VOi XXXH YadkinviHe, Yadkm County, N C., Thursday, May i4, iMX5 No. 19 Ear! Cooper Wins The Charlotte Speedway Race Ear! Cooper, daredevil speed demon, won highest honors and !10,900 by finishing first in the race classic of the Charlotte speedway Monday, when he piloted his special over the 250 miles in two hours and two minutes, an average speed of 121.0 miles per hour. Harry Hartx won secon 1 place and Tommy Milton third. This is the second race on the Charlotte track and it was witnessed by 55.000 people, who went thete in 20.000 automobiles. The highest speed made on the track a! any time was made by Peter Deptoli, driving a Duesenber in a try out spm when he reached the speed of 132.8 miles an hour, a new world's record by three miles. The body o! Mrs Erich Carr, aged 34, was found in the French Broad rtver. 12 miles from Ashe ville, Sunday wtth a bullet wound through the head. She was separated from her husband and had been missing from her home for two weeks. Administrator's Notice of Safe of Reaf Estate By virtue of an order of the Su perior court of Yadkin county. North Curoiina, made on the 4th day of May, 19x5, m a sp c'a! proceeding entitled Elite Finney Admrxof Aliles Finney, against Adlene Hants and others, I "ill sell for cash at public auction at he court house door in Yadkin Vtlle, North Carolina, on the lbth day of May, 1925, the following real estate, to wit: Be^intfittg at a stone, old center runs smith 19 degrees west 19 chs to a stone, -Johnou's line; iheuce west on his line 19.75 chins to a „ stone, old corner; thence north on old line 15.08 chains to a stone, old cornet ; thence east 15.10 chs to the begiuttittg, containing 25.81 acres, mote or less, and beittg a part of the Mites Finney land. This May 1, 1925. Lttie Finuey, Admrx of Miles Finney, deceased NOTICE OF RE SALE OF REAL ESTA TE Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Yadkin County made on the 14th day of April, 1925, in a special proceeding en titled 1-'. M. Haire, Administrator of D. T. Groce against Viola Blanche Groce and others 1 will re sell at public auction at the Coutt House door in Yadkin ville on the 4th day of May. 1925 the following real estate, to wit: Beginning at a stone, M. M. Wagoner's corner, runs north with his line 4(- poles to a stone, his corner; then with said Wag oner lint-35 poles to a black gum Wagoner's corner; then Xor'hSO poles to a sassafras. Deborah Bryant's corner in L. B. Swaim's line; then Past IS poles to a stone on the Hast bank of Crutchfield Ford Road, D. C. Swaim's cor ner; then South with his line 3" poles to a stone in the old field, D. C- Swaim's corner; then near ly Hast with his line crossing the branch 37 poles to a stone, said Swaim's corner, just below bis vineyaru; then South crossing the same branch HM) poles to a dogwood sprout in C. L: Croce's hne; then west Monghts line 18 poles P* the beginning, contain ing 24 acres more or less. This April 14th, 1925. S. Carter Williams, Commissione tn Acram fMia We often eumt.iain ahottt rainy 'at!;'), inn reoiiy wo* tin not kttow ")iitt min means! cneintsto^oto titeKitasiiiiiis. In Assant. toseerain at its lieaslest. fur tiiere it .-umes <t"mi iuXiayaias. Ti)iss]iot. for t! is tte* of ituxo exsent. rejoices in tlien;ttne<if(..*itet'r!)ottt}:i. andit tie serves a!) titeotlierhatinatoesone <annivelt. itsittinnairainfoitaver ttttes -i'S inches, or.ittstei^itteentitnes tite rttinfaii of tondon. ]nl.Sfi]Cltetri)'ttttyinear!ytiott)tted its avt raye. for in tint) year iittfi incites fetl. of w)tieit!tt;<'. were recorded in tiie])iuntliof.!ttiy:Ontiiei4th<iay oftitat niontii-X' incites of rain feti In twenty four hums, and in tin* tive titiys. .ittne i-tttifi. titetotitirea'ited tti wnrds of m inches, or mure tiian fotit tintes tite average annnairttittfaii ufi.umlon i'iie I.easiest recoriici) rainfalt in firetit Itt'itnittoo'ttrrodntitrtiton. in Suiuoi'-.-t. on.tunc i!)]7. ssiicnh% ineiics ft'li.