T" FULL LINE OF aratiDns ¥ / '/ juiSt rcceivcd* Every article guaranteed* Give us a trial ' •' 4 ■ • .’■■ ‘ ■ ■ ■ ALLISON & MACFlE / / ‘ .‘S^ raisinj Ik. ^^■iUiliiitii LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Are yon ready to join the anti- meat-eating crusade? *Judge Shnford from Asheville was in town last week. There seems to be an epidemic of colds and grippe among ns just now. The Presbyterians gave their pas tor a liberal pounding last Tuesday. Mrs. T. S. Wood is visiting her <Jaughter, Mrs. James Case in Ashe ville. T. W. Whitmire, our ex-mayor, is wearing a broad smile this weelc. li is a boy. Miss Nannie Roberts froni Bilt- more, is visiting Mrs. M. P. Haw kins this week. I O. L. Erwin made a business trip to Rosman this week to look after his business there. Our barber John Smith has been confined to his room some days with an attack of grippe. Don’t forget the meeting of The Woman’s Betterment Association next Thursday at 3 :30 p. m. Miss Beatrice McCall, of Hender sonville, was visiting friends in ^revard Saturday and Sunday. Our new band here is making fine progress and we hope will soon be able to furnish music for all public occasions. | The painters are at work on the interior of the new store room in the King'buildifig to be occupied by C. C. Yongue. Jule McCall sold to John Hunter, of Simpsonville, S. C., 11 head of beef cattle this week that weighed 11,000 pounds. We learn that C. A. Shuford is quite ill at this time but we hope that his recovery will be rapid and that we will soon see him on the streets again. AVe think Asheville will be the next southern town to join the anti meat eating crusade, as good beef cattle sold for 6 cts. gross there last week, which was the highest price over paid on that market. It is time to begin plans for ad vertising our town this summer. Sixteen-cent cotton and national prosperity ought to fill our hotels and boarding houses with summer tourists if their attention 4s only called to the advantages of ota: climate. Dr. English, the attending physi cian of Miss Marie Stradley who suffered a severe attack of appen dicitis last week while attending school at the Brevard Institute, says that she was removed to Dr. Meriwether s private hospital in Asheville^ and an operation wais successfully performed last Stoday at 2 p. m. At last reports she was doing well. A. K. Orr, formerly of our town and now division freight agent of the Southern railway^ with headquarters at Asheville, says that about 11,400 head of cattle were shipjped over one division of the Southern rairoad in Western North Carolina last year, most of them consigned to Virginia dealers. This does not include those driVien to the local markets. It seems that Western North Carolina is fast forgirg ,to the front as a cattle raising section. - . . Box supper at rosman Saturday. E. E. Lewis is on the sick liiSt this week. . John Duckworth returned from a business trip to Georgia tiiis week. ^ ^ Sidney Landon, the next num ber in our Lyceum course,- Satur day evening, Feb. 12. Preaching at ihe Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock and at-7:30 in the evening* We ledrn that three saw mills are to be running soon negr Rosman, to cut a boundary of timber recent ly acquired by some northern capi talists. Wiley & Verdery, the real estate agents, have on hand a supply of large and ^mall blotters for free distribution to their friends and customers. Harry Mattsman has moved his pressing club from the rear of Smith’s Barber Shop to the Clay ton building first door we^t of the Clayton Hotel entrance. We hear it rumored that the Southern Power Company, in which the Dukes of the American Tobacco Company are said to be interested, are contemplating the development of the vast water power near Lake Toxaway for the purpose of furnishing power to run the mills and light the towns of upper South Carolina and othex* points. It is sail it will require about a million and a half dollars to carry out the plans they have under consideration. THE MASS MEETING. Wednesday night our people gathered at the court house to learn the pro and con of the pro posed bond issues which have been called by the Board of Al dermen. While there were nojL as many voters present as there should have been, there were^ enough to demonstrate that our people are interested and are wil ling to learn*. An idea suggested by J. L. Bell deserves,more than passing notice. It is that o|ir people should^ave more mass meetings, and literally, as * well as theoreti cally, “get together.” If the town hopes to develop 'into a town progressive we must front face, toqch elbows and fight to win. There is very little if any op position to th^ issue of bonds for the improveihent of our water