IJJIIU ~ ?r Section Has Always Been ' 0 Grazing Land? Coastal t.-iets Com in? Ahead Cattle *nd spec BT I. I CASE sptriilist <" Heef Sheep V?te: This article was *1 tin br m Cise for The S<a(? thn of this newspaper. * ' North Carolina prass grows J 'on the nmint.vn slopes and rattle have erased contentedly section was .settled w?r<. beef Here beef ['.w 5*""" c i general thing, are ^ sl^P;. as L grass and other > to **" More each fall thous ^^.^drivon or shipped to feed rf^JLnt and eastern parts of jJrW p t^ Virginia and Tennessee U ?r ltU\\ and then shipped fiirt ar^ . . <?rY has been ln are ? - ' jrW xhis has been ln 'Jti th at times by advocates of other jftrfflins but in spilt' of these inter it still stands out as the most *. frpe pt farm in? in our rough ?yjn?us sections. Tjjiii ber and quality of eattle in this L jfteriO.it.M !o some extent in re ^ due to lo w prices and other fac 'Vi1f however, rlie marked price im gLK'M ills '?''N1'1 about since last Emulated tlw interest in restocking Krf noses an.' improvement through w ?? better bulls. F?IIEK l.v l'lt:i)MO\T t North Carolina beef cattle , Ifittlf ;rizin? on native reeds at the thud Experiment Station Wenona, *fton County i N. (\ Photo courtesy Service. Ite prevalent than in any other section >S?? However, on many farms beef have been bred or fed successfully Ijjsr years as an adjunct to the raising goo, tobacco and other cash crops, [present time this practice is on the und more cattle are being carried purpose of consuming farm grown Sicdfor the production of manure to (su the soil fertility. I one farm the keeping of a beef type m every acre of cotton grown, has been [practice for the past fifteen years. In pdon to receiving a good income from utile as a separate enterprise, this ler states thbt his per acre yields of i hare increased maerially as a result t change from cotton alone. (re, where sufficient pasture can be economically, the keeping of cow |ds and the fatetning of the calves at i W to 14 months of age offers a de Uble source of income. While on farms 1 the keeping (,t breeding herds does Iseem :o Tit into the program satisfactor ily purchase of feeder cattle from our Dtiin breeding grounds and fattening ? for market may well be made a part IT-he annual program. A recent survey in witty in southern Georgia shows that livestock have been introduced as a the farm program that the farm I? thy county are now producing as ? fofWn on 40.000 acres as they for R' oroduced on 100,000 acres without *00* iv TIDEWATER sections tne coastal plains and tidewater sec ts Ij*1' Stlte beef ca^^e production 5 the greatest opportunities for expan .-?e thousands upon thousands of jn(l are at present not producing ? to pay taxes while on many cultl , lrea' tons upon tons of low grade not being utilized. In this part State beef cattle offer great possi tor increasing revenue when carried mentir ^ extensiv? scale or as a sup i.k . y enterprise. Expansion, never pj.',v 0u'd ^ made gradually and Kid fJ1 careful planning for year E/ft. } provision should precede the If that i app0intmt,nt maV result. It is no* h>inrge numbf rs ?f native cattle tiiimmp. 0n native Brasses during f *ith rin on the beaches in the wln Ns ii! provision for feed. Such h Ml* r0dUfinS SOme pr0fit* re" to* thi ?uequate gains and there is ' fceds ?rowln? of supplemen l! the a S prove Profltable. Nilton n .d ^Periment Station in Clrryin., u native reeds are used ' * herd of cattle for about Trench Silo Offers Inexpensive Means Storing Green Feed For Dairy Herd BT J. A. AREY, Extension Dairyman ???HIS TYPE OP SILO has grown in pop | ularity In North Carolina very rapidly during the past three years as shown by the number dug. During 1932, the first year this type of silo was used in the State, 41 were dug, in 1933 171 and in 1934, 372. Present indications are that there will be around 400 dug this summer. The trench silo is an inexpensive type of silo. It Is well adapted to the medium to small size herd on which the initial cost of the upright silo and the type of cutting equipment required to fill it is rather heavy. The labor cost on many of the trench silos already dug has been around 50 cents per ton. In many cases no actual cash was paid for digging since it was done during odd times by the regular farm labor. The material needed for the roof of an average size trench silo can usually be secured on the farm at small cost. The construction of the trench silo is simple and can be accomplished with or dinary farm labor. The only tools needed consists of a plow, drag pan, shovel, pick and a team of mules or tractor. The equipment required for filling the trench silo is less expensive than that re quired in filling the vertlcle silo since a small cutter without blower will do the work satisfactory. Such a cutter with a capacity of three to five tons per hour that can