S V : 1 - - i i E EETQTJXREB. V.LOGAX, Kditob, Ell WIN, Pun. & Tjvo. -iJ'r IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, '. AT THE FOLLOWING TERMS: Ttfrrocopy for one year .(in advance) v i .,. : -i '': 3 months credit "2.oo Y 2,50 " 3.00 RATE OF ADV'IllTISLG 'nn ,lall:ir rtr sounre (12 linos or less) for Ktha first insertion and twenty five cents fojacl:-sab-seuent publication, provided sue!j adver-ti-iQineiit be ordered for one month or more. A'lv'ertisQmentsless Mma ine month charged one ilollar for! eiich insertion. ' , Legal notices charged sis dollars iri.cachj case. Liberal deductions made; on yearly advertise- raents. All "Communications must be directed to 'L -V EliWI. THE LAW Oil NEWSPAi'EUS.: I. Sabcribers jy'ho' do nit iy e; ex press rjoticc'j to the contrary, are considered as wisiung io continue their subscription. , 2. If subscribers order the' discontinuance of their newspapers, flie publisher may conttyuo to ie-il them uiitilliall arrearages, are paia 3. 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LO G AN, ATTOK'SEY XT LAW, JtC'WIERFOIlB TOX, A (. WiJLL attend to ay business.; intrusted Ihis care, in Western North Carolina. to I .CJS U It II I L L f Attorney at uui'minFoiiDTos, x. c., . . V'ill nractice iu the Courts uf this Judical! I'lltrict. j'-' dan. 7, !So8. -iy, H. D. ATT O 11 N !: Y L EE A T LAW RvruvuiwiiDTuiX, x. a, - Will practice 'iii' the. 'Courts of Henderson Jjoncom'be, McDowell, Bi'irkq , Iluthei-ford, Pii; and Cleavelanl counties. TaiV. 7,. I808. r ' !v I 1-1 v C. -T. N. D A V 1S Atorney a ,Law. PiL'THEUFOilDTON; WILL practice in the Cuntis of Hender son, Buncombe Mclovell, Burke, llutlw-' erford, Polk nn.l Cleavelaud," and Suprem& Coiirt at MoVgantoh. .. I'.. . f." May 11 m. vV i 10-tf. Sr, J. W HABB.IS, UUtllKREORDtOpvjN. C., I ES ViTFU LEY tenders his professional i . - es to the citizens o Lutherfurd cou)ii tv. O.'fic ttt his Dru store. l-, 1H58. ! Jan. '1 V I C. BEOHTER 8C SON Watch ' JS Makers, .'HAM UFAOTV.fi BKS . OF- -jk'WKLKV &t. ' S 1 A fit A N ii U 11G , S. 0. Maich 1.. lO-tf. K. M. ROBINSON, if".- . V-il -Mb Y3 $ rASHIONABI,!! TAILOR. tA : I .1 .... ' m i . : RUTIIERFOIiDTON N. C. KjiNov. 22. 1850. 45 tf. ?S wo VTali:7imak tt Jeweller. US his nci-viees to tho citizens of the surrounding country In the abwe business AiiiiustO: 1859. v 'M-y. - Stoves ! Stoves ! ! OLIVER GUNN,! ESPECTFL;LLY informs the citizens of' .Vltutherford county that he will travel through the county prepared to supply every family vith, the celebrated Iron Witch ' Cooking Stoyr?, Alo other kinds and at Charlotte JViWs. ' Sept i'oV'58. ! ' - . ',; 35-3m. WESTERN EAGLE THE Subscribers t( the Western Eagle and thoso indebted for advertising or other work ilon in" the office, are most respcctfolly in forrSed that th settlement of their accounts will be, ccnslJ&reJ a rery twit favor i we must' have the rajviey aad cat wait no longer. m L. P. EUWIN. ! m iFroir. Korili Caf.litiaPreobytPi:ran. A .teller fioiiitiie HoIyX;ud; A friend in this State', ljasl'kindly placed ;j at our 'disposal a etter,wsitien not long since ! I in Jerusalem. ';flp$tcT. lsthe. Hev. 1- C. ) j IJittingcr, a memhcr .t Urr.iigo rcsoytery ! and at present a Chrlaiti in the Uiiiled States Navy. Mrj" Ittiuger io with lour ' M fd tfcrra fjcav.&qtu. i rob ; and having objuin.. cd leave of absence for ji short time; niatle a flying visit to those p'lacjps s familiar by njainc t6 evj-ry Iililc re;uL'V,.ijind so dear to vory piaus heart. '' He passed rapidly t h roil ghj f he i, Country, not liavind thi;tnii.e,ir.he. mu jliiart: J the inclination to malic ny new ihvestigaj ions,, i in IMblical Archoilosyl: and his later is the hurrigd account thajt lvvcs'.a frienu ofitke, sighf-i he saw and tho jfoeli'ngs he Kadi as place after place; whs 'jresented. written J too without any expectation that it would: Do published. " ?ut, thoatih the pbees arc tfiose which have often ljme been described by traveflers, and about wlieh little new 'cart be said: 'they a re. places flint are ialways intelrcs- Imir to U!,.lroni the sacred associations qou 4 llVj. nectcd with, them : andwo never tue m lii-ar-v ing aip intelligent trayIer .speak of then We givs some extr.cts 1 ; j i i iFHOM DAMASCUS UO JEltUSALKM. !4I th the city of daniascus, I; confess, with tjiiifeig.ned regret j jfor I liyd made se .cr al frieinls jhere to AvliOiii I felt no little at tached . I wciU out by! a very diilercht gate from that whereby L enCered it, 'vjassiug- tliro' a crowded street '.