The only cap thara right for rainy-day wear-"SURH-F1T" ':«!• mrtp m ymur "ff JBB. FIT", mug fa in a bit «» you would yynr Mr—|nd that np'H til tight till your head Uowt Oil; Smccom you'r - out far to- « tuM in tM tain. Any «p'll •hnnic thtn. fnu'd!- Janwd uiKomf jnabU in an mdmsty ■cap. But you jutt mm out dwMfapinyour"Sim»mM •nd go on MNtiuigty. XirIk ar !•«« • iw-liw—, your "lUKMn* aiwafa ftt— fmntnulb, PttUaly. And, if youfac ooa of (h« ■!»•»>• rfmW -flUUfc.nri' ywHn - nk •' il>* wafli hWu l»a<i (wyH-'j.nnlid. Tlw ilw»« P*nM ..jP-uoeaaa Kaapa it* cap in sh««+tmprov<a in frith. Bull • M bm I. wyr, and 1M1 il»wan Um * iljil. Sat i*.» ud Fifili Awkw er"'!«n «n i rn'tr- '* :li* hm ji«t ex* ■ In. P-H« 'H ««f« m jtwi'4 - < foe mty nf '<"4i up - mnd fou iff "suns-i'i rf MprmllWcw < "SURE-FIT - The Verfc** AIm: Corr^c'ubls CAP AT YOUR riALER S —at write to t'io mskcrt. Fine feLuvy, 732 Mert ]. Iwffl, M. D. Pit || ■. w bOOM OSmTi • to 10 A. M. t P. M. and by A kf A * MMMff DoMOLAY COMMANDEKT, V. B. 2nd and 4th <Uy» in each month, I Fit H. M. For, E. W. Piiddiaon, Soe. CUT FLOWERS I' Far AD fl OCCASIONS MT. AIRY DRUG'CO. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtu* of the power conferred upon in* by ft deed of trust executed on the let day of April, 1»1», by P. A. Crissman and wife Cora Criaaman >nd recorded on the 22nd day of April, IW»7 at 10 o'clock in Book 67, pace 271, ih the office of the Begirt* of Deed* of Surry County, I will aell U> the highe*t bidder, for caeh, in front of the Pirat National Bank of Mount A try, an Ha tar day, tbe Mth day ef Jane, IMS at 1 o'clock P. M. the following daerribed real aetata, to «rit; A tract of land lying on both aidaa of the land clay road, known aa the t. A. Criaeman bomeplace, adjoining on the north H. Schafer; on the aaat Sparger Orchard Co., and Dick Lank ford; on tbe Booth and weet by the Sparger Orchard Co., containing M acres, more or leaa. ' Thia sale ia made to aatiafy a note «f 1170.00 to tba Surry Comity Loan ft Trust Company, with intereit and :ost to bo added. Thia 80th day of May. IMS. W. P. Carter, Trustee.... Chamberlain's Calk and Diarrhea Bemei Every family should hasp thia pre paration at hand during the hot of the •ummer months. It m almost aura to be needed, and when that time is worth many times Ha coat, now. Shoe Polish MhkKt "Built Me Up" "T USED Cwdul for yean * aBdttdtd at more good ■Md," wrtes Mis. M. C Ragidali, of IW Tovraon, Ok la. "I BMdto niffw^Ui MdMHmTim • I JeonidHva. "n**Mi I kMrd d to Mi 1 A rmmt law mt T1 >• front p at Dr. Owl— «. U. S. M. m nqwa to tfca <rf the United ftetea tot l*HIl teach tha !>aeifll Goaat at la r<Hn* and party will i Interest inasmuch ae h (pent part of kit childhood In Uric county, his mother,being Mrs. Ouun L. Strick land daughter of Mathew W. Strick land of the Westfield mHn, Dr. Norharn'e mother *h educated at Mis* Llult Gilmer's mM for *irls ami win ba remembered by the aMsr mllinlr Dr. Norburn's rise to prominence in the awry started in 1*17, when be volunteered for service at the oat break of tke World War. 'He waa graduated a few week* ahead of time (ran the University of Virginia in order , to soter tha. United Stat es Hairy and left kMaediatel^ after Li. ■■Ml I... trkiU<l«lsikla nil iriMmivion tot rniiRQcipnw wncn a n ■ mmmma lea «umaoo1 sHOfl*ev M IOOK I wnii a® III (W|pmi lUrfrrj at Dr. DaCoata's clinics, following Uiie Dr. Nerburn served span the •Connectknt,* the flagship of the Atlantic fleet, bat did his greatest shsfcs of war work aboard the hospi tal ship. 'Comfort." where bis sur gery first attracted particuluar atten tion. His war record was such that a num ber of honor* have been conferred upon him. one of which was that he was one of the first two men selected through the Naval Medical school in Washington. D. C. for a course at the well-known Mayo clinic Rochester Minn., another an appointment aa X ray instructor at the Naval Medical school. Washington. After his return from Alaska he wilt visit his parents in Asherille. HAD SURPRISE OF HER WHOLE LIFE Mrt Manning, Enjoying HmIUi Strength She Never Expect ed, Thank* Taalac "My stubborn case of atomack trou ble la completely gone, bat if 1 bed not taken Teniae when I did I be lieve I would have become a net-rout wreck," recently affirmed Hn. Laura Manning, Otceola M:1U, Gaatonia. N. C. "For about ten ran, I had drift ed from bad to worae, and finally reached the point where T could hardly get about. Every bite I ate hurt me. Ga* would font on ay stom ach. and my neart palpitated until It alarmed me. I waa ao nervous the children playing around the house almoat distracted me, and I aim ply felt miserable