TRANRYLVANTA— An industrial. Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, I960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 9,500, Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A' State And National Prize - Winning A. 11. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The T ar,<i of Waterfall,:- Mecca ini Summer Camps, F.nfraricp to IViffaii National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 74 — No, 10 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1963 PRICE 10*: ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Transylvania Gets New Industry! SEVERAL MEMBERS of the Transylvania In dustrial committee of the Brevard Chamber of Com Meree are pictured above looking over graphs and chans which emphasize the outstanding growth of Ruth’s of Carolina. The company announces to day that a division will be built in Transylvania county and will be know n as the Brevard Manufac turing Plant. Left to right are Cecil J. Hill, Don Jenkins, Gil Coan, chairman, and Wayne Bradburn, president of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce. (Times Staff Photo) Given Yet To Community Center? The campaign to raise $20,000 for the new Community ('cntci in Transylvania is reported to Ik lagging. tn an effort to stimulate con tributions, Rev. Ben Ormand the campaign director, issues the following plea: "Every town has its own pressing needs but how often ► we have heard it said, "that Brevard and Transylvania need a Community Center." . Very few citizens would take t issue or deny this statement. The need is apparent and yet many of our worthwhile citi zens have not as yet contrib uted to the present financial campaign now being conduct (ecl for a Community center. "We have a splendid com munity: sound industries, sturdy people, cultural and educational facilities, beauti ful scenery, etc. Our county ranks third of the 100 coun ties in North Carolina in per capita income. We are indeed fortunate to live in a county with such a stable economy. “We can have a Communi ty center of which we can be * justly proud. A center that will render valuable educa ^ tional, cultural and recrea tional facilities for all citi zens. Won’t you contribute? “All solicitors are urged to make their reports this week —Turn to Page Fiv» CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, March 7 — Kiwanis club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p. m. Lions meet at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p. ni. Friday, March 8 — Chamber of Commerce banquet at Ma sonic Temple at 7:00 p. ra. Ace l of Clubs meets at 8:00 p. m. Saturday, March 9 — Open house at Brevard College gym at 7:00 p. m. College champion ship basketball game at 8:00 p. m. Sunday, March 10 — Attend the church of your choice. Monday, March 11 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. Transylvania Shrine club meets at Berry’s at 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, March 12 — Hospital auxiliary meets at 10:00 a. m Acd of Clubs meets at 7:30 p. m i Wednesday, March 13 — Jay i cees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 I p. at. Public Invited “Open House ”ToBe Held At New College Gym Saturday The public is being cordial ly invited to attend “open house" at the new Brevard College Physical Education plant Saturday evening, March 9th. According to President Em mett K. McLarty, citizens of Brevard and Transylvania county and adjoining counties are also invited to attend the big championship basketball game at 8:00 o’clock. Al that time the Brevard Col lege Tornadoes will be in a district play - off for a spot in the National Junior College tournament. Brevard ranks 15th nationally, and just last week the loeal col lege cagers clinched the con ference championship. Tours of the new physical education plant will be conduct ed for one hour prior to the game, and for an hour after wards. Dr. McLarty would like for as many people as possible to sec this new gym, which is de scribed as one of the finest in the South. It also contains an indoor swimming pool that meets Olym pic standards. Dr. McLarty emphasizes that the public will be the guests of —Turn to Page Three To Meet March 10 Rehearsals For ‘Oklahoma’ Are Now Well Underway Mel Everingham, general chairman for Brevard Little Theatre’s forthcoming produc tion of “Oklahoma,” stated to day that rehearsals for dancers, chorus, orchestra and cast are well under way and that the first general rehearsal for the entire group will be held Sun day, March 10th, at 2:30 p. m. at the Transylvania County Community Center. At that time the co-operating units of production will be integrated by the supervising director, Mag gie Masters. “Oklahoma,” which is beinp produced by BLT in co-operatior with the Brevard Civic Chorus and Brevard Civic Orchestra, is scheduled for performances or April 18th, 19th and 20th ir the Brevard Senior High Schott auditorium. Charles Jolliff, musical di rector, announced today that Ray Childers, minister of music —Turn to Page Three Busy Session Aldermen Take Action At Last Meeting On Important Matters