VOI XXXII YadkinviHe, Yadkin County, N. C ^ Thursday, May 7, 1925 No. 18 Mayn Culture TuAea /?an/t Wit/t t/!e Rewt About two thousand years ago. writes S. G. Moriey. in the Mentor Magazine, while the peopies of north western Kurope were tiring in a state of utmost barbarism, there was siowiy Cowering in the Kew wortd the moat briitiant civiiir.ation of ancient Atuer ica—natneiy. the Maya of southern Mexico and northern Guatetnaia. t rout a cuiturat poitit of view the Maya were the Greeks of the Kew worid. !n many spiteres of human activity these Maya eicetled. utmost beyond believing. in arctiitecture, scointure. and paitttihg; in oeramics, stone anti feather mosaics, and the tapidary art. in astronomy, history, and < tfrouotogy in this iast-metu toned tieid tit'eir at tainmetits n ot e so t-etttarkabte r) at it may hr (tainted timt no peopte of the Oid worid at that time —- tthb years ago—tta<i wtn-ted out a system of citronottgy anywhere a)tpr.mclr; ^ ttia. of the Maya. not only in a<euracy of resuits, but aieo in simplicity of use This spettacuiat progress the Maya accompiished wii).out mans two great est nids to civiiixatio!] itt the <*th) wortti—namety. toasts of lor-fe t tittd toois of ntetai W hen it is etutftdwed that they had no beasts of tnp-'iet). no horses, asses, oyen. ctimeis. or ele phnnts to tarry for them, nor toois of irou, bronze. ettpiter ttr tin to cut and hew and carve with. it may be ven tured that, fudged tty what !! ev had they achieved more than any ofher peopic ;to tsori.i [ms ever known. 7*urMsA Sumptuary Z.an<< The Ciinst:n'.titm)ite sltayet etiune)) was reeentiyaski-iiiiyriie ministry.if the interior tt< draw ujiasutnptttttry taw forhidtliug tegal priitiigatity. A commisstotl. wtiieti-tiaswoked tiartl OB the project, itas now devised a nutn her cfminttte restrictions f.t: tite mar rlagekof titeweiito-tio. 1'Ddertiie ruies proposed n bridegroom wiil give hig bride a ring not egceeding 2d Turkish pounds in vatue. about $10. and no other wedding present. As for the bride, she may not bring to bet new honseitold more than nvo .tresses in aii, and iter ednti-ibution to the fur nishings may tie no tttore tiiati for one room. Weddings must pass off witiiout — nuptiw! bsnouets. oniy sweets amt )n nPCPOtfb sirups being offered to ttie gnepts. The "editing procession nuts! not parade more titan Hve catrittges or motor oars. As for banquets to oeiebrate the tiirtbs of chiidren. fitey aiso are forbidden. Titese refutations. wbi<b have not yet iieen ado[de<). would iiave taken tbewindontofaSmuibotiiTtirkwito. not very long ago. siiockedtiie respect aide street witii a parade of 40 car riages and w)m opened 100 cases of champagne for ids guests. Dteftonary in Demand The spotting iui'iB wlticii ttepuh i'.eanwottttin voters cotnpeteti at tite t':iki,iHiet!oviov.itn!ion'J*ii"gdaywas tint a tttore eiatiorate event titan many wiiicit nowadays test tite fair ortliog mutters at nftorn.i.di parties, says ttte i'tiitattott'tiia ihtiietin. tross-word hrn.iti twisters nt'o.-ssit:rte!nitny a re sort to ttieitiiditamry ant! sMcooss in ttieginne. wtiothort'ttrtiorsimats'tttis tntdion or in trying for prizes, re i;tiirescu!tiv:i*ionnftiiogontteartof correct spitting. Winttever the ini peiiingcaiisc.tlietuaietitiierivei] front improved "itiiograid.iy is lory desir atito. tUdstorsprotitoti tty ttie rigorous orat dritt in spotting wtd'-tt was protuinont in ttto simplified siimolingofi'itlier nays Wiiateser tite titeorytif modern nietiuxls.tiieiesditsininiidei'ntnanu Mri[itsdont)tiioiti'roiiit. Tiioreis too mtniii'oggiittgiinr words tiiat on tor into tite ordinary vccatmiary. too Biiteii spoiling ai'i'oiding to the ietter Writer's own taste anti faney. iftiie <ross-wiit'ilpu/.'