-andr hv. '.fragrant- ardens over shadowed by npfie -trees. Tradilion ; its this beautiful city and this : reprc; like p en- am to tonn the si'ie of the lost and! for-: gOttCH Paradise : and Certainly ' there is.m ich very much, to confirm nc i:i t:;C ooinioif This beautiful and welliiwatored olace. abdun diijgwttlt luxurious gardens, and sweet scent ,ed ilowers, and ore uirjs, of fruit trees well as its gcogrnphjcal jposition between as j:wo seas, its perfect cliiiiatc its streams of v:i ler, rcfleciing by day the sujn and hrmame.ut. bv nihl t'le'iiifoon and; the stars : and ind ' i ts ; : niajesjic" frame work -oil mountain scenery- do.c !gued by Godto be oiie of tho niost iippo' sing and attractive cities -in the world ; for in the; sun light, ' it appears like a fairy and of cnchautme.it, -I'cjisI cine long, lingejring look oyer! the beautiful city, waved tny jian'd jtowatds it, and then lef it forever.' I "I rpda all uajtn rojLiiii a largo plann and it a huinber of Bedouins mi horsebackl who met s e e m e d t o p r i d c t h e m s c lives x)i coing tnrouirn a number, of exertisesJ and riding sivtftly uiuuio us;-, i hilly country, . . 1 A .1. - I ....:: 1 . . ' ' llermfin ibc roads hear the niountatft very deep, in some places falsest impassably, tind ordered my dragoman to pitch, liniv tent hi' a small. viilagu oi little ok no i i It crest,! named Kafor .11 a V ' I .'-.,.., 1 - ' : , . 'ell -r mi an, where I the niht after a t ' ' iJ':. r was in the hard-dSy's ride" -I' 4Larl.y the next morning. saddleiand on mv way for I enter llorv Jiaiid. for there wai vcrv lit now tliis side of it to! interest:) me. j ilfojund Mount; llcrmon coverediwith snow : thes roads in some p'aces, uncommonly bad : 1 " ' IT 1 ' 1 T 1 arid 1 Had great (iithcuty in crossing the mountai for no the wind was hiuli. . 1 ! . ' I Jt 9 - Hut oil! I urged niy ble Arib al1 the c frozen,! for it beca ' I ordered my little v Page nam ,,. though' I felt almost in 1 e usei y cold. 1 tent bitched!'at the tn.s.Kor the . 4 ' ahci cient '(rc,:ij-ca I'hilipp .'Ji town stands on an extensive terrace covered with Uhc ruins o. ancient buHuings v and nere afejthe souice under t of the liver Jordan, which flows from he old rivers Ithlt" have been partly covered by slides tcatf.Ii and rock of the mounta;in. " i r--. " i his is my first tiitht on HolvTiand :; aiid licrc it hvas that our blessed Lord sjafd to!' Peter, i'Qn iu-!Petcr church and! this rock wili I build iny church and - the gates of hell shiill not prjvail against itj 4ilu the first light of ;hc norning I . .... i . : I J r- i 5 i was the and upj'-visiiing the ruins . ind the. sources ot Jordan for I -waai now tin Holy Land J was becoming. ac(junintbd with ' place and sec nes hallowed by. the p-resence aud -thel foot steps, of Christ.""" From tthis day forwajrd, I It '1 mt i am tor visit and become .familiar with every. t .. B - 1 - a.' thing identified :wjth it.be Sak-ior's birth and life, suffennirs andldeatli -The irrouud is no longer comuion ca th; but Ildl v land. sancti- tlrfl lV by- blood. 'I. left Cixjsare i Philipi.. ppd passe( Ju- ring the morning through the modern towu and purchased a -number ot ancient coins then through the extensive of Oaks and olives, and various dthcit trees riv througli the plain untill I icached .a" Hpid sircain ru'liiii' down frrlm' tUe- inf,i;ntauis of Lebanou. which tiirncdl liiill f verv sin'mi !ar and simple styhl of w'prkiiTanship. t was nothing! more than a Jicfrizoi tl wheel, and the water pouring down! a spout struck' the arms anU turned it round: fof the upper end oi l iie.: axie was aUached to p . i ;. i i J. . ' ! . - inc. muistonc, hbo uie. water turned jtjroui d. Tlp htusea in this eounirv are al ( hi the one yln'ch will describe it itands -by this old milly Ind t as I Saw! -it while niy hobc was drthkirid:. Stone w'alls. -plastered ikvithln and wilhout with n.ud : the rodf ebnlists plar poles eh'nding aeioss Ifrush and U) vercd w i t h n i ud ; h id hem : .1. . I : i is iiieu pri'sseu By a st oh e roller, hot'unrikd those in essed cart your own garden. Thcfloo.ris p 1 a nrc piacc - no wnidows.ibut blenty o.f-w7u f-dr which I rode doors. 1 1 found the ground o uring the day eovjercd ikith lowers of chrerv Lueu; aacf Dc(i , soincwuafe ' tn a 1 vuiu ii.v eccucs uinis ut.uuiiuuu uiiu oufcu,vje&US me liame CILl J nitm. ail Uift tjayfi siglit simplieit and comp vvVAf I in i n fl cniYnr i. Ii n,i ,1 . it 1 si ' J m A Ti . II a IiaoI einif miuJ ntihpiil-nn f.ni-i-i Pmvi."