be operated with a 5 H. P. gasoline engine, now quoted at $75 to $100. LOCATION To give best results the trench silo shouM be located convenient to the place where the cattle are to be fed, and where gocd drainage is possible. The most desirable soil is a stiff clay free from rock. Wh3u possible It Is best to locate the trench s'lo on a slope or hillside, digging the trench back into the hill. By giving the bottom of the trench a slight slope towards the lower end natural drainage can be secured. When a hillside location is not available, it is often possible to drain the trench by means of a small tile leading to a ditch or other lower elevation. Small stones should be placed around the intake so as to prevent silage from clogging the tile. CAPACITY The size of the trench silo should be determined by the number of animals to be fed and the length of the feeding period The depth mutiplled by the average width and that by the length will give the capa city In cubic feet. For example; a trench silo, six feet deep, seven feet wide at the top and five at the bottom (averaging six feet wide) and 70 long would equal 6x6x70 or 2520 cubic feet. The average weight of a cubic foot of silage from a trench silo Is about 35 pounds. In this case the total weight would be 2520x35 or 88,200 pounds. The number of cubic feet of silage needed can be determined by multiplying the num ber of cows to be fed by the number of days in the feeding period, since the aver age cow will consume a cubic foot of silage each day. For example, to feed a medium size herd of 24 cows 180 days would require 24x180 or 4320 cubic feet of silage. The width and depth of the trench silo should also be governed by the number of cows to be fed dally. A slice of silage three to five inches thick beginning at the top and extending to the bottom of the silo should be fed daily in order to pre vent spoilage. When the area represented by the width and depth is too large for the number of cows to be fed daily, ex cessive spoilage will take place. Capacity should be secured by Increasing the length of the silo rather than the width or depth. Table 1 gives te size of the herd, the suggested width, depth and length of the silo based on feeding a cow one cubic fcot of sllige daily for a period of 180 days. Tabe 1 ? Suggested Dimensions for Trench Silo Length Based No. of Width Width at on 180 Days Cows At Top Bottom Depth Feeding Feet Feet Feet Period Feet 6 6 4 5 43 8 6 4 5 58 10 7*5 5 60 12 7 5 6 60 14 7 5 6 70 16 8 6 6 ?9 18 8 6 7 66 20 9 7 7 64 24 10 8 7 69 constrution After the location is determined measure off the desired area and mark each corner with a stake. Plow the land within the nine months of the year. From two to three acres are sufficient to graze a mature ani mal for this length of time if the season is normal. Calves running with their dams with no supplementary feed will usually weigh about 400 pounds at weaning time. There are thousands upon thousands of acres of this type of grazing that is not now being utilized and it is thought that eventually such areas will be more generally utilized for cattle grazing. This type of feed is too coarse for other types of livestock such as sheep or dairy cattle but beef cattle make admirable ust 9t it. ' ? , , ... ? / joh */ a. /?<??y measured area ana ' remove the loose dirt with a drag pan. When the land on wh.ch the silo is located is practically level the ends of the trench should be gradually sloped to the suface so that the team can walk in and out without difficulty. It is advisable to leave the slope in the end from .which the silage is to be removed so that the silage can be hauled out in a cart. The other end should be dug out and given the same slope as that of the side walls. The side walls should be smoothed with pick and shovel. Loose soil, such as sand, will cave easily and when it is necessary to locate a silo in such soil the walls should be reinforced with concrete or lumbre. When lumber is used it should be thoroughly dried before erection. The plank should be placed in an upright position and not leng'.hwise with the trench and should be treated with hot creosote. The side walls, regardless of whether they be clay, concrete or plank, should be smooth so that the silage will pack tightly against them. If the walls are rough air pockets will be formed which will result in spoiled silage. ROOF A roof is not needed to preserve the silage, but is needed to prevent the walls of unlined trenches from crumbling due to weather action when the silo is empty. The kind of roof to build will depend upon the available maerial. On farms where inch plank are available an inexpensive roof of either gable or shed type can be constructed out of them. FILLING THE SILO Silage should be cut in 1-2-inch lengths since it packs better than if cut longer. The knives of the ensilage cutter