Vel: §? = N«: 48 SRiVARi, N: g:) THURSiAY, ilgiMiiR 6,I9§§ * * §§ PA§P8 T0BAY * PUSU8HIB WPP* I l The Transylvania Times A Slate And Net inn* I P r n e-Winninf A:£:& NewtpeptF For Our Children'* Sake, Vote "FOR" Transylvania School Bond Issue Saturday t ban.v kYANIA’s M©»nlaifl h* m *pf4!i#kt last Sat= urd..y j*r<' , Ktfi <u afimia) aw&ffte mMw»: hi \h. WN(' Rural PgvelepffleRf F*?H§r#m m ^sheviite: M the left t* ^m idtm finish te receiving a cheek fer f&00 and a plaque frera Mvren & F*±fer= mn, president pf the Asheville chamber fif far ivins f«F fiFst nlaee with Madean eanHnuhit* ef Mlt@n@ll eaHfr n:, wheae pr^si^pnf; Pan! P; Garland? §an \w anted at the Fight: Past vear the Gunn's Reek eeinmundv was seeand in WNG enmpetitian? and kittle River wan first the rear hefere? (Times Staff Phate) Large Group 01 Submissions Recorded In Criminal Term Of Superior Court New!* Eteeted Official* take Gatf» Of Offi^t Many Case* Are £*)M faring t^e first tWP $8*6 Of lllO criminal term of Superior qpprt in T~am:,}vgpia county 8 large nom ber £if coses, most pf thetp minor in nature, was disposed of hy Judge ¥ 0 froneberger. of Gastonia who is presiding Tffe griming! sjgte Will be pop Unppd gji this week, and lire pivjl calendar will be heard beginning pp Monday Clerk of Court Marvin McCall re ports that many cases have beOP called and failed, bpt good prog ress is being made on the criminal docket, which is the heaviest i» many terms of court Newly elected count* officials in Transylvania were sworn into of fice by Judge Fropeberger on Mon day morning. They were, coupty cotptpUsion^ ers—Freeman Hayes, Dewey Bur ton and Dwight Moffitt; 80$ i8* collector. C. M. Dopglas. Other elected officials, Paul Whitmire, register of deeds, and S. E. Varner Jr., and Ed Matheson, board of edu cation, took the oath of office be fore the clerk of court The following pled guilty to reck less driving and paid fines of $25 and $50: Walter Davis, 4- C An —iurn le Fage teffM CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Disc. 6 — Circles of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches meet. Episcopal Christ mas bazaar, parish house, 3 to 0 p. m Lions club meets at Gaither’s. 7 p. m. WOW meet in hal1 at 8 p. m. Friday, Dec. 7 — Christmas baz aar, Episcopal parish house, 10 a. m., to d p. m. Kiwanis club meets at Gaither’s, 7 p. m Brevard High vs. Etowah, college gym, 7:30 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 8 — School bond election, polls open from 6:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Jaycees turkey shoot. Wilson’s bridge, Greenville high way, 1 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 8 — Attend the church of your choice. Presbyter ians celebrate completion of new church at services, H a. m., and 7:80 p. m. “Messiah” presentation, First Baptist church, 5 p. m. Monday, Dec. 10 — BAR meets with Mrs. C. L. Newland, 3 p. m. Rotary club meets in Gaither’s, 7 p. m. VFW and auxiliary meet at club house, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 11 — BPOE and Moose lodges meet in respective club houses, 8 p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 12 — Jaycees meet at 0:30 p. m, Gaither’s. Quite A Regard Brevard Band Students Win Top Honors In WNC Auditions Again this year? irevartl high school band sindenls wafted off with top honors in the auditions for the Western Paroling band elinie to eg held at Western Carolina eoi lege. Feb I and §, \W piFggiPf John p. pversman said he was highly