ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS U IteititerBim Bally Btepatrff 1__mon™'-.1 Many State Institutions Probably Will Be Merged Next Leigslature Expected to Unite Some of Colleges MV LYNN NISID T Daily Dispatch Bureau Ka!c e". IK On'ni"ii ■ <1 - mo-tt man1 ■ m- a . nd the iqnarr t • , • • ■ • Gem \ • l> • g . i e.I im c - t ... • nan its pi t' riecr'"> ■ n >»ia^.i»11ri;i ’ mg St dr n 1 *11' "tt \ i'\ I it: .. ire * tie teach , •• , •' '.E ■ ■' .'Ec I 'let ' ir 1I1E :it. ..i K i -t Car..Inn Te icnre (’ lien it < »t ecu' • in me Inc t' 1 ! ve , ' ' e I .'te. ■' .11 B a.. .-I ... \l H IIV \ t'lVKS ( *li* t« . ' * ! »■> ' » • gia*.eel re. 'le c: > ,tet Jrystcm. This prop" .<i iv neet v .g ime i - i .ppos.t ioii in in' ’ ie: r .1 ip m ; ten.-, ami present indie.d ."ii ■ .m i | will ii"' be pushed I'he .. I idea i.- t'.i consolidate the tea ei training setmols niidei i single n ;' i separate boaid "f '■ .Pee-, mniii like the ' ire. unts >t' the in - vp’-sit.v ,ne il" \ gi " mod .a '!: m "\ er-all pit - dent and Is d ad" n i~t alive deans The* idea i-- t.r -.- i b> nanv ed it nal eadri>. n id mg Sta'c Superintendent l :y"e K - u 111 l(F\Si l.\ Flier.- 1"S1 ‘hr . i g i ■ .■. • • i ’ the Unit . * \ ■ md get ■ ... .. p | If. -•■ . trail ■ g . gi .' i -r. I .i;i>11■ • i ei ■ 1 a . h""ls "! eng .. ci\ tl, mechanical, ■ '• d d, I lie d, ele tl leal. et ■: ,i ■. ■ .■:i ■■. r,\ anrl ■ t i i11 d •: eoingi '■ iiu it tfe jiH.rtl e: . 'ce work, busine-s .d n -tip amd .tiler calling- S i >1 Pi■d te i there \v--uld • - ia'e p!ent;"ti given *• 'ea e tram tig .r. units of the . • - A' tTirtrn-r-v..ire. while they t.e sotidva-n md eentralur.' • • v i- •- pi a ! 'he tiling mtg'-.t ?;••'. ' 1 big A N't't HI H • ... •! • ign* pm p e • « sp m • ■ Un ei 11 v v tp 11pi .; : ■ • ■ , i- trail tig y lev. 1" ms : 11 v\ •: to ml N egi . s--. in. >! I . •aI n rating Jtfort bn.i (' dli ge - »r N'egt "- at Dtr and A \- T C" lege P Green into die Gr- Pei University, a io Neg tea ■ >1 leges at I 11 *iti Fa• ' - -i A : t Sail" ' .'ltd Clime unde: the be irrt ,. v the 'r>- while te.. -::ei i -"lieges Tti1. v i :c n • ta • . . t.. lie as rad,ral as appro . ,,n the • lriff. -a', it- advocate-. ■ .a! v. i . : lie the progre - -top i State ed ll. it on a 1 - y ! t Id it p ol .. .. i s t High th< grade i atdei me cent ral : ■. • i !"i inn' ■ ■ t : >. ■!: ■ i, v - S‘. i ’, ■ v I... - ■1 : ipa'e-l I : ferentials : tantia: i • and salaries lor whi'c hi. 1 e .to: e. i tt aeiiers m the p . > • >!.- N tep - ' ■ eliminate ! i n t •• i higher tin .ts. ! RACIAL S . it nation would naturally eal t.. Xegi re present:. • .on on the -everal boards. In spite ot some i ei adice against j tl'c i ti . •• bein ■ c I to .(• ntevit- I I aole ti at Negroes 1 o represent ed .■ tatc i trd f ed it >n ' There are i ilored c.lreii' m pT.v qualified to ,-erve .m the other board- of t: ister.- And, finally, ad vorates of the plan - ;■ ' would smooth out present rough places by «.ro- 'ding i completely gradua'ed system of public edu it ( t e to..' grade through ' e . '--grad j unte ini' o' itv .dr. I \"yi ..v, ' w next b-g! la-lure - g : ■ g ' ive to j ri , i 11 :i tin- ■ it • n ...... .’ iv. ('OCll’KRAT 1 i i N Rii'cignit or ; that a uettei a - -' . nd,g . I t he j problems of will hel)i .lime gOO md 'ral and tarn lead ers ■' il ge tlogelhe- o Hal.