! K l'i I. i ne : s 1 . S tb be! d Jiau This littl hu?. And did thev riot iiiark fhc footstens.'.nUuiitains of Gilbca Saul lost Lis army and of our Lord ? He must! ccrtaiolv have fass ed tliisiway., At khci vlllaiibjof 31allaha I pneuea; niy tent, tind! aid nyself down to pleasant breams.; I have felt all.' dav that 1 I have bcleii literally ' follow ' r fit. . ! 1 '' ' B ing the footprints 01 jurist. And every stop And every stop- I took increased j in interp'st; so thai 1 fond my Bible M as ;-guou a guiae 01 this country and. its sa lytuiuiep, as 11 was eighteen hundred years ago.; jvcry spot seemed toj be hallowed by ins presence, every flower nurtured by Ilia J blood, and every hill and vullev, lake and mouhtai li, consecrated by his teachings, and miracles, and life. '"-. ! . p r .''' .. )' ' -7iiV'..'.,; .' " '!;, ! ! j' j V'l then ordrred tnv dragoman. gend tho ' fcnts .on to Mazaretl);; !and abot 9 o'cloelc i the morning; t . east a last lingering look'over the sea of Galilee aud its surioundini;splain and iiQuntaini, and passed the h6t bathsj so ' celcioratctl fir their uue4i2al properties They ; stand upon the sea-shore, and have been eel-, ebratedfjince the- dciys of the Uo'uan Euipos ' rors.. The water issues froiir tiiej side of the hillin the vicinity, and in grri (fwaniueV' U exceedingly liot, tfhjjj JgiqoiWi'ulercd alih'ost a ppecitic for" rheumatism :uid .neiir;ilgi:i All this is luiUowcd ground, and all Jthcsc asso- ciaijrtjfs.am holv, and all he$e prospects are UV"UllfUI, ill! IIICIU !." 1IU (JI lrill tu anient beridinir lovely over it. -paved fir- as though weighed down bv the presence of! Aiiiivls t- You almost imagine you sre on its shore? the loptstops ot our Lord, and tiut voki near his blessed voice floating over the waters 'Pe'aee, be sti . IV.ierv he sti I '1 rode on and ordered tle drairoman ii to . prepare lunch in '('ana of Galilee.' a small viHaire where our. blessed Sattour perfirnied liis first" niiracla whei-ej Hhe?inodtst water saw its God and blushed.' It is situated Jon the slone of a small hilli from which T li.ul a, noble view of the v!ley. 1 In this small v'iN iiui;u iiiuic i! a j i ec.h ciiurcii- . jiic wans are covered with poor paintings, intended to iep Iresent hunierous event! connected with the pavior s birth and litej siifl'erinirs and death. Two old stone jars; made-of common clayiof the country, or rather roekj were shown itii as the ongi nal vessels 'that -eon'tui tied the vja- ') ter whicu Christ converted into wine I :ls -'' Iced to sec toe rest of t lie jars, and was told thatithey had been sent to Eifiiland I "'Yonder is N:tza:eth; the birth place, it is saidi of i he Yiririn Mary, All yesterday's" ridpjfi'rom the sea of Galilee (to Nazareth, i ! deeply interested nie, fori was drawing near he place where our blessed Lord spent most i of his life. ' ii ere 'lie was brought up.' The ; j fun .was throwit.g. ltsvjast beams along the ; sides of the mountarnsas well as gilding tjiu ills-round about Nazareth, which is by la r the most beautiful town in Palestine. Itrts picturesquGly situated, its white stone hous es occupying the sides of high hills audi a small vailcy. ,i "i wandered over tic -hill "sidesi and li rough this valley, and felt that hero the lerejtho sunshinej'eipupou Ilis pathway, and icre the windsfanbed -IHs brows, and here ' innioT with H is Father. Everything in ;oi" ?bout Nazareth, more or less reminded ine of Iim i who owned the universe, inlaid with ta-oi ids and systems, and yet had no place jin iiiis.ouuuuiehs ciupire io can ins own- no place to lay Jiis head It was hallowed incoming deeply impressed by fhe jsacrediiejs? f the assrfciat ions and the influences vvhicli are around, mm, and beneath hum, and over un.: ,1 then visited t ic old church of the Annunciation, which is urrder the eare of the Superior of the Convent. Prom the navel i double lnght tt steps! leads to lich contains the hiilrh ultar4 the . place i ! w A narrow the point ; stairway leads between i these to which is shown as the Iside of the bouse of ine biessea v lrgin : fjingie cnamoer. witn u .', ' 1 , 1 IT' 1 ,1 I ! small.rceess beyond it, j iri which stands an": ; aiiar wmcn is saia io peine piacc iwnereiue rgin received the annunciation, tliat froin !'j r should be born the Saviour of the world j ! the rear of thil is anotlier locality, said tq the place whe,-e stood the house of one pf Qseph's friends, who took; care of his house, urirg his flight into Egypt. Another liousje'; jvisitcd wiiich my guide toid i nie was ttyej i V n- t . -f . .1' . . 