An ordinance authorizing the insurance of $13,000 in water bonds to be used for installing of water meters in the town’s system was adopt Mrs. Ramsey Announces Much Activity Highlights Local Tercentenary Month mo mourn ot maim is oemg celebrated as Tercentenary month in Transylvania county. Mrs. Ralph H. Ramsey, Jr., the chairman, says that many events here will highlight the 300th anniversary of the grant ing of the North Carolina char ter. A concentration of activity is especially planned between now and March 25th, when a special meeting will be held at Brevard College that evening at 8:00 o’clock. Dr. Hugh I.efler, prominent historian and educator, will be the principal speaker at that meeting, and the public will be cordially invited to attend. Several local clubs, including the Mathatasian, Fortnightly, Book and Plate, WaiglrtstlU Av —Tom to Page live MRS. RALPH H. RAMSEY, JR. j cd at Monday night’s meeting by the Board of Aldermen. The ordinance will be on ' public inspection for 30 days and will take effect within 30 days unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is filed. The aldermen also adopted resolution calling for a hear ing on April 1st on the an nexation of three areas to the town of Brevard. These areas are located on Elm Bend road. Grandview and Park Avenue extension. The board also decided to open Probart street from Rice, westward to the crest of the hill above Johnson street. The hearing for Hale Sini ard was continued, and anoth er hearing concerning the changing the name of Pickel simer avenue to Mills avenue was also postponed until the next meeting. Action was tabled by the board on street improvement on Fisher road until the coun ty commissioners are contact ed. A water and sewer policy, as prepared by the town man ager, was considered, and dis cussion was continued until the full board is present. A resolution, commending —Tub to Page Three The Flu Is Still With Us There seems to he a shift in the flu situation in Tran sylvania. Last week the lower part of the county was hardest hit, hut this week the schools in upper Transylvania are 're porting- a marked increase in the number of cases of an in fluenza - like virus. However, several schools in ami around Brevard are still hard hit by absenteeism be | cause of flu. Brevard elementary reports the worst week at the present time with Kil out Tuesday and 153 on Wednesday. Brevard junior high re ports some improvement. laisl Friday 110 were out, while Wednesday absences totalled Brevard senior high remains about the same, however the situation was better Wednes day than it was on Tuesday. The figures were 74 and 100. Principal I). G. Bail says that absenteeism at Straus school is the worst that it has been during the past eight years that he has been there. I Some 49 students and one teacher were out today, and this was 9 better than yester day. Flu cases seem to be on the increase at Bosnian was Prin cipal E. F. Tilson’s report. At Pisgah Forest, the situ ation is showing much im provement, and the same is true at Penrose and at Rosen wald. I 3.B II The Weather I j 0 mini -0 Counting the 1.96 inches of precipitation that fell in Bre vard between 6:00 p. m. on Tuesday and 6:00 a. m. on Wed nesday the total rainfall in Bre-1 vard during the past week was 4.68 inches. Average high and low tem peratures during the week were ' 52 degrees and 26 degrees. Daily high for the week was 62, with the low dipping to 5 on last Wednesday morning. Oficial readings for the week are as follows: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High 41 53 44 55 62 55 57 Low Pree. 5 0 22 32 29 20 25 52 0 1.05 .45 0 .12 1.10 Rainfall from Tuesday 6:00 p. m. to Wednesday 6:00 a. m. not j included above. Statistics for; February in next week’s column. i I Real Estate Sales Set At Quarter Million j Real estate transactions in i Transylvania county during Feb-: ruary amounted to a quarter; million dollars. This fact was learned this week from Owen Lee, register of deeds. Stamps on real estate transac tions recorded in his office indi cated that the exact amount was S225,955.00. In all, there were 67 transac tions, he stated. The complete list is carried on page 1, third section in this week’s Times. Ruth’s Of Carolina To Build Sewing Plant, North Brevard h:in< ti*.\i. i k.i i;i\ ;i( llic annual Urn ai d ('haiiiln-r #*(' Coiiitiioree hait'lilel |*'i*idav Ijiulil :i( Ihr Masonic li'iiipli ;ur |ii< Inri'il linr. Th,. |H'iii cipal speaker. Vnil (.illume. l»|i li'fl. who is .in cvperl jn I In- firlils of (rave) am! in iluslrv frmn Washin;;loii. I), ('., will tli'livrr an oiilslandiu,^ address at llu- event. Wavin' r.iailliiirn. president of the Ilrevard ('hainher of ('inn HH'l'i'i*, above, will welcome persons allrmlinj! I lie auspi cions occasion, anil a( (lie left is John I. Anderson, editor of The Times, who will he the Alt' and infrodnee the speatfer. This Friday Night "Chamber Of Commeree" Banquet To Be Biggest Kiwanians To Hear Program On Schools Members of the Transylvania County Citizens' Committee for Better Schools will present the program at