Community Social Life Here and There Mr. Paul Graves of Washington, D. C., spent last week here v, ith home folks. Mary Lewis Thompson returned to school Monday after an absence of five weeks with whooping cough. Miss Agnes Thome of Fort Bragg spent the weekend here with Mrs. A. J. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen of Ra leigh visited Rev. and Mrs. James Appleby here Sunday. I Mrs.; Ethel Edwards of Biscoe is , visi ting here in the home of Mrs. j filiifjjtff'M —i— ■ * 1 A*' Mr£»nd Mrs. Grover McNair of jfljjnswM-Salem were guests in the Afot Mrs. Lacy Williams during hakt weekend. Land Mrs. J. L. Davis re id to Raleigh Monday after ling the past weekend here.’ |jrs. A. J. McKinnon. aR __T_s. C. W. Clarke has returned >to Chadboum after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dick Reid, here dur ing the past week. Misses Margaret McLean and Betty Taylor were visitors at Flora Macdonald College, Red Springs, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. N. C. McRoy and daughter, Carlene, of Wadesboro were guests in the home of Mrs. R. E. Bums during the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kirkman and son, John C„ Jr., of Bonlee spent! Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McKinnon. Messrs. Charlie Carrowon and Laurie Martin of Bennettsville, S. C., were business visitors here I Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. C. Holland, Mrs. Lena A. Carter and Miss Belle Alford spent Saturday afternoon in Fay etteville. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reid, accom- , panied by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie May- 1 nard visited relatives in Chad bourn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Brooks, - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Barwiek, Mrs. R. C. Holland and Mr. J. H. Me-; Kinnon visited in Southern Pines and Pinehurst Sunday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis return ed to Raleigh Monday aftef spend- j ing the past weekend here. They ’ were accompanied by Mr. Che^ley McCaskill. ' I Messrs. Allen Charlies, Claude Hogan, Clyde Adams and Iver Mc Iver visited Mr. Ernest Weatherly, who is a patient at Duke Hospital, Durham, Monday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhinehardt and daughter, SusJane. ville and .Mr. Carl Du Murdock and Bill, accoi Miss Minne Lou Me mington visK'bd LOVELY BRIDGE PARTY HONORING MRS. ORR i Entertaining at bridge, Miss Mary Patterson complimented Mrs. Robert Orr, at -her home on North Patterson street Tuesday after noon. A profusion of spring flowers, gracefully arranged added attrac tiveness to the reception roornf^ where seven tables were placed fjjr contract. Dainty tallies passed' by the hostess directed guests to tfcpjr respective tables. High score priv. was won by Mrs. H. B. Barwi<\ and pretty guest prizes were pre sented to Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Bob CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our jn&ty friends for ihejr kind^^tsf^ssions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. MRS. FRED SEALS and Family. WANTS LOST—Blue silk umbrella with wide border of mingled grey. < Finder please communicate with Mrs. J. O. McClelland. Phone 51. GLADIOLUS BULBS—25c a doz en. Mrs. George Daw, Maxton, N. C. Readers are invited to rise this column as a medium of exchange for Wants, for -Sale, Lost and . Found, etc. Price, this size Type, 6c Bne,4Bjnimum 15c. Allow about 6 words per line each insertion. This size Black Type 10c line, minimum 30c. All Want Ads. cash,with order. WILL EXCHANGE some Lespe deza Sericea seed for corn, young hens or fryers. Geo. B. Hall. ■FOR SALE OR BARTER—-1 new bed spring for double bed. Bar gain price. Phone Maxton 182. NOTICE TO PECAN GROWERS —Will allow market prices for Pecans in exchange for subscrip tions. The Scottish Chief. Phone 185, Maxton, N. C. HEN WANTED—Will exchange subscriptions to The Scottish Chief for limited number of young hens or pullets, any breed except Game. M. A. Thompson, Maxton, N. C. FINGER WAVING 25c kJane McKinnon r Appointment Phone 144-W Burns, Jr., recent brides. At the conclusion of the game, a salad course followed by hot coffee and sweets were served. Guests were: Mesdames Robert Orr, Bob Burns, Jr., R. C. Holland, G. P. Henderson, H. A.. McKinnon, E. P. Williams, Lee Correll, C. R. Hunter, V. A. Sydenstricker, F. E. Coxe, Randall Brooks, H. B. Bar wick, H. A. Barnes, Marshall James, W. E. Caldwell, of Lumber ton; E. H. Evans, Maynardie Nel son, John F. McNair, Jr., of Laur inburg; Misses Elizabeth Thome. Gladys Chandler. Elizabeth Currie, Clara Lee McLean, Clara Knight, Ava Lee Evan.