‘'Only ‘Geta-H* far We Attar Tbit!” "Bata* Inn Oera hm Tlaa* taisUa. Mauiaf Wore BbcpU. Til un ro. whw. r»» mm ™i»b tOo-eaiim^ aoWrt for . oriu. l «v .,U,T “SV“tL OUI of mi un TU* >>»•»'*<:•■ ir.l contnvOor.. . OUll will hcltr« «m aria* •ora. (!«▼••>• MKTS-ir *w*ry tl£e*~ I i That’* Witt they an —y the very ir« time they mm. •CkMt." IVa Mcau<» ^3KT%IT^ la ao sl.nyta a ml *"7 *» «■» no* it an Ia a 1-w im °od»--boea»taa there la tw> work or corn-food «o do. do polo that Moot* up to your heart li 3% la yvur corita ofT >oitr laind. . J| rbc time tv a workUif—and than. that MM I*, old aom peels rlrbt elt. Urtm *h* clean. mr«-f>oo afc'n underneath—end your *d, Iiyj' _ No wonder milIlona Try 1! f«nf~bt. vhTB-Ir la Gold a ltd recoin* ■Mode* by dnurcteta eearywfcere. )?« t *£f1'* Ar •**« d* reralot of wrfco • T B. LawfGBAo 4 Co. Chlcaru. tlx Sold in Gold atom and roeoauDondod id the world* beat cor® reroodj by Ml da bom Dnig Co, anil H. 11 Robb> voa 4 f ro. O C. DiVNIRLS, M. 1>. r»u. ear, no*r ami thr<j»t OfBco in Bonliro Hlrig.. K«x>um Henri Vi. n in] p a S u» 4 p D> Pbuna STB ’GfNERAl !*WS EVENTS. Napg«"'"|« a# IMarwt In Variwi Porta of Oar Country. PVariog that Mr* Woodrow Wiim won III rr^lw tl** Itmugvralltie LaO. th* roofnrencc of Cakm llHitudinia of bl l*»Bte has adopted rcvlullviM aakiug the |»n-*JJcui not b> aei'Cik* lo ilila The First Congvrgurinoal chuffh of Sob Knnx iwu hurn vitnl nmiloat lot lb log tli# lice <'baric* V AbaO. who r*. atgr.id to join Hi* Ford peace cuiutnla ••«*». to rranme the |«at»ratc alfhoegb ho %aa •»Ullng to do au at a lower at •*7 Mn Mary Lily Flagler. widow of Raory M. Hagter. made bar to*rflag* to Holett Wurth TUftchaiu of Ixiul* ▼Ulo. Ky.. the ucvaxjo* of • gift of to Be Anguotlae hnapUt*| which her (bn liu»l<*uil ftMmdnl at Bx Augoatlno. I'la g With ImImt agrtn'lca nMwrtlna >oha tlwia «H*n to (111 Dam, Ibr muntrl pal W|lag txuwr and the aatidttU woodpile in rhir-ago an* do hut Uttte l*i*lnroe. The tLc« am working and arc able to rect comfortable U*rig1nas Mrs. IO*l*orue Row*. r>>tnml* tinner ot ntihtle welfare. etPlained King Geoff* rerelTed J P. Morgan la sudltmcc at Buckingham palace Ln rocit*n!tVjn of tlw backer's Armorial aerrlcea io the allies Mr. Mnrgsa sailed for Boroi»c Bold EM no the etcaiu oblp New Tork. It vu generally ao daratood hr inreaih-d in arrange details of « new lean t<* Great Britain. Will■ 11 ii Ym Nwd a Oaoaral Tmtt Taka Orova-s Tha Old Standard Om’i TukkM cklll Toaic la eqaall? TiloaYili at a; Gaaaral Taalc bffanac It coat«ti«a cka nil kaovn tauic prapartlaaaf QU1NIVBJ •oJ IRON. It actaaa tbc Liwt, Drt*o| oat Malaria, Boric baa tka Blood Had I Boilda up tkc Whole Bjatn. 30 caota 1 “I DON’T SUFFER ANY MORE’1 •Feel Like * New Peraon," •ey* Mrm. Hamilton. Ntw Cutir. led.-"*roa» the tiro. I wee drew, yew* old until I wearer on tree 1 ieff>r«dwdi month eo 1 had to be 1 hod bend i. baekedte end -j pauw 1 wouM omiap doable every maath. 