VOL. XXVII. 1LLE, YADKiN CO., N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, !921 NO. 37 19 BOYS FLORIDA'S 1820-21 CFO? ALOEB RECG1RE0-, 600 Miiiion Pounds of Icc. Costing $L700,0ii0 in 25,713 Refrigerator Carloads .-.ra FT took ovr-r half a billion pounds * a half dollars to cool 2.1,712 r - frigeratorcarioofis oy on. tra*: nortationat'U' b: i.-ehufteiu.dx of moving the peri:-t:u.b'e!;".'sand vegetabies of Fioridaai'nt-. 1920-21 seasui., to the cousutning markets of the Noth end Hast, iluge new ice manufa.'turuig - s have recently be<m buiif at Jackson viite,Miam't.i!.h;.sGityandi,al<' iand, i^'iorida, i:tordrtoi''snrca. for the cars. This is in addition to the mr.-,-e ment of 10,000 < a*-s of G o]' . ';' the thousands of fruit * a:.d vege table growers of the South who have not been infortned as to the adjunct to the transport at ion indtia try tuat is fast iticrtasing* tije wealth ot the Southern States. A mass o-f confiicf ing informal'!--u and fragmentary tigur. ' w".s re cently submitted to the tmupat' Gommerc" Corntnissi-m i: Wa d's!;!: tot in connection wtti. t ' o of the ' Florida' Fa it missioners for a ro.'uotion hi re frigeration charges. and in rite acar tuture the eirort wii! c- tuadeiiy the transportation companies to throw the spot light on tht actual opeiations and ali the costs involved in protecting the products of South ern fruit and t*egetable growers ; :h. t*h;.a.M'"and"thornrcatand of stale that t'-:':i.!!e!a!*!:s re.information Tit-'V want that it.fornhttmntobo rail! red !<y no otiiriaitmdy so that (itp!';t!*m':'v.httr:iis<Ha[!;tnhit<shi3 crop and the matt in New York. w!m buys ihc fruits ard <n.tt of reason vepr* (aides. ont-^ iooxod upon as lux ;.,..i.^,,.];,yi.\\-i,.'h';rthfyara ;'i:y!tia* fair <*harpr:-s for refrigera te'" enroute to tnarkct, and whether h' .{rattspor; a'* tort companies can ihi" y.'.- 'y, .,-^.ii_:moiiargf.3 ai.^tvod i^y the F-dorafComt^issimu The voiumc of shipments, and r rofriy..'i-at;o<:"ut of Florida aiono, Jast year, rvns twine that of two years .apro and stx times that, of htra years ar,-\ indicating the im f o:-ta:i('f of t'itc n'o-sticM for the fu ^ producers and cou<^ General News Under an amendment to the House tax bill a!! hotels must was run into the giving region Df Russia last week. The train carried 28 freight cars loaded with supplies. department is mat ali letters for general delivery must be back stamped showing when received at the office. A band of 150 cowboys enter ed a theater at Thermopolis, Wyoming, and shot to pieces the screen and film of Fatty AJ- j buckle which was being shown! there. A ship bearing the bodies of the 16 American naval men who tost their lives in the ZR-2 air plane wreck in England a few days ago, arrived in New York Friday. Attempt to Bum Out Snake Caused Big Loss A six-foot blacksnake refused to move from his den under a farmer of Augusta, ivy., on whose poroperty the S! &ke hud taken up a residence, .decided to smoke out the reptite. Fire spread from the stump to a 20 acre hay field. Apreais were sent to the lire department and farmers hurried to the scene to heip extinguish the flames. At one time it seemed as though the fire wouid spread to the city, but a timeiy ^ hower helped extinguish the fiames. The suake escaped. A -new ruling of the postofFce State News Items The Statesville tobacco mar ket opened yesterday. Efirdis department store at Charlotte wasdamaged_to the extent of $400,000 by a fiie that gutted their store last Thursday night. Loss covered b^ insur ance. * ^ J. W. Lasley, of AValnt^t Cove. Tied M a Win&ton-Saki^ tal last week frqni- tni dries re ceived when his . Ford ^rar ran over hmi. He was"* cranking his car when it ran over him. A shepherd dog saved the life of its mistress, Mrs. Martha Wood, of near Dunn, last week by tearing the burning clothing from^her body. Her clothing caught on fire while kindling