<, Charlesanna Fox, Maude Croom and Frances McCor mick and Mary Pate of Laurinburg. --o WOMAN'S CLUB SPONSORS BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Rowland.—Last Tuesday evening the Woman’s Club held a bridge tournament-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lynch. The entire lower floor was thrown open, and was attractively decorated with beautiful spring flowers and potted plants. Twelve tables were ar ranged for bridge. Mrs. J. C. Mc Eachern and Mrs. James McLaurin were winners of high store and re ceived attractive prizes indicative of Easter. Refreshments consisted of cakes, coffee, salted nuts and Easter candies. AROUND MIDWAY The chicken pox epidemic is ! nearly over. A good many of the school children were sick but most of them are able to meet classes again. Mrs. C. H. .Gentry is much im proved. Her little son, Bill, is sick with measles. “Two Days to Marry,” a play which was presented at the Liberty school Wednesday evening wa3 ex ceptionally good. Character^ parts were taken by members of the faculty and other citizens of the community. Mrs. N. J. McUimmon and Mrs. J. N. Le Conte visited friends in the Carolina section Thursday. Mrs. Lester McLean spent Thursday with Mrs. George Mc Intyre. Mrs. J. W. McQueen’s mother, Mrs. Wyndim, of Sumter, S. C., spent a few d^vs with her last week. Everyone was sorry to learn or the death of Miss Jane Bracey whtf died Tuesday night. She had been ill for quite awhile and at the time of her death was making her home With her brothgv Mr.* Lika Bracey. Mr. Rufus Lytch was a visitor in, Maxton Thuisday. ROWLAND PERSONALS Miss Mary Phillips left Friday , f >r Richmond, Va., where she will ■•take a commercial course Mrs. W. L. Rogers and Miss Bill Powell of Pembroke visited in Row land Friday afternoon. Mr. Robert Hedgpeth of Camp bell College spent last weekend here at his home. Mrs. C. J. McCallum, Charles and Neill McCallum spent last Satur day in Florence. Catherine Easterling has return ed home after having had an ap pendicitis operation at Baker s Sanatorium. „ . Mrs. Edgar Bracey, Mrs. F. A. Bracey, Mrs. D. A. Bracey, Misses Nora and Gladys Bracey spent Thursday afternoon at Lumberton. Miss Bertha Baker of Dillon spent the weekend in Rowland. Mr. John McArn of Charlotte spent a few days in town last W<MisK M'Xdam Whedbee spent the weekend Imre at her home. Messrs. Adolph Blum, E. H. McKinnon, Don Bracey, Luther Mc Kinnon and John Charles Andrews attended the ball game, Carolina and Michigan, at Chapel Hill tn ddMrs. J. F. Bullock, Mrs. J. McR. Bracey, Misses Mary Grace Wil liams, Mary Douglas, and Ruth Al ford Bullock were Lumberton vis itors Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ida McQueen and Miss Mar garet McQueen motored to Hamlet Thuesday. Mr Bill Pate is at home here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Pate. , Jimmy Patterson, small son ot Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson, was carried to the hospital in Wil mington Friday for treatment. Mr Marion Britt returned to his home here Wednesday after spend ing several months in Florida. Rev. L. S. Gaines of Raleigh is conducting a series of revival ser vices at the Baptist church this MT. MORIAH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sinclair and children of West End spent the past weekend with Mrs. Hattie L. Sinclair. Mrs. Sinclair and Frances will visit here this week. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin of Purvis were visitors at preaching at Mt. Moriah Sunday afternoon. Mr. D, G. Sinclair has been on the sick list for the past few days. We all wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Effie J. McLean spent j Thursday night with Miss Flora [ McLean. Miss Mabel McLean has been nursing Mrs. John McRae near Purvis for the past week. Mrs. A. M. McLean and sister, Edither Alexander of Roberdell, were weekend visitors at Columbia, S. C. Mrs. John W. McLean, Mr. Willie McLean and Mrs. Judson McCarter and daughter Ann of Rowland were Sunday afternoon visitors in the homfe of Miss Dorsia McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robertson and children cf Purvis visited relatives here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Sinclair and children of Laurinburg, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Smith and son of Red Springs and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. McLean of Laurinburg visited rela tives here Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Mae McLean and children of Gaddy’s Mill visited Mrs. Annie Bracey Thursday. Miss Della McLean attended the curb market at Maxton Saturday. Miss Katherine Cottingham spent ■ the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M. I L. McLean. Miss Docia McLean spent Friday with Mrs. Betty McLean. -o PHILADELPHUS NEWS The following seniors of the : Maxton high school were weekend hgufests of Flora Macdonald College, Red Springs: Misses'Eva Brock, Jeanette Walker, Ruth White, Isa bel Wilkinson, Vonnie Buie, Jean ette White, Eva Dunn, Bonnie Campbell, and Christine Smith. They report a delightful time. Miss Evelyn Edens delightfully entertained a group of her friends on Monday evening of last week at an informal party. Bridge, jig saw puzzles and other games were enjoyed. Punch was served by the hostess throughout the evening-. Misses Mary Jeanette White, Adelene McArthur and Jeanette Walker spent Monday night with Miss Mollie Russell McArthur. Misses Annie Brock and Mary Croom Walker of Raeford were visitors in the community Sunday. Mrs. Julian McKellar? and little daughter, Betty Mae, spent Friday of last week with Mrs. L. E. Camp belL • Mr. and Mrs. George^Green and children, Mildred and Jj&mes, and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Walker of Ever green spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Walker. Also Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Walker, Jr., of ’Goldsboro and Mr. Rufus Walker of St. Pauls spent the weekend in the Walker home. Mrs. Gilbert Walker . returned Sunday from a visit to relatives ar Evergreen. Communion of the Lord’s Supper will be held at Centre church Sun day at the 11 o’clock service. We hear nothing but the highest praise of the musical program held n tin Fferal-anbool -ouiiiliuiium— UBpntly. It consisted of anthems, T,i iiTi r, ctrtlfia and ruiai-tftti-og. M1 Tiniest X). Hancock and hid glee club of the Maxton school added much to the program by rendering a selection as did also Mr. Duncan Sinclair with his guitar, jh Mr. Dorsett really is to be com mended for being instrumental in putting on such an unusually fine program. Mrs. L. E. Campbell and little daughter, Mary Carolyn, spent the weekend with relatives in Laurin burg. Mr. C. D. McCormick and sister, Miss Lucy, of Laurinburg spent Sunday afternoon with relatives here. -o “Grazing Crops for Poultry,” Experiment Station bulletin Num I ber 282 is now available free of charge to citizens of the State on application to the agricultural edi tor at State College. -o Progressive North Carolina farmers are now demanding that fertilizer companies replace inert sand with limestone thus adding to the value of the fertilizer as a plant food and soil conditioner. Easter Can furnish anything, in Easter Flowers, Potted Plants, Corsages. .Will ap preciate your orders and strive to please you. And please give me your order in plenty time. MRS. C. B. THOMPSON Phone 92 SUITS AND DRESSES Will be returned from Chis holm's just the way you want them—Immaculate. Phone 39 CHISHOLM DRY CLEANERS IVlaxton, N. C. P. T. A. TO meet TODAY | The Parent-Teacher Association | will hold their regular monthly, meeting in the high school audi torium Wedntwlay, April :,th. at' 3:45 o’clock. _0 Miss Blue Heard In Charming Recital On Monday evening, March 27, ! in the college auditorium, Mi.-s Katherine Blue Carthage, was presented in her graduating recital by Flora Macdonald Con.-crvatnry ' under the direction of Hugh Wil liamson, dean. A large audience, including many relatives and friends from Carth- j age. Southern -Wnes, and other nearby towns, gneefed the young artist with much applause and pre sented beautiful floral off rings. I From her first number, the Rigaudon by Raff, which she played with clean technique and beautiful phrasing, and tfeW.ughout the pro gram Miss Blue'exhibit'd unusual poise, intelligence, decided brilli- \ ance, and splendid all round mu sicianship as Well as much versa tility. yL I Quite outstanding wa.- the virile, handling of the Brahms E Flat j Rhapsodie; this she played with ' sure technique, rich deep tone and mature interpretation. A fitting cLir6»c to the lovely program was thf artistic reading of the closing nupiber—the beauti ful Romanze frpin the Mozart Con certo in D Minor. The beauty of this was further: enhanced by the able support g-iven bv Miss Weath- i erly who played the orchestral parts on the organ. A delightful reception followed the program, j Among thosd present from out of town were;! Mrs. M. C. Dal rymple, who will be remembered in Red Springs at Floy Jones, bril graduate in piano from the conservatory, and Mrs. L. R. Sugg, both former teasers of Miss Blue; Miss Margaret McLeod, Mrs. O. B. Welch, Mrs. S. H. Miller, Mrs. J. K. Roberts, Mrs, R. W. Pleasants, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Blue and family, all of