—Tit-Hits. CrtyAaA CofnmonutfaffA T)n.t)tmte"CotmiionwoitltitofKng liittti"isgi\oninhist<try ttttitointer rtgttutttitetssoontiiodotttittiftitarlosi o:t.iatmttryH('.iti)!'.an<it)teresttira tttutttt'Citttriesii. *.: yS, itmt). itttr itigthlsiiirittdttf H years, tite gttv einttient tifi-lttglandwas ttomittttliya rtythiio. ttititottgit in rettlity a nt.ii tti!'.\<ios)toiisni. rtiiodbyKHYoi'Crota woll. ttssistotiity aotmntti. Uni'o coiiiheriti, ittM, f'rotnweiiwastttatie iordliroteotor. andiieidtitistidieefor aitttut five years, untit itisdetitit.Sop tontitor 3, wtien ite wtts stteoeodod )<y his son. Hiuharti Cromwott, wito t.rovedto ben weak and mettioiont ruler, and soon retired into private life, ttionarehy was restored ittKng land SiayS, t(t6C. and Charles ttrte ttirned to London May *{t of the same year—Kansaa City Star. Non) Site always feit stunewitat tttnid tn theitank. itwassttoita targe ttattk, attd so many very rit h persons had ao eounts there. Site always passed iter stmtli oito.ks fitrottgit tottietasitierina furtive, cei'Ytttts ttttinner. fitte tiny site itad .asited <tne of these dteeks. attdwhiiewuikingoutoftlte hank site stuffed tite notes ittto iter itatitiitag. (too <tf tite hank's deteettves stiotteti iter, ant) he waiked swiftiy to iter side. "itecaroftti, tnadam,"itewttisperod, "you're tiring uatoited with ail that ttmtioyin yottritant), yoaknow." "fiit.itttw Mattering!" exelttittut] tite yottngwotti:tn .)oy<tttsly. "Wity, tttover Itttti stt. it a lovoiy biting itappettittaU myiite!" Afonumenf t/nAn<gA^d i'ditthtitgit tikes, or once iiketi. to he tailed "tite \iodernAt)tot;s," ami titero is tertttittiy a sttggestiott of tite oid ;ireek iHpital aitout tiiel-taii etd tntns "hiohstatn! out ttgainst tite sky Utioont'altonititi. Those have horn .allot) "Setdtish pride atn) Sotdtish lutvorty.' Aptiiiliestti'seriptionwas itpt!idtlinif'24tdoreotntt!otmir)aito tite SittHishstiitiiorstif tite Monittstt ittrwar. This was to tttko tite forth t ) a i.ttihiittg after tite stylo ttf tite I'tirtliettoti Mm thepiitnfitiiotifur l:t<'k.tf]'iin.)s.tt[uitltoi-St'l)t:iry[til lats. orot'tt'dntiiC'istnfP.'.tttMioi'.oh. tt!tttiorotiiitittto!ei!tiiest<ry. Mrs. Lucy J. Weatherly, aged 77, died suddenly in Greensboro Sunday while en route to the cemetery to place flowers on the grave ol her mother. It is said that more than half of Forsyth county's wheat crop has been ruined by the Hessian f'y. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of S. M. Ash ley deceased, late o f Yadkin county, North Carolina, all per sons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them to the undersigned within twelve months from date date of this notice or same wil be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons idebted to said estate are requested to settle at once. This the 3Mth day of April, 1925. B. C. Shore admr., of S M, Ashley deceased. Comeif Bee/ ZVeroe* in American Z/iefory Corned beef and cahitage was re wponsibie for the Titan race of New Kagianders that dominated art, com merce and Uterature nntit it was dis covered that hiond Nordics were, after ait. very inferior and that the reai vintage manhood came from southern itaiy and ttkrainia. Then they sort of faded aw ay. in the oid days, ant) it is perhaps so now, yon took a [tine of case hardened heef from the most dutahie part of tite ox. Von soaked it over the winter in sait hrine. Titis tiestro.ved tite tifste and perfected tite vulcanining. Titett ytm took tite hig imtt p<tt oft tite hook in tite woodshed. tilled it itttif fnti of water, anti pttt in tite meat. Yon also pttt in potatoes, carrots, a cabbage, onions, turnips, rutabagas, or what have you. anti set tite pttt on tite hack of the stove at t! wont tit', about your business. When it was dinner time, you took tite pot into tite depth of tite hack yard and pottret) out tite water. Then you ran hack, because that wa ter. if approached too intimately, wttuid destroy one's taste for