PRESIDENT FULLER JCWlUtlT ISociatiom - - _ Tfc—«■■«* WHM -ffwitf Hiwrtnr *8miin Feel 5 Like a $ Young | Man a Again" Ji ■} •< >■ * \ - WINCHESTER FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS "Hym Rivnf "Uadx^ "Ripyto^ Kyen am looking far roUoble shotgun sn» ■Rnirton, the kJad that shoots where yon . Mint yoar pa, boy Winchester Factory Loaded Sfcoqpn&dU: "New WTaV* loaded with Black powder: "Loader’* and “Repealer," .leaded vkk taakohaa. lnefat npao haring Winchester Factory Leaded ShpUs, and acciapi no-. others. ML BfaUWI KWf Trim_ THE TEST OP OOLD. ^gg&^aggrgfcsrg vssr. wa (*35 St Mr. J-W* fUUer. *P**< «aaa* aiMfla dMlifi fat ** «• •/ l»—< t# rt. W larnywym, aiaMi ay alfaaMma wm aaUa« (a Ml wiiir. )»4Ml<« IWk W1 »H map Mai 1 mat alM aaai •arymtayaad aaMpaaliry ranUi ... »aak M4 af Ika imylalal « latlraly nl Vayiya laaa. ■iUkMfk maU at »f»« laward (JU ■HattaP ipan a< maa'a Itfa 1 am y1""* •» • «MM aaar a*a ramiM, •ad/ml Itta a paawp aaaa a pa to.'*— <K V. (Mlar. - fcPjliMa* »* tha atom an aoC aard iSLflaijlL’-^U?1 WT’,U" 3" £CTX“Sfp«?'Ks\s bfei *“ *t' rh* "rr» • Ua naa twin prompt and alu ramkainaa ttoaaa o4 Trim arita 'to Br. Hartman, arm a full aUta i I I I I w*a remlnatln# abowt th* |racd •rap of iliddl* man that tt take* to carry oa Ik* trad* tad eommaivc of Uta cooaty. I Vhrtly better* tbat they ***** more meaty than siaaufartur •ta aad there ar* twice a* many of tk*m. A trtead of atlo* recently rlallsd a tart* manufactory of ttwta# aa chtao* and tb* superintendent uld him that prime coot of a (rtt-clau mt Ch»m w«* It.dO add they Jobbed iliwn off at |ti. Tb* Joblar told them for ns to adepts. Th* strata retail them at US. tor h* ha* to reat a store room and imp a horse sod wasou aad maW ixpair* frea and sell on taaUlliccaU and sometimes has to tab* a machine bsok for pop-pay meat. When the oiIn itial Bill Arp mored to Taxaa he lost hla wits'* machine with him and left bit not* behind with U* tin paid. Short iy after that a pew atshl was t.'nt here who was pot acqnalptad with tiia Aiv family and he came oat to my bnnm a*a Panted ae to pay the uot« I bad bard work to coavluee hitu tliSl 1 was another Are. Tb* note »<■ «!*a *d William Ary. bit mark, apd Clnle talfa Arp, her mark. My wife tea* rrrr ladlsacat tbit aba should be suspected of rnakln# bar mark. •»*11, bow yon mm how much money went to the middle men trier the uu chime left Iho factory—411—twice »i I mnch u It coet to make It Juat to If la with tbonaaada ol other things that to through the hands of mud)* men. I waa ruralnatlag about this became I received a report ol 800 copies of my new book that Mr. Qyrd had sold. Th* book cent $S cent! to electrotype and print and bind It tad 1 waa to have half th* profits arising from the sale. The price waa 81.15 poatags paid, which waa 11 canta. Thirty roplta had kc i •old bars at th* book at ore for 81T.RP. The book store kept 15 per cent, or HIT Mr. Byrd got ltS.ll. The freight and Incidental expenses amount to 3 cento a copy. Be tb* coat wax 88 cant* aad It aatted 81 cento and my half of the difference wa* !i4 cento on a copy. Tb* publisher and spent or middle men get a boot all there to to a book. I am DOC complaining at anybody but my tail, for Mr. Byrd told ms that th* Price would hav* to b* 81 50 to Iraki anything, bat I wasn’t thinking tbout charting so much