. 1 . ' ' ' ' ' . - '" - ' .1 ' ' - - ' ' , . .-- . ' ' ' . . " ,. . - - 1 t . 1 ' h . , ; .. . ... .'"- i VOL. 1. SALISBURY N. C, SATURDAY NOVEMBER . 18, V TRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AND' AD VERTISING. - 0'.i paper will be published daily at tire fdlow- . . V .1 I .............. . ng raw-am reuwui vw vjuvjjf , . Daily, I year, 4 6 motftWs, . . . " 1 month,. . . Wei-kly, i yea,r, " 6 uiowtha, " 1 raoiAk, h- , Cash iu advance Urtes af Advertising. (PAYABLE IS ADVANefi. ...$10 00 ... .5 00 :.. 100 ... $3 00 ... 2 00 ... 50 Square, Ten lines or teas, i Souare. 1 1 small type, w oua iocb space, din', . , . . . . - 1 weA,. o - . . 3 1 month, 2 3 " - T idrntiscrs I Dftafl. tk.z. mn:s will r.K as follows 3 50 G 00 8 00 w o IS 00 20 00 Q larti-f Column Half Coin inn One 'Column 1 month W W 2 30 00 3 " " ' 40 00 1 . 30 00 2 ., 42 00 3 ..... 50 .00 I oO 00 .... 5 00 . .. 100 00 the square week: and 41 U Special Nivticcs will charged by ,l,ii,i. f.w .ap!i .insertion, for one sevontv-tive cents for each insertion, for I month In support of fhe second ground, JMr. Millson contended that the special par dons, which were dated respectively the 3d tirid 18th' Suly, only mTiireid the parties to pay the costb incurred in suits ."hitherto'-intitutedthat is, beibrcthe dates of the pardons.' That, , 'althotigh the paidons were not to take, effect fore the parties accepted the terms,' which was done after the suits "were" instituted. vet. in fakinc effect then, thev were to .havealLthe effect intended liy the par dons theuiselvearand tlirtt was. to reoHtre f A.i i. i i.A"r:7 been lncuriea ueroro tney were aaieu, Mr, Gustavus Myers said that he did not rise to add anything to th able and conclusive argument of Mr, Millson, but only to furnish the Court with some au thorities bearing upon the case. He quoted from the "Year Book," 37 ; lien ry 6th, page ..'21, plea i); 17 Vining's Abridgement, page 32 (prerogative of the King.) In a note, "Titling adds that a charter pardon shall have relation to the date, and not to the delivery, be ing a matter of record, although of a matter in pa-is. Adjudged Latch 22, in Boston's case. Judge Joynes of Petersburg, followed Mr. Myers, and taicl that tlie acts ot Mr Il had no I connection with ws as ,to wliat was done at Andersonville and if traitor against hjru or ' any ope . else to tiy life.' A 'pniig Scotch nobleman,' stilla mi nor, I as .been, lately playing at a German vafeng i' place,1 losing on !in average lfSdO 'a day I Ah English paper hopes q I IJUttlie, JOSS f rtJSLept f ; H4o Kjuunaj . J and (hereby eaves something bjnhis good Bureau of Relief , : (To relieve Clerical distress, especially m the HoutAem Dioceses. ' UucUr .the advie of Biihp Talbot, Atkiaioa and Laf.i .Address cantrihatkm f. any sort, and appli. catioas, to, th Rtv. W. E. Doaii Secretary, Hart- ford, C onneclicul. , . . rt1-!--' ad VOIItV-UVe CCTllS Ul l-.ui. n..v ., .. ............ ! - 7 ---- -- - No (ulvnti.-'t'inent.t inrted unless jaid iov in i Lincoln and .General Grant, after the Ivan.r. ' ' - J evacuation of 'Richmond, are' a part of The name of m subscriber enured on our books j . ,lJfttnl.v of tl1G ti,nfta an1 chow that they regard fd Mr. Lincoln's proclama- ..l,..o no.i.l fir in iwtvHni?. No one is utith i ized to roceivc and receipt ior ...,..t r.vr unlt4i..rinrion r other work done at iliis OlBw, exct-pt the Publisher and the tor. . Sf" All letters concerning busincs office must be addressed to J. J. STEWART, ' ' Editor fe Publisher. Proprie of the CITV AND SURBURBAN. Important k T.rrtcriT ( XT 'II 1CV -J HE VJCfcS'lIUIS of Confiscation- in Court. In the Unit ed States Court yesterday. Judge Un do, wood pies ding, Mr. Millson moved to dismiss, without costs, certain pro ceedings pending against. Messrs. 