VO) XXXH Yadkinvitte, Yadkin County, N. C, ihur-!da \ ^pri) ;{(). t No. 17 .Strong Sense o/ Duty Made Sador "Missing" "Man overheard;" stories are usuai iy grewsotue. Here is one totd by Cap tain W.'tlis, H. At., that affords a [deas ant change. The warning was sound ed and tiie ship stopped. Rents were lowered hut though a iotig search was made there was nothing found. The question then arose: Who was the tuna? Many had seta him disappear, but no one couid identify hint. The captain was not at ati pieasod. it teemed that the lowering of the flaps had not Ifen proporiy supervised, and the otiieer in charge of quarter deck was "getting socks." "And aii i ean !e!i you." said the captain in couciusioa. "is that the biood of titat an! rtuttate man uiii rest on your head." Meantime the order "Hands muster by opeu iisi." v. as piped, and the crew feii itt ity divisions. Rut the my-tf'ry oniy deepcneii. for tio otie was missing. At last, up Lite bidder a;ipearcd a scared-iooking A. it., art! ad.it ess'.ng the ofiieer of tiie watch, lie said: "1 think, sir. as ow tiie tiian over hoard mast ave imen me. i went over , with tiie liap. sir. intt *<dd onto ;iie se curitig eiiain. ami c'.i::!'ied in tiguin very soon, sir." "Rat why didn't s .i say so?" "Very sorry, sir. ! at. being in tiie lifeboat's crew. [ i.m! o go awtty to seareii for tiie ta. n overboard."—San Eurn r&e:? Money in Ma^agcs-rcr Tamatave, principal semioit of Madagasiar. is eoano-t-.i v.itii tho ra[iital. Antanarivo—or Tananarive, ns t!ie f'retiel; eaii it—ity a narrow-gauge raiiway, tiie trains <ie)mrting tiiree times a week. H. Aiexander i'o^gi) writes in tim Century.\!agaaine. ft takes tiie tnai) train Kitiours to traverse ttiese 22otniies, tills iming due in some measure to tiie steejumss of tiie grade. for tiie capita! is tteariy a mite above sea ievel: but even more. I imagine, to the deiays incurred in annoutteing tiie names of tiie stations. iiow. i. ask you. can a train tuake good 'tWiing titne if it tias to wait for v m vondti. tnt'to enmtefate sach names M Atftpanotoamaixina. Andavnkin! menarana, Atiknrnmamadirakia. Am bohtrandriainanitra? Wore Mm mm pioyees of Amerioati tines retinirod thus to overwork tiieir vooa! eords tiie Brotiieriiood of itaiiway Trainmen wouid tnake n protest to tiie interstate eommeree commission. Frutf Tree in the Transvnat a retnarkahie tree has iieen grown ns an experiment. Aiemontree was iotuiod until oniy three tuanehes remained, ilpon one was grafted an orange, upon anolher a grapefruit, wiiiie tiie tMrd wasai towed to remain teuton, witi: tho rosnit that attiiis time of theyonrtiietreeis hearing oranges, grajiefruit and a few iomonsaiiatoiue: in tiieeariy season oranges ami teuton fruit arc in possession, i.nter oranges ami grapefruit hoid sway, white at tiie emi of smmner tiie tree has s]ieci!nmis of cacti adortiingits bougiis. continued with tiie dark and paler green [eaves hotonging to the (iiH'ormit fruits. Rein7torf, f/te Patnfer Jouciiim Ciiristian iteiniiart. (lor nmnetciier andpaititer. washornat iiof, in fiavaria in 17'!1 and studied utnier Oesor at i.oipsic and under Kiingei at ihesden. in Saxony, in i?8it hewenttoitome. wiiereimhecainea follower of Mm classicist Cermain painters. Carstens and Koch. He dm voted iiiniself more purticuiariy to landscajie ]iaititing and to engraving. Exatn[iles of iiis iandscapes are to he found at most Column giiiiories.nota hiy at i-'rankfort. Munieii. I.eipsic and Gotiia. /ndia's P/agne of f?ttfs Aftirmerindiatiotiicitilsaystiiat rats ttre tttte of tite greatest cttrses of intiitt. 