TRANSYLVANIA— An industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 19<i(' Census, 16,372. Brevard Coinmuni.y 8,300, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 74 — No. 15 ★ THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1963 PRICE 10-: ★ 24 PAGES TODAY TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps. Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. . ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY j BREVARD FIREMEN (lid a masterI'uI job of bringing a stubborn lire under control in about : 45 minutes early Sunday | morning’ at Brevard | Lanes. The picture | above shows mopping | up operations an hour ■ or two after the lire was out, and the gutted counters and display J cases are pictured at I (tie left. Damages are ■: expected to run in the t hotisands. (Times Staff Photos) V College Goal Is Reached The goal of $GO,000.00 in the local Brevard College Develop ment fund campaign has been reached, and additional dona tions and pledges are expected to come in during the next 30 days, “Bill” Keith and Oil C'oan, the directors, announce today. Through April 9th, total pledges, including cash and OJiu matching funds, were $60,968.50, or 101.68 per cent of the goal. This figure, according to C. A. “Chuck" Butterworth, the treas urer, include $8,002.00 from col lege employees with more to . come. This is 73.3 per cent par * ticipafion by the college faculty and staff. V “This has been a wonderful community effort, and we are most appreciative of all contri butions that we have received,” the directors stated. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, April 11 — Masons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, April 12 — Act; of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Sunday', April 14 — Easter fa Sunday. Easter sunrise service at Brevard college at 6:00 p.m Attend the church of your choice. Monday, April 15 — Easter Monday. Town and county of fices closed. Uotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 16 — Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p in, East cm Star meets at Temple at BtOO p.m. Wednesday, April 17 — Toast masters club meets at Gaither’s aA 6:80 pan. WOW meets at Woodman Hall at 8:00 p.m. Loss In Thousands Brevard Lanes Extensively Damaged By Fire On Sunday All early morning fire from an undetermined (ause exten sively damaged Brevard’s new bowling alley, Brevard Lanes, Inc., on Sunday. The fire is believed to have started in the front portion of the building, which was com pletely gutted. However, the lanes, the ball returns and other portions of the building were extensively damaged by the terrific heat, smoke and water. The windows and the back door, under extreme pressure from expanding hot combus tion gases and air, blew out be fore the alarm was given. Fire Chief Dan Merrill said. y About 20 of the town's 25 firemen anil members of the Brevard unit of the Transyl vania County Rescue Squad answered the alarm at 5:09 a.m. The flames were brought under control by 6 a.m., the chief said. No estimate of damage will be available before later this week, according to the mana — Turn to Page Four Answers Leonard Former Kepresenlalive Defends Senal e President Box 308 Brevard, N. C. April 9, 1963 Mr. John I. Anderson, Editor Transylvania Times Brevard, North Carolina Dear John: With full knowledge that the citizens of Transylvania County elected Mr. William Leonard to represent them in the General Assembly of North Carolina, I have had no desire to engage in any controversy with him or to criticize publicly what he, in his best judgment, considers to be for the best interest of Tran sylvania County. Since, however, he departed from legislative matters in his last article, and devoted it ex clusively to an attack upon the lion. T. Clarence Stone, Presi dent of the North Carolina Sen First In Series Why Are Water Meters A Must? Mayor, Board Has Some Answers Hie Board of Aldermen of Ihe Town of Brevard has or dered that water meters be In stalled for all customers. The reason primarily Is to reduce the waste treatment In the lo cal sewage plant. Last month the State Stream Sanitation commission advised he town that its license to dump ewage in the French Broad Liver expires on January 1, 1964. The town has to move fast, md it is doing just that. Several studies have been made of (lie water ami sew age system by competent agen cies in years past. In 1941 the town was advised to install meters. likewise, in 1953 the town again was advised to in stall water meters. And as late as 1951, J. E. Serrene and Com puny, Engineers of Greenville, South Carolina, stated that water meters were a must. i The Times commends the Board of Aldermen