THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 79—No. 15 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. 7IP CODE 2871^ BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1966 ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ JANE COOKE, authpr of “Hot Sunday For Satan,” is pictured auto faphing her new book for the edi r of The Times. Her son, Sebas in Cooke, Jr., a high school stu dent in Salisbury, looks on. Mrs. Cooke has also written a short story, and she will soon have another nov el for publication. (Times Staff Photo) Returns For Visit 4Author Of “Hot Sunday For Satan ” Is Native Of Brevard By - The Editor A “VIP” in Brevard over the weekend was Jane Cooke, formerly Jane Anders, of Bre vard, who now resides in Sal isbury. Jane Cooke, can lay claim to being a “VIP” because the Van tage Press in New York City recently released her first book, entitled, “Hot Sunday for Satan.” Mrs. Cooke graduated aU* Brevard high school in the early ’90s, and now she and her husband, Sebastian Cooke, are owners and operators of Carolina Five and Ten in the Akers shopping center. The Transylvania Times will ^cn have copies of her book ior sale, and she can be termed a “goodwill ambassador” of this area because of the description [(•Brevard with her picture on the back cover of the book. Jane Cooke is continuing her writing and presently she has a short story ready for publication. She works daily at the store with her husband and finds time to write during coffee breaks and during the evening hours. “Hot Sunday for Satan” was written with no drafts, no footnotes and the like. Actual ly, she wrote the last part first, and when that wasn’t Jjng enough for a novel, she •faded the first half. It was written in long hand and then typed. No parts of i^jyere rewritten by the author. “My author friends tell me that this isn’t the way to write a book, but Hot Sunday for Satan was done just that way,” she declared. She is also working on another novel, “Fading Flesh,” which —Turn to Page Four Thursday, Apr. 14 — Masons meet at 8:00 o’clock. Woodman Grove at WOW hall at 7:30. Friday, Apr. 15 — Deadline for filing income tax returns. Chamber of Commerce banquet at Brevard senior high school e<y|:00 p.m. Deadline for filing fc!F office 12 noon. Saturday, Apr. 16 — VFW dance at 8:30 p m. Sunday, Apr. 17 — Attend the church of your choice. District meeting of VFW at 2:00 p.m. Monday, April 18 — Rotary meets at Gaither’s at 7:30. Bre vard elementary P-TA meeting at 7:30 p.m. Bloodmobile at Brevard college from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Tuesday, Apr. 19 — District 111 HD meeting at Presbyterian church at 9:30 a.m. Ace of Clubs at 7:30 pjn. He Saw The People Local Representative For Medicare Cites Experiences By - H. S. Busby t Bex 746, Brevard , After five weeks of cover ing Transylvania county or the Medicare signup effort, and more than 1,000 miles of traveling over dirt roads, by Bloodmobile* At College Next Monday The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at the Bre vard College Gymnasium on Monday, April 18th, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., to secure at least 70 pints of much needed blood. All the town’s people of Bre vard, as well as qualified stu dents, are urged to avail them selves of this opportunity to donate and thus build coverage for themselves. This is the first opportunity this year that Brevard mer chants and residents have had to build on their blood accounts against emergencies that might occur in their own families, and •it will be well for them to take advantage of it, Red Cross offi cials say. ways (and no roads at all), I fe<l that there was some point in Satan's reStark when asked by the Lord: “Whence comest thou?” His reply: “From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” For Transylvania county has more mileage between houses and less density of population than most of the rest of North Carolina. Therefore, to seek out, locate, talk to and bring persons into the provisions of Medicare cov erage gives one an appreciation of the tremendous job done by our local Welfare office, not just for one month but for 12 months in the year. The Transylvania Welfare office is one of the best ad ministered and most ably staffed that I have seen in many states — its staff are all well-trained, devoted peo ple, who keep close tab on the needs of our less fortunate citizens — and their records verify the effectiveness of their work better than do those kept by many business establishments. (I have seen and evaluated in detail both industrial and institutional administrations and from this background can say that the local Welfare office is one of the very best handled offices —Turn to Page Four Scheduled In May "Golden Anniversary" Production Of Little Theatre To Be The Best The 50th Brevard Little Theatre production promises to be a real Golden Anniversary. “The Late Christopher Bean” has been selected for this anni versary production to honor the memory of the late Beulah Zachary. This was the last play direct ed by Miss Zachary in Brevard before leaving here to enter the television field. She became director of the