1 . ! .' i ihrks hop ot Josen h : and another sti Whic n c told , me was the onej ip . which Jesus tu6jk is last supper with Ins disciples. In the centre of this last, there is a large " sforie about; uie size of a dining tabfe. Frotif .my n'Midof.!" in the Convent, . I have ii very good view ofj , ATazateth and its surroundings.: Yonder iii; 1 1 he distance, is Mount Tabor ' which tradition isavs was the mount of Transfiiruratbn : and ot far distant is the .Mount of Precipitation, h here! the people of Naiareth ! intended tb tji!e sacred record informs us, Ho escaped out i . . - - . . -. ' .. . . ! - ; j ot their hands. J he inhabitants ot this yn:- lile have a verv different appearance froni !'W people I have seen jin the country rountt Sp'out Galilee. They are of a higher and.nq- llilcr (casjt ; ' of race more intclljgeni,-r-fincr jJntenauce-r-darker eyes, and more cqm- i" i4-nd,uig appearance." 1 1 ; . i "I then proceeded on my way,and passed pse ly Mount Tabor which stands in 1 1 1 9 h - l lillJtin of Esdraelon, and had as noble a pa'np I limia of mountain scenery ' in vietw, ! as is to be i flund in the world. Yonder, tin the far off! ; dUtahce. 'was the blue outline of. the nioun? ! tiins'of Moab, and Mount IefipQrij and thi 1 show covered summits; ot Jebauon, . 4 h ; vhllev of the Jordan stretches far awny t.Q th'el : I f - ' i - i v .::, ! : Sjoutn, and jjnuor arm i a in, 01. sueicu imti; ; c$t. and Jezreel on the otner side qt tuem, l This plain of Esdraelon hiis been the theatro; of uuuif battles.; Here Sitera was conquereij hfcrc the MidiaMtes were vainquiiihed by Gidej. oh! and his hnfndfull of liien. and 011 ,the 1 kaiidom and life heie many ; of. the most i sA iiiuinarv ' bottles )f ithe Crusades were Mijiglit, and Jost, and woii ; aud here it wa$ that Nanoleon fourht the battle which he t called Mount Tabor, where the great ejiiej tanji ! A Ue with a handfullof men to rescae Kleber T a id bis fifteen hundred men surrounded by tlventy:five thousand cn'emies.'fi I Then foliows a niiimtQ account ot the wrn tifts visit to Samaria, and the various in ter j ground on wincn l stood ; these .were hm.i my -first entrcnee into Jerusalem be (orm? ' t "V '"TT"- IV i toT ivinds which fanned my cheek : and these ie,, !" - i i ; arjncrs weraiie to prouueo u at ine natu: tl'di were holy influenres which surrounded inei 'Jr , . , n marketpry yi hado give wai be.orc : Ic is not to be envied, but to be pitied, who ':TU;Rf the conpctit0iWl , llus' theiUn,td ! Lid. stand where I stood, and Vthe hU 8 ' f lmt;1.oU,eC:- - ' States, bnd bJhute th,enJp eat l raisi, g i k..i...:i :..1i;.M:.Ju..fi.,. ' .1.1 l'eace be within.thy wnlli nA ,r,een erons. ' WitlNTTese the are tiri- cgting localities iu tha,t neighborhood too ium- in ue- cojjieu .iriii) ujir columns. v conclude our extracts this veck, with his impressions'npon first criterion the j Holy 'City-: : ,- :-j :'.! ; :y.?i 'Ji then rode -to tlie . of Jl , M$$ ihhi com wtm dcc(' a- vhw of ti c iinHt rci ar- table city ott'eattri.and enjoyed, iuVu-tp coti rempiation, a prinprana ana sacred places. V Wlnelv is a owed '. ito lew in tliis World , and I raised tny 'cup and thanked God that by Hi Kind providence, I was permitted to see the holy hills tround aboiit Jerusalehu and the it y of the Great King. -, My iCyes gized upon the vitK and its t,aered places, and the holv seniilclire. j and where God s tetiiple 'once stood, as: they never gazed before I am drawing near tho Holy City, and the Very firmament itself seems to bend" herein lower: adoration wvet'j the Mount of Olive? and the Garden (i! - i uetiisemane, l,iiLi-a,;y anti 4he Sepulchre ot the Saviour ot the world. J he city ot Jcrusa - - lem lsurrounded b-mountains; It is a city cf domes, and ! lninarets, and i uiomhuents and i.s digucrreutyped upoi. ' .iy mind and en shrined in niy soul I forever . Yonler, riirht bejore me, simlitig and glittering; in the Iiolv j sunshine lay tl;e city ot David in a its'ni-a-T jesty and beauty : aiid there1 stood, as io the' ua)s o: ioraiianj. ana Isaac, and Jacob, and wiieu ue.