a fire.' Ernest Daniels, a negro youth, was lynched Saturday night in Chatham county for an attack on a young white girl of that county. He confessed his ^uilt The Commercial National Bank, of High Point, has let the contract for a nine-story bank and office building in that city. The building will cost a $1,000, 030.' is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "coils in the head ' will tint! that the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE '.Hi build up the System, cieause the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System, thus reducing the inflamma tion and restoring normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo Ohio. Resolutions oi Respect Whereas it has pleased oar Holy Father, on last Wednesday, September 14th, to tal! from la bor on earth to refreshment in Heaven our beloved Brother, Andrew West, in the sixty-sixth year of his age, and whereas, Oak Grove Lodge, No. 557, Ad F. & A. M. loses one of our best ard most faithful members. Therefore be it resolved: First: That we bow in hum ble submission to Him who! doeth all things well weil and' maketh no mistakes. Second: That we, knowing] thatinlrmwe live, move and! have our being,' we all should [ endeavor to live so when the^ summons comes for us we wiil! be called to meet our departed brothei and enjoy with him the pleasures and glory of the House our Grand Master is preparing for those who love Him. Thud: Thataccpy of these resolutions be spread upon the nmmtes oi our Lodge, a copy be sent to the Yadkin Ripple, the Elkin Tribune and the W inston Salem journal, for publication. Fourth: That the Brethern be ordered to wear the usual badge of mourning "thirty days. W. V. Brown, W\ W. Royall, T. €. Shore. Committee. Bank Broker Into The Bank at Ron da, Wilke's county, was broken into and the safe bio wed but nothing secur ed by the robbery one night last week. Grady Chech and Grady Smith were arrested in Winston Salem charged with the crime. They were taken to Wilkes for trial. ^ They are also wanted in ' Winston-Salem for larceny. NOTICE NorthCarohna ! in superior court; Yadkm county [ before the. clerk.! W. AS Woodruff, administrator of the estate oij.M. Hudspeth, deceased vs J. L. Hudspeth, Hen^ Hudspeth EkHy Hudspeth, Elsa Hudspeth, LemmaBryan^ Delph Biyant, Fries ..ilryunt^ Guy Bryant, and Ivery Breant. above named, Henry Hudspeth, Early Huds 1^^ H-rvunt. DHph Bnydn^ries'gr^nnt, Guy Bry a'in, Wbrth &yiaYt and Ivery ihyant, will take notice that a special proceeding, entitled as above, bps been commenced be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yadkin county, which is for the sale of lands for assets to pay the debts of J. M Huds peth, deceased, and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Y adkin county at his office in the courthouse at Y ad kinville, on the 21st day of Octo ber, 1921, and answer or demur to the petition filed, or the re lief therein demanded# will be granted. This 21st day of Sept., 1921. J. L. Crater, C. S. C. NOTICE Application will be made to His Excellency, the governor of North Carolina, for the pardon of Colonel Baynes, convicted at the March term, 1921, of the Superior court of Yadkin county of store breaking and larceny, and and I sentenced to the state prison for! : term of one year. jThis September 12, 1921. Williams & Reavis ' ttys, i Winston-Salem Lady is Electrocoted ^ Mrs. Ellen Sink was shocked to such extent at her home on Kim street, Winston-Salem, last Sunday evening that Meath was i almost instanteous. Mrs. Sink had gone into the basement of her home to turn on an electric light when she re ceived the shock that caused her death. Her husband, Mr. Cicero Sink, was standing on the sidewalk in front of the heme when he heard his wile scream. He rushed to the basement and found her lying on the ground, dead. Her thumb and first two fingers were severely burned