supply, but as to the electric light proposition there is some difference of opinion* The News has always been in favor of mu nicipal ownership of all public utilities, and as the bonds could not be sold or used for any other purpose it would cost our tax payers nothing unless they were' used. In case they were sold and applied to the construction or purchase of a lighting system, the rent of lights would pay in terest on the bonds, so it would cost the voters nothing in either case, besides giving the town an all night service. The News will work and vote ‘•Ppr Bonds” on both proposi tions. ^ OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL As a'Matter of ’Econom‘y Shotild . the School Be Maintained? Let us subiiiit a few figures. A nine inont|bis school would cost, at^ the present rate of salaries, $2,340; coal, janitor and inciden tals. $260; total, $2,600. The av erage rate of^tuition is $2 per month. The average attendance for five mouths just ended .is more than 200. The tuition for 9 months would be $3,600. Thi^ would leave a~ balance of $1,0^. which would p^y the interest on the building, costing $10,000, and leave a balance of $400 as a sink ing fund, which wouldgpay off all indebtedness in a few years. Do these figure^*; naean anything? Let the reader ponder well. In addition to the above we have a modern school building with the best equipments and classes all graded mu(ih'bettisi* than could be found in ungraded schools. Then what is our duty? Should we not rally to the support of the committee and do what we can to make our schools the best pos sible? THE WHiTMfRES IN TEXAS. rii i A recent copy ,of the Midland, Texas, Examiner contains two items which may interest some of our readers: Last Monday evening the wife of M. W. Whitmire presented him with two bquncing boys, one weigh ing seven pounds and the other one ten. The mother and the little babes are doing well and Whitmire is behaving himself- nicely under the circumstances. Last week Frank A. Smith and Miss Alice . Whitmire joined their hearts and fortunes and will tread the pathway of life together. May they ever be happy in each others companionship and may life’s joys and sorrows be mutually shared. The parties mentioned above are children of Mr. and Mr^. R. T. Whitmire, formerly of this county, and their many friends here will be glad to hear from them through the columns of the News. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy nev er disappoints those who use it for obstinate coughs, colds and irrita tions of the throat and lungs. It stands unrivalled as a reniedy for all throat and lung diseases. Sold by ail dealers. * Busines^ Locals. See Harry Matsman’s ad page 7. Strayed—Small black Berkshire pig with white nose. Notify S. F. Allison, Brevard, N. C. For Sale—One Cow, two shoats, ton of good hay, 30 or 25 bushels of corn and some furniture Call at once.—Duffie Alexander, Selica, N. C. ' j21t2* See Harry Matsman’s ad page 7. Wanted—I would like to secure light outside work. Am wi’ling to begin on small pay. Will furnish good Reference as to, habits, business qualities, etc. Address “Anxious,” care News. 1 7t4 See Harry Matsman’s ad page 7. Bids Wanted — For building school house for Brevard colored school. Apply to W. W. Zachary or T. C. Henderson for specifica tions. Bids willf be opened at the regular meeting of the Board the first Monday in A^ril, 1910.—Board of Education Transylvania Co.jl5t4 Se6 Harry Matsman’s ad page 7^ Chamberlain’s Cou^ Remedy is not a comoaon, ^^ eyery-day oough mixture. It is a meritorious remedy for all the troublesome and danger ous complications resulting from cold in the bead, throat, chest or^ lunjgtis. Sold by all. dealerai ^ * * For Sale—For the next 80 days, acres of good land *with 8-^m house, partly completed. 6ood'Well water; several fruit trees; one and one-half miles out of town; close to church and inside of Brevard .school district. Price'$500.'' For further j^articulars Ripply to J^ L. Wright, on the place, or D. L. English, Brevard, NOTICE. N. C. 1 7t2 See Harry Matsman’s ad page 7. • New Departure. / After two months of remarkable sales, Allison ^ Macfie, the enter prising druggist, say^hat the plan of selling at half price the regular 50 cent size of Dr. Howard’s spe cific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia, and guaranteeing to refund the thoney if it does not cure, has be§n the greatest success they have ever inoWn,-^ ' r I- ^hey hav^old hundreds of bot tles of the specific ; and as yet have not had one returned, although they stand ready at any time to re fund, the money should any cus tomer be dissatisfied,. Anyone suffering with dyspepsia, cohstipation, liver troubles, head aches, dizziness, icoated tongue, or the general tired feeling, caus^ by inactive liver ahd bowels or disor dered digestion, sh^ld' take ad vantage of Allison & Macfie’s new departure and buy a bottle of Dr. Howard’s specific at half price j with his perspnal guarantee to refund the money if it does not cure. jan 14-28 All the'Voters in the Town of Bre- vard are hereby notified that the Board of Aldermen of said Town have ordered a newr registration of all vot ers for the eleetiun to.be held on Peh 8th, 1910., N The r^istration books will open Friday Jan. 2lst, ISIO Mr. P. E. B. Jenkins has been appointed registrar This Jan. 5th, 1910. W. il. BREESE, Jr. T. H. GALLOWAY, Mayor Clerk. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of L. C. Neill, deceased, late of Transylvania county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit theia to the undersigned at Brevard, N. C., on or before Dec. 3ist, 1910, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make >immed late payment. R. D./^EilLL, Administrator of L. C. Neill. This Dec. 30th, 1909. - Entry No* 2557* - T. Grimshawe enters and claims 100 acres of land more or less, on the waters of the Toxaway river and joins lands of Grimshawe, R. E. Wood and Toxaway Co. Beginning at a hickory and runs south 8 deg east 270-poles to a pine; thence west to an old line of Grimshawe; thence north 5 deg west to a stake in Grimshawe*s line; thence north to a stake in Toxaway Com pany’s line of grant 290; thence east 20 poles to and with grant 290 to a stake; thence south and with the line of 290 to beginning. B. A. GILLESPIE, Entry Taker. December 8,1909. Southern Railway. For best schedules, fewest changes of cars and lowest rates to all points, call on or write to Ji H. Wood, District Passenger Agen^ ' Asheville, N. C. Begin the New Year right by trading where “EVERYTHINC BEST IN DRIKS” V that with J. B. PICKLSIMER, Ph. G. Druggist and Pharmacist* PHONE 85. BREyARD, N. C Piper & James • 90 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. ^^The Popular Price Store ff Miss Jessie M. Piper Mrs. H. B. James Our aim in business is to carry in stock at all seasons a moderately priced line of millinery. But we do not sacrifice quality of material, style or workmanship in accomplishing our purpose. An investigation will prove that you can buy from us Trim'med Hats of correct style at a great saving in price and we cordially invite you to visit our parlors when in Asheville. Inspect our offering, make a comparison of our values with those of other establishments. All Winter Millinery can be had here at special price reduction. An Extraordinary January Clearance Sale Of Tailor-Made Suits, Goats, Dresses for Women and Cliiidren A most successful suit season brings in its wake the entirely natural re sults that the best selling lines, as they become depleted, leave a great many incomplete assortments. By groupingjthese, all sixes are v found, of course not all sizes in every model. As the season is too far advanced to fill in the vac^cies, we have chosen the only course left to us and have made most radical reductions to effect a prompt^learance. Our entire fine line of High-Grade Tailored Suits is gathered in 3 dis tinct groups, and offered at sacrifice prices. Be sure and visit our storo when in Asheville and see these bargains. THE FASHION V- . 16 Pattern Avenue, Asheville, N. C. , ASHETILLE’S NEWEST STORE H THEk the and mat problems th er who is his place, here to glv the buildinj meet the vj ferent farm ing ideas o! gestions, he some of the problems. Aside froi <»onsldered fiosFlmp^ barn. This ter for the calves and for hay. T <?ated near < the odor wi far away, a tra steps. viQ. XXXI—o: « -distance, if piles are on liouse, as th The baseni In use to SOI ular, even easily built, and dark, a proper dralt make it dc barn entire! foundation, plenty of “ used as foui should be o cost is but wooden floo times as Ion and for th well bedded be little ob. floor, even : horse ownei ment with a The remai built of sevf which wood price, is sti convenient, ment blocks lug qualities tlon these ar A good shii tory, thougl of prepared «d at a savi: bly last Just roof Is the niore and ac pacfty of th having the ground In th economical cause the ba to obtain th by making tl A small ro be used as tools, hames <lay Jobs” wj It is alwaj race to the < better light j the stable tered with located on a surrounding around It ai carrying aw ^oof, little i needed. It •^Quld manui ‘lost, and it to drain it in It to the pli a water better plan is absorb it all plenty of thi ®traw, shred “ay. By thi K'alue of the «aTed with _ ^ litter car ^ great hel] stables. Wh< the manure standing la „ from the ca] th^ mail

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