Hgife >. -.' . L* " - ' ?* "' m ^ ? ' > ~~~T""' am courier ? : J. W. KOELt,, "Editor. .. ipMatlsfcied Every Wednesday Bveutof "' "suii.sc'iurrio.v i kr^s"^" ' MM a year, 76 centi for 6 monthi i 46 caotryfor 3. months-^Caah in Ad ( - i- * . far vdaws expressed bp correspo* Sabered at tbs Poat Office at Box. hero, N. C? as secopd-class matter ?a?a? _ mi an I | i IIM???.'mmmmmmm. i . cr^nm AdW-runna H?T' Ventwtivd' j : . J rHP.AMERICANPREaf X^SQCUTJOy J """j^oxboPoT"N. C. April sth 1922 , ^11 ' J BACK HOME. SfT " ' . ^ I ' ' .far nearly nine years we havebeoi searing Uhclo Sam," and at the sapu \ tithe try inn to look after Tfhe Coii rier. Naturally, as our governmen duties required" us to .give at leas eight limits a day to that service vri bare had to slight the duties at thii <Ace. But on."the first of thia montl - .. w were. relieved of our governmen f job and we are happy to state wi ate "back on the job" under our owi root and?vine and will give our un divided time and attention to makinj The Courier nearer an ideal news paper. Of course, it" will not be Tu ideal, but Ve' hope to improve it~n many ways?no radical change bu just make-'it better" and bfctter weel Jjy week by siviiite ?ur^persanaJ_at ?? tention to the?little-thinga wbioh g< , ' " to make a newspaper. We expect to continue voting thi Democratic ticket?or "at least tfia part'of it which we think ia.compos :: ed of i^Dodpihd true men, but we an not g'oinjr. to .issue a partisan news - paper. It shall be our priviloRe, anc our pleasure', to criticise tl* arte" 6: Democrats just the. same as .we ex poet to condemn, the wrongful.acts o: Republicans. The mere fact that at . office holder ia a Democrat-?and per haps we may Have voted "for him. i: no; excuse for us to withhold criti cSaita, and' wc are not- Koi?er to do it In short, while we expect t6 vote tW Democratic ticket we are srping t< publish an iiv/evnV.i?iit newspaper wearing iio. man's collar. i.-i We expect to devote the remain t - dar of our life-ih IfVI'HU lu main - Roxbdro and Perabn 'County a 'bette place to live in; to try to aee if wi can not he^of some service to thi cominff generation5--by seeing tha1 they an&?qual chance with tht hoy* and rgirls of other towns ant J- counties; ?o ;a?? if we^carf not lend" Walpiny liuml irrdeaiing (his sectioi . of the .iniquitous blocka^er, and ii every w*y .possible do something foi the moral, educational and freligioua uplift of the people ftf a whole.' Fey six days, a week, when We an ' ' not fishing or attending a ball game we wui ho found in our office and cor digtlly' invite every one to come in an< see us, give, us -the nTew8~"froni youi V . section, and if you have no* news jus drop in and mtikt! yourself at home " prop your ffe$t'pn top of the "deal - . and .fill up your old" pipfc-?and if #01 | . forgot the pipe we usually Pave ai extra one Haridy, or a cigarette, o perthance a cigar wMch-is?yours fo ^ . the asking. In short inakc yourself a ' home, for we want to r^n.joy Irfe ah' - witnt you Vq enjoys it with us. ; ^ FARMfcRS LOST SlONEY I>j-19f2l ^ V *: - * ?o? r'7~ " On the seventh in this issui f will *be found an article headed. "Ar< J; ' the Crop Yields b'f , Person .Count; K-- Prpfitahle." We hofe every farme: [ . in the County will read this nriicU I "j: fo it shows what many of our fram ; era do not kiifiw. and that is. the I art- losinr tnomey,'*Of- course, ?{1 r. a- you know at Mbe end r'f the year tha F- - you tip not liiTt- mu,;h to show, fen U- 1 the year's work, hul f, n i f reu 1 imn Br just where you failed to make good i * Read this article and see'Just '.Vila at > it costs ybu to produce the?werioui crops, and gee what shU remedy' is |L_:. ctir.p: proppsumn. and hope it'is-got * - invr tobe of 1 jrreat help to every one . "but the real tHntr is to reduce ,th< eosf -of your crop by poducing inSfi . jier aero. On your tobacco last yeas 1 yott Met about two <TSTTlt? Tr>af hfln " drnd; nn your com you 3oat ttbeiil rr 26 cent# a'bushel, whife on Vour-o3 , ^ ; , . " crop'you lost cloacr Tb 60 dents a hush TarriiSr or merchant " "dan" "contmui f]: ~ losing money on'his-salsa without (tor . inv to t.h? Wall. " pettainTy,., eyery farm& d^ -noI , * . ,Z-2 /ii^' ' -- y . r <; y -, > " :,r , ; y'y : 1 Inw monpy. either on his tobaccp, corn or opt*, but tf?a average Jar me 1 | did, and most of.our farmers are on' ly average fanners. Read"lj>e. article , digest' it, and then > make up youi . mind that yon . are going to be one who will' prepare the seed,bed bet* ter, nse fetilizer more intelligent1 ly, rnd more thorougrlj cultivate after using, the seed and , fertilizer San? and sensible farming will pay . and *we believe we have sane and sen "! sible men -who are awakening to tlw fact that it taltes brains to rum t farm just as .