1 <hd not know what it wu to be eaay a ationto. My health waa ell aot io «o*d- A - —w _ ■■ ■ ehout Lydia , — * Taratahla Compered end k-K end sow 1 ted At a taw _-h. I doa’t roller toy more end I di Nglhi^eary mot th." — Mr c E AJ.K1 IU.an.roei. 822 South lUh Sc Wbou a remedy ha* lined fur forty yean, etredily rrowinr Is pcpoleruy and tnfloecea. end tnouaaada upou thoueaad* of woe,™ declare they owe their health to It. la It oot mini i hit to behove that It la as article of great meritT llyeawaairperleledilcenrlw to Lydia K. Bukhara Modi rim (eemddaetlal), Lyon. Mae, Toar latter will be opened, reeMl ewd aaawered by a wunue aad held U atrlct ceaDdeoee. ■TWH&U | AMMId* pHIMMUd I »«*«1 | r-lpd *> medium tajdied, I ir’SssL'itoii.. | .J^jMfljlrtBpjddh I i ■wy* -. -■—,li*. . 1 — -t XWXSSXStXSft a WAYNE COUNTY’S VOTE Congressional Legislative and County Officers The following is Wayne County '• official vote for NilraoaJ.CsirfMionil, Legislative and County ofLterm. And it wiH hi i»«o from tha figure* that otirguod fnoad, Mr Earl A Remphrey. Democratic candidate for Solicitor of tha County C«. vrt .led the ticket through out the county. Mr liumphrvy la sot omly a clavor and poUahad geo t leas n. hot he '# coo of ihr boat < m iuta that •vor aorv«d tha paopia of Wayoo oocnty la any capacity, sad maeamm he '• Hd tMrlaa^lrgf dtecblri. af Wa doth* jOtt .tifcV <« •» Co»«tj kvottrrr ud tl h »l» *™Ur>(nc to bla un| af fritkdt to blow that be M Iba count; Uckal of D mocreey To Mr. Um. C. Eorntfiy, ehalrmas. and Mr H R. Parker. Jr, secretary, of rb-r Democratic eieeutive cum and k*»eir so-workeai on tha committee ia da- great credit for the aptendid De® -*ratic victury and aubotaeUal gala. made throughout the county, m (ho face of an umatuajly atrenuoua and active campaign fight on the part of Mr. Eli Waller Hill, chairman of (ka Republican rsoco Ira cemmictor, and but iua»nc flgh*. and • *th*d hard,** fall lag back a* a teat »traw oo b«« hops of Hugh** Umf a lew tad Praaldaat and a g'. re mat log vision of "pie** to 6a dealt out to ilw faithful, ona am nag »bon ha ta which. Tba h •ghewt voir la lhaeuur.iy fig National honor* wai givan lion <a*o. K. Iltmd, candidata for Curgrvaa from this tha Third dktrkt. wbo racatvad 1»*60 votaa, agaunt 1.402 for Hoa. Cao E. butter, hi* Rapablicao opfon aut. Boiler pat up a hard fight, but Hoad'a claan racurd in Cangrawa coup]ad with bit paraonal popularity aa a pol ish ad faqtiaoMa. ~ carried tba day,*' and wa al r^oka with bin ovar hit ytendld viciafjr,^ot aufy Ia4hia county, kit UrtMcbodl thg dtgpfcl* Tba V* Sr FVaaidkH l»v>Wayn« ewv-rtrt Battas. Utf. LexHJaHvc Vote SSWATS M. H. Alkaa Ova... LM J TK*1JU,. UM BOUSE li Me I Tsli n. Dm ____ Mil W lM«i Dm. 2.(1* Natikan A Bawall. Sr*.. >.«U D ManbaS (Caracas?. Bw».. i.cm County Officers Wmlof (laiRfy Court ■ A Doaykfn . t« J ulaa CaRMi Covrt —1» li Want ... LAN RaaWar yt TVeUa-G A Grmnlbam. Lara L*3 -HI Tavlav. Sea. ).«■ gunrror . f^ww Oral win. Daw--S«J I Coeracr CM ad C BaVwe Dam... Mil ..J £ Pvrsaa. FWc... 1.AM 8hsriff..S B Edvards_ MU .J C O'3*rr?. Q«p ........ ..__ i.ui CommisstoBers tkaeoau WP Patrick . .._. MU P If JarHars.._..... MSI Jacnas A Rm*l< .. IQ' V H Haafti. 2.0* HaaaUMaaa PanJsMn P f*aaaaa .. ......_ l.«J< Major W Crate). 1.(1 P C CaliwafI ...... ).«K Jmmrr: T gakOi . I.B R B Pvclda .. LU Magistrates GaM.ftrat.Ta—lip-Ja^aa W IWnpiw, ft H OdI Ira, M 4 Taw. J A T»W. Ju A fWi»r Jal K fMrtK*. and hr a—*luaa L—tala Ihaapiairt—H .'mm D IUmA aa4 N ft Oat Uw, *ti Du- ir>i» F—k JuiniiUMI. DM.DCn»kl*. Jwl Ik»iM. ft—a. GraaftHaro RLFata. W»Ha—IL E M Srark Ra— Br«dn W 0 Su<«m. 1* V firlur, C C Ran Jaal Part**. Da<— IW..O 4rMM 4 ft Harris*. 