Carthage; Mr. W. L. Spencer, Jr., Paul Burns and twen ty-five boys and girls of the Carth age high schoolglee club; Miss Alice Blue of Fayetteville; Mrs. Annie Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McNeill, Miss Flora McNeill and Mr. Hiram Westfcrook of Southern Pines. I School For Openfc dults In Maxton A school for a/lults who missed the opportunity 4o learn to read and write in t' younger days, has been recenlljr ,,uened in Max ton. Miss Katlu'nn, Galloway is the teacher and < - 'S are held in the -t< d floor of the bank buflumg. » .ccl^oci i,Xiapred by R. F. C. funds under Su^e direction and its purpose is t'fc f0]|d—first to improve the condition of the illit erate and second .to give employ ment to teachers. Both Negroes and white people are admitted with classes, of course, held at dif ferent hours. To date three white persons have enrolled and twenty two Negroes. Classes are held every afternoon and evening on regular school days. The term will cover a period of ten weeks. Miss Galloway is exceptionally well prepared for this work, having graduated from Flora Macdonald College and taken special summer courses at the University of North Carolina. Music Clubs Of P. J. C. Present Snappy Minstrel Show Friday Before an exceedingly appreci ative audience, the combined music clubs of Presbyterian Junior Col lege presented an up to the minute ! minstrel show at the College audi torium Friday evening. It was packed with wholesome fun and good music during the entire per- I formance. I especially good were the solos by Neilson Russell, Haywood Bar den, Oliver Cross, Mrs. V. A. Sydenstricker, Mack McKellar and the duet by Misses Fern Andrews and Janet Steed; the quartet, com- ; posed of Russell, Barden, McMil- ! Ian and McKellar; the clog dancing of Charlie Powers; the co-ed's I dance and the string band, com- i posed of Palmer, McLean, Prof, j Key, Powers, Smith, Wilson and Council. | Starring among the end men was James McMillan who gave a | lengthy discourse on the wonders1 of science, electricity, etc. Also i much credit goes to Raymond Jer- i nigan, interlocutor. ■ In an interview with Professor Key, director of the minstrel, he stated that he was pleased with the students taking part in the show and was also proud of the audience. Proceeds amounted to $20.05. In acetylene welding the flame is raised to 3,500, F. heat. Married to Two Husbands at Once and Each Suing the Other for Alienating Her Affections. The Real Life Drama of a Broadway Playwright, Told in The American Weekly, the Magazine Distributed with Next Sunday's Baltimore ; American. Buy It from Your Fav orite Newsdealer or Newsboy. ’ Penny Plant Sale All kinds flowering plants, annuals, and perennials. Also tomato, pepper and I.espe deza Sericea. All in best va rieties and healthy strong plants. One Penny Per Plant— Any Kind. MRS. C. B. THOMPSON Maxton, N. C. Phone 92 Announcement ■* We, the undersigned, hereby offer ourselves *3 candidates for re-ete'ci’ tion in ths^lectiqnyto be held May 1, 1933, for of ficers in the Totfn of Maxton as follows: For Mayor: W. H. HASTY For Commissioners: D. McB. AUSTIN J. B. McCALLUM R. M. MORGAN F. C. FROSTICK CARO-MAID ICE CREAM “Made with Cream and Milk” All Varieties in Pints, Half Pints. Also Dixie Cups and Honey Moon Rolls Containing Delicious Cake and Ice Cream. Maxton Drug Store Day Phone 24—Night Phones 8-J and 76 Garden and Field Seed You Owe It to Yourself to Plant Good Seed. We Handle Only WOOD’S SEED Austin Drug Co. Maxton, N. C. Spring Time Is Travel Time But be sure your car is in good condition if you wish your trip to be pleasant. Drennan’s Garage Expert Mechanics Phone Maxton 74 FERTILIZER See us for your requirements in any quantity. We have high grade fertilizer in 100-lb. bags for the Small garden. CAROLINA BRIGHT Cottonseed Meal is always good to use on farm or garden. See us for Coker’s Pedigreed Seed. Maxton Oil & Fertilizer Co. Phone No. 1 Maxton, N. Q. Every W oman | Wishes to Look Her Very Best at EASTER Beautifully Waved Hair, Sparkling Manicures, Refreshing Facials Make Lovely Women Lovelier. EASTER SPECIALS nl •.$4.00 and $6.00 Jeannine Beauty Salon * For Appointment Phone Laurinburg 367 And sure you urt/ier h Meats ber warm days are coming, so be y your meats where they are kept A-l REFRIGERATION WE HAVE IT City Market Telephone No. 16 Maxton, N. C. r To Our Customers? Beginning Wednesday, April 5th, we will close during lunch hour each day from 12:30 Until 1:30 o’clock, after which time we will remain open until 3:00 o’clock. This is in order that one person may not be alone in the bank. The State Bank Maxton, N. C.

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