for its stand. The Board faced squarely —Turn to Page Fire ate, I feel compelled to take is sue with him Concerning this ar ticle. Senator Stone is a man of char- j acter, ability and integrity I which is attested to by his hav-j ir.g secured the support of more than forty of the forty-eight democratic members of the North Carolina Senate to become their Presiding Officer following the untimely death of Lt. Gov ernor Cloyd Philpott. This was accomplished in the face of very —Turn To Page Hire* - Many Services To Highlight The Easter Observance In Transylvania Public Invited To Sunrise Event Sunday An Easter sunrise service sponsored by the Brevard Jay eees and the Brevard Ministerial association will be held at ti:00 o’clock Sunday morning in the Piekelsiincr Memorial Gardens on the campus of Brevard col lege. Rev. Rudolph Nichols will de liver the sermon. Other ministers participating in the service include: Rev. John Morel/, and Rev. Harold Killian. Special music will be furnish ed by several groups. Plans for the service are un der the direction of Doug Ben son, chairman of the Javcee committee. The public is cordially invited to attend the service. I Brevard Planning Clean-Up In a statement issued today, H. H. Hackendahl, Director of the National Clean Up-Paint Up I'ix Up Ilureau in Washington, 1). C., acclaimed Brevard for its 19(33 Clean Up Campaign, which begins April 18th and extended the Bureau’s congratulations to our local sponsors and members of participating organizations. “Such an outstanding example of community integrity and de votion to the ideals of good cit izenship is to be highly com mended,” Mr. Hackendahl said. “It is heartening and gratifying to see members of a Community working together to maintain the high civic standards necessary to the social and economic well be ing of its citizens.” He stressed the fact that an effective civic improvement ef fort is a sound, practical remedy for the property deterioration and slums which are not only detrimental to an area’s econ omy, but also repel the estab lishment of new business sites. “The Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up program combats civic ills in a many-faceted comprehensive attack on blight, slums, fire, ac —Turn To Page Phi Hughes Reports Road Improvement Work Being Continued In Transylvania The Weather 3 ..[«1 “Averaging out the statistics on the weather in Brevard dur ing the past week, we find that we had an average afternoon high reading of 70 degrees, an early morning low of 40, and ten-one-hundredths of an inch of precipitation daily,” says A1 Mar tin, the official weatherman. High reading of the week came last Wednesday when the mercury climbed to 82 degrees. Twice during the week, the temperature dipped to freezing #r l>elow. On Friday it fell to 12 degrees ami on Monday it shivered down to 30, Rainfall totaled .71 of an inch, and it came on Saturday and —Turn to h|e Seven Much road improvement work is underway in Brevard and Transylvania county. A. II. Hughes, of the district high way office in Sylva, told the press Wednesday morning. The four-lane highway lead ing into Brevard from Pisgah Forest1 is being resurfaced, along with several cl' Brevard streets, which connect with the highway system. Another important project which was let just recently was the paving of the road leading into the tracking sta tion in upper Transylvania This contract was awarded to William B. Dillard, of Sylva, and rapid progress is being made, Mr. Hughes reports. “Every effort to restore all roads damaged by the floods on March 5th and 12th is be —Turn To Page five FORMER MISS BREVARD, Shirley llammill. is'pictured above in authentic costume of the early 1900’s as she portrays Ado Annie in "Oklahoma!". With her is Bill Beaslev, newcomer to Brevard with DuPont Photo Products, who plavs the part of Will, the cowbov who loves Ado Annie but doesn't know how to handle the "1 Can't Say No" Kiri. “Oklay homa!” is being produced by Brevard Little The*- 1 atre, Civic orchestra and chorus and will be pre sented April 18th, 19th and 20th in the senior hiKh school auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Tremendous Production Civic Orchestra Readying “Oklahoma,” Next Week New Officers Of Moose Lodge Named New officers were elected at the regular meeting of Bre vard Lodge No. 1769, Ley#l j Order of Moose. John f{. Hudson, Jr., was named governor, and other of-1 ficers include Fleet G. Holden, junior governor; Marshall Tea gue, three - year trustee; John ny Menser. prelate; and Dennis Hamilton, treasurer. They will be installed at the April 16th meeting. Teen Center Opens Monday Open House and an inform al spring dance will be held Monday, April 