ASSOCIATED PRESS AND CENTRAL PRESS ZXt Hours for Workers Reduced This Week as Money Is Running Short WAS $6,969 FOR WEEK 5H4 Mini, Record for Any Period, Shared in Distribution of llov erninent Funds Here on Last Saturday The. Civil Works Administration payroll hit its peak so far in this iCour/.y last week, when $6,969.24 was ipa'd out to 584 men and women Sat ie day, according to announcement to day by P. A. Smith, disbursing officer in the load office, of which Mrs. W. R. Waddtll is director. It wai said at the runie time, how eve:, (hit the payroll and the work in-g hours would be reduced this week by about, one-third, due to orders from (y a‘>' headquarters and from Wash ing ton as the reslult of the funds for 'the purpose running low. Under the plans lor reductions j made he hours will he cut to 21 in - the city and to 15 in the rural sec- j t c- . wh : c)i means everywhere except : in cities with a population of 2.GUU or ■mote. Heietofore the work period hay brni 30 hours a week for all laborers. If a . I when adili'ti-mal funds are available by act of Congress, • 1; hough 4 , tne time will again to- ex »• di d, hut the per-hour pay may he : Inc l si ghlly to bring it mot ' in 1 ..<> w.lli private hu ;in-e« -s. f#N IS HELD HERE OH FORGERY CHARGE ft. L. Barbre Sent Up By Mayor; Speeding and Drunk Cases Tried It. L. Barbre, alias J. M. Robertson, white was triad in police court today by Mayor Irvine B. Watkins on v chaige of forgery, and probable ran. • j was found and he was bound over to | eupetior court under 5750 bond 11- 1 was aleged to have forged the sig i nature of J. P. Hicks to a .$27 check on the Citizens Bank and Trust Com-j piny of Henderson. Gladys Mitchell, colored, was fined j 52 50 and costs for -being drunk. R. B. Harris, white, was fined 5 ai.d costs for speeding and driving I with the muffler of his car open. Uncharged from Hospital. i* >v | No wood, of Route 3. Hen-1 <!• n. .-oil of Mr. and Mrs. Walter f*’» w < 1. has been discharged from | ST;- i Parham hospital, where he has) I n undergoing treatment. PHOTOPLAYS ————• > PERFECT SOUND Stevenson ! —NOW SHOWING— Admission io-36c Bathe News Coming: Wed. and Tlnirs. MAI!HICK CHEVALIER —IN— | “THE WAY TO LOVE ” I 1% PENALTY 1% I I Will Go On 1933 I I CITY TAXES I Not Paid On Or Before I FEBRUARY 1 I Avoid this extra cost. Don’t be penaliz- I ed for failure to pay your 1933 city taxes. Remember the final installments on street assessments are also due and payable now. Call City Clerk’s office for any information. I S. B. BURWELL I City Clerk and Tax Collector Phone 203 Heads 45-Year-Old Bank Here WILLIAM A. HUNT Citizens Bank -& Trust Observes 45th Birthday Old Henderson Institution Organized January 22, 1889, and Has Been In Continuous Operation Ever Since; Late Samuel Watkins Was the First President The Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany of Henderson, second oldest, hank in the State, tomoirow attains and celebrates its 45th birthday. It was organized January 22. 1889 and began business Llie next day, January 23, 1889 It has been in continuous op eration since that time. Several of the original incorpora- Icrs of the bank are still living, and two of them, J. Bailey Owen, chair man of the board, and Gocrge B. Harris, are directors of the bank to day. '*. he other three are Samuel R. Harris, W. S. Clary and Miss Genievc Perry. The first officers ol the ib<ank wore: Samuel Wkitkins, president: Redding Perry, vice-president; J. Bailey Owen, cashier; I. B. Gary, bookkeeper; -Samuel D. Young, collector. All ot 'these are tiow dead, except Mr. Owen and Mr. Young. The hank today occupies the same building in which the institution be gan business, and has been there con- i tinuously during the 45 years. The first deposit in the bank wits made by the Barnes, Stain-back and Company a concern long since out of ■business, on January 23, 13*3. The firm was composed of W. Barnes, Lewis D. Stainback and J. Ed Young, Only Mr. Stainback is still living. The tank has grown in strength as in size. Organized with $30,000 capital, it now has $300,000 