I "hestlkrson, Llteway TO CENTRAL CAROLINA. nineteenth year Peace Effort At Shanghai Failure flan for sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS 10 HALT HOARDING Campaign Plans Are Out lined By Col. Frank Knox In State ment Today DETAILS FOR DRIVE NOT YET CERTAIN Only One Difficulty, That Os Shortage of Needed Bonds, Is Expected By Leader of Effort n«hinct<-n, Feb. IH.—(AP)— I'lins for i* government bond setl in; •anpaign to derretute hoard ,.l; iMtlernetl lifter tl?e finvt llb .rt> loan driven—were announced tixlav bv C 01. Frank Knox, chair man of l'r<>sident Hoover's Anti -11 >ardnig Commission. The securities to be issued by the treasury are designed specifically to liiva money out of teapots and safety deceit boxes. Knox said, and will be in low denominations. Details of the issue however, remain u be worked out at a conference vith Secretary Mills, of the Treasury Department today. "! anticipate only one difficulty," Knox said. “It is in getting a suf ficient quantity of securttiea from the Treasury Department to satisfy the demand for them.” VOUNGDEMOCRATS POSTPONE DINNER Jackson Day Meeting Not to Be Held Until After Primary Election llal-ieh. Feb. 13.—(AP)—In the I. ipe that the Democratic presidential nomine*’ may be brought here as the principal speaker, the Young Demo ciats State organization has decided rf> t to nold its Jackson Day Dinner nntil after the National Democratic Convention at Chicago. Kdwin M. Gill, chairman of the Jackson Day Dinner committee an nounced the decision today. Explaining that all factional lines vi'hin the party in the State will have t'-’n erased after the primary. Gill x'd the dinner committee had de f'ted the affair could be of more value to the party if held prior to the general electio nand following the primary than before the primary as w: « originally planned. 11N BELIEVED KILLED IN BLAZE Others Injured In Fire At Kansas City Grain Elevator Today Kansas City. Feb. 18.—(AP)—Two '"■man was believed killed and ten >*r> were injured, two of them dan >-* rousiy, m a fire and series of dust ■OMons that destroyed the Central l of ,he Kansas-Miasourl elevator h( *re today. TV body of William McDaniels, rn er of the First Fire company to VP , was A>elieved burled beneath ,r> ' 1 # of debris. N oon was burned probably n' y Prank Stark another flre- I ‘ r< ' p * v «‘d severe injuries when he ronrl a f °urth story window, r/y. T l ' nlt destroyed contained 100,- amn 18 0f wheat a «l » large amoun » of machinery. H,NF -S IS OPPOSING extending policy V " sshingto^ - Feb. 18.—(AF)— Ad minlstrmtog Hines to n Houw Veterans . Ma ‘ nHt *"* furth * r «- ti..„ cy rpderml NORT H CAROLINA. o, oody, slightly odder la Frw? ®, nd **** Portions tonight; the? , oudy '®««wed by rain In n portto “ i *"■» Brniirrsmt » a TS^M«»S.c, lap Reservists Set to Fight jggjLjH Bp* 4M. wS jKk * «^ n !^ he r P /, P,ng . timeS ° f ppac<? th s se Ja P a , ne3 « nationals in Shanghai went about til. . ’ easiness as everyday working citizens, but with Ihc C °| , 2l ng °l Japa n eSe warsh, P s and to Shanghai they immediately o.led up their rifles and prepared to fight for the flag of the rising sun 2Z”?SJ\r iSU ' ° f £ pan ’ amy and th * hand s worn on the m denotes that they are soldiers and not irregular bandits. Note the man n the foreground apparently ail the cTotkir.g he wears under hS overcoat is his underwear. Youth Arrested In Chicago Admits Robbery In Winston Chtonge* Feb. lA— (AF) —The police said today that pvi'Jiam Pryor, 19 year old, one of four youths arrested after an attempt to burglarize a barbecue stand here, confessed robbing a bridge v party in a suburb of Winston- Salem, N. C., last March of 820,- 000 in jewelry. Pryor named Wallace N. Scales, as his accomplice and said the jjwelry was pawned in New York for $1,860, the police declared. Robbed Last March. Winston-Salem, Feb. 18.—(AP) — Two bandits armed with a sawed off shotgun and a pistol entered Louisburg Man Is Killed By Trolley In Richmond, Va. Richmond, Va.. F*b. 18.