15th, sponsored by the Teen Center. The Open House will be held from 7:30 to 9:00 o’clock in their new quarters at the Com munity Center, and the dance will be in the American Le —Turn to Page Three i By Jeanette Austin The Brevard Civie Orches tra, under the direction of Charles Jolliff, will make its first appearance since becom ing reactivated when "Okla homa!" is presented April 18th, 19th and 20th in the Bre vard Senior high school audi torium. When the house lights dim ! and the strains of the overture I fill the air. another phase of | the co-operative effort necessary ; to produce a musical of the mag nitude of "Oklahoma!" will he evidenced. This ever popular Hedgers and llammerstein musical is be ing produced by Brevard T.ittle Theatre in co-operation with the I’.nvard Civic Orchestra and Civic Chorus. .Maggie Masters is supervising director, with Mel Everingham as general chairman and Jane Johnson as co-ordinator. Originally organized in 19.r>8 by Ralph Reeu at Brevard Col- | lege, the orchestra gave a j number of concerts, its major undertaking being that of providing full orchestral ac companiment for Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Mikado." The group disbanded in the spring —Turn To Page Five Program Highlights WPNF Will Be On The Air At 6:00 This Sunday Morning The annual Easter Sunrise Service from Pickelsimer Me morial Garden on the beautiful campus of Brevard college will be broadcast live beginning at 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning, A1 Martin, station manager, an nounces. In addition, the service will be recorded off the air and re broadcast at 2:00 p.m. Sunday for the benefit of those who will not be able to attend or hear the live broadcast. “We are most happy at the op portumty of presenting this serv ice to our listeners, and we are grateful to Citizen’s Telephone company for making the broad cast possible,” Mr. Martin stated. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, soil conservation service, Gro ver McPherson: Friday, N. C. Forest service. Clark Grissom; Monday, county extension chair man; Tuesday, station program; —Tam to Page Ftv* i Schools Close Thursday, Offices Monday Highlighting the Faster ob servance in Transylvania county will be the Good Fri day services at St. Philip's episcopal church. Churches throughout the town ami county are planning special services on Sunday, and a number of Faster sun rise services are slated. Public schools in Brevard ; and Transylvania county will close Thursday for the Faster holidays and they will reopen on Monday. April 22nd. Town and county offices jj will he closed on Faster Mon day. as will be the First Cuioii National Bank and the Bre vard Federal Savings and l.oan association. The union services on Good Friday will begin at 12:00 noon and last until 3:00 p. ill. j The services have been divid ed into 20 and 25-ininute seg ments. presided over by vari ous ministers in the county. Fach will speak on one of the seven last words of Christ from the cross. The public is urged to at tend the services, remaining for as many periods as they wish. The ministers who will par- ! tieipate and the time schedule j follows: f 12:00 - 12:20 p. m.—Rev. j Frederick Valentine, Jr., pas tor of st. Philip’s Fpiscopal church. 12:20 - 12:40 p. m. — Rev. Alfred Rhyne, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Good j Shepherd. 12:40 - 1:05 p. m. — Rev. Samuel A. Raper, pastor of —Turn To Page Seven More Directors Are Added To Commerce Bodi The Brevard Chamber of Con merce increased the number o] directors serving the organs lion at a general membership meeting Tuesday night in thP library. For years, the board of dire tors has been comprised of elected members, but the chang in the by-laws adopted at Tue day night's meeting will increas the number of directors to lor every 1(H) members of thi Chamber of Commerce. Curre l.v, there are slightly more thaf 200 members in the local civil body. A motion to work with —Turn To Page Fo Look Inside. Bargains galore in the cla fied section — pages 2 and first section. Society also takes a doub spread on pages 6 and 7, section. VIP from Egypt visits sylvania, page 3, first sectio Jack Mitchell, president Mitchcll-Bissell company, ports on open house, page first section. Brevard and Music camp lured in Ford magazine. See j ture and story, front, se section. Much news from Brevard lege also carried in second tion. Thoughts at Eastertime ; ried on page 6. second Rep. Bill Leonard rep activities in the legislature, i of third section. Sports news is fond c 4 and 5, third section. And you’ll enjoy story on Vacation page 6, third j

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