and I sauted tha people to have It aa cheap aa possible. But It can't go oa this way. The pub lication most atop or the price be reined to 81.18 and If an agent won’l aell tor 2S canto a wpy, he needn’t tell at all. Ho run* no risk. He lotcs ns time. The hooka ueU thtmaalvea oa Iho countar. But Ml. Byrd can continue tc soil oa mall order* for 11.16 end 1C cent* more for pa*toc*. TMs will t>e a fair dtridn all around and give tha 1 poor anther about 18 canta a copy Stonier Hoar * speech at Chicago la before me. Nothing since the war use so cheered me and Impressed me aa that beautiful speech. Why do can’t every newspaper la th# Booth copy It, or that part of H that pars snrh a tribute to tha Southern peoplo. When 1 inlahed It l would hav* bugged Iho old man. if he had been near anough. Un its -“My Ilf* politically haa been a llfo of raastaaf (trite with the leaden of th« Southern people, yet aa l grow older, I bar* learned not only to re spect and aatcea them, but I love the great quallt!** which b*long to my countrymen of the Southern fltatex. ! They are a noble rate; Wc may well take pattern from them In sotuo of tc* virtue* that give strength and glory to a free people. Their love of home; their chlralroos respect for woman—their constancy which enn abide by aa opin ion or a purpose through adversity sud prosperity and tb rough year* aad gen erations And there la another thing covetonaoea*. corruption aad tha low temptation of money has not yet found fry pine* In Southern politics. “My friaada, ws cannot afford tn live la a stats of estrangement from a peo ple who pom*** tb*o* qualities. They are friend* of ours, bom of our boru lug, laah of oar flesh. blood of our blood sad if I hav* q right lo npaalr for Manachuaetto. will aay, ‘Botreat me sot to leave thee or forsake time, where ■ boo gooot. I will go. Thy pcopl* rhaii be my people, and thy GoJ my Ool.’ * This Is only a part of It I have plac ed it la my scrap book along with tbs admirable editorial comment of The Conciliation. Tha senator spoke truly when be said that corruption T* national poll tire had not yet reached the Soath. If th* caa* had bean rovarsad our mtro bsra would not have s a east ad Butler, bat with th* northern members tha on da Justify tha manna Yaa, I remem ber from away back how tha old man fought us. My father was brought up to bta State and my mother la South Carolina sod whan th* Senator aad I wore la oar early manhood (wa war* bora I nth* asm* year) th* war began between those two States. Yaa. non tbaa fifty years ago, aad haa Saaa bit ter aad unrelenting ever Mae*. This ta tb* fine a go of a returning tease of of Jastie* that has teat from aay great uua of the Old Bay state aad we re late* (hat It he* com* from Senator Hear, th* (ablest Roman of Ik mu all. Its Influence will reach from Chicago to Boston and Its geaarou* scatlamoto will thrill every breast la th* South land I can aotkias tor Mr. Mooatralt nor lil* lata lattar. t an too old la ba da erfrad by wordy paragraph* Win hr rrtract* bla alaadara oa MTaraon Davla aad apotaglam tv bla widow ! will bar# aoaar an add anc* la bt* boov ar.d bla proftaaad good latrntlonr. but aot a*til Uca If ba la a gaotfmaa ha will do that. If ba Is M • caatlraan bo woart. and that la all thara la la ll. Tboaao ItMaow Pag* aad Harry Mill* wall ltd ward* aad tfe* Matbodtot praaabar at Otaclaaatt. to tha runtrary rotwUhataodln* Sawator Hear wrmld ant hava attarad and pufaliahad thorn ataodara aad If hr bad door U sawrtt tlagly, ba wowld bar* long if* nod* tha Wiati baaorakla. 