any kind of dinner, 'i'heu yon served tite re maining ntateriai on one hig disit. Tite cornet] heef tasted like carrots; the potatoes tastes) like cabbage; they ali tasted tike onions, if you have ever eaten it you will get the general Idea. Tite path breakers, tite empire Ittiihl ers. tha] passed westward along tite Oneida trait and the Mohawk vaiiey in tite forties, were corned heef and cab hageeniitig Americans. They went to Ohio and grew up and became presi dents. Just tts others stayed in Hoston and ate cod. am) stiii others went to Vermont and p< rfectod tile savory tirc harveat of tite succulent bean. These contestitdes are food for heroes and prophets, 'they are the Just and proper stimulants for dwellers on "a stern and rock hound coast." ttoger Williams, and Old Trapper ftlackstone, and Betsy Stark and Cot. fny i'utnam ate them. "Oon't give up the ship," cried Lawrence in the thick of battie. Certainty not. They itadn t any cab bage, but tite hold was fuii of corned heef. There is stiii a )ot of corned beef in our national institution*, and wet! it is for as.—!*. M. K.. in McNaught'a Mocthiy. ,va_ Fwfwwt*m M*€hin*< At o revent Merman motor sitow there watt exhibited a tank piow. A cateepiltar tractor working like an army tank drew a piow. An automatic potato digger baa been designed that the inventor aays wii] prove a wonderfui tabor saving ma chine on the farm, it not only diga up the potatoea. hut discharges them ia windrows for pickers. f.ookiug tike a huge mosquito, a new machine is said to he abie to bore a iioie three feet deep and nine incites in diameter in half a minute. The tna chine iooks iike a sntaii engine on four wheels, and carries a huge torkscrew iike tiriii in front of it at the end of two braces. A pull on a tever is snth cietit to start the drit! downward. An other puii stops it at tiie desired depth and brines it hack to the starting point. The inventor ituiit his origins! modt-i from -it pieces of farm tna chinorv. Gootf /or Me Ctrcufafion t'ortiiintitt'ieeckersaitiattiiean utiali'arrtttitaiiatiiieititx-Caritottin New York: "i'tie new fashiotts are trattsparent. Weil, we're used to titat.Rttthaveyou remarked—tknow yottitave. ofcottrse iiteretttrti of tite slasiteti skirt? Tite sttort, very tigiit skirt witii a tong siasit at tiie left side ittts retttrned, and it's—weii. it'saroYeiation. "Agranddttttio. gotnpintranspar <-nt iiiottse and siasited skirt and ali tiio rest of it. stopped at niytahie in a restaurant ttio other day at inncheon time and iangheti ami said: have those new fasiiions. Titey tmtke mo toot so giriish. Cortiandt. Homy time a ntttn iooks at me I tdttsii.'" Compromtttet/ PotMon Transit t'otmnissionor Joitn F. t' iiyan of New York was condemning tiie [tropostti to do away with ail sur fitco ami elevated ottrs in favor of imssos. 'itotw'thodono.'ttonorniO'Rytin stiid, "ttutittnyttitinwitosttysitecan doitlsincxnctiythesnmeridicuions j<nsitioniis3t!r. littke. "Air. itiikegot itotneottetnorning at tiawn. His wifg listened to iiis ex tdamttory words for a few seconds, iindtiten she harked: '"Sitting op with a sick friend, eit? Rttit. go hrttsit tite rouge ant) powder out of your mustache!'" SounJeJ LMe "Dtme" ! whs attending a Stinday soitool fea tivaiinchttreh. Witettitwastimefttr tite coiiection to ite taken, a strange woman wito was sitting hark of me said witat ! titougitt was. "Have you got a ditne?" Mueit surprised, I hand ed iter one. You can intagine how ! fott when she repiied, "Not a dinte. Have you got the time?"