all the time. "I improved ao quickly when I got Tan lac that it waa the aurpriae of my life. I have only been taking the treatment for a few weeka now, but already H haa me feeling fine in every way. Teniae certainly ia the right medicine for trouble* like I had." Teniae ia for aale by all good drug giata. Accept no subetitnte. Over 87-million bottles sold. Teniae Vegetable Pills are Nature's own remedy for {constipation For aale everywhere. Granite UX A.F. * A.M. ' Regular coflMRtifiica~ tiona Srd ToMdar ia each month, • P.M. H. M. For, Muter. t. DH Mt Airy R. A. M. Regular convocation j 2nd Monday of each month, 8 P. ML. W. K. Simpson, H. P. W. W. Christian, Sac. ^Tbe brida^ party ehterodto^ draw-1 ItSli rfMa£h The musk was. wwhwd by Mias She «m wry becomingly gowned in white silk crap* and was wearing a l oewga irf pink ro»ebud». The ribbon bearers, Blancba Und •ay and Waiter Martin, Jr., aude an siale thrnifk tha lacaptlan hall and 1 rawing root, down which tha bridal party pasasd. first in ordar waa tha bridegroom, accmnpeined by hia boat man, Mr. Janes Brufter. sttired in tha conventional dark suit*. Mast foliow •d tha title ring boarar, Lorn Liad ley, dressed aa a miniature brida aad carrying tha ring in a lovely white lily. She waa followed by tha little flower girl, Buth Lindaoy, carrying a pink aad whito baakat filled with rose pedal* which, aha utrawad hi tba path at tha brida aa aha deeeoadod tha rose-latticed itairway on tha am of her maid of honor, Miaa Saba Moo maw, who wore a gown of pale blue georgette over ailver and carried KJD arney roaea. The bride waa beautifully attired hi « hnndaome suit of fawn pojret twill with corresponding accessories aad was wearing a corsage of bridal ro« and valley lilliea. At the close of the car-aeon y aa elaborate reception waa rWi-n by the parent* of the bride at which more > han a hundred truest# were served. Th.- receiving line naaiated of the bride and groom, parenta of bride and groom, maid of honor aad boot man. The gueeta were ushered into the dining room lor Mm. C. G. Lindaoy, whore the color scheme at pink and white was carried out. Here the guest* participated in the cutting of the beautiful wedding cake, and were served a delicious ice course The bride ia one of Roanoke'* most attaciive and talented young ladies, while the groom ia a promising young banker. Mr. and Mrs. Stone, after aa ex tended northern tour, will be at home at 412 Woods avenue, 8. W., this city. NOTICE OP SALE By virtue of • M of trust execu ted to me by Nathan Edmonds to se cure balanre purchase price of the lands hereinafter described and to te em* a certain note of $270.00 due and payable to A. Goldsmith, default having been made in the payment of the installments as set forth in the notes and the said contract providing that upon default being made in pay ment at said installments or any at them, the trustee shall advertise and sell the said property, and default having been made, I will sell for cash to toe highest bidder, hi front at The First National Bank, Mount Airy, North Carolina, on the * 18th day el Jane. IRS at 1 o'clock r. M. the following described tract or par cel of land lying and being in Surry County, North Carolina, Mount Airy Township and bounded as follows: Lot number eight as shown on plate made bv T. B. Met. <*rgo: Begin ning on South side of Fancy Gap road on stake on coiner between Lota No. 7 and S and runs with line between these lots S. 29 W. (1*) One hund red eighty six feet to a stake on line of lot No. 12, thence with said lias S. 69 dag. 66 to stake on comer at lots M and 9; thence with line be tween those lots N. 29 1-2 111 feet to stake on Fancy Gap road oa ear ner between lota 8 and 9; thence with Fancy Gap road N. W W. about sixty feet to beginning. Sale made to satisfy the amount due an said note, to-wit: $210.66 with interest from January 1st. 1922. This May 16th, 1922. J. H. Folger, Trustee. Resource* Orcr One Million Dollar* First National Bank Mount Airy. N C. Has given satisfactory service to its customers for more than twenty-five years. What can we do for you? T. G. FAWCETT, PmUmI W. W.< BURKE, Vicn-PnudmL E. a SMITH, Ca*kr. HLF. ARMFIELD, AmL Ca*kr. Home-Made Caramels' Always Taste Better Why pay fancy prices or candy? Make your favorite vanetirn at homo—you save money —there's pleasure in do ne it—you know what /ou re eating—and the Jelicious candy will melt ia your mouth it you use either i k>U. TW* GuMtn Crown swsttstlS 50c »«J» ftq» kM wd tii ataaa a I -wy <*<i» «»4 „ wf?l mii d>. «hitii iy ^iiiTff IT • •ixitlT, MM 4 n, NWhMhnM, BALTMOWLMD.

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