Tues3ay, July 22, 1024 Socail PERSONAL - •••*•'? ‘New ‘Fall ISuiti ||lk 1 ||||H i r * :Z mM BHHK "gißMgsH ." IK 5 pS - ‘;*£. ■|h :mj »^jj|gSp SI s Jg| Ilf IgLmi __ - ~ A T TERE Is one of the new suits for 'XI tall. Notice the cut of the r skirt—circular in front and 1 plain In the back and sides. In stead of the regulation revers the 1 coat is finished with a scarf of the MOleiA . pel. tvhTte buttons trim the coat *on noth aides, and the lining is of .white. In Charlotte For Dance. In the list of dancers present for the Myers Park Club dance Saturday night in Charlotte are the names of Miss Ade laide Harris and Joe Host, of this city. SUMMER COLDS that make you so uncom fortable in hot weather, are better treated exter nally—Rub over chest and throat and apply fre quently up nostrils— A/ICKS " ¥ VAPoRua CW I7 Million Jan tw r—!» I A Thought that Comforts After a Beloved One Has Been Laid to Rest . In the days i-UowiM lb* pass- I ins away of a daar nWne when the mind it troubled by memories of the past, it it a source of meat comfort to re fect that the remains are pro tected hy the staunch rust rcaUting, wider, air, vermin MM BkOln*pfDQ> GALION Metallic Grave Vault Safa from aarth-contamina tion and the horrors of mold ering decay—protected from everything save TIME itself. fbm Vaults, hated in an ordi nary earth grrne, gtae <a pufetf protection at the huge cosily stone- corf ft eon*- BELL A HARRIS FUNERAL. PARLORS Ni t h» D pi»lS««S»i. V j. PERSONALS. - Mrs. H. O. Stirewalt and children, of Charlotte, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Cline. . • • . Miss Erma Ellis, of Bessemer City, will arrive in the city today to visit Miss Margie Elliott. ea • Mrs. W. C. Broome is visiting rela tives in Mooresville. Mias Grace Ridenhour left Monday for Greensboro, where she will attend sum mer school. * * » Oscur Blackwelder and Sam Welding ton are spending the day in Pinehurst. Mesdames W. R. Fisher, C. P. Deal and W. M. Fisher are spending the day in Charlotte. • • • Miss Myrtie Petrea has returned from Thomasville, where she visited relatives for several weeks, • • * Miss Margaret Carter, of Hillsboro, is the guest of Mrs. Oliver Russell. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marlow, of New ton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Marlow’s sister, Mrs. A. F. Misenheimer. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Travis and chil dren, of Newton, spent Sunday in the ■ city with Mrs. A. F. Misenheimer. * « • Mrs. R. M. Calhoun and children have returned to their home in Rock Hill, nf ter a visit Jiere t 6 Misses, Lottie and El ma Boyd. A Surprise Birthday Party. Last Saturday night quite a number of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Barnhardt of No. 11 township, and gave their daughter, Hilda Stokes, a surprise party, it being her seventeenth birthday. The peenteion was a complete surprise. When ’the crowd arrived Miss 'Barnhardt' was. so excited shp cried, and, tried to get mad, but in a little while her, madness was gone, and ■ she Was as happy us anyone present. Among those attending the party were: Misses Belle. Mignon and Hilda Barnlinrdt, I .ora V. and Mary Hel en Hess, Annie, Ila and Gertrude Kim ray, Lillian Mills, Frances McEachern, Mary and Lucy Robinson; Eugene Sarn liardt. Eugene Blackwelder, Muck Cox, Luke Cook, Bobby Dove, Joe and Wood ley Hess, Joe and Rutledge McEachern. Myron MiHer, Eugene Robinson, Frank Swaringen, Glenn Winecoff and Bloome Weddington. Numerous amusing games were played after which the guests were invited to the dining room where a sumptuous sup per of cake, candy and pickles were serv ed by Mrs. H. S. Barnhardt and Mrs. G. T. Hess. In the center of the table was a large cake, upon which were sev enteen lighted caudles, indicating the age of Miss Barnhardt. Upon leaving the dining room the guests entered the . >’s£?.. fijYpr<g jvith several musical selections by Frances McEachern. Th&i bidding Hilda good night, and wishing for her many more happy birthdays, they departed for their respective homes. ONE PRESENT. Return to Salisbury. Salisbury Post. Misses Jane Kluttz and Christine Hud son and Master Kerr Craige Ramsay will return today from' Concord, where they have been attending a house party given by Mrs. John Allison at her home on "North Union street. Home From Greensboro. Miss Mabel Lippard, who has been at tending summer school at the State Nor mal at Greensboro, has returned to her home here. Miss Lena Keller is ex pected to arrive in Concord Wednesday. Butler Learns From Henry Lincoln Johnson. H. E. C- Bryant in Charlotte Observer. Washington, D. ~ July 21.