capital and over $150,000 in surplus, undivid ed profits and reserves. On January 1 Uiis year tin* bank became a mem ber of the temporaly Federal deposit insurance fund. In a statement in a:i advertisement today the bank said: “Numerous changes have occurred in this section since the first weeks cf 1889. A scattered agricultural district iliais become a community of common interests, closely knit by a network 'of splendid highways, telephone-'* and water power lines, Wherever people look lo Henderson for business a* financial services, the Citizens Bank and Trust Company has likewise I made friends, and the deposits of this j in;...Mint ion—now the second oldest* uik in the State—represent the loyal ty and good will of people throughout kb is eeetkxn.” J. Bailey Owen is chairman of the board; W. A. Hunt, president; K. L. Bunion, executive vice-president; S. P. Cooper and T. G. Horner, vice-presi dent:,*; Roy O. Rod well, cashier; A. H. Cheek, secretary paid assl-riawt •cashier; J. L. Wester, assistant cashier; W. H. Fleming, trust officer, land Pony and KiiL-trc'll, -general counsel. *—; . . > False Swearing to Marriage 'License Heard; Assault, Drunk Charges Three defendants were tried in county court today y Recorder R. IS. Clements. Perry Gupton, white, was charged with false ©wearing to a marriage license, but the prosecuting witness, came into court and asked that the -charge be withdrawn, which was al lowed when he was taed with the co its. Booker T. Roberson, colored, was chaiged with an assault with a dead ly weapon, namely, a. pistol, but en tered a plea of -simple assault and judgment was suspended on payment cf the co:i‘s, and the pistol was or dered destroyed. Leonard Langston, white, was cliarg fii w i.h driving tjh automobile whilt under the influence of liquor, and was fined SSO and costs, and depriv ed of the privilege of driving a oat hi Nor tit Carolina for 90 days, ex ceipt one car for business purposes, 'belonging to the Bon Ton Service Sta * u.:a, and -thiol only while working foi •that concern. Public Is Urged Not To Hire Men Working for CWA Byway of lessening - some confesion that lias arisen, employers of labor in -the city have been -requested not to I'iiire men who are being given work by the CWA organization in the coun ty, it was stated today by J. J. S. Callaway, manager of the local office of the National Reemployment Ser vice. He said that some men who have ibeen getting CWA work have 'been working also in private employ men-t. The reason for asking discon tinuance was given as feeing that tho work that is available may be spread out to just that many more persons. INFANT DIES AFTER A LENGTHY ILLNESS Herman W. Wheeler, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wheeler, died £t 7 o’clock this morning after an ill ness of three weeks from a complica tion of diseases. The child was born in this county September 7, 1931. Fun eral services are to be held frotn the residence at 2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, and interment will be in Rock Bridge cemetery at South .Hen derson, , ' j, : |f. Henderson Daily Dispatch NEW CUT CLERK FAKES UP DUTIES E. O. Falkncr Begins Fami liarizing Himself With His Office Elv.ri O. Falkncr, who was appoint ed clerk of Vance Superior Court Saturday afternoon by Judge R. Hunt Parker, to succeed the late Henry Perry, was In his office today fa mil'arizing himself with the duties of the office. He was sworn in by Judge Parker immediately after the appoint ment was made Saturday afternoon, but attended to only the most urgent business at that time. Mr. Falkner was given the office by Judge Parker when he presented endorse mentis by nearly 2,900 indivi duals who signed his petition. He was one of fou*’ whose names were pre ntrd to tlie udge at a hearing that began shortly after 11 o’clock S?at urd-av morning and lasted until mid after noon. Mr. Fialknor today announced ap- j jp-r ’ni! mcn-t of Miss Helen Royster as ! hi« office deputy. She had served in ! that capacity under the late Colonel Perry since last summer, and during ( that