pleased with the ex cellent shewing the legal hand stH, denis made in the auditions, ;,¥ou might say that it was a re peat performance of last year’s an dilions." ha explained, of the a§ focal students parties Dr, James Sanders Returns To Brevard Df Barnes If. Sanders, fc,, who has been serving in the Medical corps of tha United Itatas army for tha oast two years at Savannah, Ga., has returned to Edvard and has opened his offices, whiah are hicated opposite those of ffamsey end Hill, apFPss from the court house. As soon as the oaw Professional building on Broad street just below Abercrombie's is completed, Pr Sanders will move into it, “We are delighted to be back in Brevard,'’ the doctor said yester day. Prior to going in service, both I)r and Mrs. Sanders were active ;n affairs of the community, and they have moved back into their residence on Rice street, along with their young daughter. ! eating in the attditions: a$ auali , lied tor the elinie alhstate hand ,and the ether for the workshop hand Brevard also wen the nine firs! ch<rr positions- and the highest 1 grades in the eiinie audition* were inade hv loeai hand members: Approximate!* i8(t students? rep resenting h^h sehool hands of the Western North Carolina distript: H ‘Ftieipated in the auditions: Brevard's Tomm* Jones made =Turn to rage Twelve Transylvanians Will Vote On School Bond Issue On Saturday At All Polls CEDAR MOUNTAIN TICS FOR FIRST IN WN: CONTEST Ffem T vaRsyivaRia A\ ieRd Awards Meelmtt !r Asiwvilie §atnFdaf ?be €eda? Mnyntain ii - elilb: ffce iflfi Winner in th§ i§3§ ftnral hevelnpenl gente§t m TFenwivan:‘v lied far first niaee i--? Satnrdav in Western Nnrffo { •-■4m eBfflgelilien with 8nfe dean enwfflHfiU¥ ef Miteheil eeHB: w Tbe awards were made si 3 §n§e ii'i innebean in Asbeville's eity nditerinffl bv Mvran g; Petersen president ef ibe Asheville ehafflher af ennnnereg: Ralph feee; president nf the §e: da? Mountain enfflfflnmtv elnb, a?: vented the eheefc and plaane en be half nf his mm- Several ether rejv re&entatives frem Pedar Maintain amended the lnn|benn a^n| ^ilh Dll PONT PROCEEDS ON PLANTPLANS Aetiele Jn Wall Street JeuF: Bal Tuesday Says SiiieeR meere Busy Platts aje mmt forest faF the aew siMeaa pleat at Rpeb freest, areatam* ta aa aFttele w^icfi **& wnttea h* a staff re BflFtfF aab appealed ia fTbe Wall street Aareal” far Taes day, fieeembPF 4th: , Beeaase at the iaeal iatPFest the aFttele is Fewiated belaw ia its eatiFet* aad the headliae states? ’UaPaat fHts Siiieaa PFiee by $3§ a Paaad, faasidpFS *ew Plaat:” WlMfWGTfW, Rel =:fia Paat fa: eat the pnee at »»t«cen fay m a paaad sad aaaaaaeed it was stadyiag eeastFaetiaa af a aew Mlieaa plaat: The pnees heeatae effeetive as af Reeewher I, the earopaay aBBeaaeed: l R: Sattaa, specialty pFadaets =jT»fii fa Pare Serea Program Highlights Santa l$ Heard Eaoh Afternoon Over WPNF I With on)y 16 mere shopping days left until Christmas, wfW urges a)} hoys and girls to write tetters to §§Bta Platts and put them in special mail boxes at Pearlman’s, Parson's anti Western Ante stores here in Brevard Paitv he pteits these tetters up and reads them over WPNF at 4 30 o'clock each afternoon, direct front the North Pole, Bobby Poyle, station manager, suggests that boys and girts throughout the town and county listen each afternoon to the spec Art Loeb Elected To Head United Fund, 15 Directors Named To Board --- T-— — Art Loeb, assistant general man ager, paper division of the Ecusta Paper corporation, was elected president