—Chair man William M. Butler, of the republi can national committee, is now finding out something about the party organiza tion. He had with him today Henry Lined Johnson, of Georgia, who has swung back into the saddle in his state, and is the big part of the G. O. P. there. Johnson’s services are to be turned in to other state. He wills peak to South ern negroes who have gone west, east and north and are threuting to vote for the La Follette ticket. William O. Walker, of The Washing ton Tribune, a negro paper, doubts Johnson's ability to hold the colored voters in line. “If La Follete forms u third party and cotinues his fair play policies, the negro will have everything to gain byl support ing him,” he asserts. “He (the negro) owes nothing to the republican party, now. On the other hand, the republican party is in debt to the negro tor SO years of upreoedented loyalty. “So far. the democrats have done more for the negro in the past two years than the republicans have done in the paVtt 16.” This sort of talk has frightened the republican leaders. And they are relying on Henry Lincoln Johnson to save (hem. North Carolina republicans have practically eliminated the negro from their councils. 'No effort is to be made to get out the colored voters there. This jvas learned at republican headquarters today. TW G. O. P. workers think too much of the large white votes their can didates poll there Jo stir up the issue. “Old Man” Joe Talbert, ot South Carolina is one of the advisers to the republican committee. He is also a frequent visitor to the White House, where he communes with O. Bascom Slemp, privnte secretary to the Presi dent. He la one of Hie few southern white Republicans who have been here since Congress adjourned. Marred, Not Married. Rnstus was'looking-;for;work and.: the employer wa# asking him the usual •ques "What’s your name?” - “Erastus Jackson, sub?” “How old are you?” “Ah is 20, suh." “Are you married?" “No, sub Dat (tear on tut haul is whar a mule dose lucked me.” / INFECTION DANGERS IN SUMMER SCRATCH Vacationists Urged to Take Simple Pre cautions In Case ot Slight Bruises to Avoid Septic Poisoning. Chicago, July 22. —Summer vacation ists were warned today to be more care ful of bruises and slight wounds, be cause of the seriousness of infection, by Dr. Harry W. Getnles, chairman of the - first aid committee, Chicago Chapter of . the American Red Cross. “The tragic death of young Calvin Coolidge, Jr., has served dramatically to show that no wound is slight,” Doctor • Getnles declared. “There is always the danger of infection, When the skin . is abrased or cut, do hot go on with your tennis or golf—avoid further irri tation. If the swelling, pain or red • ness continues, consult a doctor. “It is a great mistake to wrap a handkerchief around a bruise. Thous ands of infections prove to doctors that • so-called ‘clean coltbs’ are never free of germ life. “Especially in summer should bruises [be watched. Vacation activities, out door sports, mountain and seashore pas times bring frequent minor scratches and , bruises. Vacationists should be as care , ful as their doctors. "If ycu get a slight wound or bruise, do not neglect it. Serious sickness may ! result, and occasionally septic poisoning may cause death. There are four sim ple things that one should do: “First, apply half-strength tincture of j iodine to the wound, or better, use glass ampoules. Never apply near the eyes, between the thighs or for wounds of the ■ intestines. It is a mistake to wash ‘ the injury. lodine is a destroyer of •germs, and is very effective, as war surgeons proved. “Second, apply a sterile piece of gauz:\ folded into a convenient pad. Third, wrap this dressing with a sterile guaze bandage. Fourth, fasten the bandage with adhesive plaster. “It is .simple to dp, but it may save much suffering later. ■ There is no need to fear septic poisoning from summer injuries, if you do this. The American Red Cross is teaching thousands of men, women and children these simple rudi ments of first aid. It means the sav , *ug of many lives this summer.” i T~ ’ r •. The New Buick is here and we’ll l>e glad for you to call and look it over. STANDARD BUICK COMPANY Opposite City Fire Dejfc pm “LEMONADE WHAT IS” You really cannot imagine what a delicious drink Lemonade can be until you try one of our spe cials. Os course it is the pure fruit juice, but it’s the way we mix it. . Cabarrus Drug Co. PHONE 95 -USE— MEL-BRO LOTION FOR \f v >’-? ’ - Eczema, Eruptions, Blackheads, Heads, Pimples, Barbers Itch, Tetter, and other forms of itching and parasitic skin diseases. Sold at all drug stores. THE CONCORD DAILY, TRIBUNE i DOYOIfWANTUS to Prove It IF YOU want proof of the advantages of a check ing account, we direct you to any progressive business man, any efficient housekeeper—any per • i. son who appreciates real conveniences. The benefits of the checking account are indeed so manifold—and so manifest—that we scarcely know where to begin to list them. They can be fully appreciated only by those who use them. '^CITIZENS I?ANK <2/26/TRUST Company CONCOIIp, NORTH CAROLINA?