period of time has become un- J v- u-ally familiar with the office and i its duties. Her retention a-s office 'brv'.y by the new clerk 'i-rough! much favorable comment today. The Vance Board of County Com oVrironers today ;n-<«q>t r<l t hr- new j clerk’s bond, which is required in tire j um cf SIO,OOO. Go to Wash i ngton j To Seek Speeding Os School F unds _____ I E. M. Rollins, superintendent of | schools, and A. A.B unn, county at- J torney, plan to go to Washington to morrow to attempt a speeding up of j consideration of the application of | this county for $301,000 of Federal : Public Works funds for a school j building program here. They will ' endeavor to have the county’s appli cation passed on at the earliest pos sible date, so that work can get un der way at once. A new high school, a, new school at North Henderson, addition of four rooms at South Henderson, and four rooms at Dabney are l all embraced in the application. Os the $301,000 sought. $227,000 would be covered by bonds of the county, the remainder to be an outright donation on the part of the Federal government. Leave Hospital. Mi - C- M Floyd and son have been di Charged from Maria Parham hos pital. On Our 45th Birthday— We Thank Our Depositors and Friends On January 23rd, Citizens Bank & Trust Company Completes 45 Years of Service—4s Years of Continuous Success Numerous changes have occurred in this section since the first weeks of 1889. A scatteied agiicultuial distiict has become a community of common interests closely knit by a network of splendid highways, telephones and power lines.’ Wherever people look to Henderson for business and financial services the Cit !zens Bank and Trust Company has like wise made friends and the deposits of this institution—now the 2nd oldest bank in the State—represent the loyaltv and good will of people throughout this section. The bank has grown in strength as in size. Organized with $30,000.00 Capital it now has $300,000.00 Capital and over $150,000.00 in Surplus became a Pl ’° fits and Itesei ’ ves - ° n January l s t, 1934, the institution Member of the Temporary Federal Deposit Insurance Fund As Citizens Bank and Trust Company rounds out its 45th year of suc -3’ JnoH lre -n° r ! !* nd ° fficer s are d eeply appreciative of the confidence ana good will of 4ts thousands of p atrons and other friends Thpv the bank ' s Citizens Bank & Trust Comnanv Henderson, N. C. * V s „.„ w. O . i „ OR,GINA E L ! N “ RPORAT Ts A T J ‘°ckholders Charles Watkins r p y • e dding Perry Miss Genieve Perry D. Y. Cooper .1 R fw?, S ,\ C '? ry A. C. Zollicoffer Samuel R. Harris Henrv Faslev , ' J ' • ' r 9°‘ l,Jer Thos. D. Davis James H. Lassiter JVB rltf Min n ,nter Owen Davis Jos. S. Burwell R. W Watkins W. W. Rowland (IT , _ ' Watkms Geo. B. Harris Rufus Owen * ounder# of an Institution for Past, Present and Future Generations” New Coroner FRKH 15. HIGHT Fred 13. Might late Sunday became coroner of Vance county to succeed E. O. Falkner, who was elevated to Clerk of Vance Superior Court by ap pointment of Judge R. Hunt Parker Saturday afternoon. Under the law a vacancy in the office must be filled by appointment of the clerk of the court, so that it fell to Mr. Falkner’s lot to name his own successor. The appointment was speeded up and was made Sunday evening be cause of a fatal stabbing during the afternoon which required an investi gation by the coroner. Mr. Might sieved in the office for eight to ten years up to two years ago. He is now a member of the Henderson City Council frfom the third ward, but County Attorney A. A. Bunn ruled that the two did not conflict under the law, and the ap pointment was made. The work of the office is entirely familiar to Mr. Hight through his former long serv ice. FOUR LICENSES TO MARRY ARE ISSUED Four marriage licenses were report ed over the week-end from the of fice of the register of deeds. Two of the couples were white and two col ored, and were as follows: C. L. Lipscomb, of Henderson, and Lee Meagher. of Richmond, Va., white. John Long and Bettie Bullock, col ored, both of Vance county. Abbott