1 . V . D .niel, St., amfG. A. Myers, first, uji n.the ground that, before the institution in irs. the parties bad ta Kon the amnesty oath prescribed by the i Congress- and the . . i i i t : l.. , w j,M.clHnution ot rresttiem iincm.., nu ! j. j next, upon tue. construction or tne speci al naidons granted to these gentlemen by the President, d .ted in July, and bo fore the libels v ere issued. In support of the first ground, he ar gued that the offer of pardon made by Mr. Liucohi was a continuing act, and did not, therefore, undertake to pardon future offences, as supposed by the Attorney-General, but, until withdrawn, ran into the future and secured junnesty, tin m fm. nfts committed after the offer was made ; that if this were not so, I then none of the offences described in j the act of July 17th, 18G2, could be j pardoi.ed at all, for no one was liable to i any of the penalties named in the act be- j fore the expiration of the sixty day no-f hv the Prosidetit's juoclama- j tion, under that act, and if offences com- j mitted, after the da'e ot the prociama unuion, could not be pardoned by it, Aw.n tlipi offefof wavdou could have no effect at ail ; neither upon past acts, for tlv wPHi not offences under the law, , , C . tion of the '3d ot JJecember, 1803, as a continuing offer of pardon. It is, true that Attorney General Speed thinks dif ferently, and contends that there cannot be a pardon for offences not committed; that the power of conferring general par don does not. reside in the Executive. I am aware jsaia Juuge doj'nes) that un der tlio Constitution ho lius not thin n jv er: out men mere is a uouur iu uuikc. war, which implies a power to make peace. And . this proclamation was a peace-offering from President Lincoln to parties in rebellion to induce them to lay down their arms and return to their allegiance to the United States Govern ment. It. wus not the work of the Presi dent alone, but was the joint work of Lxecutive. Herein error of the Attorney -General. The same thing happened-on the restora tion ot Charles 11, when an uncondition al amnesty was granted, and on the ac cession of William of Orange, when' to the pardon - cond tions were annexed. These amnesties were not acts of royal graeeTbuthad the sanction of-Parliament, which made them continuing. Jndrc Jovnes informed the Judge that tiiis morning he will furnish him the opinion of Judge Jackson, of West Vir ginia, Jn the case of John Knoe, in which he takes similar ground. The case was then continued until this morning, at 10 o'clock,' when Mr. James Lyons will speak in favor of the petition ers and Mr. L. II. Chandler on behalf of the Government.' General Millson will close the case for the petitioners; A number of 'leading citizens and oth ers, inteiested with marked attention to the arguments which we have only brief ly sketched. Co-Partnershipf; New Bern, North Carolina, Nov. 1st, 1865. OffE HAVE this day formed a Co-Partuership f T under the nam nd etyl of - WHITFORD, DILL & CO., for the trnsaction of a Shiping and GENEAEL COMMISSION BUSINESS in ibis Towni VestSide Craven Street, on Old County Wharf. To th tale of COTTON NAVAL SAORES, yOBACCO, LUMBER, STAVES, SHINGLES, CORN, aad all kinds of Produce and Merchandise, and, also to ihe eale nd parchase of Meal Estate and State and other Stocks, we will jjiva personal attention. flWeare Agents for HURRA Y'S NORTH CARO XlNA SEMl.WEUKLY LINE OF STEAM SHIPS, between NEWliEUN and NEW YORK aid lor hailing Vessels lor BALTIMORE, PHILA