by the electricity which passed t hrough her body. Several oth er persons in the vicinity ed the Sink home suffered severe shocks Sunday as they turned on their light. The exact cause of the trouble Iras not been learn ed, but it is supposed the wires had become crossed at some point. Mrs. Sink is survived by her husband mid eight children, six daughters and two sons. Commissioners Hate of Vafuabe Real Estate Sottli Carolina Forsyte County VC id. pendty, Administrator of P. M. McCraw, deceased, VS Cora L. J. McGrnw; IV. Id. Pen dry mid wife, Put it Pendry; Hel en AicCiow; Ethel McCraw; Leo Modi raw; Lather McCraw and Payton McCraw by Merchants Bank A Trust Co., their guardian. By virtue of an order directed' to the undei signed commissioner' ^from the Superior court of For syth county in a special, proceed } mg entitled as above, 1. will, on ion Monday, the !7th day of Oet ; ober, PR1, at d o'clock, p. m., at The court house door of Yadkin county X. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate: A certain tract of land in Yad kin county, state of North Caro lina, adjoining tile lands of York Gwyn and others, hounded as fol lows: Being live acres of land moie or less and being the land deeded by Ancil (tray to Abe I Cray. -Jdcforenco is hereby my.de to Said deed for r . utimdar description; also deed from J. Id. Mackey to J. E. Xigla r recorded in book 18 at page dd in the okice of theitegister gf Deeds of Yad kin county. Terms of sale cash. This theT-Ph day of Sept,, Ikki. Fred S. Hutchins, Commission.-:. Administrator's Notice HaAin^quaJiiiedasadmini^ira tor of the estate of J. G. Hud', de ceased, this is to nr)tify all per sons baring claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned Avithiu one year from date or this notice will be pleaJ ed in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said es tate wid please make prompt payment. This 21st day of September, 1921, f. B. Huif, Adminh', Benbow, Hall & Benbow, Att'\ — Wanted:—Men or women to take orders amon^ friends and neipbols for the genuine guaran teed hosiery, fidl line.Her men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 7oc. an hour I spare time, or $36.00 a week for j full time. Experience unncces I sary. Write Internationa! Stock ing Mill, Morristown, Pa. The Clean-Up Squad, sent out by government agencies, the' Red Cross and the American Legion arrives in Winston-Sa lem, on October 2, L)2t, and wii! establish headquarters at the Postoffice. The squad wit! remain there until October 9th, during which lie e, the members' will work with one end in view ! and that end is to get in touch ; with every ex-service man who^ has a claim against the govern- j ment, and set in motion the ma- j chtnery to get qmck and satis factory adjustment of that claim. the paramount idea of the Clean-Up Squad is to eut re-.i tape that has prevented hun dreds of disabled veterans anu ex service men m general irotn receiving the compensation that the government is gild to give.; In this work tne Red Cross and the Legion have every assur ance fiom dee government of complete amt whole hearted co operation. Under the p,an of campaign, the Squad, composed of experts win.- are thoioughty tamihnr with every detail of the work ings of the d ar Risk Insurance Act and Vocational dehabinta fion Act, will gt. n personal j touch withev^ry man adio lias, a claim or who thinks he may have a claim, take up his case as an individual proposition,^ avoid lengthy arm nerve wteck mg correspondence—an n get re j SOUS. With that thought in view the; Squad will visit centers in every state in the Southeast and be fore the c impign is concluded, every county in the section win ! be covered. It is believed that: by bringing this opportunity; right to the doors of the veterans every man entil ed to compen satioh/will get it speedily. The Squad furn'shes the big opportunity for the