- gi next month f■ : " t d .seti - .il The con ferenee s i" ..ed by State Col lege, m coopt—pain the 'ra tional \ ..-of a1 . . f Man : fa • ire . fa -m organ /.it|.n . and a numbci of onbet e r ct N or 11 Carolina. Tin’ !i-t includes Dr M • reci. . • Ah .rgam di'-i-d • it TV A. I >r. K - a ;-. (Ir • ia n, pre :*' t if N C C' • aty: Go Brong lo and n any we aimvi tarn md du-trial figure- m tile I’m'ri Stale !. \\V F.N’Ft iRCl-iMMa.'T -I... • ci - f..r.-im■ ent ..11 .ci- rs are g<. :ig la rh'.nl at C'-nip'l H 11 F ■ md I or the max' - hi t h or Sp. m -. i,' - ed I.v the a titule .>1 :: • ■ ■ nment i ' he progr.>■-■ s 1 .a' <■ hern n-.-m m-iI line .f tin >ffici go to j part time an i teach the ..1 lie Agents Bradshaw and. Pierce ol tlu: State 1! .reaii of Investigation air on the mb this weed when the sub ei' is efficient crime detection They expect to lean a lot trom the FBI men who aie nstmetnrs. and at the same time t xpect to he of so me assistance to . cal officers who have had less opp :unity to study modern crime dote." on methods Late 0:1 SBI ILicr' < Creekmore an ■ C iei Agent Gatl ng will attend n 'he dual capacity if iiistructor puj ■ When thi . rogram doc, with trafftr regiilat the tine high ray patrol vv 1 ipy the e ielation as SBI d >i ■ i other phase . I* iirni Phi ns f»cin^ Set l p tor \ cts (]ominj^ I' nun \\ ;ir ( .liege sup. • . It igh. Sept. 1 tl. ! Prel ■ nary . . . • 1 et urn i ng ' v oter ms <>t th s vv •• who w ant to i return t > t o • g ire being drawn 1 ip, iccordmg t ...... ed iy I 'c.i I O > mb st Pc (' ip.-gc I • 'eu i 'ii Serv - ice. 1* si »tcp 'o the ;' • is vv 1 - |o ill i eeting it tlie* it.iti Agricultural . e ■ Council ■ - ••he; rnter i -o ii igeneies to ! ■ ‘ ite a uniticd tote p; ' At •". - meeting, a general ml ne f . lure foi an Agt 1111 il Ad ; E<i icational we thr 'iigir•• c r.tuiities was worked out. T e group selee'e t a com-nttee ' ’ 11 ganize the w - :n the state, Dean Sch.c.b ,iy . ml to prepare • -o necc-saiy ed . «' • >:ial materia! F oh',,;ii n • ■: •• agent ■ and tar ) . their op; u >• ; i .Ugge .t loll s, \i the cone] ,n e the e meot the "Hi ttee toot again for eport to the gene; .1 group and .’s finding . , At • are l ie. It'' hi Sc;;a .-ay T; . Extension So :ce, he c\ ■ iis. ..' at vvor., , bulletin, spe , red leaflets w 1 large wall designed pc.'.:.rally !"i the - ng serv icc r w lio vv ant- to die agl'icultlira'; : eld. A- tune goes on and the needs • e mm* spec : :c. additional . ■ and publicity ' be released, Sriia.b points MILK PRODUCTION HOLDING UP WELL ; . Sept 1H M ilk prod ile x' rth ('a.-olina has held up i . ■ M-;! :h.s se n spite ol \ pastures, ae . - "arlelon. stall - • . I tepartment of \gr • dti o. Pp. la-!i ii per cim in herds of '.'lie Do; o tnienl of Agncui ture's eioji lepor’.er- declined from the se.oonal peat: if 14.3 pounds oil the first ot Aug .-t to 13.7 pounds m the first ot Septet 1 ><-i Th teas i normal nal dee]me from the summer peak The rate ot produo ’ .ii at the iing mung m September th,a year .• .. - only gh'ly u.ghei than the pound: per cow a' tii - 1 'iu iast year, but it Alls sUbstatl tialiv higher ti an 'lie 'on year . P.133 42) average of 12.8 pounds pci com. g~ I.Q.? 1 P’tm serf f? "• olt aim*mured i Aug 10 that f va • ondmg I .