.'loa[id tite spotting boo wit) hotptii to tter spelling they are to be etu'iunttgeii. Drectf o/ Darkness AfarJ Eradicate Why hi it tiiat.no matter tiowiong we iive. xvencver outgrow our terror in the dark? Wliy isittimtsotnany tiniusandsofpi-tsouswakemisudden !yat-:4oa.iu. ami are struck witit tiie swiftness ;indmiex]iectedness of a bitiwliysumcworry. sotueregret, some remorse, some neglected duty? Wiiy !s ittimt tiies'e things tortnettt mm minds ititiie tong watcties of tiie night aitd dwindle to insigniiicancewitli tiie rising sun? asks William Lyon t'iieips 'nScrlhtier's^iagiixine. t'fn!l forms of religion except Ciiris tinnity, tlieworstiipoftltesunseenisto monmstreasonabie. I have been a mm loser from my eariiestrecoiiec titm. Tlie iiest tiling said ab'iut heaven intiieUihieistiiattiiereisnonigiit tile re. Iamuciiildoftiieaiomitig. To use anotiier Hlhiicai phrase, t have often said, "Wouid Cod it were morn ing:" tint never iiimy life tiavet said, "Would Hod it were evening!" \\ iien I xvas a boy I saw a picture of a woman carrying her baby in a room dimty iiitimined by haif iigbt. i re member iiow ardentiy I hoped the dim ness was caused by tite dawn and not the evening. Boonville High School Finals Are In Progress Commencement exercises of BoonviHe High School are being held (his week. The program rendered last night aud tonight are given below: WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, AT 8 O'CLOCK P M. "7%e Cyesf o/a P//?A Parasol The Queen of the Fairies atlows a discontented little Poppy and a discontented little girl to change places. The Poppy Maid goes in search of a Pink Parasol, and Ruth shares the Poppies fun, and later misfortune. Each finds the new life a disappointment, and the Queen, convince! that they have learned the evil effects of vanity and discontent, restores to all the Poppies their original places in Fairyland. Ruth, again a mortal, receives the Pink Para sol "for remembrance." By the Third and Fourth Grades. Song—"Boys May Whistle, But Girls Must Sing," By the First Grade. Chorus—"Kentucky Babe," By the Second Grade. Play—"Ten Minutes to Catch the Train," Billy Speer. Gay Shore. Sadie Hobson. Song—'My Own iona," Kate Sp^as, Carmen Frye, P:of. Wright, Herman Simpson, and Robert Simpson. 1 Song—"How Do You Do?" Prof. Wright, Herman Simpson and Robert Simpson. Play—"The Sewing Society," Ruth Speas. Ruth Fietcher, Dorothy Crutchfield, Eioise Hobson. Lucy Reece, Lucy Brendle and John L Athbutn; Song—"I'd Rather Piay in My Own Yard," Dorothy Crutchfteid and Gav Shore. Song—"i'se Gwine Back to Dixie." Prof. Wright, Herman Simpson and Robert Simpson. P!ay—"The Cute Famity" Characters Mrs. Cute Caroline Cute Cornelia Cute Connie Cute Evangeline Pardue. Annie Chipmaa Her Daughters Kathryne tones Mildred Amburn Caleb Cute Johnny Cute Her Sons Seventh Grade Carroll Transou Walter Motsinger BOONV1LLE HtGH SCHOOL PRESENTS "Nothing But The Truth" A Comedy in Three Acts Hv James Montgomery ' hrom the Novel of the sane name by Frederick S Ishanit H!GH SCHOOL AUDHORIUM Thursday, May 7, at 8 P. M. THE CAST Robert Bennett E. M Ralston Dick Donnelly Clarence Van Dusen Bishcp Doran Gwendolyn Ralston Mrs E. M. Ralston Ethel Clark Mable Jackson Sable Jackson Martha Stewart Shore Gaither Stinson Evert Reece Lytle McBride Troy Reavis Erie Matthews Coila Church Helen Speas Tress Casstevens Kate Shugart Anita Hobson SYNOPSIS OI- SCENES Act!. Interior of a broker's office in one of the principal uptown hotels. Act II. Parlor in summer home of E. M Ralston. Long Island. Act III. Same as Act II. (Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, of New York) USHERS The Philomatheon Society—Charles L. Bell, chief, Robert Simpson, Fred Key, Claud Hobson. The Adelphi Society—I red C. Hobson. Neal E. Fletcher, Herman Simpson, Allen E. Shugart. TheCIioSociety—Jessie fear! Reece, Bessie Key, Thelma Shore. Collie Hinson. Carmen Frye, Della Shore, Kate Speas. Parties Seriousiy urt in Auto Wreck Grant Cothran, pastor of Elkin Baptist church, and their 14 year and Shirley Bauguss and Pruitt sustained painful injuries in an au accident near Brooks last