of the United Fund or ganization in Transylvania at the annual meeting of the board of di rectors Monday night in Gaither’s Dogwood room. Mr. Loeb succeeds Rey. Robert H. Stamey. Other officers elected at the meeting were as follows: Don M. Jenkins, first vice president; Mrs. R. E. Lawrence, second vice president; and, C. if. Douglas, sec retary and Melvin L- Gillespie, treasurer, who were re-elected. Gordon Sprott was named execu tive director. The following persons filled the 15 vacancies on the hoard of diree —Tam ft Page 9)9 ART M)EB I I ial Santa Plans broadcasts. Through the popperation of the Citizens Telephone company, WPNF Will present as a publie ser viee feature, a direct broadeast of the Messiah Sunday afternoon at 5 o'eloek diFeet from the First Bap tist ebuFPb Other Programs The sehedule for the Farm and Moroe hour for the coming week is as follows; Thursday, Farm Heme administration, John Pollins; Fri day, Health department, W- f. —Turn to pafe Su Ecusta T© Support Sebnal Bond Issue (Editor’s note: The following story appeared during the past week in the Olin Mathieson News, the Pisgah Forest edition, and should be of much interest t« readers pf The Times.) On pecember 8th Transylvania county pitiaens will vote pn a school bond issue of |d47,oop, tbp amount necessary to complete the proposed building program to pro vide adequate facilities for our children. The Company will state its posi tion in favor of the bond issue in the December 6th edition of the Transylvania Times. The advertise ment will be addressed to the cit izens of the county so that everyone will know that Ecusta is whole heartedly supporting the issue. The Company feels that the passage of the bond issue is a must if the local —Turn To Page Twelve TH§ NiW PRi§§¥T§RlAN ehunfh in Brevard will be used by the eengregatien fer the first time Inis §un= nay meming: Shewn anev§ is a picture ef a portion ef the new budding shewing the sanctuary, the steeple spine ami part ef the Sunday scheai rooms: The struc= tune was built sinee April ef this yean hy the tferrv Biner @enstructian company at a east ef approximately $100,= PPfi: With the opening ef this new building, the Presby= tenians begin a week ef @anseenatian and Thanksgiving serviees: (Times Staff Photo! Presbyttrians To Celebrate Completion Of New Church On Sunday/ Plan Special Services YULE LIGHTING CONTEST SLATED BY GARDEN CLUB Prises Will Pe Awarded fo Three PivisisBs* Pwles Are Annewieed Tde Prevard Garden earn^ faittee far Ifceir aaeasi Kama yadtieg Cealest lada* aaaaaaees rales aed mm{ as Iher iavile ev^ ervaae iiviag wUhin twa miles af Brevard la eater Mrs- Waller Pwe&warlH is earn Farmer Ministers T© Brinf Messages Evening: Invitation issued The RpRgftJjiatiOR Of MR PFR¥3F^ Payidaop ftiv§F PFRsbyfRriaR RhRFRh WiH fflO¥R iRtO Mr RRWiy RomRiRtRd hwiidiRg Mia SwRday moFRiflg f©F §«Rday aohooi aRd Mr 1? 3: IR- OhHFRh SRFVtPRS. kooatRd or East MaiR or Mr site ef Mr old PraRWiR bole!, Me r&uhM ia Mr sRRORd of a ma iof doRoroiRatipR M hR RomRlRfRd Mia ygaF- ThR piFat PaRtiat RiiRFRh was rhI iRto usr iR JaRHary The PfpshytOFiaR RhUFRh 3Rd fioRday aohooi fooirs wrfr ROfc spwpte^ af a goat of apFosimatR: lv $*00,000 t»y Mr »Jpff¥ &rrf rqmpaRy of kafcp dRR3l«afca: Wwfc —f»rn fa Page Seven AN iBITORlAt Vote For School Bond Issue The special school bond election on Saturdayis more than a vote whether or not. If spend *°47lr°° in our school system, hut instead,. it is ft veto fur1 or “against” progress in