Price $1.00 Per Yoar. CONCORD, N. 0., TH Q LIS DA v APRIL 6, 1899.' Single Copy 8 Cents SAUNDERS MINE ttOLa. ji Company In i-rovHIence the Own etS ovr A Republican's Opinion of i nomocracy. Written for The Standard. . Dowd, April 6. -The cooing of the dove, the chatter of the martins Hnd the shrill note of the whippobr will have ceased and the little snow b.rd ha? reappeared. AVe had the pleasure of attending toe picnic at the Falls' Monday . Siverai hnndred people were present. The wild, romantic scauery in the vicinity rnd the ceaseless rear of the Yadkin as the waters plunge over the recks and down thej rapids rmke the Falls a desirable place for a picnic - . 'Miss Pattie Bell hag returned from Montgomery, where she has been rieitins her sister. Mr. Lea Picker and Miss Cora Cooper, of Albemarle, were married last Wednesday. A Repnblican near here Bays the Democratic party ought to be called the nut-grass party, because all h 1 can't kill it oat. . . April fools are .falling thick .and fast in and around these parts and I'Copid'a darts are piercing many hearts'." . - A few days ago the Tebe Sanndera gold mine, jast over the river in Montgomery county, was sold to a Providence. R. I., company for . 9 w m $6,000. We understand that Mr, H F McCarty made the sale. The Mexican Bull Fignters Coming The advance agent of the Mexican - bull fighters spent Wednesday here making arrang- m'ents for his exhibit here on Friday, the 14th of this month. e In the; afternoon the female mem bers of the company will engage in a game of baseball. A team will be made up here in our town to oppose the team. The bull figllt will be held at night. The occasion will -be 'held at the Miller Park. if , m t A Free Show. Buy your tickets to "A Breezy lime" before 12 o'clock Satur day and see the performance for nothing. Two seats in the first four rows will be free. Holders of the numbers of these seats will have their money refunded. For particulars inquire at Gibson's - -A. - drug store. - Billy; Weddlnitoki Starts fut In Cood Trim I a season we see the Already tin name of Billy pearmg in the Baseball 'columns. At a recent game played between jSVeddingtbn ap- 1 Arranging a Reception for the. ftol djers. , s . Some days ao it was urged that some step?? b taken towards weJcominjj our soldiers home this month. The matter has been e taken in hand bv the ladies and! cam out victorious in a' T ... - . . I, ' I t , committees appointed to prepare r IT! M-M U r m ITl i i - fc. a "ho KrmnnkA ' 'nmpu i - w .-.ww J. - . - . .-. - r ... other words to have ine test the last fielding and cfJ about herf affords ior of the pitchers, thjem to eat ana let tne PU0Ple be tnera keddington had f16 to make them Sarument. ; selves to the utmost.. Mo PERSONAL POINTERS. ibe game beween 'XT- 4-1, i . occasion. kiiuuuujr nut? made public lat fcer Iloanoke and ormer score of 7 to 3. the gamo in the we see that the game were the the f good work! but! it says that the better of the In another Boandke and "Rnannlro bnva kivmrt nnt. fthoarl in I" i y i ill A a score of 9 to 2.1 Billy Wedding-1 tuu, buucK o h I men unn0 ( age of Central Methodist church l 1- .x i.iJi i ; -.a. P . ( i uiiuuor lor iue opposing team i j j !j i only struck but 2 men. features of this! gamo were outfielding of the Iloanoke team, j Mr. Horace who played o Mr! Walter Brem, of Charlotte, is here on business. Mr. Chae. ,Sappen field is spend ing the afterqoon in Charlotte. Mr. R M Whitl, of Charlotte, is visiting att the home of Mr. Elam Kinp;. . ; ; Miss Nannie Cannon returned noma from Charlotte yesterday evening. , Mr. D J Bostian went to Albe- marie yesterday to spend today and Sir. Standi Bitten By a Dog-. The Charlotte Observer says that Mr.. William Stancil, of Ca barrus county, was badly bitten Wednesday by a dog. The dog sprang upon him, and before he could recover himself had lacera ted his arm and wrist badly. Mr. Stancil choked the dog to death. He then went to Charlctto after the madstone. He was .painfnl!y hurt. More will as to the u-morrow.a Miss Lucy Lore returned home Measuring Party Tomorrow Night I i Tomorrow niyht at the parson- thia morning ifrom Charlotte, after spending several days. Miss Hattie iWeddington re turned to Mti . Pleasant yesterday- ter spending Easter In almost every neighborhood there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine, ouch persons make a point of telling of it whenever oppor tunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of saving other lives. For Bale- by M, Ii. Marsh & Co., Druggist; there will be eiven a measuring The! I t afternoon, party, the proceeds of which will nf.r6t rrh tr I -Antra 1 H fthnrnh. ' 'hfl &r . . fyiUUAna of ,W?lm?nff t? t ; invitations which have been sent . . , .1 , t. . . . . Jbox, of Iloanoke, 1 ' ! . . 1 ton, is here today iin the interest of our team here rfc con;an ue following : last year, is one pi the outfielders j referred to in the article from the i! . " I newspaper. Dr. Tracy Coming. 1 Mrs.iK L Craven has received a telegram from Dr. Tracy, the ii talented temperance lecturer, fit ating! that liej will arriye here next Wednesday and will com mence his series of lectures on Thursday nignf, continuing two weeks.! The lectures will bo given in She Baptist' cnurch. A Venerable Swine. I, MIlllon Given Away. " 1 It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and sufier ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's rew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this "great medicine; and have the satis faction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis,) Hoarseness and alldiseases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call at P. B. Fetzer's drug fitore and get a trial bottle free. Reg ular size 50c. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. THE BEbT IN THE WORLD. We! believe Chamberlain's Cough remedy is the best in the world, A few weeks ago we suffered with a severe cola and a troublesome cough, and hay lng read their advertisements in our wJi an ther papers we purchased a bottle. -to see if it would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was more than half used, It is the best medicine ont fotcolds and coughs. The Herald, Andersonyille, Ind. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist. Tlie M aticnal Stockman and ;l i ii f Farm has a yrified statement tbat a sow did in November, 1897, on the stock farm Tenn., that them for 32 was said to be 43 years old at Taylor Brothers of Lynchburg, had belonged to 34 years and Or her death, bigsboned was cholera si been sick for it century. brought in her owners fShe was of the Berkshire breed, proof and had not a quarter of a Vlt will be a pleasure. Beyond all measure To welcome you hearty To our measuring party; But before you start The essential part Ii to count up right OTour feet in height. All we dare ask, For this generous repast, Is just five cents a foot, "While each extra inchi if any, Will be taxed at the rate Of a single penny." An elegant supper will i . 1 served to the attendants gratui 1 tously. The hours for the party are from 7 to 11 oclock. the Standard ia a friend of Oil Co. Mr. Gibbons Mr. Ben Craven here. Mr. W W Doby, who was in oar town last week, is here again today.. Mr. Doby to Philadelphia to join Ringland Bros.' circus. will soon return Green be Mountain flaple Syrup. A Breezy Time Hatardny Hixtit. "A Breezy Time" the new farce be here Satur- the best casts ! has been the Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. comedy which wil night has one of now traveling. Iti production to malse such that Ervin Sweet Pickles per Bottle ilO cents. I Canned Kornlet at 20 cents can. She had borne 900 pigs that money enough to to buy a good farm in Moote county in that State. Her owners gave her a regu lar burial and erected a lime- stone slab to mark her resting - ! place. Definitions. Silence is a still noise. 1 Bashf ulness is ignorance fraid. , j j Conscience Is our private secretary. I I Economy is a first mortgage on wealth., I ;i V ft. .. . v Pruderv is notniner mores than coquetry gone to seed. Pleasure is like a hornet h generally ends with a sting, j Flattery is like cologne wa ter -to be smelt of, not swalJ lowed. ' : ;j I . ; ,'. I A "gentleman about town' is one who Days cash for evrey thing except his debts. Ex. I 1 a every one mat glad he has been not be ashamed i friends to follow suit. In follow- ing out this purpose, tne very sees it will be 1 there, and will to advise his per & Morrison grocery -HOW ABOUT A- MI - mw Spring is In the past fonrteen davs fiftv- Dest laienc mat couia ue ecurpu, men haye been enlisted in the the yery best music that has been composed recently tor American JT - f 1 -ri i 1 . a . J almost 1 here! in SDite of the weather. We !":'- have a gre&t va riety ; eg ii please almost aii v e taste. Are you a long j slim man? Well thei? just 1 regular army at the recruiting station in lEaleierh. No enlist- 3 and English variety and concert jgjg qj. Philippines are now 1 AA hal1 8ta2 and fchf vory best clos" made, but ihey are now made for hOW ! WG Jit tumes and scenery tnac can do porto ana . Cnba these be made by theatrical firms, have . , 4 j Ne trQO will not be sent out of this 1 1 country. It is said that of regu- see been secured. Music, the latest songs anl dances abound in j "A Breezy Time." Two gentlemen from the country near here engaged in a little diffij- culty Wednesday afternoon. Asa result, four dollars were paid into the town treasury by the person who made the assanlt. Baeblen's Arnica isaiTe. The Best SaWe'jin the world for Cuts, Bruise Horcs, .Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever fctores, Tetter Chapp6d Handa, Chilblains Corns and all Stin Eruptions, a!nd positively curea Piles or no pa? required. It ia guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box Iter Eale st iP B Fetzers Drug store.' An Indian woman serving a sentence in the1 State prison has refuged a pardon granted her by the governor and says that she will not leave until the judge and jury which tried her acknowledge her innocence and that they were in error when they passed judg ment on her. Pretty nice about it to be sure. Durham Sun. NO CURE, NO PAT. That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria, irtlis simply Iron and Qnimne in a! tasteless form. Children love it. Adults xief er it to bitter, nan Beatin& Tonics. Prioe, 50c lars only three f antry, five and and four of arti regiments of in-one-half of calvary lery will remain in the United States Daily Record. n over .a&aui ?m Sh One Upiuihi lias overall .d by Its cure&v when all other rbpnrntions failed, thai rx rV V Our is von clo thing i made to iit as well as to wear j : i : New lot of Collars and fancy Ties. H. L. PARKS & GO. Rest ! Rest ! and on April 4tli, '99. Rest ! Snow 'i Rome neorle sit down i tired, eat tired. go to bedltired and get up tir.ed. There is 6n use inixnis as long as you art? m icaun ui tiio Furniture Store 01 ! BELL, HARRIS & COMPANY Cheap Chairs, Beds, Springs, Lounges, Stoves Dewing mauinutJSfj jjiuuicd Lamps, Rugs, Mirrors, Counterpanes, Com- Bell, Harris & Company. Undertaking managed by Mr. W L Bell. Two hi, tt .Tl. jntore 'Pnone So. 12. i Besldence Ho. 90. ( 1 I' I i ! i 1 V 1

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