popular “Kukla, Fran, and Ol lie” show, a position she held at the time of her death. Miss Zachary organized and directed the original Little The atre organization in Brevard in the 1930’s which ceased to ex ist when Miss Zachary left Bre vard. The organization was re vived in 1950 and has continued to the present time. One of the actors in the 1938 production of “The Late Chris topher Bean” is playing the same role in the 1966 produc tion that she played 28 years ago. She is Mrs. J. A. Macfie, who has appeared many times in Lit tle Theatre productions. The production was originally announced for April but the dates have been rescheduled for May 13th and 14th in the Bre vard senior high school auditor ium. The public is asked to make note of this change in date. Registrars And Judges For The Primary Announced, Friday Deadline For Filing Many Persons Paying Fees, Office Is Open Many persons have filed in the May 28th Primary and for the General Election in No* vember, Harry Patton, chair man of the Board of Elections, announces. The deadline for filing is noon Friday, April 15th. At noon Wednesday the fol lowing had filed: Sheriff: Marvin Gaddy (D) Paul L. Fisher (D) T. Wood Paxton (D) Charles Owen (D) Carter McCall (R) Representative, 48th District Jess A. Galloway (D) Charles H. Taylor (R) (Lacy Thornburg has previ ously announced at Sylva that he would be a candidate) Board of Education: J. C. Cassell, Jr. (D) Harry F. Morgan (D) D. S. Winchester (D) David C. Lea (R) (John Folger announced at the Republican convention that he would be a candidate) Clerk of Court: Robert H. Caldwell (R) (Marvin McCall, the incum bent, has announced that he would be a candidate for re election) Constable, Hogback: Christopher C. Burrell (D) On Reporting Woods, Grass Fires Here During recent weeks, the Brevard Fire Department has answered numerous calls to extinguish woods and grass fires where homes were not actually endangered, local officials state. Fires of this nature, they point out, can best be fought by forest fire crews who are actually better equipped to handle such blazes than are the city firemen. The dispatching of both forest fire crews and city firemen to these woods and grass fires is causing consid erable cost duplication to Transylvania county, as well as the expense of the volun teer firemen while they are away from their regular jobs. Everyone reporting woods and grass fires in the future are asked not to call the Bre vard Fire Department, but to report them to the North Caro lina Forest Service, Rich Mountain fire tower, at 883 4401, or Clark Grissom at 883-2363. By Fred Reiter Official Weatherman Temperatures at the Brevard weather station have averaged a maximum of 62, and a mini mum of 28 during the past sev en days, giving an indication that spring is most likely here. The area has had rather chil ly nights and mornings, as wit ness the fact that the average low temperature remained at below the freezing level, until Tuesday of this week. The county received no significant rainfall during the past week. Wednesday_ 56 25 .00 High Low Prec. Thursday Friday .. Saturday Sunday Monday . Tuesday . 64 23 .00 59 26 .00 59 29 .00 59 27 .00 65 23 .00 72 40 .00 THE REV. CLAY BARNES, asso ciational missionary for the Caro lina and Transylvania Baptist asso ciations, is shown in the center being congratulated by Rev. Kadez Wilde, moderator of the local association, on his fine work over the years. Mr. Barnes was given a testimonial din ner last Thursday night and he re tires May 1st. At the left is Rev. John Rhymer, moderator of the Car olina association. Many HD Members Meet Here Approximately 400 mem bers of Home Demonstrations clubs in Transylvania. Hen derson and Haywood coun ties are expected here next week for the District III meeting. It will be held on Tuesday, April 19th, in the Brevard - Davidson River Presbyterian church, beginning at 9:30 o’clock. Brevard’s Mayor Raymond F. Bennett will welcome the visitors to the town and county, and he says it is a pleasure to have such a fine delegation meet in Brevard. Mrs. C. F. Allison, Sr., Dis trict HI chairman, will pre side over the meeting. Miss Alice Bell, who is recognized as the South’s foremost authority on beau ty, charm and fashion, will be the speaker for the occasion. Miss Bell, of Charleston Heights, S. C., conducts the “Alice Bell Chaim and Fash ion School” and has taught charm to approximately one million women. Transylvania Home Demon stration club members will be the hostesses to the meeting. VFW To Hold Dance And District Meet Brevard’s Post 4309, Veterans af Foreign Wars, will host a meeting of the 17th district on Sunday, April 17th. The meeting will be held at the club house, beginning promptly at 2:00 o’clock. A large attendance is ex pected. Another event is planned by the local VFW members. A dance is slated this coming Saturday night, beginning at 3:30 o’clock at the post home. Music will be furnished by Sam Talley and his five-piece band, and the dance will be for members and their wives only. Senior vice commander, Bob Sanford, will be present, end all members are urged to attend both the dance and the district meeting. Many Attended