That Mid ooads (tall M €mmi bonda, tha principal and intar •M to bepayaW* at dm bank in tha atr at New York. 7th: That a tax sufficient to pay _ 1 and interest at tha bonda ba anually levied and collected. 8th: That a statement of tha dabt of tha muncipallty haa bean filed with Bu Clark of the Board of Commiaaion ers, pursuant to Chapter No. 138 Public Lava at 1917 and amend menu thereto, especially Chapter No. 178 Public Law* at 1919. !Hh: That the amur irty Minjei at property subject to tax ation by the Town at Mount Airy for the fiscal years in which taxes were laat levied ia declared to be $2,220, 10th: That the amount of the net debt authorized outstanding and to be ."ithoriaed |301,7MM. Ilth: The probable period of uaeful naaa of the improvement of property authorsied by the ordinance ia declar er! to be forty years. 12th: That said bonda shall he iaan f l in denominations of $1,000 each, shall he dated October 1st, 1919, and shall mature as follows: t2JX*> Oct. 1, 1922, $2,000 Oct. 1, 1 <2.1, -2.000 Oct. 1, 1924, $2,000 Oct. 1. 192.1. $2,000 Oct. 1, 102B. $2,000 Oct. I, 1927, $2,000 Oct. 1. 1928, $2,000 Oct. 1, 1929. $2,000 Oct. 1. 1930, $2,000 Oct. I, 1931, $2,000 Oct. 1, I »32, $2,000 Oct. 1, 1983, $2,000 Oci. 1 1934. $2,000 Oct. 1, 1*86, $2,000 Oct. 1. 193(5, $2000.00 Oct. 1. 1987. $_>00n.0f) Oct. 1, 1938, $2000.00 Oct 1, 1<K». $2000.00 Oct. 1. 1940, $30f.1 110 Oct. 1. 1941. $8000.00 Oct. 1, IMS, $1000.(10 Oct. 1, 1943, 84000.00 Oct. 1, 1*44, $4,000 Oct. 1, 1945, $5,000 Q> t. 1, 1946. $5000.00 Oct. 1. 1947. $W00.0o Oct. I. 1948, $5000.08 Oct. 1. Li:»49. l it That said bands aha.l oe siyn e I by the May > and Secretai y and Traa»u. rer to the Board of Commis sioners of t'.» Town of Mvint Ajry, and levied with the eor;i ate seal of the Mid Town of Mount Airy and at tested i>y the Clerk to the Board of f ommi« :i«>ner». And the r<«id bonds ball ' av« xupons attacLcH for Jie interest to be paid thereon, which ■ oupnns shall near a fac- ximilrl ■'unaMre of tile Secretary anJ Treaa urer of the Town of Monrt Airy, *ben so siftnud, -ealed ard deliverer! •rail c>>rttit te a bindi«7 and valid 1 li - iti n ,f the Town of Mji it Airv, t > the payment of which, D.irr-LhfT with the mte-est, all the rig..t'.pri>p-l e*ty arid effects of tha T:. - n of Mount > irv shall theisLy ba forever irrevoc ably pledged. 14th: Tut tha Ordinance shall be in fore* from and after thirty days ?-om tha date of paeaace. Pur-ad and ordained, this 10th day «f October. 1919 E. C. Bivens. Mayor. F H. Poor*, Sac. A Traas. Tha forejDi.ia Ordinance was pass ed and ordained by the Boar-i at Com missioners on the 10th of October 1918, and by virtue of the authority vested in tha Board of Commissioner*. ► ids were received by the Board on ttoa 3rd day at December, 1919, and V* kaad* have been awarded to Jokn Nov sen 4 Co. of Chica*o, 111. tad any persaas deeirinc to protest agaiaat the validity of tha said bonds, or to briar any action to di the validity, ars notified that te eammamaa said acttea wttMa days frem tha date at this natice and >>«foe* the delivery of said b This February 3rd. 18S8. P. M roan. Secretary A 1 <f ths Town at Maaat Airy. they ar* lia thirty . of i to ba a ! iJstUnal Rank at Meant Airy Is thai MM of Eighty-Pi** Hundrad Dollsrm; •nd iHnnw, lh* Town of Mil* Airy| mat tha afa off and iHaihnrga th* in bafora Now, tlMrrfon, B* It (MM by I the Board at Ciw—iImIiwi ■ at tha | Town of Mount Airy: 1st: That tha Town of Mount A try I do iaaua ita honda in dmuwinntiona of | Tiva Thouaand Dollara or On* Thoua and Dollars aarh. to *■ saMtuit not axcaadlna Twantv-Fira Thousand Dol lars. nuah bonds to baar a rata of tn taraat not axraoding fir* and an*-half par r*nt, payabl* a*mi-anniiaily, sock bonds to baar data of th* first day of Octahar 1»1», and to bn payabl* aa follows: 11000.00 in thraa yam. SI000.00 In four ysars, 11000.00 in flT* y*ars, <1000.00 la Ms y*an. 11000 00 ia samm yanrs, 18000.00 in sight mn, $2000.00 in tSMOM in tan yanrs, to b* Jatl»ad from bands to b* th* MX 2nd: ' ■■■1 , by I tha Muna opon rscaipt at th* i to b* dalinarad to tha pntehnaamf | 3rd: That the aforesaid ben* Ml be signed in Ch« name of the Town of Mount Airy by ita Mayor and a>taa>ad try tha Secretory and Tranaorsr. and the corporate seal of the Town of Mount Airy thereto affixed. Tha brtar aat to ba evidenced by coupons bear ing tha lithographed signature of tha Mayor, and whan Mid bond* and cou pon* ara executed aa aforesaid and delivered to tha purchaser, tha wm shall conetitute a binding and valid obligation of tha Town of Mount Airy, to the payment of whi-h the faith, credit and property of tha Town of Mount Airy shall be irrevocably It ia hereby recited and set forth that the hon<» authorised to ha leaned by theae ordinances and issued for tha purpoas of raisin* funds with which to pay off and disctiargr neces sary obligations of the Town of Mount Airy made and incurred in the naceasary expenses of the Town. 5th: That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of tha bonds has bean levied and shall he annually levied and collected aa other taw. flth: That a statement of the debt of the municipality has been filed with the Clerk pursuant to Chapter No. 171 Public Laws of 1919, and ia open to public inspection. 