• *•» | moil t<» ion*i 1 *: (Jcnei a!. . i ii 1 (Vi ang K ■ - ’• W • • 1 ’r«'duction Board Chati Dona d M Net m *va • one. na ' • ‘• < other (’ario •:: i i t '<f toctin J ,-t.. each nr U’ i oat. 8. Xante t r fir a ".an to -on e a , ! !c«' pro - ' i > " ’ i 1 . ■ [ * 11; t (vrl Sf a t (' 1 Win . State. d * - 1 ’ S Sr;no tor (,8a ude P» : a >« r . op: *"...111 • a On " pa i ty Paso! , \m - : man Thom. ammg for Prcsidm* , f>. ()n fro V < moniiof rale, 1 n tiie melfim po.nt o( ioeV 7. The O. i .no . 111 upletarc 1 eight. n n*' '*Mt y( ar- old" 8. What vegetable beat the name i of a po] r i! a 1 baud : r -m t he longing 1 to Groat P. .tain" 0. I Ion v S<‘hooka -a 11 w.'w a col lege proles '»r, 1 naturalist, ni a I writer ", Anri ran 1 ndian ‘ 10 Wham department of the led- j oral government operates the U. S. Coast Guard :n peacetime'.' 1 War Fund Speaker -- I COL. CARLOS IV ROM I'I/O. f".»l"!irl Carlos p Romuln, rr.-i dent ro-nmi .nonet foi the Phdip pme-, f. .1 nior edit .a . wiblisbei md ■'bnutu-t and Pulfirer prim •.vimw m tin Philippines, ind tormer ode 1 ' Cienei ,d Doug] i Ma< \ithnr in the ampaigu on B it i.m, will .,peak at a giant public rally ill behalf "1 the United War f und at 3 p m Wednes ay in Memorial Auditoi aim. Raleigh, with the public in vited. Colonel Romulo '.''ill tell of the fighting in the Philippines up to the time of hw escape in a salvaged plane Colonel Romulo was m the heart oi thr fight from !ho f r-.t iu v.ismi of hi- homeland by the .Jap anese until alter tie full ot Bataan He was one of <he small arot.ip ol . my leaders and Philippine got ernmenl officials *o escape. A native of the islands, Colonel Romulo was educated at the Uni ■, ersity of the Philippines and at I'ul mb-a University, New York. He mas an honorary degree tron Notre Dame He is a past vice president ol Rotary International Owner ol sev end newspapers. Romulo was awarded the Pulitzer prize as a re sult of his analytical articles on in sular and Far Eastern affairs. I Also on the progra- will he Mrs. Mark W Clark, wife of the com manding general ot the American Fifth \rmv in the Gothic Line fight m I lalv Mrs. Clark relates incidents ■ it General Clark's experiences as revealed in his letters to her from Ihe Italian front. \ m' mp of worm . of the Vance ■minty United War K mil will attend 1 he .1 cling. ace i il eg to M Y. Cooper, county chan-nun. Colonel Roundo and Mrs. Clark v ill --peak it luncheons for i on md women corkers in the campaign at noun on i iVednesday. '< I FARM AND INDUSTRY I CONFERENCE OCT. 5-6 j i • 1 It-u<* Shi'm'1. Raleigh. Sept IK. I Iran I i ) Scha i i, directoi i if tnr State College K.xtpnsion Sor\ lie, pll lovnaed today that plans are under- | ea\ tor a imnl Farm and Industry, 'onferetiee to tie held at the Sir ,V ill pi hotel ui Raleigh on October t and d Purpo..® of the conference h- to .ring together i group of asnewl urai and industrial leader- to ot - m-v 'lie1, mutual problems and to vo:x out plans a meeting them, ac •ci!