Sunday night were returntng to Winston-Salem. Cothran received set ions about the head and ueck. parties were severely in the smashup. The taken to the Elkin for treatment, car, which was driven by left the road on a curve over twice. Civii Court Convenes Monday WO weeks term of Yadkin court, for the trial of tases only, convenes here Monday with Judge Hard ing presiding. ^*he historic old Catawba Col at Newton is no more The has been moved to Salis and the former .college has been sold for resi lots nistrator's Notice of Sa!e of Rea! Estate virtue of an order of the Su court of Yadkin county, *^aMdina, taMdorwr tbA 4th dayofMay, 1925, m a sp-c'a! proceeding entitled EtHe Finney Admrx of Miles Finney, agaittst Adleue Hams and others, I 'cii) se!! for cast) at public unction at he court house door in Yadkin vdte, Korth Caroiiua, on t!)e 10th day of May, 1925. the following rea) "state, to wit: Beginning at a stone, old cot nor runs south 10 degrees west 19 cits to a stone, Johnons tine; thence west on his line 10.75 chins to a stone, old corner; thence north on old line 15.0S chains to a stone, old corner; thence east [o.-Kt rhs to the beginning, containing 25.til acres, more or less, and being a part of the Miles Finue.v land. This May 4, 1921. lithe Finuey, Admrx of Miles Finney, deceased Mortgagee's Notice of Sale of Real Estate 1 nder and by virtue of the pow er contained in ace)tain mortgage deed executed on the, 20 th das of September, tt)23, t).v A. t). Cook and wife, Yattey Cook, to the un dersign *d mo)tgagee, and defatdt t)aving been )nade it) the payment of said mortgage (feed, 1 wit! set) at puhtic auction on the pretttises t'of eas)), to t))e ttigitest bidder, on the 1st day of -luue, pt25, at 2 o'ctock, p. ))) , the fottowing des cribed tea! estate, to wit: A certain tract or parce) of )aud adjoiui))gthe iands of Wiltiam Pinnix, .1. M. Sates anti otitos, anti bouuded ;ts fottows: Be^innit)gatapost oak, Marshatl's corner running Hu nt e west7ci)ai))stoa stone; thence sout)t 2 c));tins to ;t stone; thence west 8 chains to a stoue west of a branch; thence south h.Sd drains to a poplar, J M. Sales' iiue; thence east with Sates' and H. \V. Marshall's tint; 14^ ch:)ius to :t pine; thence north 10 chains to the beginning, containing 13 acres, more or tess. This May 1, 1025 Percy Chambers, Mortgagee. May Be OH Road To Brooks Crossing According to dispatces in the state papers the Itnk of read from this p!ace to Brooks Cross Roads is to be of the oi! road type in stead of cement. Yadkin has already been given more than her proportiona! part of road funds, it is said, which prompted the decision to buiid this fink of oi! composition. Etkin's New Hote! To Open This Eve. Efkin's new hote!, a magnifi cant structure, wit! be formerly opened this evening with a bri! !iant reception. The hote! is of brick and stone five stories high and contains 51 rooms, thtrty-etght of these hav ing baths and a!! are equipped with the !atest modern conveni ences. The hote! is owned by Elkin citizens. The Statesville Sentinel, a morning daily, has suspended publication, its doors being clos ed by its stockholders and credi tors. The paper hat been un der the management of J. L. Caton. of Knoxville. Tenn, for the past three years. A special session of court is in session in Martin county to t=y thirty-one members of a mob who took a young man from the jail at Williamston recently and mutilated him. He was charged with assaultinga young woman Administrator's Notice Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of S M. Ash ley deceased, late o f Yadkin county, North Carolina, all per sons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them to the undersigned within twelve months from date date of this notice or same will be plead in bar of their recovery. Ail persons idebted to said es ate are requested to settie at once. This the -)<<tii day of April. H. C. Shore adnr., of S