7th: That the average assessed val uation of property subject to taxation by the Town of Mount Airy for the 3 fiscal years in which taxes were lavi- , ed aa shown by the aforesaid state ment ia t2,<U7,7<!1.00. and the amount of the net debt of the Town of Mount Airy outatanding authorized and to be authorized aa shown by said state ment ia f!01,2&?.M. 8th: That the e.foresaid ordinances shall take affect from and after its pasaage and shall not ba submitted for vote. Passed and ordained, this the lftth day of October, 1919. E. C. Bivena, Mayor, I I V. M. Poore, Sec. * Treaa. The foregoing Ordinance sras paas ■d and ordairod by the Board of Corn missioners on the 10th of October i ■'.< and hy virtue of the authority, ver.ted in the Board of Commissioners, bids were received by the Board on the 3rd day of December, 1919 and the bonds been awarded to I John Nuveen A Co. of Chicago, 111. i and any person desiring to protest' against the validity of the said bonds ! or to bring any action to determine their validity, are notified that; thev are required to commence said ! action within t'.irty days from the date of this notice and before the de j livery of the said bonds. Thia February 3rd, 1920. Ppnjant to an order mmda by tha i CWA of tha Saptrior Court at flurry County in the (facial | titM 1. H. Folrvr and Alica Fo%ar - pointing m* i " wil] mR far V Me ■I ■■ fcT l*h day of Fab. tW at 1 o'clock, M. tka fallowing n(«l». to-wtt: Atewt of M W jpysTiTr >»>y tfca ^»<i Ibw tka WMriry art ort'ia^Ttal frw R W u T. W. Faigar. eartala far tea of or lata aoU to if. W. Ha»p taa, J. T. (Uncock. Jafta aad itkara. aa *na br flat ul r» aart of cawaiaaiaaara la Aa aala a# lota karatafara aria. EVERY STREET IN MOUNT AIRY Backache ? Kidneys weak? DUtiiiii< with urinary ilia? Want a reliable kidney remedy ? Don't hav« to look far. Uaa what Mount Airy par pie recommend. Every street in Mount Airy haa its caaea. Here's one Mouat Airy Bum's ex perience . Let Jno. T. Moors, agent Southern Express Co., 212 Ptna St., tall it. He says: " I waa pretty had off about twelve months ago with sharp pains in my kidnays.. If I would bend over, I could hardly straighten and my kidneys didn't art aa they should. I waa often dizzy, had a tired, lang uid feeling and rare felt mieerahle. Finally I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills on a relative's advice and they soon brought me relief. Continued uaa put my back and kidneys in good shape again. Whenever I haven't fait just right sinca, I have taken Doan's Kidney PUta." Price 60c, at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy—gat Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Moore had. Foetar-Milbarne Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. T. What 1920 Will Br*»g. The boaineae man. farmer or mer chant of today in order to be succcaa ful must read a reliable, progressiva and independent daily newspaper and keep up with the times. 'Hie year 1930 will bring the Presi dential election in which everyone is interested, and the discriminating reader wants both sides to every quaa Iwn. The Oroeneboro Daily News is "Now Leading Them A" in North Carolina," for the raaann that is sup plies this demand. The CrsMstfa Daily Newt is well equipped to handle the news properly and quickly. This paper la •erred not only by the full A«su» lal ed Preaa Service, bat maintatao and operates an extra private laaeed wire '^Aasaag'the'afwcia! the Daily News service are the David Lawrsaee arttalee. the C W. Cilbart for tx*h), dm Washington aarvtaa of Tiller, speetal Baieigh Greemshoro Daily Nawa Cr.sailiiri, N. C Hssourves over On* Million Dollar* Has given satisfactory Kivkt to its for wt than twenty-five years* What can we do for you? GEO. D. FAWCETT. Prm. C. L. HANKS, Vic-PrM. T. G. FAWCETT. Cmkimr. Bargains In Farms! 309 mam 4 1-2 mOm Mt of UMiIuib a i r, N. C Abo 213 ocroa • tmiim aorlk of of d»309 Abo 300 mam ia KwJilpli County, 2 north of Franklimrilb. Good i building*. Fine tobacco bad. $30 par i to aw Abo. C. C. Hutchens The Secret of Success of Swift's Tobacco Fertilizers Bright Tobacco to be grown successfully requires entire ly different combinations of plant food materials than are used for general crops. Many years ago we realized this, ard our Research Department developed the best that was known in special plaiit foods for tobacco fertilizers. Swift Tobacco Formulas were the result The success of our special formulas for tobacco is the talk of the Bright Tobacco Belt Tobacco grown with Swift Tobacco Fertilizers brings top market prices. Our customers enjoy the profit that comes from this extra yield and better quality. The fertilizer supply is far short of the demand, and we urge that you order your needs of Swift's Tobacco Fertilizere at once from these selected brands. Play safe! lor Totacco Swift & Company CFattSaar Works) N. C Atlaata, Cm. BOBY R. K. SIMMONS, Mt Airy, N. C

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