-ding to the innnuncemcnt. A : ndred loadei - in each field lucre icen invited. REPORTS ERRONEOUS ON GRAiN SHIPMENTS i Clegp Station. Raleigh, Sept Id Kim.or. that large supplies of (no on meal and feed grains have hern dipped out of the country during lie last year or so are entirely rvitn i■:t foundation, C*. T. Scott, chair nan of the State USDA War Hoard, ,vith headquarters at Slate College, iaid here today. ' For several months reports have , ■ovulated that huge amounts of j irotein meal and feed grains have j irrn shipper! In other countries," Vlr. Scott declared. "Thc-e rcportcrl ■sports, in some instances, hare icon blamed for the shortages of eed supplies here at home." High Court To Rule On Woman Jury BY LYNN NISBKT Ilally Dispatch Bureau li.ileigh, Sept. It! The 11Li* 111 >rl ni v hi ii ; women can legally ci \e mi -..pel .hi court juries m -N'"i tn Carolina v ill conic oeiort ine Supi c no L i-iirI lor the In t time ! Tuesday or Wednesday Ine rase ] (•"■! *' — up oil appeal lion I’i.|i\ eolip- | tv. neie John and Mill I i t.'i.v and Leroy Punier were com and ol il i a, "i.uiuiacture ot nna-.y last i Janua r.v \j.ipt * is based on avei a 1 excep* lions, but I lie mail) on* that two mi'iiinri ■ ot the iiuiv 1 nog t u.v wete ii: ap ia lit led lor a a ,re •. i f.i_,o|i ot After the "-a panel ia been exhausted Hu c If called fill ee women lJeh r ■ 'Uosrl alt- | ed they be excused a 'Uiit of .i"., . aiirh reque 1 .1 tip U 111 f' I *' - - I drill' d l'pun laiIni e ' r| mm i!c ; them for cause. . lelen-e u.-ed i i pci emptory ch.ila-pgi ■ *11 one, ai eepted two under • ■\ccpt sms and then appealed. I n suppoi ting t • ippeal deefnse attorney J. & 8 dpi an e intend • that when the State ( on-titution -ays conviction i'.all ;>*• oy "a jure ot good and lawful men it means men. not women He relies "it old common law in Ki gland an 1 m the eat ly American c*■ <u •" • htch . ... a , i ai :. i"UI I Pi o cedure. In supporting the appeal, defense v id mu uy ,i ■ . i > • ■11..i mug wo men, the' attmvi ■■ general' . office, until Assistant Attorney (ienein! Cifirgc i’attnn the torch, ei men,I- that the ord "men" in the Constitution is a generic term, ■ind that whei. I tin el mu hot w een .-exes is intended at other places the maies is >r i i !• or example, the same texi ■' Hie Constitution that uses "men' nn- jurors uses ■•males" in citing qualifications to vote i The ll)tl: u endment to the Federal Cnnstito’ m had the effect ot eliminating the word male- Imm suflrage quanticatmns, and the at torney general argues that even it •'men" be taken to mean male sex, the amendment ad the same client ^ as to jury service. Women had never been excluded from jury duly m Hu- State because ol sex, it ;s argue i. but because prior to 1920 they did not possess the civil rights winch quai.fied them as <• 11- . i/ens or "peers" ot citizen cleiend ants. When those civil rights were granted, the d:sq lalification was re- i moved. Both -ides cite many decisions in other states. In states where jury duty is either by law or custom un- , re nted to suffrage the effect of the 19th amendment lias been generally ignored. In common wealths where u ry panels are customarily drawn iron, voter lists, it has been accepted that the amendment qualifies wo nen for Miih service While the three Poll; county de fendants .or contending they were illegally convicted because women were <*" l*’1' jury, there is another i-r pending on appeal wherein the defendant claims illegal conviction because women are traditionally ex cluded Irom jury service m his county. Women jurors are not as in juent !v used in North Carolina as m some other states, and in many counties they are not included m regular panels or special venires, but there have been enough in-hanres to make tbe opening ro e of considerable general interest. Nine million dollars worth of sup he.