'Hlaadar I* rharprr tbaa lb* awnrd. It* braath rldra oa tha porting wtada aad It* loogn* Mtrmaa *N tba worm of t*a Nit*.1* Muaaaratt la a atabboru. res • rltrd patltMas. Ha pralhaara to hr > frlasd to tba doatb. wbaa ba la aat. If wr arsd a aaaaal to a foratgn minty aad tbay da aat Ilka ktsi h# la re raltad baaaaa* ba la ~aaa mats arr as**." Haw Mark atarr carats! rain'd •ba praHdiat ba «a agganat ao oar to odist who la aat craladol to oar owa gaunt*. H Roonrrrtt I* a frlaad what athn Mai bra# aa ibaatag Dr. Crao aa lha »•«*•» of a grant rlty Mho rarrimtaa. AM tba aagra la aa rrro Industrial Mature At Ocala. Fla., last weak ti. W. Goelha A Cix, of Colllua. Ox. parchas *1 1* 000 acrci of timber Ui-tJ tiom N. W. Kill* for 110POO. Another aala la reported at 10.000 acres by W. W. Ut mao to Pa;ersoa A Koitnda lor lha um consideration. Tba turpentine and tim ber Industry In tbs Ocala. section at prssant la remarkably active Tbs '.umberman of Memphis. Tenn., have determined to begin shipping -heir fialthad product to New Orleans by Dtui of bat pan on account of the freight goitssailoii. A local Insurance aK*rt last week was asked ^o place marine 1naors*» on three barges with o»»r a million feet of lumbar consigned to Maw Orlorra for export. Ths On.v-hita Loth her Co. of Ara na*. Ark., was Incorporated last weak, with a capital slock of ptiiCCn Tlio company will n-ecu taolu re ond sell lumber and tlnibdr and bundle real relate The oUteein of the company are Luther Crests on. president. J T. Hit Cord. vice-president. J. L. Whltchnrat. unitary, and D W Chandlrc. trees nver. U !» stated that Mi. C. R. Sharill of t'aiSurxh. Ky- au cxteoalve Inmbcr o>tn who **« hc«a on a trip down thu Gulf St Ship It'lan I Railroad, has auulr 9iutra.'U wlih a luge number of mill* alonst that line of railroad lor their entire output of lumber. Krona March 1 ratil June 1 Mr. Sharill expects to ahlp St>a exiluvta of lumber a month to the North. The Scotland Mttls Co , with head quarter* In darloneirlllc, Fix., has been .-bartered, with a taplml XjOek of SJO. 000. The company proposes tu buy. sell end hnnule fur lla own ne. ui un elmmlvlon timber. lumber and all Hilda of Bay-mill product*. etc. The Iseurpoi store of <tc romnany are B. R. Powell. P. 1- Southerland. Mary E. Bli-aivn and Arthur F. Pvnsou. An executor oGerlng land for aalo It public outcry lu brli In Tillman ti Dunmaa (Ga.l 47 U rt. A. JS4. to have Ibe tight to withdraw tbs rams at aay time before tho hammer fails. A note lo 4hla cats dls.-nsaea the authorities nu to tba rlitht to* withdrnw property from sa aucilca able after It hxx been offered Scmnsl Bchwslnt who was disinher ited by bit tether because !