—Oticago Triitotte. Pounded The Pastor; Other JonesviMe News Rev. M A. Lindley, of Win ston Salem, filled his regular ap pointment at Swaim's church Saturday and Sunday. A succesfu! singing schoo! which has been in progress at Swaim's church for the past two weeks, conducted by Prof. M. R Masten, of Jonesville, came to a close Saturday night with a concert by the choir and pound in^the pastor, Rev Mr. Lindley. The concert consisted of solos, quartettes and duets besides the many beautiful songs rendered by the choir. Prof. Masten did a great work andmuch and lasting good was accomplished. He sings the gospel while the preacher preach es ft The pounding of the pastor, gotten up by Mrs. Jake Wagoner was a real succes r. The crowd assembled abom 6:30 in the afternoon. Mr. J. B. CaUoway took Mr. Lindley to see a sick !ady, so the arrange ments could be made to sur prise him. A table was placed in the pulpit behind the book board and loaded to us utmost capacity, while sacks of flour were set around the table and much canned goods, also Any one who saw him when he cume in church and sat down would have judged him surpris ed. Many hearts were made glad when he so humbly showed his thankfulness and apprecia Mrs. D. G. Wagoner; who has been sick so long, does not im prove much, we are sorry to note. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Xorman and Mr Evan Hutchens, of East Bend, visited relatives here Sun day Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. ]. D. Hutchens of Smitbtown, attended the sing ing at Elkin Sunday. A targe crowd was present to hear Billie Brown and children sing. Folks like to hear the old time singing Mr. and Mrs. J. J Vestal visit ed their daughter, Mrs. Joe Groce, Sunday. Farmers are busy preparing for the tobacco crop. There are plenty of cherries and peaches in this section, but a short apple crop. Mortgagee's Notice of Sale of Rea! Estate L'nderandby virtue of the pow er contained in :i certain mortgage deed executed on the 29th <)av of September, 1923, by A. 1). Ccok and wife, A'allev Cook, to the un dersign'd mortgagee, autl default having been made in the )<aymcnt of said mortgage deed, I witt set) at public auction on the premises for cash, to the highest bidder, on the 1st day of June, 1925. at. 2 o'clock, p. nn, the following des cribed real estate, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land adjoining the lands of William Pinnix, J. M. Sales anti others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a post oak, (d. W. Marshall's corner running thence west 7 chaius to a stone; thence south 2 chains to a stone; thence west S chaius to a stone west of a branch; thence south 9.83 chains to a poplar, J M. Sales' line; thence east with Sales' and (d. \V. Marshall's line 141 chaius to a pine; thence north 10 chains to the beginning, containing 13 acres, more or less. This May 1, 1925 Percy Chambers, Mortgagee. Rev. Billy Sunday Will Preach Here Saturday YadkinviHe Schoo! C!oses May 22-23 TheYadkinville high school commencement will be held on Friday and Saturday, May 22-23. The commencement sermon will be delivered next Saturday. May 16. at 9:45 a. m , by Rev. W. A. (Billy) Sunday, who is now conducting a meeting in Win ston Salem. On Friday, May 22. at 8:00 p.m. "The Gypsy Rover," a musical comedy, will be presented by twenty-live boys and git Is of the high school On Saturday, May 23, at 10:00 a. m, the senior class day exer cises will be held. At 1 00 p. m. the annual address will be de livered by Prof. Horace Wi! liams, of Chapel Hill, followed by presentation of diplomas. On Saturday. May 23. at 8:00 p. m., the senior play. "The Thread of Destiny " a Colonial play in three acts, will be pre sented, this closing the com mencement exercises J. Wade WiHiams Died Sunday Night Mr. J. Wade Wilhams, aged nearly 80 years, died a! his home near Union Cross Sunday night after a short illness. He was oldest citizens of his community and was highly esteemed. He is survived by bis widow and six children, viz: C B. Williams, of Winstun; Julius Williams, and Mesdames John E Hutch ens, Hen Hutchens and W. L. Rockett, of East Bend. The funeral was conducted bv Rev. Mrs Lucy Vestal at Union Cross Tuesday and interment was in the church cemetery. large crowd was in attendance AH bus lioes operating in this state must check baggage s'.me as the railroads, so the state cor poration has ruled Notice of Re Sale of Real Estate H\ \urtucoforderofth<'su}<er ior court of Yadkin county. made on the 1st day of May. Ji'2n, ina special [noceuding entitled ^larcSjuinkleandothurs.iUaiust (iraceHentou ami others, 1 w it] resellforcashatpublicauctionin Yadkinvillc, ^iorth Carolina, be tween the hours of tl o'clock a. m.audlo'clock!'