-u-eu uy: us. conouerors anu lata . .. : i i . - t-i . Waste and desiioyod. Mount loriah, Mount Zion, nnd the Mount ot Olives, hallowed by the life, and suff riugs, and death of t hi Son of God. My approach' to' the city of Jerusa lem on the North', by the Damascus gate was extn inely beautiful, though the hills which encompassed it wereartlus tune without- ver dure, and the tocks without sublimity,! and the gardens without flowers . '"How doih the city tit solitary that -was full'" of people ! llow lias she ecoine a widow, she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces ! how has she become, tributary !t" jl am now lidinig near the wtlls of the ; Uoly pity of my Lord and my God, mid I am now gazing with wonder; and ad:niration"upoiflts minarets and towers and battlements ; and I .bowed my head and heart as I passed under the grand archway of llvevDauiaseus gatc, and lieali'ed. with ifotfrtHnarv realization: the dream and the'desire of iny soul,, My inind i- was thc-iueatre of strange emotions, too deep fpr-iitterance. ! Kvcry 'step and. every; lootc was full of the profoundest interest and tcu dercst sorrow, for my feet were within; thy iratcs. i 0 Jeribaleiit, over which "Jesus wept rM jThatik God lam in Jcrusaletai. ' r ' Fr a m n.y ca rl i es t re m e u i b ran ce, when my mother taught ie to lisp the name of rehensive world :' and I and iiiflJirf 1' q!...ii , i snail nc cr. until I ascend to her God to herFaihcr and my Father, jbrgetlthc feuclcr eiLMtionsthat flooded iny loul. aa;! gazed upon the high and unsteri.ms walls ;tvat compass the -Holy Ulty which coft j tains Viie temple I of my Lord. Nfpvcr jvill 1 ;" . L And prosperity within thy palaces! For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will nov say. Peace be within thee !' Because of thej house of the Lord our; God, I will geek thy good !" 1 ! - - . 'v I". i: VV V!;:'!; 111 'v3A' . rvEviVF.D Ilbpps of Italy. The Jiopes oi ine oium mi., ueiiiiai nuiy uiiguieu. n seems as it nothin; bijt some blunder' or rash impudence on the part of her Ieaderscau prc ., 1 , , .. . tent ncr-rrom grasping, the glorious realities of freedom and tiiationality'; for vvhicli she i nas so yearncu ana struggled.; he -Iras tea- son to, rejoicp over the impedinicnts -which prevent the, organization of ihe; Congress; every 'month pf jdelay makes her; position more solid anil secure. I here i4 no i niihiirvi or intcrnationaVlaw whiclishould forbid the i I . . 1 - n ultimate recognition by Europe of the epu- j solidation and unity ;of,her proyrTfces. jFrance, ! nrovro(i hr.-nwe h n and. and the rrotesf.mc St n ton spent r..,i i dy to do so ; and, iif she holds out long- and bravely, and wisely;' Austria and her: little ! circle of deperidon eics must sooner or later acmiicsce in thje independence and soverein,- ! ty of the newj Stiitie, least,Mheir hands are' r or . the present, at tied fhe forcible re- i tnrri nf thrrxilfd 'riib-rsnf Tnsr-niv iiiid tlif l i. . l : . 1 ; x . in Duchies, in the! face cf the oppdsitson of the.Lsotii'c pains o resfore to the soil' sojiiie pof- 5 French and English Goveinments, and of thw ti or.-il KPiitiiiretit of tho wnrM. msv hi-rpimi d . ed aslmost impbssible. ; The probleni f ! the llom'agna seems, also, on the point of be-. -ing fiapily spped J -I i ,J Among these revised hopes of Italy we must not pass by the! proud triumph of Count Ca ' vour. who has been made ministea of Foiciirn i Affairs in Sardmiittho gerin and root ,f the proposed new State of Northern Italy. Wire I! lip lost power, the cause ot Italy, tost hope ; for he was the brave and prudei.t "guardian and guide of the nation in its. struggle for independence, j 1 pe grcaisiaiesman . snows when! ti yields ail JJavosr's ; voluntary te-. tiremcjit from public life, contrary to the wishes of the people, whose idol lie was, and his forbearance towards plans wliich . he deemed iiicxpediciit and unwise, showed a spirft of qnselljshtiess and eIf-coTitrol which is the blithest glory, of the ir.c patriot. His ; vindication has come speedily, and is conw pleto for he finds himself restored ttt power. ; and elevated to one of the uiost'influential pc sitibns in Italy, at the time when liisi own policy seems to be tt a fair vy tobc restored and justified, and wtiien he himself can; be of the most service irisecuring arid uiaintatning 1 for his country her fair an just- position as a free and independent Statc.-r-A. 4'.iuur. Comir.erce. . '. . AYc supptise tli at toleration ts carried finite far enotigli wfien men tolerate in tolerance.. - .1 '.;;,; j v,'-. 