the Brevard Kiwanis club meeting Thursday. March 7th. The meeting will be held at Gaither’s and will begin at (i:-tn p. m. Kiwanians are urged to at tend. Bank Declares Quarterly Dividend W. 11. Keith, First Union National llank of North Caro lina, announced today that the board of directors declar ed a quarterly dividend of 20 cents per share to stockhold ers of record March 11th, and payable, March 19, 19(>3. Willi reservations at more than 230 as of Wednesday morning;, all indications point to the biggest annual banquet ever in the history of the llre vard Chamber of Commerce. The auspicious affair will be held this Friday night. March ! J''lh. in the Masonic temple on | (Oast. .Main street. It will begin promptly at 7:(Mt o'clock, and the ladies of tile Fastcrn Star promise a delici : mis meal. Volt (iilinore, wlm is ili rector of the l'. S. Travel i Service, Washington, I). C., I will he the principal speaker. A native North Carolinian, Mr. (iilinore was voted the CSA’s Man of the Year in the travel industry, lie enjoys a world wide reputation and j is described as an informative, dynamic a n d interesting ; speaker. lie will he introduced by John 1 Anderson, editor of The Transylvania Times, who will also serve as master of cere j monies on the program. • Wayne Bradburn, president of the Brevard Chamber of Com merce, will deliver the address of welcome and introduce spec ial guests. Special music on the program . —Turn to Page Two j Program Highlight! Gilmore Address Will Be Heard Two Times Over WPNF WPNF will record highlights of the annual Chamber of Com merce banquet this Friday night and broadcast a special program including the main ad dress by Voit Gilmore, director of the U. S.. Travel Service. Program Director Fred Reit er announces that the program wili be aired at two different times, making it passible for those persons who might other wise miss the special event to hear the important message from this nationally known speaker. Mr. Gilmore is a native of Southern Pines and has been recognized for the exceptional work of the travel service dur ing the past year. The recording of the address will be carried on Saturday at 1:10 p. m. and again on Mon day afternoon at 5:05 p. m. Station Manager A1 Martin an nounces that the local station also plans to carry the basket ball game between the winner of the Wilmington and National —Toro to Page five Local Chamber, Commissioners Acquire Site I'.rcuml mid Transylvania ■'(■I 11 new industry this week. Il is Ilic Hi (Mini Manufae I m in1. «• <>1111>;111> . ii division of i;111ii's of < aioiiiiii. of iiohcIit soui ill*'. 1 lie 'ilo is located in North llrei in (I .id ini ( ill In I lie South ci n I’nilv,,n tracks near tin* (■I.hi- i;.i|ilis( church. I Tic a 111 i 11 ■ > n ("ciucul of (lip m u imlusl ri (nines from llar i i Sampler, ( h.iii iiiiin of tin* r.oanl id Trustees ami lid Nolle. Hie local plant mami'4-,i: er el II ul Ii's of < arn! ilia, joint ly uilli Urn ni" I; i a • I Ii I ■ r 11. pres ide i H of (lie lirevard ( ham-*’ to r of ( oiiiinerce, and Mil I 0.111. ( liairinaii of (lie Indus I rial i oniinil lee of the yaril (iiic ori'aiiization. Cradim; of (lie site will he •in today. and plans and sped-. Mentions are lieinif completed. !( is hoped I lull ((instruction el lhe 10.00(1 s(|uarc foot build in;; (an he started in flic im mediate future. The Ure\aril operation of limit's of Carolina will he a sen iiic plant .and some 100. persons are expelled to lip employed initially. There are proposed ini ceases each year. ■ \ 19 The Ki el ai d site is large. cnouah for the company C .expand in 10,000 square l'eyi and the property was acquired from VV II.. Win. I*, and t diaries II. ISur"in and Em- ; melt Crccn. 11 \\;is purchased jointly by the Krevard Chamber of Com merce and the Transylvania r.oard of Commissioners. The proposed expansion of tlie llrevard plant is as fol lows: liv Iflli.j - mi to 12(1,000 square feel tty 1%X - up to 40.000 square feet f rom the incorporation date in 1951. It til ti Originals Cor poration has grown from a small eouecrn employing 30 people to a multi million dol lar business with over 1200 employees. Annual payroll lias grown from st'20.000 ill 1*151 to a fig ure excelling $.775,000 in 1962. ,J The Hendersonville plant has 50,000 square feet and houses the executive; offices, designing, cutting, sewing and shipping operations, and a re tail outlet store. Kufll Original fabric de signs come from the drawing; hoards in tile Hendersonville: plant and New York Show room. and are created into, the most current styles foil sizes 3 to II. Three Transylvania are bring represented Region IV 19(j3 convention ; the American Camping assoc ia tion in Leesburg, Florida, this week. Those attending include Mrs. Kathryn Curtis and Miss Treva Tilley, of Camp Illahee, Nath j Thompson, of Camp Carolina, and Miss Mary Gwynn, of Gay j Valley. ..." Keynote speaker will D. Colby, editor of the ing section of the Outd""» magazine and autho: Good Housekeeping Mgn Family Camping. The convention began

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