veteran to have straightened out all his dif ficulties of Compensation and vocational training and medical treatment right at home. It is, as well, the chance of many to find olit if they have claims and if thef have, rc get them filed properly, so mat response w n. & satisfactory and immediate. To reduce troub'e, delay, and cxpeqbe ho a minimum, the Squad wT furnish each disabled veteran, who reports at Squad headquarters, with transporta tion back home and meals arm lodging until hrs business is completed. While the Squad is here it w ill take up in addition to the afla;rs of local veterans, the affair^ of ex-service men in hadkm, bor syth, Stokes and Davie counties. If you desire further informa tion see Dr. J. G. Marler, Yad kinville, N. C. Administrator's Notice Having qualiiied as administra tor of the estate of J. F. and Bet tie Shore, deceased, this is to no tify alt persons having elainisj agains,tsaid c4:de to present j (them to the undersigned, proper jiy teritied, within one year from !date or this notice will be plead ' ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make prompt pay ment. - This bltd day of September, B21 A. M. Shore, Admins'r BcnboA, Hall & Benbow, Atbys. i SM! Sni3iBj E!sw ct! Tits Mr. Robert Lhshman, Whose home is a few miles myih cf Statesville, on the Chipdey Ford road, was brought to the Caip en^-r-Davis hosphai la^ nigiit {probably fatally wounded. The ; officers are searching ftR Bob ; Benson, a negro, who is charged I with the crime. j From the best information ob ! tainab.e at present, Mr. Dish i man, traveling m an amomo , bile, was coming son!!) along ! the Dhipev hord road yesterday !evening iust after dark. IBs car struck the buggy of Benson, whten was .'turning at ;i e home : o: j u i e L o w .i n, Ce^ j (a e a, - w hue Bens'?:) was \i>H: g. iwu; n wee: ^ut and )ax-t< Mr. y;;.: i) niaa to: warn n.;u h. y<<gnt d. W orus ioiu. . -o ^- .o e-td that Benson to.a U.-hmnu ' ,-.t : he woa.c tetepa .u.n i<of tne sue r : ift and tn.o agreed I diat Je we'hd wait uR!it :r..e ! sherttf couth ..i, \*e ana assets ! dam <ge, ocii ne . -n & pav. iAiaoetater, u Quarrel wa^ sen - sou USeel <.< .ita \ ^ i e. e.tpoa ! ?!. i*t i)ts -saui!, p. 7.) ' S'-' OuieS in me car. At ter the a * -. ac ^ Ot , * !IVt'S not \i e 1 Ca! eU t.. .ee I where the troumc -r e^ pi. ^ made ho esCap-.. e^iieer.^ ,c.,u others searched toi !nm ad ow ing the night and renewed the search this nun... -a , , ; lepoitS iie h^at UOt ueel) Cap!;. r ed. t-; 7. maiec, cm J a :h Ben j ether ' ...mg 0)0! n a j..'i a) "Dlsbrnan, who has a family, and who is about T' years o.-J, was brought to the hospital where no hope is entertained for his recovery. His sktdi was I badly crushed and the brain in iiured.—Statesville Daily, Din. at i t roy (Jol'ins, ag^d 11, and his IS year-old son, Pettu?, were killed by a cave-in ndai Eikirr last Thursday. ' The men, with sc!§i%6 others, . ere grading a road ^ E town ! and were working hflhc bide of a hid when a in rye body of earth . and rock caved in canning the two Codins* and k. 1). hfurohv Fatty Arbuck!e Charged With Murder Roscoe, "Fatty" Arbucklc, the motion picture actor, is in San Francisco jad charged with the murder of Miss Virginia Kappe, an actress, at a hotel in that city a few nights ago Miss Rappc became seriously ill while attending a party given by Arbuckle at hts , rooms and died within a few minutes. Tne verdict of a coronet's jury wtiS that the woman c.in.v to her death from the cfkc's <w an in ternal injury e ntsvd by le, ^le was rdacvtt m awai' tri.d. 'inch ed to beneath it. Murohy wassevere ^ ly injured. ) A team ot mules were killed jand a wagon torn to., pieces in [ the cave-m. it was one of the I worst tragedies to.Jiappen in ) thai viciuify in a long mne. , —ICE. 1 keep ice to sell every day nr the week. Raymond ' Cleary.

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