Transylvania county?. On all sides our school pepulatinn is. increasing, and our present buildings are bulging, With the pas sage of the bond issue, this condition would be correct ed, for a new and modern high school could be erect ed, leaving a space for the elementary schools to ex pandr By voting #,for” the school bond issue, we will, without increasing our taxes, provide adequate facil ities to give our young people the education they need , » . are entitled to , , , and must have to become en lightened citizens. We have no choice. We must expand our school system and this can be done only through the success ful passage of the bond issue on Saturday? We have provided modern schools in lower Tran= sylvania, Pisgah Forest, in North Brevard, at Rosman, and the new T. C. Henderson school is now being com pleted. A pew gymnasium at Rosman is becoming a reality more and more each day. Now, we must move forward here in Brevard and vicinity, where the high school is more than 30 years old, For the sake of our children and the future growth of Transylvania as a whole, vote “for’* the bond i#siie on Saturday, It would bo a calamity if the issue did not pass, so when you go to the polls, take a neighbor, or several of them, with you I MANY WORKING "TOR” PASSAGE OP THE MEASURE §Ffaf Nfefifed Pet 5€R08!: W8 lR6Fa*§g T§*S§ ll §S*R iNi§RSPMiNf§ SfViPi feilifte* m < 6v §§0t«8 ? PeRSlilHlfRB, »MaR§ will V8fg !R § 081 60r6 8iggll0fi 8R §£tHF6a¥ IR 16g ?lffl8HRi 0f $64?. §§§. VrIirs ir an *§ r| will fee frBffl &§§ 8!g| fflBFfliflg; HfilH §:§8 gVgRiRg: Aee8F6iRi |b Smm §6Rf8¥# eftaiFfflaR 8f m 6r£f6 bI 0lB0ii8R§, 086 ?0Hl M: W6il0HF0: <60# 0! m 00HRl¥ 60006 8! 08fflfR?$iH0ftpH* \m 1W0 gF0HR§ 0all?Rg !6g gfettpi fflfe?i§!§ 0R6 6ai]0l§ will 60 m tFIBttt§6 (8 16808 6flg RlaFgf 8R f6HF§6ay 8r6 friM* T60F0 will 60 R0 a6§0Rl00 VGfc m Ili§j£lf ¥0t0F§ Will 60 V8l0 %fT! 8F !,agaia§i,! 16 iRgi 5,T60 8F60F fMfy 6hI¥ 16; !§§§♦ aHl80FiB8* 0006]flg |§4?.w§ §06881 Srrss 8l Ih0 §0H»!y af r Ri§ i8F 160 mm* ai l0R6s. wil6 0R¥ 0I68F f«06§; |0F 0F008R* ^6001 00il$BgS 006 Bl0Rl fagiliRg** m * laFfiRg exisR^ aa# 0IR0F Blau? HRiFiRg R000S§aF¥ !R88l ffl 8F80F 18 PF 08#il¥#l 0? Aflicle " 0R6 § 8K* _0l ed«00|iftfl fii 16at I6g fRRSl RF80R! 800# 8$ BF0S0RI fiffl0 l§ 8 R0W 6i®8 80F0- ?\U$, W46 160 80W ft P-_ 60f§88 §08081 ai §80600 aai m* §ll¥8F§l00B ¥MiRRa§j«81 al RpSflRH* m wp** TOTAL KILL IN PISGAH IS HIGH M§Ff iff ¥ And if Aw T§kfn This Vf§r In Pa§l Twn Ifaifn« -—— Tba telal Hill nf da?F and bftr in ten Pisgab National faFaal wa* ponsidaFabl* better this ym Wit il was dwFing Iba past *wn ywnw PangaF Tad Baal* FapoFts Tba b«Bb> andad Iasi Balwnf^t and the bill 1§f ’bb was as fePntu daa^-dfb, baaF«—!§• In igg§ H was aeg deer and iff baaFs and tba BFavinws yaar it was m and liva fba bast d«Fing tb« past fiva was in 1059, wban 4W dm wera taken and |g haars- In 1952 the kiU was 393 deer and 14. baaFs; Red Crow Asked To Aid Hungarian* The Transylvania phapter of tim American Bed Cross is being aagg for a special eo«tF|birtiQt $WT for Hungarian relief, Chairman Gordon Spruit announces “We feel that there ere *»w persons who would file |p aid tile Hungarians as they struggle fm freedom, and donations can bf made to the local chapter or at The Transylvania Times,” Iff. Sprott states. The request is small, hut tin* need is great, he declares. Help Fight TB erwfiitA* > iuy CbristfllM Seal* 1 A MORE shopping I h D4¥S m A V CHRISTMAS

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