9 C G— J<*. W Hoi— flat* Maw Kara.-L D fti—lla. H Huaran—u. ft I I—r. Da—a. BMlAa* UJHai-k Ji4a!Wlk.l4Ln>« MaHrata-J W 4«hi—. L D Maaahaw. O 1 A>«Mk. Urn. Qf«[ laaai U«y AfMik. ft R llnilM 4«Im Monta. D— Draft laaaa .l) F Paata. JC b Da—. D—ft Cn«r«4. Da— FVraailta H 0 14—ataa T 9 Biafta 4 I lftaa.il*. M U 14—aaW T F >I late, i I Vapta*. Uaaaa Mum i C—aA T J C—. Daatal Cftaarfard. 1 4 Favfttaa. ft—a Canal aMta Ral.ft.Rnm TtauKi-A 4 Piftftua. D—« Mk IMIaaKI Da—. Oaa.aiAaia Raiart Fwt—fl. Baa fta—4— .DC»a»«—. Da— Mdtaa • — C II FWtta. R— Maw H—a (Wp WT4C— Da— ft— la—ft Oa.*—Caftar. Da—. Mai—ala 4 N Baa*. D— O—l ft—a— .Mr C Mn— Da— MU I—*» O • Oar rua Dwa FMaaMto W I. Hawaii L—a •tanar Cr—ft T W ftaaw* ft— "t ^TTMMftF ■ ■—-■■ — — DvM—« Oat Mftlrli. MlkM Up iyBt— Tft* OM ftaalaM ft—ft —I ftrwpMMlft I—I* OftOtn TOTftUM abOl TOftK. 4rtaaa — Mftu4—IctaaltaU—UMtaMtttiWan T ft a rftpaih* Iran# ft a/1 (Ha flrat ftkftfttM to bollrr. iny—r NOTES FROM F0REI6N tANDS. WV« folk* Art 0» «9 •« the othaf ! •*«*• *4 Ua QieSa Herman pig |rt>n pnxlarihni during | XVlrttoer mi l,100.00i> Cut* u« again*! U 115.000 tun* In September. tl* Or»f •ena Sea « agency announce* Tl*a rruaelau dirt la Sbout io take up a lull j»r’tiding for aa Increase In I he talarli » **f If* mexul>ets InMead of 13 marka <53 TTii »«*r on Hi fueling. uj formerly, if.# hUI provide* a yearly *al ary of 2.0U> mark*, or $5u0 l'be Argentine chamber of depittlr* haa pamtrd a lav prohibiting tba ax port of a boat or flour and authorising IV government Co eetabUab a mail Bum price uu brvari TUla waa door otx torvfliii uf iba high coal of bread Tbe president akgnsd rbs a assure IWiiFiiiiHS HONEYS MUST BE RI8HT TO INSURE HEALTH. kaa People rsallae to ahat extant tbatr health dapeoda npoa iba modi lion of tba kidney* !'F>e phytlelan In nearly all c»*a* of *<■« kmi* iilue“. taakM a chemical anaJr • •a of I ho patleota urioa lla hauai tbal tittle** the Hitluae* are detag their sor k prti|K*i le. tbc other organa ran* not readily b«> liruught tack lu hesJtli ami •Eretigtb. ^ oro ibv ZMuvysar* avgkrtrd or aliiaacil .n any way. serious rrwulta am ■ore in l.illow Auroi'llng l» b^eith alaiietlrt. Hrigl.i’a l)i•«•%>.*. which U fw’b an edrauced furm of kidney iriMiblr. caused nearly leu thousand Jeatka in nn« tear, is ibe Mute of Ntw York a'ooe Therefor* it I* par He a l arly uetcaaauy to par ajure attention to tbc health of tbrae Important oigeua. An ideal herbal compound -that kaa bad fetnarkabla aureate aa a kidaeT rrnxnjy la l>r. Kilu)*r‘» dwainp-Rrxit, tbp gieei kidoey. Iieer aod bladder rtmwir Tbc uiild and beating loflueocr id IbU preparatloB. in moat raena. in toon real.eud. a n o rd log to awura aleie t up n La ami vrrtftud laaUraooy of Lb oar %bo hare ward the remedy. Whaayoor k idneya require at leniioo, gat Swamp-Root at ooo« from air pharmacy. H li Bold by eeary drag* |kt ta bottiaa of two cisaa—Otic and Howgrer. If yc «i|b ta tgnt lb to rami ^rapaeaiioa aaftd ta* oanta tp l>r.< iMiiArr • T?h.. Blngnanjptoo. fC t, fur a tamj<la butt la. When writing be aura and mention ilia Ooidtboro Haad. tight EASILY DECIDED. This Question Should Bo Answered Easily By Goldsboro People. Which La wiser to hate roafldsora In iba opinion of to nr fellow-ejtlZCO#. nf tbe people you know, or depend on •catamenia made by utlar stranger* re tiding in far-awav place** Head tbe following W tl Rugg*. 