should be kept sharp and adjusted close to the shear plate so that a clean cut will be secured. The silage should be thoroughly packed by persons, animals or a tractor while it is being put in the silo. Special packing should be done around the walls. To aid in packing, and thereby improve the keeping qualities of the silage, water should be added to it continuously during the filling opera tion. This can be done convenienly with a hand sprinkler, or a water hose. If the cutter used has a blower attached, the water may be allowed to flow directly into the blower. Regardless of the method used to distri bute the water it Is important to see that the silage next to the walls is thoroughly wet. Dry clay walls have a tendency to ab sorb moisture from the silage. When the silo is completely filled, cover it three to four inches thick with a layer of cut straw, chaff, or other similar mater ials. Wet this material thoroughly and pack It well, then cover with 10 to 15 inches of soil. This should be wet and thoroughly packed. Packing should be repeated as silage settles so that all cracks and air pockets may be eliminated. REMOVE THE SILAGE To remove silage from a trench silo begin at the drainage end and first remove the sovering each day from the part of the silage to be fed that day. Beginning at the top and going through to the bottom of the silo a slice of silage not less than three Inches thick should be removed from the end each day to prevent spoilage. Steep Raising Gams In Ponularity Among N. Carnfinn Fsmwrs |f??lmfT .3n)bc Wo**' A^^tnct balanced Svs^pm Of Fawin? Is . Recommended Bv Specialist Br L L CASE Specialist, Stale College Station The production of market lambs and *?Jl as an adjunct to a well balancel system of general farming has been and will no doubt continue to be one of the best pay ing branches of animal husbandry North Carolina. There is very little outlay necessary for a small flock and the sale of wool alone will often pay the cost of keeping the flock the entire year. The reason for this ia that sheep in small numbers will make much of their living from waste products of the farm. Another thing, a small flock of sheep can be changed often from one part of the farm to another which prac tice helps materially in controlling parasites. The advantage of small farm flocks in com parison with larger ones cannot be over emphasized. The writer has seen so many instances of marked financial successes with small flocks while the same farmers have had difficulty when the size of the flocks were increased. MUTTON TYPE FAVORED The medium-wool or mutton type of sheep are the most practical in this State. The Hampshire breed predominates although we have a goodly number of Shropshires, Dor sets and Southdowns. The northwestern counties have our larg Field Demonstration in selecting sheep for Exhibition, Waco, N. C. This sheep is pur? bred Hampshire, a good general purpose breed. est sheep populations, although the entire mountain area is near ideal for sheep grow ing on account of good drainage and clim ate. Then too, many of the extremely steep pastures are better adapted for grat ing sheep than larger animals. Piedmont and Eastern North Carolina presents many favorable opportunities for profitable sheep raising. In fact, some ot our best flocks are found in these sections. Here an abundance of winter grazing crops can be provided, making It possible to breed for early lambs which can be put on the market ahead of the heavy run of lambs from Kentucky, Tennessee and Vir ginia, thus assuring a good price. Marketing of lambs and wool is getting on a better basis than heretofore. Where these products are produced in sufficient quan tities to justify, cooperative shipments and sales are resulting in more money to tha farmer. Cotton Acreage Is Between 27,515,000 And 29,973JM Cotton acreage may not be quite so large as was expected earlier in the season, ac cording to private estimates. At the tie* ginning of the season both the U. S. De partment of Agriculture and private esti mators anticipated a big increase in acreage. As the season progressed it became evident that the plantings would not be up to ex pectations because of wet weathei and other factors that interfered with planMrg. The acreage for the total United States last year was 27,515,000 acres compared with 29,973,000 acres in 1933. At present private estimates indicate the acreage -will be some where between these two figures for the coming season. FARMLIGHT PLANTS NEW 1935 STREAMLINE MODELS 110 VOLT A. C. (City Current) PLANTS $110.00 UP COMPLETE, READY TO RUN. FREE Wiring and cost estimates furnished. ? FREE Literature. 310 Gallon Dayton Electric Automatic Water Systems Complete, $35.00 UP. CARRVER ELECTRIC CO. ENGINEERS? CONTRACTORS WOODSFIELD, ^ i OHIO ? ? ? ? ?

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