-' for Americans who are prison ;rs of war were delivered by the American Red Cross in 1943. I u> j me .not OI me yucca plant k „ oH ■O' Navajo Indians of Ne'v Mexico .Mr"b,T* 'V°0! "nd *h*mW«»8 TheSTEVENSON -Tod »y-Tomorrow_ EDWARD G. ROBINSON LYNN PARI VICTOR McLAGLEN —mi— “TAMPICO” SPECIAL SHORT AM) MAYS .__ I Jm jf AW M / Jifi k MA wL.M, jUffi $■ ML.K iiN[NtmBoTTLiN(io Don't try to sleep m bake ■oven'* bedrooms' Insral! Reynolds Pror.' e' Cotton Insulation m your aruc Will keep you cool this summer and save you fuel next Vkinter' Conic in toiCiy. REYNOLDS COTTON INSULATION B. H. MIXON CONTRACTOR \ND BUILDER Phone 7 EMBASSY I I j -Today and Tuesday- E tI | Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan in a scene from "Shine On Harvest Moon." gay musical, with lack Carson. Irene Manning and S. Z Sakall. ALSO LATEST NEWS -- ■ ~ MONUMENTS We lake the stone from Mother Nature-- manufacture the monu ment—and erect it on your cem etery lot. W. W. Langston Y 01:11c St. I j; Aprnt for PALMER STONE WORKS, Inc. i ! 1 VY e are rcauy iu nine yuui PACK BARN INSURANCE Don't take the ehanre of Ios»ms your tobareo crop after made— STANDARD RATES — REASONABLE TERMS CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN CO. JOEL T. CHEATHAM, President Ini /J Pn&fj&Uicmal Painting if r J I Lji I VITAVAR ii n ii c c paint _ _. PORCH, FLOOR And ft ° .™.LPJI .»T GAL DECK ENAMEL GflLl CANNOT BUY A FINER HOUSE For beautiful porcbee and ■ '*INTI $3.20 flppre OUTSIDE and IN. EXTRA* $3.20 I I TOUGH DBIES OUJCKlYt ■ VITA-VAR VITAVAR I QUICK-DRYING SPAR VARNISH I ENAMEL Ul I Mode with Cakeiite Koeln for uALt I | GI.ri.u. colon fo, ( «•'* W«shh <,u'p“** ~ °«* " *“ I $125 $4-so| VITA-VAR WALL FINISHES Gal I WASHABLE, colorful one-coct finishes in Flat, $2.25 I Interior Velvet Gloss or Full Gloss . Quick Drying! $3.2C 1 TANNER ROOFING COMPANY Fhone 606 Wychc Street i^XXXXXXXXXXXXJ LXXX3IXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXS I Tobacco Market jj 3 Auction Sales B (Opens On The jj Henderson Market [j Thursday, September 21,1944 jj Fifty-Six (56) Tobacco Crops have been Cul tivated, Grown, Harvested and Sold in this sec- ►< 12 tion,‘‘ The Old Tobacco Belt”, since this Bank w as n 2 established and opened for business, January ►< i 22, 1889. We still desire to render helpful service r A to the growers in this section. V a M ] A Welcome Awaits You J M When you can t drop in, drop us a line, or phone. A M \ our confidence i 11 be respected. ” tj Citizens Bank & Trust Co. M M La Plionc 199 Henderson, N. C. m H u Lj MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSI RANCE CORPORATION fl MEMBER AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION Ml MEMBER OF NORTH CAROLINA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION ^4 Checks on this bank are collectible at par through the Federal >4 H Reserve System >4

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