'y-. :. , A:4ri Life's great success is a liapy Leart, and "a good conscience the test estate. Who Lath them, , ' I rFroin ibc .lnoikliii QhservVr. y j i The.followit.rr nriifh. fr.mi ihh'.jYel Vnrl Tojus. is sugivslive of the future. We havfe ' often thought of the subject of wii;eh ik treats, In conis:toni with o!ur rowu qoiintryl, I Ifichce our -solicitude'' to see : n avrn'tMiltural yoy-d, 111 tUt'P 'leuy of .: n'ued in our ounty, -ihVnk'u.gl ' t of ludtovred ftpUm miUut result ur the Vci lnatbti ..f Jur vsL ha listed 1 .jud.$' into fertile fields Tin Sent i input is general lauioniist .ur larin 1 i is that soineriiinsr ,mut oe uone, or; our pop must leaye. ! Is! tt liwt singular that i : -. - i . - i- illation wiit! ise tnis sentiment is so general.! we reei'ive HO iew restMinses to our nropusuiun io orgainae an ari'icuhural associattou t "l'hrou'0 ! 9,m- society we: have hopoof to: arouse, public sin - ' .i" I timenr, awukeu emmify,. induce -cter lai mers to rt-ad n''rii-ii!tur,d works. instSir- pWvou rivalry j in -the bpt. nictlids m,..i..i,i ,; (....n,,! -c.i;to ' iL,.. . a 0f in t increased love of care for tl e suilerings '. !,r.vntf.,.,wi unprotected stocic,- awakeiij itHiuiry as o ine oest nietuou oi pro-iueing nianu obtaining the lifcaviest , " ieldiof, grain am 1 cVor and in fact to .spread peacJ atid priis'periiy tliroiigTiottt our. "borders. "Head, thelj artie 1 1 '"-1.1 ' "I .1 !-- f:i oeiow, anu men say orotner iarnier it ydu -will not join with the editors of the (Jpservir tor a general can to organize at -riich cuurt, U agricultural societv? J DBA lit II OF. POOD 'A St AIL LIN . VIEW. We published yeterday a; temarkable let ter from Liebicr, the !u re at German che'ihist, au- .dresscvl to Mechi, the famous English firijielr, ud'oii that most momentous !of all sub! una themes; tho prodticlion of coin. lie shows that t Lcicrr: prpd ucin'g,- power of .the cvjl.ue 1, y cultivated ; countries ot the globe j ' rap.id bee(j:iitng;exii:iutred ; tluMVit is owing .i i i- . i - :ruain mat ineueciLne nas not oeen inore rapid and InMn-uiiiiSnccd ; bui that t!i a lixisli i supply ol Gtllino, u it continues to be r -eOMS- meo!d'!s preseiM rati, 'will not last mofe thluutwehtyvfivv or thirty yeans at the? utmost. i war or of tile He predicts iice'yrdinglv, l hat unless pestilence, or f;iuiiue, or emigration ,ei -large! y diiiMiiishes tujaiypulation 7' .'older eouiitvies, they wTTTund themselves, it no very'distant day. if the existing system f cultivation be;- pursued, in actual ivant if bread 'add; the jvlilthusiati theory Will thus receive ari early and certainly unlocked fwr exemplification. ; : ' j ; These' conclusions, thus; .massed p ogether are so startling that, even when' they come from eminent scientific me.n wic finljs Sonic difficulty in aeecpti)!f them V Hat la very cursory 4'nspccltoti.of what is actuallyoe iilLeujpMiklr anu in Xiiirope, piaccs ii'Cii "uejicrai coiryex- ncss beyond doubt. i!For j many ycari befre -repeal. of tho,-Corn laws, -in., l4t Kr- laud was onlyl'rtabled to ireep tip the supply - , x- '.; i . u.i ii i oi yiiBiii nr ucr wa population uy lie exi tence of high protective duties; and! cons- fjuently a 1 high ! price . for bread and I.w standard t)f living on the part of the uiasss. As soon as the duties Were removied. t ving, as pel imps iirey never- iiirovu ucioiv .-.: - j- .1. . i : .1 i .r . but the annuaUyic'.d of home growra wheat has been enormously diminished', ankl tenglisli "brea i is now inaiiily the product of jte Las tern steppes and Western prairjes. purchastid with Uritish manufactures. . It is howcveri notorious thct llie sanae J . B exhaustion i.s now sbowiniir itself in 'he lanils which have been loiiirest'i under cultivation here, aiidcorn is ceasing to be a .pfofitabPe J ' . 1 ... I t II . I. . 1.1 . i; prouuet unougu -au-iuc ivisicni tats u w i i in i; i a o u ,t a 11 u c i o i n , ; a itd "VT i rixirik i the.yield per. aciv is rapidly diinlnishii-g ; s ;: "and as the nW;CsS of exhaistioiiT;oes f on we seek our biyad liirt lier w!est', lit ncr m any. and Kastcm Mimipe f he! same : (J enne in lertuitv is also to oe witnessfnl. , tne cause i beinir every whei;e the sauie the co itiuu extraction from the Soil the elements oiouucilveucb", wu nouk uiu mu.uh.-m. uiiimiijii. i .. . . 1. .. 