701 Atb ftt . (told*bo ro. ttyt **| an flared from kldnty complaint My bankarbed and pained apt! in 1ha morning I wa* sore aod lame. I didn't feai Ilk# getting up. 1 could hardly band or Hoop I had he a dec bat and dizzy spall* snd tba khl ney weretiona were irregular In paaa agu. b'riundi adr bad me co oea Doea’e Kidney I'll la after 1 bad tried a on tuber of olbor meJirinoe with an rusults. 1 took two bvxc* and isy back aod bid. ocrtarcoow in good shape and tbe kidney lecrauooi pass regularly." \TSj Price 50c. at all dealers Don't sim ply aak for a kidney remedy—get, Dnno'a Kidney Pi lie—tbe mat that Mr S'iggt had. Fnatar-klbburp Co., Props . Buffalo, B. T METROPOLITAN BARBER SHOP JOHN STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE Taa end unsigned. with hftesa year* , practical experluooe, baa purr bated lix* aliove wall known and ooavaatant i i mealed Hirbar Rfcop. and baa come ! u> Goldsboro as a par man ant aitiiaa— bring lag wlili bim a eorpt of txpart Barbara- and solicits Iba palrooaga of Uie Public. guarantoalog tatlafaclloo la 9r9rj particular f.'laaaliaraa at all ilmaa will ba aay motto. Respectfully. A B HOLLAND. Adalnlstratev** Motion Hai ing qualified aa administrator of Ottwitlt of J H Ban tun, deceased, lal* of Wayne coeoty. Lhla la to certify VI p'ramikpinff rlniiM against tfct estate to exhibit I bam In the undrrtig itrd oa *»t before Nor let. HI/.or tbit notice will be pleaded In bar of tbalr rerOyery. Ad purenne iodsbAed U> teiri ■State will pis sea niake immediate pay toast RICHARD BENTON. Adra K > US Goldtboro. h C TbU Haf la*. Il«t• DR. A H. ZEALY, OMTHOPATH Rmni 411, 412. 413, Bordw, Bid*. Qold»boro. K. C. Offlo* PImm* 171. RMtdMr* phoM i 178 CATARRH LEADS TO CONSlIMPiiO Catarrh is a* mnrh a blond ' m. .»♦ aa scrofula i»r r' ruti.aii^iu. !•. i< be relieved, but it -‘onnot bo rerun* by simply local Irratttvui. ]| CJIl4 hea Ja«br end <i urine**, iir«n ir« tl UM#, *rvel! it.il b^aiing. .«• .(» tl vuice, demure* tin* lii*.*? i». at: brrok* H«»*n tic o.'n1'*** In .r . ’ weaken* lb* .lelira's lull*' at* icj er. leads to cuu»uro|»(ioR. Hood's HarRApiiMlIn ipw* to f'a Mat of the Iruable. purvlU* the bln. I, and ia so successful fl.a* il >* knom aa tbe beat retard v for cat an h Hood’s 8*r<*|>urilla ttitn^lirqi and tones the whole syttera. It builds ■p. Ask your Jmggt«i f«r Hood'*, and insist on having it. There is ».• • s^' real substitute. I r How a Man Who Landed On Wood Pile And Wat Sm. prnnt Head to pool Pound Ouick Relief. Once upon * Un»w |..j*rin rufnan mho lt«es in lit* .j ... r, pretty t.*m|e< .• Wea4el iJepot, Max* . r >11.1*11 «.|. t,,.« • Infl ti» gri Mtinn hall hnir cinietu last hi many wnntl cf n.*r, 1.*.* m «. c country uiusl ufu.i do. >uu Jcnly l.« slipped sod fell. Y.*n fret !*> %»*, ,• pdie of vod, kiK'lH-l mid |fu:;.*led. I r-se a nasty tumUc. a.*l Mr. t'utrui. was Injur, d paii.f dly in tu- imek, h«. wMCwrml s nh Prjiat., tC J >. M coo injta tumd to fi r*t Tbe net tiny he Inu-Lt a t .:tle o| Hkien'a Uiunwul vbuh had U*n nxntnendel uvMui. w tltun a very ' v hour* tbe soreuri* Usd vaiiu'i—i 1.. the la/nroen bid il At| js-uel. 