—(AP) —Raymond G. Bailey, 31, a Louis burg, N. C., attorney, was killed instantly yesterday when he threw himself In front of an Intterur ban trolley. Coroner dames M. Whitfield re turned s suicide verdict. Physicians at Westbrook sanita rium, where Bailey was a patient, ■aid he had been “depressed” since he entered the institution last No vember. bankoTeland REDUCESJTS RATE Action Followed By Similar Move In Sweden And Norway Today London, Feb. 18. —(AP)—The Bank of England extended a helping hand to the commercial community and a financial gesture of confidence to the world today by reducing the bank rates from six to five percent. The six percent rate was imposed on September 21, 1931 when the na tion went off the gold standard. Soon after the announcement in Threadneedle Street word came from Stockholm and from Oslo that the bank rates in both Sweden and Nor way had been reduced from six per cent to five and one half percent. NUN IS~BURNED TO DEATH IN BLAZE Hawthornes N. ty.. Feb. IS.— (AP)—A SB year old nun. Sister Bernard, was burned to death in a fire which early today destroy ed 8t Hyacinth’s School, a Catho lic boarding school. Twenty-five children ranging In age from three to twelve years and nineteen other nans fled to safety In their night clothing and with anly a few hastily gathered coats and blankets to protect them from the early morning odd. ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBT,return 4h****rs**. of a chain of hole's last March 21 and robbed Mrs. Galloway and three guests who were playing bridge of their jewelry. The victims were Mrs. Gallo way, Mrs. James S. Dunn, Mrs. Margaret Cavanaugh and Mrs. Louise Mcßrayer. Wallace N. Scales Is the son of A. M. Scales, of Greensboro, a real estate operator who once reputed ly was very wealthy. Young Seales attended college. Last sum mer he was discovered serving a term on the Forsyth county roads under An assumed name for violation of the prohibition laws. TESTS SHOW BEST CROPS TO PUNT \ State College Extension Ex pert Gives Views On Best Varieties r.aleigh, Feb. 18.— Th ebeat varie ties of cigarette tobacco for North Carolina conditions are the Cash, White Stem, Orinoco, Bonanza and Jamaica says E. Y. Boyd, extension tobacco specialist at State College, who has conducted field testa with the crop in all parts of the State dur ing the past few years. In making suggestions for growing the crop this year, Mr. Floyd gave as his opinion that only those acres of tobacco should be grown that may be propery cared for after all the food and feed crops and a large gar den have been provided. The tobacco should certainly be set on the most uniform, well drlained soils. Every seed planted should be cleaned and treuted for disease and the seed beds should be located with a southeast 1 exposure on a well-drained loamy Boil. SAYSIiSSTATETO SUPPORT AL SMITH Matiachuietti Governor Makes Statement After Capital Conference Washington, Feb. 18—(AP)—Gov ernor Joseph B. Ely, of Massachu setts, conferred hers today with mem bers of the State’s congressional dele gation and predicted Massachusetts Democrats would be for Alfred E. Smith “without any doubt.” At about the same time Senator Neely, of West Virginia, predicted that Democrats of his state would de clare for Governor Rooeevelt, and C. Bascom Siemp, Republican commit teeman from Virginia, said the Re publican's committee In the Old Do minion would meet next week and en dorse President Hoover. HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY # Bath} Bispatrh IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 18,1932 PAINLEVE IS NAMED ERENCH PREMIER BY PRESIDENT DBUMER Former Premier And Popu lar Statesman Will At tempt To Form New Cabinet POLICY AT GENEVA WILL REMAIN SAME Conferences With Parlia. mentarians Called Immedi ately In Effort To Form New Ministry Speedily Paris, Fob. 18.—(AP)—Forrrer Premier Paul Painleve, son of a beker, noted m*ihm«tl(fan and one of France’s most popular statesmen today accepted an in vitation from President Paul Doumer to form a cabinet to suc ceed that of Premier Pierre Laval, which resigned Tuesday. One of M. Palnleve’s slogans Is “no disarmament without se curity against invasion,” so it was expected today that If he succeed ed in the difficult mandate of forming a ministry there will be change In the French disarma ment program at Geneva. He Immediately began conver sations with parliamentarians and planned to give his definite reply to President Doumer tonight. CONNOR NAMED TO SIEEEMTMAN University Professor Made Member of State Histori cal Commission Raleigh, Feb. 18.