'i'iierettreiiundretisttftitiHiotts oft)tetn.:tndti:eycannotiteextermi nateditocttttseofseiigiottsiteiiefs.The Hindu wiil harry tite rat. but wiii not kiiiitituttiteMtditttuuietian, witodoes notobJocttokiUing.knttwstitntwitit ottt)ie)]titeca!tdon'!titing. And so the evii contiuties. it is no exttggera tiontosuytiiat, iftiienuudterofrats cottidbeke]tt down to a reasonable figure. ttie weaitit of India wouiti he increased a tiftit.—Youtit's Cotnpanion. SoJotnon's Wtse f?H/e Under tite reign of Soiomott Israei deveioped into a cotumerciai nation. Foreign aiiiances which he made formed tite itasis of trading reiations abroad. He joined in maritime com merce with tite Phoenicians, and once in three years sent a Ceet frotn it is port at tite head of tite guif of Akaba to trade with Ohir. presumabiy on the eastern coast of Arabia, and piacea on tite way. These expeditions brought back goid and oriental riches and vaatiy expanded the royai coffers. Yadkin Supefior Court Calendar, For May Term Monday, May 11th No 3 E C Rougliton vs W. P Dobbins et a! 2 D L Holcomb vs D G Wagoner 4 W M Story Lumber Go vs D E Dobbins 50 W M Story Lumber Co vs G W Adams et a! 10 J C Eveiage vs W H Gough and Mary A Gough 11 Walter Cummtngs vs Andrew Brown 110 Board Education vs Board Commissioners Tuesday, May 12th 114 Julia Swaim ndmr vs O. G Sills et a! 12 J C Coram vs S D Poindexter 13 W F Williams vs A E Disher 15 Mrs M C Petty admr vs Grovet Hardy L F O'Neal 101 Hayes Cartel vs John Caudle et al 7'' B G Matthews vs Road Commissioners Wednesday, May 13 24 In Re Will of Milton Angell 25 J G Huff vs First National Bank Lexigtoa 33 Mary A Dobbins vs E L Shermer 90 Amanda York vs W B Cassteves 105 Farmers & Merchants Bank vs Millard Parks Millard Parks vs D S Pardue Thursday, May 14 3S W S Davis vs W P Williams 39 JH Revels vs Miles Ray 40 M G Ray vs J H Revels 52 D 1 Matthis vs Pete Johnson and C C Welborn 58 O Y Marion vs M G Ray 106 Crossman Bros Co vs R L Weatherman W I Dull vs William Collins et al Frxday, May 15 43 Lincoem Potts vs R L Weatherman 45 Syniscu! Joyner vs Marion Reavis 74 J S Mitchell et al vs W T Fletcher 80 E H Tomlinson v! W H Taylor 85 J T f atterson vs H N Holcomb et al 111 Tobacco Growers Gop vs W O Adams A O Bt^fy vs C E Wallace et al ' Saturday, May 16 61 E F Brannon vs County Board of Education 78 John Whel Hutchens vs Bud McKnight SECOND WEEK Monday, May 18th No. 37 A M Shore vs Crutchfield & Beard 43 A M Kapp vs Margaret Williams and Joseph Williams 63 J M Simmon vs W R G Martin 82 J S Mayberry vs Insurance Co 81 W H Perry vs P H Maroney * 84 W E Rash vs C Campbell Tuesday, May 19th 49 Ellen Phillips vs W W Macy 50 W M Story Lumber Co vs G W Adams et al 55 Lyon Bros vs G C Messic and W F Messick 64 McCarty vs townofjonesville 120 N E McCoHcm vs G H Stantliff et a! Wednesday, May 20th 17 Bryant vs Kelly 62 ! H Mackie vs Bank of Wdkes 71 Bank of Wilkes assignee vs J H Mackie et al 65 Fletcher & Couch vs J E Fletcher 87 E S Collins vs J A Cullins 88 E S Collins vs Emmet Hobson ct a! 89 E S Collins vs It vin Speer et at E S Collins vs ! A Collins et al 92 1 T Smitherman vs T E Morse et al 94 A M Smitherman vs T E Morse et a! 95 Box Co vs T E Morse et al 96 J G Steele vs T E Morse et al 105 Elkin Hardware Co vs M C Wagoner 108 Mattie Lynch vs Dr A W Craver 116 1 A Todd vsC H Todd 117 Elkin Box Co vs Alvin Sizemore 118 Avis Sizemore vs Elkin Box Co 119 Alvis Sizemore vs S M Arnold V Pres 122 R M Fletcher vs A C Stinson et al 123 Auto Repair Co vs P M Nicks 124 R G Patterson vs T E Morse et al 128 J B Calaway vs J D Brindle et al <29 J G Huff vs A Calaway 130 C A Hal! vs W R Martin N P Bryant vs Moxley et a! MOTION DOCKET No IRC Shore vs R W Cummings 4 Arthur Burch vs R L Lovelace 5 Elliot vs R L Lovelace 6 Macktevs Hodges 7 Logan vs Hodges 8 M A Long vs J R Gentry et al 9 Fairbanks Morse Co vs N Glenn Williams 14 T B Haynes vs Yadkin Co Road Comm 16 White Sewing Machine Co vs J G Huff 18 Reece and Totten vs J H Mackie Henry Branson Varner Short iiMness Takes Away .. Prominent Business Man Lextngton, April 27.