11 i i. i. ! at ineir lesioratiioo. . uw.ing io ine aouii t6 tllC: 2 lave s liar i da:;cej of land, with whiqh we 1 bee1 blessotlj our landers haye; rarely tauten ; tue trouble to !iannretheir liefds. Iheyj found theiii vifiiin soil jShey uet all they cini-out of .i.S... '-Aa ...i..J Lri.-.v.. ...i. iu v.. il ... i . .J: : ii.. :.. i-...i. 'J.i! 11 Upurope.land especially ' iii riiimim stern neecssitv has cuiiitielled the cultivator to taite k tioh of the yitalifyof which his crops teh yer '', deprive it 1 he fudm irv farmyard n:: . I i. 1 .. in 11 re was long relied ott tor. this purpose ; iput even that at Jasteeaseo to produce the required e fleet. ? Guano tlierr made its appearanc?, byt accord! i g to; Liebig the supply of guai o oatinof last much nirr, and this odea e c- ha,usted,' sonic incliis mustle devised of su( plying .its place, b the people of ihojcjvinztjd world wil! sooii hipd themselves Iace to tare with a deficiency oV bread-a crisis whili. if it did not caiise absolute famine, vould ccrt-uh-, ly entail !a deseentJo a much lower, ktianduijd of living, and cortvspondirtg ufpraP degrada- tion. l ii: J The formula pniwhich all thUgloonjiy forp- bailing is b iscd iija! very simple the. To 1 - 1 - i.r i 1 reudcr and keep sdrCprod active, the elementjjj -..1: i.'-.i. r.. .1.1 -t. ..i. iJ'1. ll 1 which are wnnuraii in ine n inei i;iusi pe restoredi. The ordinary bar.ivard lnauureM, where thnse are iused, partially u'hee! or'tlijis purpose; but only partially. They leave every year a deficiency ; "ind tins dcticimicy, multiplied by fifty 'or one hundred gives in its fitial: result, .total barrenness. Guauo Would ; supply the r.eed, if 1 he supply were inexhaustible. As it isiwtso. Liebig; insists that ?e must fad back on h sewerage jof towns. I Thesp great consumers food. whiuh niadera :..(iviusuwn.-!i:.ereatgvbnd de ejoping on. such a 11 cnormou- scalci must be iua.de tokqep up the (1 hiiity ufthe surround iug country by diseharinir thoir 8ewerige ov cr the fields instead of filling the harhurs and choking the; rivcH with it. and aHoWing it. to run to Waste. The ineehanical and. 2n:iii. eering difficulties of such tuterprisb nrc no, doubt great- 4ut not too grat, for j liiodcrn science to ovcrtxime, if the farmer we0 que, inaue sc.tsioie of the iconscquenco pf per(!l vei;inee in the cxBting'modV of cultivation. Thf political aspects of tthi.s (juwtio'tV. aro V-v 1,0 wiU' Ant- uc by 11a nioar.'s the. !east iiitcresUng; and impdv growth imd prosp'evity ,of a nation nro nor, luiki xxul ;ui:ivs continue to lie. ) 1 l. .l.A,..l , I -. s - . h' .- i seit vv lien t.iat .power once leaves l i . . I'll it grcatuesi is no lijtigcr in its own. liniidj. ! tuiiue was lavinciuie as .lung, as r.er oread was the product of Italian farms. When 'ue-aii to draw, her supplies . frovn Sicily- aad Africa, she was already on the uownward patli, and she, involved ier granaries ir: th fuiu as she suffered! herself. -AV J the same A Letter fkom pit. -. Li vixostnxr. A t a mccUug Ojf the Geographical and Statistical S.jciety, a letter was read from Pr. Liv ingVtono; the distinguished tr ivcl'erv ! ur.dr .date o.f: '''ette, j; Zambesi, 22nd Pebruaiy, 1S59,'' from which iwb-cxtract tha following interesting account of Iiis':!atc$f. '. 'diseo'veric n 'We ari all sn.'uitu sure now that dur inpfaclrast eight'; iinonths of each year, rt steamer of four or five feet cc,u!d trade wit !i out ciiibarrassmcnt.i The reason why so lit die has. boen known! about the Zimbesi mJiy i have been the branching in the stormy pr j uiontory by which1, it was hid from tpvvigafofs. And these ejasy chair gcograpliers, dreataLi. over the Geography of Ptolemy; actually put down tne -ianibei as liowing into the sea at Quilimanc, wliich, in.liis dy it 'probably Mid, drop otZiUub'jsi witter in ordinary circumstances reaenes i.rai. pore. liaa soai5 branch of the Anhi-Americans nlauted thlfr footsteps o s its ;; bank wo' are such a bib. h I i n g n c ws pa per s o t t ! i c Wtf rl I won I d have kiiow!iall about it, long ago ; and no one wouUl' have ventured to play with this river doncj niakinir it lose itselfamj is has been S.'ow UM' lei the Oul hari river". J - ; ! Pr: Livirigstoiie and his party asccr.dod a 13 branch' of this rivcr th6 SIiltc.V aud gives .sonic account ot the people aud things along l s .baliks: lie says : : ; ; r -'.- fco far 4s- wc can .-ascertain, this live:' has never boen explore! .