-'' ■ j£9fv*# We Are Offering WONDERFUL VALUES In Watches, Jewelry, and Silver ware. See Our Display Be fore You Buy. It Will Pay You ST ARN ES-MILBER-P ARKER COL Jewelers and Optometrists ■ A ITCH! I Alfif HUNT'S GUARANTEED 1 SON DISEASE REMEDIES /fnf (Hunt’s Salve end Soap), fail In I * I Jjf the treatment pi Itch, Ecrema, J/j RingwornvTetter or other itch * ing akin diaeases. Try thia treatment at our risk. ECZENAP Money back without queetion % A^/ ; \ If HUNT’S GUARANTEED SKIM) DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt’aßalva and Soap),fail in I Ijfryi}] the treatment ofltch, Edema, TfO/ w It Rlngworm,Tetterorotherltch- f V If / I ins akin diecaeea. Try Uua * * XI • * treatments* our riek. ’'““pearl" drug company "Ob tbs Square” ; /imiß LOOK For 10 Days a Big Special Window Display Watches, Jewelry and Silver Every article a Bar gain. You Save the Difference The Old Reliable W. C. Correll Jewelry Company SWEETS! Big lot finest N. C. Comb Hon ey, fresh, bright and tender comb. Phone us your order. SUGAR. ' We have big con tract at best price, on Domino Fine granulated sugar, any size package^. 100, lbs, 25 lbs, 10 lbs. It’ niay \l?e a good time to buy. Pure Porto Rico Molasses. We have it always fresh. Your account is good with us. We deliver quick, everywhere. Cline & Moose _ NUX IRON TONIC Just what is needed for that tired feeling. Improves the appe tite. It Gives you Strength, Vim and Vigor. A large bot tle for 75 cents. PEARL DRUG CO. Phone 22 “On the Square” - ■ v iiiiiiiiiHiniiiinfHniiTfiUHinii COAL Government reports show coal production now is the lowest it has been in eight }ears. Contin ued low production means higher prices later on. Better buy some of CRAV EN’S double-screened high qual ity coal now while prices are low est. Everthing in coals. Phone us your order today and you will not regret it. K.L. Craven & Sons Phone 74 iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiuuiniiiiiiiiim FEED! FEED! For the benefit of those who want the best for the money we are still handling the famous Spartan Feeds in Spartan Dairy Spartan Horse Spartan Scratch and Spartan Laying and Growing Mash. These are real High Grade feeds at reasonable prices. . CABARRUS CASH GROCERY COMPANY . Phone 571 W BIGGLY WIGGLY Libby’s Deviled Ham, 2 3-4 oz. 03c Rex Cooled Brains, t s oz./—lli ; 27c Rex Corn Beef, 12 of. __-J24c Catalina Tuna Fish, 7 oz. :-'t- 30c Purity Cross Lunch Tongue, 6 1-3 oz. 24c County Cantaloupes and All V _ Fresh Vegetables >OOOOOOOOOOOqOOOO>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOPOO In our traveling bags there is \«jljßi a place for everything you will C? j f want to take on your vacation. * ] I j i / In these suit cases you Can packf Ji ff (j|\ a two week’s change and stilUajl u ml. have lots of room for a bottle — Fibre-—for carrying on the auto. I Dust and rain cannot hurt. V, ;> v Wt’’ | , We have the baggage for your trip Sf ■ ‘ » i and we have the proper capers to I carry in it. ' > t ,, ? v '•*■-**' Silk Hose—Powdre Blue—Tie to Match. * x , Collar attached Shirts 11 i Thin Suits , 1 j' Flannel Trousers ! | Cool Underwear ] | Tropical Weight Suits 1 i Wash Neckwear I Browns - Cannon Co. j i | “Where You Get Your Money’s Worth” OgOOOOOOCOOt)OOOe>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQinoOOOOOOOOOO<MOOOCA Beaver Grocery Co. * asp^t* Staple and Fancy Groceries % * y VINOL Fresh home raised vegetables, 3 . Fruit Jars, Jar Caps and Jar | Overworked Men- Rubbers." The famous Sunflow- j Weak, fiervous Women -J er and Elizabeth Flowers. | Strengthening old people IJ | Nursing Mo'thers. Phone us you* orders early. j f •, ( t| ‘Where Quality and Service Rule’ | Gibson Drug Store! Phone 130 75 S. Union St. j You Can Get Hot Rolls Now at the :: i CAROLINA CAFE i From 4 to 7 O’clock j; j ; We have taken over the Retail Line of the Concord ' ' i Bakery. Cakes, Bread, Rolls. j | TAKE DINNER WITH US TOMORROW j: CAROLINA CAFE { THE EDNA j One of Our New Mid summer Numbers ' jj Is Made exactly like cut, in I’atcnt and Satin. Just the thing for vacation wear. On 1: "; sale now and all sizes $7.45 ! IVEY’S ! "The Home of Good Shoes” hlil |, urn* “In a boy’s pocket you will find a jack knife.’^ \ “In a man’s pocket you will find keys.” “In a woman’s pocket you will find paint.” “At 210-212 West Depot Street you will find the Big- I gest, Busiest, Best Grocery Store in Concord.” t, “SEEING IS BELIEVING’’—COME AND SEE. L“ _ C. H. BARRIER & CO. i J / 210-213 W. Depot Street s \ W CONCORD, N. C. - I DELCO LIGHT Light Plants, Water Systems and Washing Machines Twenty-five different sizes of light plants. No. 836, the popular size delivered installed and house wired for ten lights for $571.50. Five per cent discount for cash on instilled contracts. Three dollars extra for each light over the ten lights above specified. j R.H. OWEN, Agent V\ Phone 069 < Concord, N. C, The Penny Ads. Get Result*—Try Them, PAGE FIVE

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