—Henry Bronson Varner died at a hospit al hen' " '' ' '' * ' lowi* . 9 o'clock tonight to! "* * gan two sww. socrorron. woue on his way to Charlotte, he be came ili and was brought hornet being taken later to the hospital. He is survived by his widow to whom he has been married less than a year, by his mother, a sis ter and a brother who resident Denton. The funeral will prob ably be held Wednesday. 19 L B Roberson et al vs A Calawy 20 55 A Hutchens vs (Hint Swaim et a! 26 J D Hhillip' vs Co Road Comm , 27 J J Taylor vs Co Road Comm 2S"*MSwaimvs" 29 J T Bobbins vs " " " 30 ] 55 Bowles vs .. 34 J B Calowav vs " 36 !ohn C Wallace et al vs J H 51ackie et al 46 Lena W'iHard et a! vs Crahim 5!cKnight 47 Ceo. Adams vs Candle 18 51ayberry vs YatH-.tn Road Comm 59 C R Shaw vs 51 T Long et at 66 N C Ceorge vs !-] C James. Trustee 75 A E Holton Jr vs Trivette 83 .1 51 Simmons vs J J Vestal 91 John Long vs Mary Chapman 107 H D Norman vs P A Davis 121 j S Maybcrrv vs Farmers and 5!erchants Bank 125 McLain vs Henry Adams 124 Arthur Calaway vs J D Brindle et a! 126 Kitty Wagoner vs John H Evans AH parties and witnesses need not come until day set tor their cases. Cantf/es as Auctioneers Tiie ancient ciisltuil of "soiling ):y cnndie" is not dt ati in lids country. ::i tiiougiiit-isriue. AtW'artoniingraz ingiiglitsmiontiioroadsideai'elcian nuaiiy l<y tiiis moans, and at Aider niasioiiilie"cimrc!i:tcro."!i]iicceo{ nieadowiefttotin'cluirc'iiniaiiYyears ago. isieteYerytiireeyearsinsiiniiai fasiiion. Acand!eisiigiiteil;oneincii)ieio\\ tiietiaiiieisnn-asiirodoifandapin titinkinattiiattioitit. Titeiiidding tiegins and tiie one wtioiiidsastlie pintails is tiie winner. Titein'hiin.gn x'erys)ouuntitiiieiiinisn[i]u'oaclied and tiientiiere is great excitement a^ to YYitowiiibM at titeitntMirtant mo ment.—Lomion Tit-itits. Wor/J's Largest rente Vienna ciaims tiie iiigg<;st inmk hi tiieworid. it is in tile Dominican etoister, carefuiiy mounted in a cast in one of tiie corridors. Tite boos is made up of parciiment ieaYes mounted onthinwoodenborders. Ontiie[iuic)i ment is maintained a deatii iist of tin cioister. Tiie first entry was made in 1410, but even this date is 184 years more recent than tiie date of tin cioister, for tiiis iiome of Dominicar monks was founded in 1226, under tin Bsbenbergeis. Kach ieaf of tiie iaig eat book in tiie worid is four feet iiig) sod three feet wide. As biogrspsiica notes sre entered, besides death no tiees, tbs book has much histories. /?es?rt?e Energy an<^ PAystcai ; Hvcrymte knows wliat it is to start a [liect't'iW'rk.fitiK'rimntator mus cular. feeling slate—or eold. as an Adiroiulark guide mnetuit it is to "warttt u[i" In itis.job. writes Wiiliatn .iamesin"ThelinergiesofAIen."Tiie [iriieessiifwat'uiingupgetsparlieular ty striking in tlie])heniimenotiknowtt as "seeiindaind."t)n usual oeeasions weiuakeapraelieeof.sto]iiiinganoe eu]mtionassoonaswemeett)ietirst effeetive layer (so to caHit)<if fatigue. We tiave then walked. [ilayed. or worked "emnigli." so we desist. That aumuiitoffaligueisiinetlietuitiusoi) strmtionon