DELPHIA, and odier Ports in th V'dted States, and lor d.tfVrent Ports in lite West Indies. Thus il wilt be seen that we are furnisned by uur own ves mIs with the amplest facilities for the speedy trans nurUtion of Freijjlit and Passengers, but in addi tion to tlise, the;t is a Weekly liue of OCEAN STEAMSHIP tu the same rouie, ami Tii-Week-y line of Steumere by inland route through Albe ii'iarle a;td Cbeaapeak Canal to Norfolk, baltimoie, riiilndelphia and New York ; hence Merchants and Shippers enirusiini the iraasporlation ol their freight U us, can rely with conedence ou iis speedy transit. trr WE WILL MAKE LIBERAL. Alt VAN-Kv-Ai CONSIGNMENTS, ' Ati letters addressed to u on the snMect or rreiiriit or on auy other business, will be promptly answered. JHON D. WU1TFORD, j GEUUGE W. DILL, f(fdl SI WAI.C. WIHTPURD. aI be AUxnivcTvi Noreiaber. H V 151-tf 't O" Southern pAptrt ana to copy this till forbid. U-- i f : SPLENDID LOT HOUSEHOLD FUKNI lure consisting of Berts, Carpels, TaWes and Chairs. 1 Elegant China Tea Set. -Glass ware. 1 Large Boiler Splendid lot Carpenter tools. I Two Horse Ambulance, ' 1 Two Horse Wagon. 1 Buggy, and 1 Uockaway. 3 Good Horses. 1 Fine two year old Colt. A variety of goods, such as shoe brushes, blacking ing, looih brushes, ladies trked hose, pocket books (fee, At auction Saturday iPth Nov. by DLACKWOOI) J- Co.,' ' Auctioneers. Salisbury, Oct. 15, ' 2tdl49 . -.' '" " V ILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION AT OUU House t-day (Saturday 1H.) BLA CKWGO I) & CO., lld-151 Auctioneers. ECLECTIC MAGAZINE- LITER AT U HE, SCIENCE, AND ART. Xew Volune bfgius January, 1865. rglHE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE is as its name H indicates, a selection from oilier nta;ii?iines auW periodicals. Tliese selections are carefully made edcli month, from the entire range of foreign Period! cils. In this respect it is entirely unlikt other1 month hf,.ind has no rival. The following are some of the works from which selections are made : London Quarterly, Revue de Deux Monde, British Quarterly, London Society, North British Review, - Bentley's Miscellany, Popular Science Review, Coruhill Magazine. X raser-s tviagazine, Temple Bar, Chambers's Journal,- f-pT)EVARD. STOLEN ON NIGHT T71 IV 2lih. Ont. a Imv Stud Mule, very large limbs und joints, medium size about 8 yearsold, a little weak eyed. We will give 25 dollars, reward for the Mule, and $50 Reward for the Thief. MERONY & BROTHER. Nov. 14th, 1865. 2wdl47 FATJCETTE & BRO., COMMISSION A N D FORWARDING MERCHANTS, . PURCHASING AGENTS, ?. AND GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, NEW BERNE, N. C. November 3rd, 18U5. 3m-j:8. Saturday Review, Leisure Hour, Westminster Review. tuey were not oueiicua uuuui lil,,'!cTT)Avnr -mnv I'VTOtnnm nor upoiLfuture'acts, it the otter of par- STRANGE SlOIvl EXTRAORDI- dun did nut apply to tutm e acts ; mat j j Alii UDD LK lil A MEMBER OF the Attorney-General himself seemed t.. j XIIF CABINET be aware that his position was untenable I I' I l .vn..;l,toi'nil tliot tlwi "W ASI1IXT.TOK. Nov. 10, Afr S. Iiniln wneu ne i ie wiua iiiuimiuuvu "i i 7 - """ 11 otter ot pardon might be accepted and says be was t-.alled np-m by several per-j P'd made available it' done within a reason sons last night, as was also, Father Boyle, f , able time; that itvas true tliat an offer who conimunicareu lniotmation purport liot accepted -within a reasonable time ing to come froui a member of the cabi-mio-ht be withdrawn, but that no one net, to the effect that if Wirz would ac but the President himself had the right j knowledge that Jeff Davis was connected to