Rev. Clay Barnes Honored With Testimonial Dinner, To Retire More than 160 persons attend ed a testimonial dinner for the Rev. and Mrs. Clay Barnes at First Baptist church in Hender sonville last Thursday night. Rev. Mr. Barnes is retiring as associational missionary to the Transylvania and Carolina Baptist Associations. The Rev. John Rymer, pas tor of the Etowah Baptist church, acted as master of ceremonies in the place of the Rev. M. M. ■Goss, pastor of First Baptist church, who was called away to South Carolina because of an ilness in his family. Rev. Mr. Rhymer told Mr. Barnes, “Remember, first of all, God will never let you down. God will never let you off from service and God will never let you go, his presence is with us.” He praised Rev. Mr. Barnes for his work with the two as sociations. The Rev. Clyde Fetner. pas tor of Horse Shoe Baptist Church, represented the Caro lina Association, and spoke of Rev. Mr. Barnes work. The Rev. Kadez Wilde, pas tor of Dunn's Rock and Lake Tcxaway Baptist churches, and moderator of the Transylvania —Turn to Page Four Finch To Speak Chamber Of Commerce Banquet Slated Friday The annual banquet of the Brevard chamber of commerce will be held this Friday night at 7 p. m. in the Brevard sen ior high school cafeteria. The banquet had been orig inally scheduled to be held on February 4th, but heavy snows forced cancellation, and the April 15th date was later se lected as an alternate. The speaker Friday night will be W. Stanley Finch, di rector of public relations and sales training for Texize Chem icals, Inc. of Greenville, S. C. Mr. Finch is a speaker of wide renown who has captivat ed audiences throughout the country with his great wit and humor. Chamber officials have stated that “We are most for tunate to have one of Mr. Finch’s talent to come and speak to us at our banquet. We are particularly fortunate that he could rearrange his schedule —Turn to Page Four Program Highlights WPNF Broadcasting Baseball Scores During The Afternoon Sports fans in the area can keep up with their favorite ma jor league baseball teams by tuning to their local station, WPNF. Station officials announce this week that major league baseball scores will be broadcast over the local station as they are received in the stations’ news room. Scores are normally transmit ted at the end of each three inning period, and a wrap-up story is received shortly after the conclusion of each game. It is felt that baseball inter est in the area may be consid erably heightened by the entry into the the National League this season of the Atlanta Braves. Special emphasis will be plac ed on the airing of baseball scores, as well as other major sports events over WPNF. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home Hour is as follows: Thursday, station program; Fri day, N. C. Forest Service, Clark Grissom; Monday, County Agri cultural Extension Agent; Tues —Turn to Page Six Patton Releases List, Meeting Is Attended As the tempo of politics in Brevard and Transylvania increases, a list of the regis trars and judges for the 18 precincts in the county is announced by Harry Patton, chairman of the Board of Elections. The Board maintains an of fice in the court house, and Mrs. Margaret Bridges i.s the secretary. The chairman and other members of the Board, J. C. Gaither. Sr., and William Leo nard, recently attended a meet ing of election officials in Charlotte. The Primary is slated on Sat urday, May 28th. The registrars arid the jurors for the 18 precincts in Transyl vania county are as follows: Balsam Grove Mrs. Ralph Owen. Registrar Ralph Owen, D. Judge Donald E. McCall, R. Judge Linda McCall, D. Judge Alt. Boyd Mrs. Virginia Pitillo, Regi strar Elmer McLean, D. Judge Mrs. Wae Mann, R. Judge Calvin Frady, D. Judge Alt. Brevard #1 E. F. Tilson, Registrar Geo. T. Perkins, Sr., D. Judge Fred McCrary, R. Judge Claude Melton, D. Judge Alt. Brevard #2 Lee Lynch. Registrar Chas. Galloway, D. Judge Allen Smith, R. Judge Joseph E. Allen, D. Judge Alt. Brevard #3 Roy Burrell, Registrar Bill Henson, D. Judge Ernest Smith, R. Judge —Turn to Page Foul New Officers Of Moose Lodge Elected New officers were recently elected by Brevard Lodge No. 1768, Loyal Order of Moose, at their regular meeting. Elected to serve during the coming year were the follow ing; Robert ‘'Buddy” Kenney, governor; Dennis Hamilton, junior governor; Perry Davis, prelate: Gerald Owen, treasur er; and Majorine Bevacqua, 3 year trustee. The newly elected officers' will officially take office at the next regular meeting on April 19th. The Moose Lodge held a Eas ter Egg hunt for children of members last Sunday, with 25 youngsters participating. Inflation Cost Here $565,000 By • Staff Writer What has been the dollars and cents effect of inflation on the average Transylv county family in the year? How much has the ris ing cost of living red need purchasing power locally? On the strength of economic studies, It ap that local families had a 1 in the year, attributable inflation, of about (126 on I average. That is the amount of tional goods and services t would have been able to —Turn to Pag

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