tliissideofwhiuttour usual life is cast. itutifanunusuai necessity tunes us to press onward, a stii'tn'ising thing occurs. The fatigue gets worse up to aeeriain rritieat point, when gradually or suddenly it [insses away, ami we are fresiter titan before. Weevidentlytappedaieveiof new etiergy, masked untii then by the fatigue ottstaete usually ofteyed. There may he layer after layer of tids ex perience. A tliird and a foui'lh "wind ' tnaysppervene. IMental activity sliows ttte tdienottienon as weit as physicui, and ittexceptiouat eases we may find, tieyond tlie very extretttity of fatigue distress, amouttts of ease and power titat we never dreatued ourselves to own—sourees of strengtit itaititnaity not taxed at ail, because tiaidttiaiiy we never pttsh through titeoitstruetiou. never pass titose eariy eritieai points. MLUNS BODY tS OUT Of IHE CAVE Cave City. Kv- April 23.— Floyd Collins body was free to day from the underground trap where he met slow death two months ago, while a nation vain ly prayed and fevorishly waited for word that did not come that he had been saved alive. For severa) weeks miners have been at work tunneling for the body. When found the rock which held his two ankles weighed 75 or 100 pounds, It was removed along with various tools carried dow by early visi tors in an effort to extricate him. The body was in fairly good condition, owing to the damp ness of the earth. It will be buried with ceremony on the hills near the mouth of Crystal Cave, another cave discovered by Collins. Early visitors to Collins told of his remark that a beautiful cav ern in the earth was just behind him. This was substantiated when the body was removed, for only a few minutes later the lateral on which they had been working tumbled, tore loose, and caved 100 feet into a dark pit. Von Hindenberg is New German President Former Field Marshatl Voe Hindenberg was elected the new president of Germany at the election held there last Sanda\, his major ty being far ahead of his opponent. His election has created a stir in official circles at Washington, as he was the Kaiser's iron man during the terible struggling days of the late war. Winston High's Spoi! YadkinviHe Hopes Yadkinville hopes of going to t te state championship baseball games were spoiled Friday when they played the Winston High's on the local ground in the first game of the series t he score was eleven to five when the finish came. Winston used three pitchers in the game, one of them said to he the best high school pitcher in the state. It was a good game, our boys, being outclassed in the sport, and their first defeat this season. Mr. i. N. Holden Mr, !. X. Holden of tear Courtney, whose demli we men honed last week, was buried a! Oak Kidge church, Wednesday April 2dnd, the funeral being conducted by Rev. Ceo. H Hur ras. Mr. Holden is survived by six children living. He was 75 ye.us old and his death was caused by a complication of diseases. He was a good man and neighbor and has reared a set of children t 'it are weh thought of. Adminstrator's Aotke Having <]ualified aeadmini'.tra jtoi' of the estate of Eliza W. Jlida, deceased, late of Yadkin county, Xoi'th Carolina, all persons hold ing claims against said estate are notified to present them to the nn dersigued within twelve months from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their re cover y. A11 persons indebted to said es tate are requested to settle at once. This March 50, 1925. William Smith Williams, Admr. Eliza W, Dnla, dec'J

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