determine what was a reasonable time', with theatrocities at Anderson ville, his and at what period the clemency should j sentence-should be commuted. Although be w'itt drawn, and a new one substitut-1 Mr. Schade did not place full confidence, -ed upon other conditions, and that until 1 in the reports, he considered it to be his President Johnson, on the 20th day of duty to relate what took plaoe Jjetween May issued anew' proelaiuaiion. pre- himself and the p isoner at Ins lust cdn scribin new conditions of pardon, the ference with him. Captain "Wirz, in re iiroclamation of Mr. Lincoln continued ply to a question, said,' Mr. Schade, yon to have the same effect as on the day it . know I have always told you that I did was issued. "", "V,Y '"'J """.s uuul UCA1 OnKtiM X Tni v r I v 1 n1rn7.it lft Edinborffh ltevie I Art Journal, , London National Review. We have also nrrunged to secure choice selections from the Fituxcii, Gkkma.v, and othsii Contixkntai. ,(d it is hoped this new feutuie will add greatly to i!ie variety and value of the work. EMBELUSMIKXTS. Earh number is emhellishad with one or more Fixe eki. Engravings portraits of eminent men or il- lrative of iiiiporlant historical events. Volumes coinmeiice in January anu jui 01 c.t... iHr f subscriptions can commence wun -in munui. I H.UMs! t5 nar Year t Sliigle IVnmbcri, 50 cents. Five Cople?, $20. f The Trade, Clergymen, Teachers, and Clubs sup- on favorable terms. Address, W. 11. BI DWELL, 5 Beekman til- New-York. lf-d50 v Roberts, Hutchinson, Foster. BUR WELL B. ROBERT4S, E.-NYE HUTCHISON, JEHU FOSTER, SLlSBURr, N. CAROLINA, EXCHANGE-BROKEJiS, Jlit) andxrll Gold db Silver Coin bullion Bunds and Bank -Notes. INSURANCE FIRE, Life and Marine, Repre senting a Capital of more than $10,000,000. Commission Merchants for the purchase or Sale of Cotton, Tobacco fec. N. I?, Orders from a distance, respectfully solici ted. Prompt attention jtiven to collection of claims. References given when required. Office No. 1 Cowan's Brick Row. November b'h 'G.)., fiI42 1). a. wokth. N U jDAMKL. COMMISSION- AUCTION AND forwarding house of j. f. foard. fpIIE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to furnish ,'JL Fish, Guano atr! Fish O'il to Farnlers and Tan rs. This guano rs 8 id to be nearly -qnal l the best Peruvian and'intich cheaper. Price cash per ton f 200o lbs, commissions and freight from ocean ad ded. Orders solicited. . ' JNO. V. FOARD. Cmruision Merchant, Newbern, N. C. . Not. 13, 1665. ' 150- WORTH & DANIEL, . COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, T. C. and 11 G. VVoli' old stand South Water St.. ' WILMINGTON, N. 0. Will five strict personal attention to Sale or Shin- ...... 4 , i meat of Cotton, Naval Stores and General Produce. I Also, to receiving and forwarding Goods, j Agents for Cape Fear Line of River Steamers t ! JFayetleville, and Seil Lines to New York and Phila delpliia. Dealers in Cotton, Bagging, Rope, -Lime, Plarlr, j Guano, Ford's Fertilizer, Salt, and Coal. J Nov ember l.-t, 1&65. ' pdlrndUK j Fall and Winter Fashions. ! LATES T -STYLES j Mrs. McFAHLANJ). j Matuioa House. I II AVING just returned from the North ' with a nhoice STOCK Latest ' style' uf Bonnets Half, Veils, Uilihoiis, Feathers, Fl w-rs, Silk belts, fancy uckles, hair Nells, fancy head IJrestes, oid ladirs' ;:ap,- A p., &c.4 ALSO, is prep ired 10 out and malte ladies dresses, cloaks ail children's cloths, in the laie.-t fashions would le pleased to see bar former customers and liie puWi ireneridlv'. Prices resonuble and prompt attention to orders. " . Oct 1!), IftCS-dlylSC. r

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