. nt. oniheltith day of May, i'.'2b, thefoilowinn real estate, to-wit: In Liberty towushif, adjoiuinn the lauds of Sock Shore, IMiles Gounh and others, and bounded as follows: Hemniuiun at pointers south of Plowman house and runs north 20 chains to a red oak Imsh, then sottth 77 decrees east 11 chains to a pine bush; then south 8 decrees west t) chaius and 2b links to a {<oplar; theu east ou an agreed line S chaius to a hickory, in Hutchens line; then south 8 chain and 50 links to a post oak; then west 17 chains aud 50 hnks to the beninniun, containiun 26 acres more or less, aud beinn the lauds conveyed by Jessie Jenkins to William W. Plowman by deed re corded in book C, pane 6S1, in the othce of the Renister of Deeds for Yadkin county. This May 1,1925. 8. Carter Williams, ... ConuniMioaer. Yadkinville will have a dts tioguished visitor here next Sat urday in the person of Rev. Billy Sunday, the world's most noted evangelist. He will preach the baccalaureate sermon for the closing exercises of the Yadkin ville high school. The service will beheld in the auditorial of the high school building at 9:45 Saturday moruing. This is an opportunity of a life time to hear one of the world's most noted revivalists at home and there will no doubt be great crowds here to hear him. Yadkinville invites the people of all this section to come and hear him Twenty-five Persons Drown as Boat Sinks Twenty-live persons on board !he government vessel, Nor mand, !ost their lives last Friday when the boat sack in the Misst ssippi river. 25 miles south of Memphis. An excursion party were on board the boat when it sank. The cause of the tragedy is un known. The vessel was practically new, having been purchased by the government renenty. The vessel had been leased to the ex cursionists. ator's Notice d asadmiuistra tor of the estate oi' Eliza W. Dula, deceased, late of Yadkin county, North Carolina, all persons hold ing claims against said estate are notihed to present them to the un designed within twelve months from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. AH persons iud- hted to said es tate are rmnestcu to settle at once. 'Ihii Mar.-). 30, 1025. William Smith Williams, Adtn -. Eliza W, Dnht, dec'd .-Si:.EOF LAND By virtue of an of the superior court of Yadkin county, made in a specia! proceeding, entitied B C. Shore, administrator of S. M. Ashlev, deceased vs Margaret Ashiev et a), th, undersigned commissioner witt se!) to the highest bidder, at public auction at the court house door in Yad kinvilleon Monday. June tst, 1925, at 1 o'clock p. m, the fol lowing described real estate: Adjoining the lands of B. M. Nicks, A. J. Reinhardt and bounded as follows: Beginning atastoneinthe middle of the branch being the northwest cor ner, runs south 17.35 chs to a stone at a pine, Nicks' corner thence east with Ntcks' line 17 77 chs to a stone; thence north 2 50 chs to a stone in the swamp; thence east 75 links to the middle of the branch; thence north 15 degrees west with said branch as it meanders 6 chains to a crook in the branch; then north 20 de gtees east 1 chain with said branch; then north 30 degrees west with said branch 5 chains to Mathis' line; the nearly west with said branch as it meanders 30.30 chs; then north about 10 degrees west with said branch 12 chs to the beginning containing 25 acres more or less Terms of sale ODe-half cash on confirmation of sale, remainder on credit of six months with bond and approved security, This the 30th day of April, 1925. B. C. Shore, Commissioner.

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