Cannady and Sarah Pu&h, colored, both of Henderson. Early Berry Raynor and Polly Ellis, white, both of Henderson. MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1934 Williamsboro To Ask for Fund for Community House Request for CW.A fund® with which to erect a community house in the Williamabbro community was framed at a meeting of citizens of that pairt of the county Sunday afternoon, he! at the country home and farm of R. B. Crowder. Little was learned today, of the plans adopted, but it was said a committee was named to handle tin request and to follow it through. The community houses it is under rjlocd, would afford a meeting plact for the Williamsiboro section. It wa* wot learned ust how much money would be required, nor the size of th< structure to be erected, if the funds are obtained. White Way Proposal Tc Come Before Monthly Meeting This Evening A discussion of plans for the eret lion of the new street lighting syt tom in Henderson is to be had at th 't'cgu’ar monthly meeting of the Hea de.i,von City Council tonight, it wa ned today, it is understood off iciais of the Carolina Power and Ugh Company will be present for the mee' ing. Plans under consideration are so the erection of a wiiite way in th business section of Garnett street i connection with the re-paving of th street with Federal funds by the Sta' Highway Commission. AROUNDTOWN j Rotary to Meet. -The regular week ly meeting of the Rotary Club wil be held tomorrow, evening ait 6:3, at Dugger ’s Tourist Camp Tea Room 8t wasi said! today. An interesting program has been planned for the meeting, it was stated. Straw Field Fire.—A straw fielc that surrounds League Baseball park on the eastern edge of the city wa,:. burned over yesterday, calling fire men to the scene twice. With no /Jim, ia truck went out about 6 •o'clock and iback-fired the field, caus ing it to bu onru.t cmfwyp shrdlu ing it to burn out. It caught up again in some manner and was burning the ball park fence last night about 8:30 o'clock when firemen answered the second call. Vciy little damage was done to the fence, it was said. Cutting Affray Occurs Near Ruin Creek Colored Church in Afternoon Frank Jones, Negro, was slabbe.i , death, presumably in an argument ? some sort, near the Ruin Creek , oied church on the Dabney road s c-ay afternoon, and officers tod™ were endeavoring to determine th. | man or men responsible for the crin , L Few details have been learned Fred B. Hight was sworn in as co oner Sunday evening to take char!’ of the inquest, and a jury was emDa f elled to make the investigation. Mr Hight succeeds E. O. Falkner became clerk of superior court bv J pointment on Saturday. ' p ' Mr, flight was working on the ca * this afternoon, but no verdict j*, been given by the jury, and non, Wa ! looked for before late today and piub fihly not until tomorrow. Meanwhile, sheriff’s officers visited the scene and took Oscar Cooper and Joe Harris, colored, into custody ~ witnesses. No charges have been preferred against them. The staobing is believed to have occurred about mid-afternoon Sunday A knife was driven into the lower i ight abdomen and apparently sev ered an artery, and death was b* lieved to have resulted from loss of blood. '• c. PENNEYCOMPANY DECLARES DIVIDEND At a meeting of the Board of Di 'eotors held January 9th, the J. rj Penney Company declared an extra dividend of SI.OO per share on the Common Stock, payable January go, '934 to stockholders of record as of January 20, 1934. This dividend was authorized be cause the generally upward trend in business conditions has been substan ia'ly reflected in the Company’s op eration during the second half of 1933, and because of the present Along financial position of the Com pany. It was the desire of the Directors to add in this way to pm’die purchas ing power and to support the Re covery Program of the National Ad ministration. JJIJJ dibk&io&cL" l Ui rr«i« (jives ‘lOicken relief from pity. mj 111 HI Banisb «* nerrouj strain. Brings «Rj|9 peaceful relaxation. 10c, 30<.

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