i\!, Ashicy deceased. Notice of Re Sale of Kent Estate Hvvittt))'of orj*)'of tin' .super ior court of Y;nlkiut-.)tmtv. made ou dm 1st day of M.ty, 102-5, iua special ]uoc-eding entitled Mary Sprinkle aud others against Grace Hcnton and others, t will resell foicaslt at juiblicauction in Yadkinvillc, ^ionh Carolina, tie tween tlte hours of 11 o'clock a. tn.andloclock]'. m. ontheliith day of iMay, t'025, thct'oilowinn real estate, to.wit- !n Libert*, towushi;', adi'uninadio lands of Seek Shore, Miles Gounb and others. and bounded as follows: Uemnininn at pointers south of I'iowntan house and runs north 20 chains to a red oak tuish, then south 77 decrees east 11 chaius to a pine hush; then south 8 decrees west 0 chains and 25 links to a po])lar;tt)eneastou an amend line S chains to a hickory, in Hutchens iine; then south 8 chain and 50 links to a ]<ostoak; then west 17 chains aud 5t) links to the heninninn, containing 26 acres more or less, anti bein^ the lands conveyed by Jessie Jenkins to William W. i'lowman bv deed re* corded in book C, pa^e 681, in the othce of the Itenister of Deeds for Yadkin county. This May 1, 1925. S. Carter Williams, Commissioner. YadkinviMe Has a Quiet Town Eiection YadkinviMe had a quiet town election Tuesday, there being no contests. The following ticket was elected. For Mayor S. CARTER WILLIAMS Town Commissioners ISAAC SHORE W. A. HALL L W DIXON M. W MACKIE J. F. PARKER Nathan C. Wishon Died Last Friday Mr. Nathan C. Wishon, who resided near Deep Creek Friends church on Route 3, YadkinviMe, died last Friday at the age of 63 years and seven months He was Ml only a few days before his death. The funeral and inter ment was at Deep Creek church and was attended by oae of the largest crowds seen there recent ly to pay thei respects to their departed friend and neighbor. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Mrs. Lucy Vesta! and Rev. C. H. Hutchens. Mr. Wishon was a devoted father and a good neighbor. Ten children and 18 grandchildren survive him, together with two brothers and two sisters and his widow. Adminstrator's Notice Having <[nalitied asttdmiuistra tor of the estate (it* HHixa \V. Dnla, deceased. !ate of Yadkin county, Xorth (Jarolina, a)) persons hold ing claims against said estate are notified to present them to the uu dersigued within twelve months trom date of this notice or same witl be pleaded in bar of their re covery. -AH persons imh-bted to said es tate are i?<p]esta<[ to settle at once. litis Alatoh.h). l'hld. W iliiant Stnith Williams, A im*. Klixa W. ih)l;t., dec'd "4:.Ef)FLAXn By virtue of an of the superior kourt of Yadkin county, made in a special proceedin'?, entitled B C. Shore, administrator of S. M. Ashiev, deceased vs Margaret Ashiev et a), th : undersigned commissioner will sell to t)te highest bidder, at public auction at the court house door in Yad kinvilleon aloud.iy. {une )st, 1025, at f o'clock p. m., the fol lowing described rea! estate: Adjoining ihe lands of P. A!. Nicks, A. J. Reinhardt and bounded as follows: Beginning atastoneinthe middle of the branch being the northwest cor ner, runs south 17.35 chs to a stone at a pine, Nicks' corner; thence east with Nicks' line 17 77 chs to a stone; thence north 2 50 chs to a stone in the swamp; thence east 75 links to the middle of the branch; thence north 15 degrees west with said branch as it meanders 6 chains to a crook in the branch; then north 20 de gtees east f chain with said branch; then north 30 degrees west with said branch 5 chains to Mathis' line; the nearly west with said branch as it rneandr r& 30.30 chs; then north about 10 degrees west with said brauch 12 chs to the beginning containing 25 acres more or less Terms of sale one-half cash on confirmation of sale, remainder on credit of six months with bond and approved security. This the 30th day of April, 1025. B. C. Shore, Commissioner.

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