-by Europeans ! bcf re. One, part ojf the luxur'.ant valley of the S! ire is marshy ; and ab'juudiiig in lagooiis, in whtcu grow, great uantitijCs of the lotus plant. Tlve peopljr were; busy colic jtingr, the! tubers, wliich, when boiled or roasted, resembled, e h est nuts. 5 Anothtri part of the valley liboun ded in elephants --My companion estitunred tlie number over fciglit hundred. Herd imon herd appe'ared sk: far as the. eye-could veiich j and noble aniuiaU they wcie. We' sometw mes emif-cd tneni in our uttie steamer lor. aud torma iani3 -.m v si t: v - ..mi 'I : ' ' . .-. . .1 ' i .:' "X :ie upper part oi inc. vanev is wei nnn pled, and many of fetift, hilis are cultivated high up. Hut. n'eva haying seen Kuru beans before, they looked !on us with suspicion '1 hey watciiefl'us constantly, well arued with Ifows and poisoned arrows, ready to-reptl any attack ; but 'ndiinivility was offered . whe wc landed, nor were our wooding parties mo les ted !i 'The ji'reateisf coward fires first ; inir we had as much! pluck as. theV so thniKH- wq did not lift a gun; though weisaw tfioin pver-ready to hre, or rather shoot. ;, vv c did ,nothf hg to make us ashamed to rcttMi, and, if we hate their eohhdence, we may go further! jThey had abundance of provisions, ana l sold them at a' cheap rate!: also, cotton of two' kinds one indigenous, short in the staple but very strong aud woolly -to the leejingthe loth er from imported, very fine and ; long in the staple. ";-' Wer bought! a number of specimens of their spindles and yarn, and, as ii was ouitc equal to the in any American j -uplands, did . not American; seed. The .cotton offer plan t is-met with, every where, aid,r though burned d o w 1 1 a n i iu.ii 1 1 y , s p r i n. gs u p aga l u - as; f r csj and too, strong asver. Tlttf.y grow su'garrcatiG bauiiiris,: Inanioe, A'c, The men are sai 1 by the Port ii ues'.' ;to bo very inteligcnt, but Xery wil.J Tl e, worjne wear the l ip , oruan cut, wliich th e doctor, describes by a uiug him. it is a no g aoout lour lnciroi i - 1 i . 1 ifi cireudifer.- . ence and hcc and iiearlv a quarter or an j lnpli 1 ! a- - ' ; - 1 - inich tl ic!:, passing t immghi Ji large hole in the , lower which U thus mu le to protruda ftightfu 1 am thust-pirticular, says the Doctor, in lip. lyj teas a our own j. oTtes who 'show a nob'e persever nee when fashion dictates,, niay wish lip ornamints:" . ; . ;..- adopt if ; H1 II u'max iN.AT!u1iF..4 iVn Eastern paper keUs a good ahecdolq of . an opulent widow 1 who once alibided; a qkiccr illustration of mat cold componua pt incompatible c;l 'hiiiiuni n-4-ture 7 j-it was a (Jiii istmas Ey lied wot one of these old tlishiened winters i ich cx- were so cold. Thebld lady put 01,1 an tra'. shawl and as' she hiigg 'd her shivering frame, sht saiijl to cr faitttful ncgroi ,icr vaut : it s a terrible cold ni:ht. Scip, I am alraid my. poor ..-L.-.i...:tk. i Ai:J lieigniU'jr: wiiiu-v urefu lie wlieo!b:irrov ScipL fi'l is sufferinir. Tifriie it full of wood ;j nSlq (011 a good, load,,- andj te-li .'i . . ' ..k.-L "iJi.. t .... 1.' . .. .V.... 1 l. uiB: jruui wjiKiianio Keep neisuu uoniiuruiuiu. I5ut before vou gi dip, nkt some tnore vood on the fire and niaiccvmc . ii nice hiug of ll 1 p. Those last old lady W and out. order-4 :wcrn d tijly oboyod . jan P t ho :s th.r(iugly warmedj boU inside itd heir imstj Scip was about i liis 'err;f!Mi of uierevi when ! his to doart on consi derate iutsrqss interposed ; i 'Stop Seip.: lieedjiiot zQ ;now. 'The teed the r'hat 1 on need not go now moJeratecil " . j ' j I :PRiXTEns.-rPrMit(-s. not editors, but type stickers w ineaji,an? jno insignificant ' por tion of this world's ljirjnahity. True, aslthc nabob or inonicdswell tiurrics pass the window where he bends over is "easu" at mi J night, they thinl him imivjjriinehiua lit for manu al labor, bat thd "printer is something mrc, and thcbrainles3. iopSybo now looks .dowri on . him, may live to hear jiltening 'Senates en tranced by his eloquence,' A large number of the members of the liCgislaturc of Penn- syivania as saiso seveiji auciiiueia vn wuiwfj arc printer - So tjo: witijf ho judiciary m'a'ijy of tin; ablest dtid bpft liien at the bar : on theben.th are !jrtiiers. .Wc wisli ciuld mix !a few 1 among the law givers : ml wc; ind law nQprs !of (orth Carolina. -Vojresf tl ; b3 i ) m a m 'I-: at 5 -.ri-r-r- 'I; 11 i:jk3fi-t;: it !-- . .v;r' V- 14: - ! 1 P I II 11 1 Ah 'it J-:' 1 v

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