—(AP)- Professor R. D. W. Connor, of the University of North Carolina, has been named a member of the State Historical com mission by GoGvernor Gardner to succeed the late Judge Thomas M. Pittman .of Henderson, who died re cently. For finny years Prof. Connor has been oi'f”t:inding in historical circles of the Slal*’. has written two books of North Carolina history and also wrote a biography on Cornelius Harnett. He was secretary of the Commission from 1903 to 1921 and was president of the State Literary and Historical association in 1912. SAYS SON WANTED TO MURDER FATHER Laurens, S. C., Feb. 18.—(AP)— Ernest Hitt, 21 year old dry clean ing employe today testified In Laurens General Sessions court that Henry Rasor “wanted to kill his father.” Hitt’s testimony was given in the trial of Rasor and two of his relatives by marriage, Lathan and Eugene Crisp, for the murder of W. C. Rasor, 71 year old retired hanker and merchant who was slain last September 26. Believe All Candidates In Race For Governor Dally Dlayiftk Baceas. la l*r Mir Waller Hotel. J C- BIIKEIIV^LU Raeigh. Feb. 18.—There will be no additional candidates for the Demo cratic nomination for Governor, ac cording to a growing conviction in political circles here. It is also being generally admitted that there seems to be a alow but steady growth in the sentiment for J. C. B. Ehringhaus since Josephus Daniels announced he would not be a candidate for the nomi nation. A good many are for the first time venturing the prediction that Ehringhaus will be the next Governor, based on the gains he has made since Daniels turned on the political spigot which he had been holding closed by his indecision as to his own course. The belief on the part of some of the Daniels supporters that either A. D. Mac Lean of Beaufort county or Tom McNeill of Robeson, might be come candidates seems to have faded already, since not even the. echoes have whispered their names where there was a definite and concerted de mand for Daniels. Nor is it believed now that the revivified boom for Gen eral Albert L. Cox of Raleigh has got ten much beyond the city limits of Raleigh. True, there are some here who still think Cox may become a Ultimatum Demanding Chinese Withdrawal From Shanghai By End Os Week Issued By Japs io Hold the Line at Woosung .'.yf ,w^NkhsdißydmnßlHwyra While .Japanese warships and planes continue the terrific bombard - instep of reLreating. as was expected, JTijT utfr a reSjStdflriT fW? garrison of the witn fresh regular troops. Top photo shows a troop train, loaded to capacity, ep route to the firing line. Lower photo shows a' Japanese machine gun squad of the type that comprised the landing party at Woosung. only to be driven back by the Chinese defenders. U. S. Denies Any Part In Framing Note To Japanese Japs Refusing To Recognize Newest Manchurian State Tokyo, Feb. 18.—(AP)—A For eign Office spokesman said today Japan would not recognize the new Manchurian Mongolian state, the formation of which was an nounced at Mukden today, until It was proven that the new state “has al Ithe attributes of an Inde pendent nation.” “We are in no hurry,” the spokesman said, “and we are not going to build any canal.” This reference was given to the recog nition of Panama by the United States in 1908. candidate, especially if he can get the support of Daniels and a part of the Daniels’ following. But a majority of the observers here feel that now since Daniels has declined to seek the nomi nation that he has sacrificed a good deal of his influence and that he is not going to be able to deliver the support of those who were wanting him to see kthe Governorship, even should he try to do so. Only a very, very few think there is any possibility that Willis Smith, also of Raleigh, will now seek the nomination. There was a time when Smith was on the verge of making the leap and would have done so with very little urging, even with Daniels looming as a pos sibility. But few of his friends now think he has any intention of getting into the frgy. ; f? '• Another thing that has proved some what surprising in political circles here and especially pleasing to the friends of Ehrlnghaus—and not so pleasing to the A. J. Maxwell and R. T. Fountain followers —has been the apparent refusal of the Daniels fol lowers to enter the Fountain camp or to go over to Maxwell. So far as can be learned here, very few of those (Continued on Fage Eight.) PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. State Department Issues De nial Os Statement Made By Officials In Tokyo HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF NOT?’ DELIVERED Both China And Japan Have Been Notified, However, That They Will Be Held Responsible for Damages Washington. Feb. 18.—(AF)— The State Department made an emphatic denial today of the state ment made by the Tokyo foreign office that the United States had a hand in framing the note to JapafT' which was delivered yes terday by the Council of the Lea gue of Nations. It was said the United States had no knowledge whatever of the framing of the note and did know that the note was to be de livered. Meanwhile it became known that both China and Japan have been advised by the State Depart ment that both combatants at Shanghai would probably be held responsible for any damages caused by fighting there. CONiilN OF RAILROADS URGED Speaker* Declare Millions Could Be Saved By Roads By Merging Philadelphia. Feb. 18.—(AP)—Con solidation would save America's rail roads not less .than $800,000,000 a year. Dr. Edward S. Meade, profes sor of Corpdration Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, told the annual Wharton Alumni Institute of Business today. Thomas W. Wood lock, former mem ber of the Interstate Commerce Com mission and F. J. Lisman, of the Lts man Corporation, New York, also in formed the Institute jiuge savings could be made by consolidation and cooperation and urged actio nto thtt end. 8 PAGES TODAY I FIVE CENTS COPY Note To Chinese Is Seen As Preliminary To Begin, ning of Big Offensive GUNS RESUME ACTION AS PARLEY IS ENDED Japanese Demand That Chinese Forces Withdraw Twelve And A Half Miles From Shanghai By Satur day London, Feb. 18. (AP) —Through the minister to China, who la now at Shanghai, the British govern ment has warned the Chinese gov ernment that either side—China or Japan—will be held strictly re sponsible for acts hSch as the fatal wounding of two British sailors yesterday, v/hen shells from Uie Chapel sector dropped in the international settlement. Shanghai, China, Feb. 18.—(AP) —General Kcnktcbi Uyeda, com mander of the Jarianeee forces in this area served nn ultimatum to night on General Tsai Tlng-Kai. ordering the Chinese to withdraw twelve and a half miles from Shanghai by rundown on Satur day. This was the result of the fail ure of a peace parley earlier In the day during which the Japan ese submitted this identical de mand and. the Chinese repnsso tnttve rejected it It was expected that the ulti matum was a preliminary to the beginning of the long awaited major offensive by Japan. The ultimatum was delivered while guns were In action In the Chapel sector In an artillery en gagement which began Immediate ly after the peace parley breks <hi>wn. CHADWICK TRIAL IN RICHMOND DELAYED Wilmington Man Not To Face Trial For Larceny Until March 10 * Richmond, Feb. 18.—(A P)—A hear ing for David M. Chadwick, Wilming ton, N. C., broker charg ed with hav ing in his possession b onds claimed to have been stolen from a Philadel phia bank was contli/ ued In police court today until Ma’rch 10. Chadwick was arr»uted here last September after he e>j changed a $lO,- 000 liberty bond for b onds of smaller denomination at the {Federal Reserve Bank. GANDIIUOWER GETS PRISON TERM Miss Madeline Slade, Daughter of British Ad. miraV, Is Jaled Bombay. Ir rila, Feb. 18.—(AP)— Miss Madclin > Slade, daughter of a British admii t 1. who deserted a high place in Lon * on society to become a disciple of Gandhi, was ar rested today and sentenced to three months in j i il for refusing to comply with a go i ernment order to leave Bombay. The or<! t - was issued Tuesday and she promptly defied it. She was sen tenced only a few hours after she was arrested t oday. ►—i ASK ASWELL If j r»u desire to question James Ao well concerning anything in Ms **My New York” column, do not ludMt to w rile to Min, in case of the Itatlj Diwiatch. . m' m i

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