>« deserted the Democratic mrly, died on Thura dty last at his home in Valley View, IVnaxylvanix. axed 7« years. He went away to the civil war a Democrat, and when ho returned the Idcntled himself with the Republican parly. When toe Bible Ibe guide of men all men will knew It la the gift of God. Ho" iii*u? YS m offer Uii*> Huadfrvt l>oilm I’, award For M.v of Catarrh I but eoeoot bo rnrad h/ HaU’a Cauirri* Corr. V. 1. (‘aotit A U.. Preps.. Triads, 0. We, thenndereito. H. ta% -• '.wray.J.Cba ■•y ?orth«la>i. !fc*aeh, aH i>clt*ve hju n#r -tiT a?nomb:e t.i aft Uurin*4 cxesoctfoat lard ftpaaeielly »h>t« iajttj out oblige tiro mala by tl*o<r flr.i . Wmt TagAi, 17 r>o Dcvggjats .Toledo, WJALBTXA. b»>AA*XUVa. Fll04Ml< Dnt> fjU. Toledo. Oalo. Beil'a Oaten b Oureia Lskta Internally, act • h'f dtreatly *pou Un Uoo4 end loiiCMaMO faoee of the ayaUoa. Price, 7#r. per bottle. Sold fcnr ell Dxtajpclsto. TaaSlraouJaii troe. Heira Finally pule are tba beat. lt'e no hiu for « woman to suhsr if etn has to MtVer in illaaoa. P7T* nenfittaartv ^hn*«.py«li or narm ve aaea after first day a esa of Dr. 3:U.a> Greet | Kerre Jteetofer.tlwl el boltieeed treatise frwi • Dr.^K. Kura, Ufi.. m Ard»tH..Pbl^.Po. I Tbe girl »bo war He* in baste fa «ouiC iunsA obliged to walk boma. M*». Wlaelowa (ieothlaf ajrray fo» child ran loth incf,nof leu tike Kama, radar*** Inreazm t^a,nlie>aya1n ,mireewtadaolL\3Ac. ebottf* Tbe »an with roe foot to the grace finally Rate there wivh both fast. Oua far Oooaaapthm li ia lafUHbla nadkina tor eosglaa end colds.—*. W. Gasoil Oca mo qwra 1J.. Tab. IT. 190J. * flirt. Enmeip, saved from ■ an operatiou Isr Ovaritis, tells how she waa cured by Lydia E. Ptakhaa'a VefttaWe Compound. "liaae plane*t with the nwalte I obtained from I.jtla B. Ptaiihui'i VeuetftkU Conpownd that I (Ml It a dot; aad a privilege to writ* you about It. *• I wfmd lor over Sro yean with ovarian troubles, coring an aa plManm dlrekerge. a groat waabaoaa, and at Uao a fatntooaa wonld oome oror aw which no • mount of medicine, I diet, or Caere lee Warned to correct. { Yoor Vegetable Compound found Ibo nwk a pot. botrercr. within e few w«k. —and noted me from an operation — Ml my trouble bed dis appeared. rod I fmied myeelf ones more healthy end wo1!. Word, fell to describe the real, true grrlcfal feeling that U in nay heart, upd I rrr.ot to tru every deb and nuncring ihtrr, Don’t dally with medicluM yon know nrth •af a boat, but teiie T./dja B Pink hone's VegutaUe Cenironad, and teke uiy word hr It. yon will bo a different woman la a abort time."— Msa r.Atma Kwjtara, ITalkerrlllc. OU cttar— **•' rwt hredlate te write to Mrs. Plakham If them la anything a bent year cnee which yen Ho awt under.m ml. Hhw will treat yea with klmlnc sod her nil- I Tlr" Is free. K<i woman ever re- ! netled writing her n»4 eho has £tfpad ftwwianiMK tddrree la Om of the essentials of tho happy homes of to-day I" a fund of Information as to right living and tho boat methods of p.oMOtlng ' health sad happlate*. with proper knowledge, aac'.: Itour cd recreation, at enjoymaot and of effort may be tnada to contribute to that cad and are of not leee value than the utdng of the moat wholesome foods and tho eelrcttag of tho beat lucJlUaal agents whaa needed. WiU) the weO-toformod, medicinal agents are need i only when nature need* and while the importance of f liceaiLig too system effectually, whoa bilious or constipated, has Hog teen known, ye* until within recent veara it was necessary to resort tc oils, salts, evttacra of toots, barks and other cathartics 1 which were band to be objectionable and to call for constantly y. Increase*? ti'uatiUo*. *( Then physicians having learned that tho moat excellent laxative *► and carminative principle* were to be found in certain plants, \ principally in tho leaves, the California Fig Syrup Co. diacovsrsd ' a method of obtaining such principles In their purest condition and of preeentlug them with pleasant and refreshing liquids in the form most acceptable to tb* system and the remedy Wane known at— Syrup of Figt-r-at flga were used, with the plants, In making il, because of their agreeable taste. This excellent remedy is notv rapidly atoning Into universal dm as the best at family laxative*, because It la elmpla sad wbtaotemo and clesmaso and sweeten* the system effectually without disturbing the natural funqtiona and without unpleasant after effects and its use may be dlecoo tinued when it la ad longer required. All who enmld enjoy gooi health and it* bleaitnga should remember that It la the coo remedy which physicians and parents well-informed approve aud recommend and use and which they and tholr tittle one* alike enjoy, because of Its pleasant flavor, its gentl* action and its beneficial effects. Syrup ct Fig* Is for tale by all reliable druggists, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle. In original package* only, having the name at the remedy—^Syrup of Figs-^md the full name of the Company— California Fig Syrup Co.—printed an the front of ivery package. JIQC TAVI flD’C Remedy of Sweet Qum and Mullein K^JVr0??? UmC Ini Lull d CouKhs, Colds, LaQrippe ft ff^Tk'S^Sr'Sfc, Kvca the mail ntth a weak intellect may be keada.rear. Juke Tint Hurra* CoLoa make* Up *4 the Duket bailer_ Don't imagine that aU your neighbor* nred reformer. Braidma it Rentraily Right Tata MlnDUR of k tat raat eiptnnn H and uk tar what U H biwt for your Liter, ■ lUdney end Blood Treaties. We think she will recommend Bl. IHACNETl urn ABO ILBOB STIOf heue «s* hM trWd fc u< keewe H «a,gjsg«ijs^ Vriw Mir OmtUtto. Drp.Hn>Ml sarjiM!.7!*r *• -* nMagrgtmm^amNw, I The presence of beef trie in die n tore of the Mississippi Illver st 81. Louie was asserted before Special Halt ed State* Supreme Court Oonmls stoaer Frank 8. Bright, la the hearing of the Chicago Drainage Canal case to tter. Dr. A maud Harold told of tests taken two rears ago. showing tell a bacteria In slat sen drops o( water taken from lb* Chain of Kocka, eigh teen miles north of 8t. Loots. “The de structive power of this number of bac teria la all eafflcltat to causa serious A woman can hate what a man does, yet lova him for doing It There la nothing so knnlllitlag to a woman at to faint when eh* Isn't dressed for If. A girl gets at much axcHrmaat out of aa encagemiut aa a man dona out of a stock marksf panic. Any woman would cheerfully wear shoe* with kolas la the sole* to be able to print a fashionable street number os her rutting cord. Every wife has an Idea that If aha ooeld Induce her husband to sleep with a stocking around bit throat It would bo a aura cur* ter hi* roll Charles J. Capes *culor master of the Boston Lstln flrhool. has bees t teacher In that lastltntlon for fifty year* Last week bis friend* presented the school with n handsome portrait In oil of the votaraa Instructor. While Mr. Cepsn'a record U remarkable, that of Miss Harriet Caryl, of the earn* my la more to Mias Caryl entered the high school *a s pupil In IkU, the rear the tegtltntlog was founded, and three year* later beremo a teacher. She has remained la that position eoatlnaoualy ever #*»«• Asthma "Oaa •» my ImMri bad a tarribla aaaa at utbaia. Va Mad afaaott aasryibiad, bat adtbate ft Had. Va tbaa triad Ayar'a Cbarry hatartl tad tbraa aad aaa bah ggp§4 htr.M —Imm ita# ■Maritadtr, LtajariMa, O. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral comtnlycurcs many esses of Ittfaoi. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night oooghs, and hs£d cokls. WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG AND HEADS THAT ACHE WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER TAKE TRIAL BOTTLE lO CENTS DROPSY i ti tur ninor nu. jEfcNrareaas t?~n. tiL Kir^-a oral, I r T'f u nizxL^ cu. ! $95 Every Day! Well Auburn to Drills | OlfBUllSdolohPfHinn'nl W# • Cl «n)/K..»«rv •! rt«» T1 *■ VTsti v«r OM Im«-Jsll4«| ] lows MixvmE co , nn, owo. A broken Record Young Dunderhead's proud molarr toll* her friend* that be baa certainly broken the record. (Inly lour yearn oul ' of college- that la, of conrae, be didn't , graduate, hnt he left four yep.ra ago, you know—and here he In purchasing agent lor International Ivory at a sal ary of $I3,0Od. She soya she baa often remarked to her husband, who has the coatrolling Interest In I ale.'national, that she does not believe there was aver torn an Instance of rapid rdvanra tnent of the yonsg mao under the re gime of competition. -4 All women are good ar’icvse* off the I stage; and mighty few oa !l. "^"GoldefT^uIe™^^ of Agriculture: B« coed to jrctir land anrl your crop will be er>o«J. Plenty of Potash in the fertilise. quality am) quantity in the bar* * west. WitlC cs tin) Ay we will send you, jti /r/r, by next mail, our iTMtuey winning books. Ofctnv* iuu wxt, Jj 9# Rum Urn*. <M Mew Veet. . 7 t PAT PPOT rill TM m nottrTT LAND WARRANTS ro II. XT >1 o m/ The Great Spring Komvdy. AA» lUe ripn «f *>o:« M l*k y«u are l«Ua I* r«*l ih im I «f * twitr, liuUtt ltd BLOOD PURIFIER. VOW WANT TUI; WOT, OF COUR'.i; ; Til VI H RHEUM ACIDE. ■ ■■ «■ u * t-t aMBHanaiarsi ., _, „ K-wa-fcaOy r(fn^*nM)Ml f rulU «a-s»cl» *t tmim, «,« uJ*. MaMwil*i«ertU9 <r.ur |ar/jiv{4M4s:i^r^v^ rrv^*. A »n.*o*-»IU hVr.MNn. yafW ?«i.&. :.»«> 1*4*4/ Tr*Jhmr *»4 *.i J^wiart uk^g Crvm iTft7-'l-«.f 1 “ 1 r ctn.ig h. iy.y.. *"•■" •**"« w-*** » What the Wat 3a«Mr«. A lawyer who ha* rhara* of the i roflet-Uon of rant* of a lar»* tenon rat on (bn anat able waa re-.* oily »laited by aa old lr*ab woman, who. after tnnrh permaalott had bean la-lnred to root* down Iowa and pay her rent Tbe law) *! '• r.fltof waa oa om o( lit# a peer door* of a targe <,«<•* building After tbe rent had bear |>nfd aad tbe raeotpt glvra. Uia old wotnaa waa therwn out lato Ike baitway hy the (dice boy. Tbe lawyer fonad bar la tba • lew rha itoa later, wbaa be ban ooenafon In ro <m*. tba waa arander IPS about npeo'ut doora aad otbar wlae artlap la a etraede maatter "Wbet are you lookfnr. fo»T~ atketl I be lawyer "Sbare, I'm loobies for tba Mila 1 rhmri I raw* up la."— Maw Tort Ttmda. Ml*, niton. nip UpdniH Tb» iimI 10 (k« pontboopn roao | Ikro-jfk tl» pfnnK uarVot i 0»> la* iiii-i tn-tm - l» iL« iMTpaitou nf II ^#*|! f... /.«:.«» Itlit itnbt ! TV '»«'» «'/ ■Of' kta>p i» b# rtpkln* Uati t,*it opinion. pfvoaa mwfmm ALL WEAKM Or r« lOHtt Tint's 0,i«a?r J _J Uk *# 4m^CCC tow* 'm Mb 44VM W tft» *«J»t «4» L n a MS 4U g«4/* MJftCttllMpirtlflWlI*

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