u'reled l)reecli-loii(]iiig sli<»' gini worth to the [jeisoii guessing nearest tlie nunil)ei o! gu(*sses we will have on tiie gourd contest when it clox July ^50. Xow to give you soni(‘ idea ol* how many theie wii I.e. we ha<l on -Tuly 1 ahout <5,000 guesses. You Can Guess the liest Mvery oO cts. you trade with us Liives you your choice ol ,i gu(‘ss at the nuinher of seeds in the two gourds oi* the nuin- hei- ol'uu<‘sses we will have, also o trading stnini)s. ]venieud)er, we are giving a Stetson Hnt to the }>erM>! gu(‘ssing nearest to the niinil)er of seeds dm’iiig Jnly. W • i;iv(,‘ you just as much tor youi’ money as any store in iJi" vai’d and the guesses and stamjts l)e>ides. It will })ay you get our j)ric(‘s (Ui drv go()<ls. shoes. iiroceri(‘s. notions, ei< Iteibre 'iiiying. Come in and set' us —we ar(‘ always glad i ;t‘e \ ()u. Yours trulv. THE RATES TO OPERATES D v?ry ms California and the NOR.THWEST! 7arryinj^ Pullman Sleepers, Cafe (^ars a la curte) iiiid cMiuir Lar.s freej Elcctrfe F.f^hted BETWEEN 5ir{^3ng:^.a^:, /Scjnphis and Kansas Cit.v AND TO ALL POINTS IN Texas, Oklahoma and Ip.dian Territories AND THE Far West ar.d Northwest PAC FIC H.?iLWAY PHE OlVLV THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LJNE BETWEEN THE SOUTHEAST AND KANSAS CITY Descriptiv.3 literature, tickets ar- rani^-ed and throujjrh reservations made upon application to IW. T. SA'JNDCRS, Gcn-l A&t. Pass. Dc*>t. OR F.E.Clark, Trav.Pass.Act., Atuanta, Ga W. T. SAUr^DERS Gon’l Ageitt PasssnEer Dejsr.rlmorji ATLANTA. GA. Will sell daily l>et\voeti Sc])t*'mbi I')!!) and Xovemiier •'Ilitli. l!t(i.‘I, lc>w r;.' colonial tickets lo p<.)inl? in LDashington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Jirizona and Mew Mexict) Sliort line, q\iiek thiu*. i;<> ir;ui>u i>, if • rei liniiiL: < hisii-<-,i t>. For* s. si liL-iluics, -jnai s and lull in i\m iii;i lion w r:te to. F. E. CLARK, W. T. SAUNDERS, 'liavfliii.u Pa.--s. ^A:^t. (ieii. .■^pt. I'ass. I'cj AT1,.\.NTA. «4A. A FUES PATTERN ('vour own st*U*ctimi i t<» ovt^rv sub- scribcr Only cfiil'-i a \f;ir. U •r''- ■* l' !■ * i r;-' ^ V. Raidas \Ve promptly obtain U. S. and Foreign A tAIi.’fS’ ^:AC'.4ZiriiE. A cuiorrd plat»s; latest f .!«*til. *ris , vi: i-ssttj .1 k< »th; f.ini y VNork ; h*»i«l l.u'ts, lutM'Tj, etc. Siilv St rifu* I>» il.-iv, “f, vriKl ti' li*r l.itr*-t Copy L.ulv w.intfd Sr:.<l {nr it-rni .. Slyli^li, Kt*liabU‘, Kp-to- dau*, Me*»ri«Mil ica 1 a?wl Ahso’mely Perloci-l’'iuiii*r l*ai>t*r i*atliM-ns. Send model, sketch or photo of invention for ^ freereport on patentabilitv. For free boek, <* {fa°SS'TP.ABE-raARKS All Seams Allowed and l*erforatlnriS show the Basting and Sewiny Lints. Only lo and cerit*; each—nonr Ask f* r tlifui Sold in ncdily cver> city town, or [>v rn.iil frotn THE McCALL CO.. 113-t!'l-II7 West 31st St.. NEW YORK g!S)i^y*T.|orisii:E. •|J!IG,tQN.D.C. NOTICE. Havimr qualititd as a(liiiuii>tr:itor of W. ( . Traii^.vlvania eoimt> ■N. ( .. 1 ills is to iiotu'.v all prrsfuis hHviirj; claim-i a:.:ahi^t tlu‘ostaU'ot ilivsaid \V. r. Fislier toi x liit)it llu’in to tli*‘ un<UTsif;n< d on «>r itoion." tli< l.-)th day Ol August. lUOt, or tliis j.otioewiil l-<' pk“'..(i in bar ol tlieir rofovory. All por>oiis in- (icbti'd to said estate will please make iiiuiK-diait payiiiont. This AiiRust 13.“Tto3. Av IV r/Administrator. W. \N. ZAC HAliY,, J

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