'few... an Mllv« man one - m tr Hkan 1 Llrdnwni m*i ler.S'qmn! ji all iU»g Mona. iV. J.C. uuj 11AU. m What Kiud 1 ofu Market Does Your Meat Come Froth1 i our Voo uu cordndly imihsl to come un<I I<m.U over ««.r up to tlulo inurUt t from the front 1 door to (Lie lm«'k d«*nr. j Our Meats are al ways Absolutely Fresh and Tender. PURE FOOD MARKET' PH0KKU3, UK ANT nun;.| TAXES For 1916 Are Now Due Come tc the Sherifl's Office and Settle With out Delay. R. H. EDWARDS, Sheriff ot Wayne Co AUCTION SALE of paraonal propel*.f *i J II ftiniu»i'« farm. ko«»r a* lu© Ileal | ilaotmloa, caaj Diuall Mill, la Neva Hop** lawn nhlp. oo Wedurtda? NoinuiU'f 2V, ltl* Tin© following property w II I.© ardd to Ih© hiflieit ItiAlnr foraah S Mule*. IVftffnn Hareau. Himii.f Utannll*. Hnjt»r>' Wafnaa. Can*, Ho**. Corn. Fodder, etc. RICHARD IIKMUJf. Ado* ~b. fTaycock* Attorney at Law FREMONT. ‘-N. 0. CHESTER L. LASSITER, U. 0. PHysiolaa aid Surpcn Ofllc© 8mon«l F1«wr New Hrv ka fl,» FRKMON r. N C. OMer Phoia* 11S Hotel |'bn in 7 DR. W. II. SMITH. OfBct 1HI Writ Walnut Si , RESIDENCE PHONE 449L OFFICE T1IO*F. NO 1* 1)R. E. R. WARREN. DENTIS1 Of line* o New Or&iat ll'iil Han. »> onH Ki«*or. lit ;ff. I I** «•© P • ~~DR. W. A LANE limiTlHT, rooms ;mi -tni Hordo BuCtlSaf. Thlril Finnr Ofic© PbOHO rI K«*«l<1enrr 117-1, i 90 CENTS FOR AN EAR OF WAYNE | COUNTY CORN IW« wi.! give that Partner bringing to us between now and Thanksgiving, Six packages of Mexican Btcck Powder, worth 90 cent*, for the largeat ear of Corn raised by him. [ We wiJ'also give six packages of Mexican Stock Powder to that farmer bringing in the moat perfect Ear of Corn between now and Thanksgiving. Award* will be made day before Thanksgiving by two com petent, disinterested farmer*. Wayne Connty to the front! Now, come on with yonr prite ear, and let’s hare a Corn Show right GOLDSBORO DRUG CO., Goldsboro's Biggest Drug Store 1 -——^ ] fr°r Quick Delivery of iCoal, Wood, Shingles, I Laths, and Furnace Coke. Phone to W. H. GRIFFIN & SON TELEPHONES 47 and 48. ■H1EAUCTI0N SALEi^BI TX-XE3 o. in. WORRELL PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD Saturday;"" NoveTTftoer HI 11:00 A. M. 1 , It has been subdivided into small farms each farm hav= |j ! | ing a nice road frontage, this being located on the Goldsbo- ! | ; ro-SauIston sand clay road within 4 miles of the city Of j HI Goldsboro near Thompson’s Chapel. This very valuable piece of property \\ | | will be sold I! II— AT YODR PRICE ON EASY TERMS" !! 111 —————--------- \ 1 | 01 j There are two tenant houses, two tobacco barns and outbuildings. It ’ is a very !! i i healthy section and is also near a church and a good school. I YOU CANNOT MAKE ANY MISTAKE \ | By investing in some of this real estate that is going to be offered you on November 25th for J j ! ! a smflH outlay of capital. Come out and see for yourself what an opportunity you have to bet- ] [ J | ter your finncial condition. < | !! i i rj 1 1 i i r i i i; FREE PRIZES- BAND CONCERT I: I I ' 8 ' ~=======.TJ , , = J ' ; An Old Fashioned Barbecue Dinner jj i 1 j ] J ! Ladies Oox'dietlly Invited | Walter & Gurley Auction Co. | j Home Office:Fremont, N. C. !! -..-j j

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