-jt does to run a store cotton jnil) ar "lawyers office. ) Now, that the Co-operative Maket i ing has been put over w^j*wish w< * "had'the power to convince*'the plant tj er that if he expects to. deceive anj 1 benefits from this movement he masi ' not produce an unprecedented largi ' crop. tbr~ just as sure as he does H. 1 will get a very small average foi his crop. One of "the things we hope 5 the Co-Operative. Marketing Assocm J ' V. v , . tion- will do.js to keep this idea be fore th'e farther, for it will be im ! possible for the Association .'to-main _ .lain prices if a bumper crop-is raiset y_ t b. s. year.1^ T I ? f- - 0 1 ' In tija.death of Ci>l. Jno. S. Cun i ingham Persda County-loses one ol zens. for, notwithstanding- that hi , moved *>\ our neighbor County 01 t Durham about, twenty years ago h< . always claimed ..this (Jounty as-bit , home,, and was deeply, interested it '('he welfare of its peoplet^ttte wa; j bom and raised in this County anc | was honored many times by""The citi . liens, fewraeh have wielded a'Target l" influence in the County?than did j Colt Chinningham, and his death wil bring sorrow to many hearts.-*? ANNOtjXCEMteNT. 1. 1' hgrgfty aiinosnce" my self a. candi ' date "for the nomination of Sheriff : subject" to' the DemoChatic primaries > I Was born on the farm and have liv , ed. on the farm ever since, Sive foi y.'r time I'"Was in Camp and oversea! jn thB'late world war. I will appreci ate any kindness'shown me. and.es* pecia'liy yaur 'vote In Hid 1'nin.u,-.' Yours truly. ? ' SAMUEL P. JONES. , March 28, 1922: 4ts. * ~ 0 s ''ANNOUNCEMENT" ' j I desire to announce to the voten of this County that I am a CandidaU for nomination of Register of Deeds 1 subject tfi^the-Democratic Primaries > Truaflt^gj tHut the good pfr?|?te of tbh r county may see fit to favor roe wit) :l|^ .'-Thfi.1 c I A K. N ^ : !. ' . h I r - - " ft.. . * x -???r^-. : 1 * '. " "V : r- *v:- "*'* . - 'J THE BffXBORO^CQIIBlEB?Ai {heir hearty ?iyi> loyal support. And ' . eil to the said Office to render, to the people of, this Coupty the best ser[ Vice there is in my ability. Thanh- < " ing you, .1 am . , ' , Yours very. truly; ' Willie T. Kirby. . * . j ' ' , , o? ?- T t' . ANNOUNCEMENT - ~ - l hereby announce myAelf as can' did ate for the nomination for Register of Deeds subject to the demo' cratic primary. My " record;* as 1 worker for the party for t)ie past "thirty years is well known and ' will appreciate -the support of -my friends- . ^ 0. D. BAILEY. . Woods dale, N. C., B. F- D. - | ^-ANNOUNCEMENT. To The Voters of Persop Countj: I take (Mis method to. announce ' that I am a .candidate for the nomm[ ation of Sheriff for Pel-son CohntyT , subject ttf the Democratic primaries. ' T Viovp hnon pnnnru?fagl Oka. iff's officer for some time and how* Well I have., performed .nrx duties, yop all know. I think I know wWat is required to fill this position and be- , lieve I can fill it to the satisfaction of the good people of this County. If ' ybu think so, I will appreciate your . ' vates and if nominated shall try not "to" d-rsappeint?yiws, ... -Very', truly, ', 'U'. -\1ELVIN LLQNG. ANNOUNCEMENT. ' I desire to annouce to the voters - uf this" County ItTnr 1 am a candidate 5 far .the nomination . of. Register of f Deeds, subject to . the-Democratio Y primaries. I will, greatly appreciate . anything you_may_di> for .me. I am no sSrajiger to the moat of you, hav- " ' ing beeii. raised on. a. farm in this ' County, and spent all'of my life with I you. r ' . Thorkine those "who have so gen. erously tendered their support and trusting you'will give me a- liberal vote, I anii~ J-' Yours very truly. >' - JAMES H. WHJTT , ANNOUNCEMENT. * . , - I beg- to announce to the people of . Person County that-I am a candidate - for the nomination of Sheriff, sub c joct to the Democratic primaries. i -This is my native County, and while . I have, been living in the adjoining . County of Durham, I am back home, .any,' M.mtr of ybU | know me personally and to those I who do not know me, as almost any qf your friends. - In asking: for thiif nomination I feel that my <<fperie"nce of 12 years in this kind of Work qualifies _me to ' fill the office with satisfaction'"to you, and therefore - I -"csk fSr your. | support. . * .' j - Very, "respectfully", 1 ! pX L.MOORE. LiMW-Uiiiyiiunui' m - - ' i - * ' / * rirst National ROXBORO, N.C, Hie convenient Bank on he corner. / 2o-Operation our Wcftchwoi Ve invite both Active and savings Accounts. V Ve pay 4 percent every 60 V. R. Wilkerson, President', I A. Burch, Vice President y; 'T \/ii. i-> ? iv . i. i aas, v li-e president i. G. Clayton, Cashier,., _______ . , , ft Fhoa, B. iWoody, Asst.. Casi H. Wilson Asst. "Cashier. - -?i.-. i . ? UC, ' < ' '' I ?Jf * . ? ? -"i ? i.; ~ C * . . - " ? - ' " ~ . ' PFuiu .Mitrr-nwy - . Hanaro lis and Frequent Sprayings n?.? ;7 * Naoaeaary to Insure Returns to _ ' ?' immmiuui m,iugrnpj. . ~ OM c{ the principal of tbe numerous slogans of tbe successful cottag* tardener is "Get the ,Bug^?and (Jet Em Eerly!". V ' - | Unless (he bugs aie killed .'before they: have time to breed, the gardener has about a ninny trountM <U pi; s-haa he has Deglected the weeds! . . The majority of young plants are In- \ tested with different kinds of bugsFlowprs usually are as badly affected . Spraying -Yj*ng Plants. us vegetables* The United States Department of Agriculture says: One of the principal methods of combating both Sieau$ an cfTh sects which attack plants-Is treatment with fungieldes and Insecticides. Bordeaux mixture is used for a control of fungous diseases of mapy vegetables ld&d 1H1HS and AH a deterrcnt" of'flea-beetle * attack. ItV^ean be purchased la convenient package form ' from seed dealers* or prepared at homefrom bluestone (copper sulpfwite), which cosUC.10 to, 25 cents per pound, and frefeh stojie or lump lime (quick lime). Bluestope. fjpur ounces; quicklime, four ounces; water, 12 quarts.' Or bluestone. fouj- - i>ounds; quicklime, four pounds; water, ^0 gallons. = Dissolve the Mue-stQne in. a. woodon or earthenware vessel, using hot water. Dilute with half the water. Do not use in tin jor other metal containers, fis they~'v>YOuld be spoiled. Slake the lima by adding. Water, a liU- ; tie at a. time: When reduced t*> a milky ffuid,'dilute with the. rest of the water and strain, through' doubled cheesecloth or a br^ss w|re strainerof IS' meshes' per inch and "pour Into It the bluestone solutlOD. Stir well T and npply nt once. This is best when pcepa red j fresh. for .each uslQg. . OANPFY AMD CbAV G01L i The chief virtue of sandy-soli, says the United'States Depart- I meat of Agriculture, is that .the roots of piaats c an pass through It readily ;Tts"Tfilef. fault Is that it drlc8<<rtit .too quickly. Glay soil holds water well, but It j "Tends rn novfli sro' bardou. Both. types of soilTAed stable manure j ?At loosens 'up clay and helps M I || sane to liald moisture. ' ^ Bank 1 days. ~^ ' \\iety V |j r ?? - - " i li xy> ' \' S3W IS HER FOl it' the, StiiU Coat, Dres hat"will be booming tc n. Our, Spring l,ine8 of Piec'eGoods ahd~??ovel re as low as can be foui r is just around the cori one wants tb. be well di a ler. ine best, (tressed folks tha a ir\ Roxboro. and most of them 1 get the best and save money. 1 \\ ? i.yp itlvvnv : nlorjncr\ ith on'i a ' 1 nit. tiiTTfljO yiJDaiJtiL yvz__3xjr J Harris ^ | RdXBORO'S B Safety C Boxes f oi SMALL BOX PER MEDIUM BOX PEI > *- LARGE BOX PES T. E. AlJSm PRESIDENT lib ' = ~j. Jtvery man wants to provid drenrnot only todjatrbtrt-ahnrfi however, are carele.ss.and alld\ to prevent the.rri frft'm giving.-^! * ore^'THis brings-gadness and Start aolAccount irv eur Ba fast-resolution to ACCUMULA* and#oocJimily^9 future. It will atftihyr. y-> ??^ "XAAA H '^Tilrn _l . TTTTT _ VToTCV .> -1- *" : aT 7 V * v - \ ? . f . - . "' - -J ==????? > . r 1 h't *> ' * " . *"? f. , ? - ritig ; ' - i] , : Outfit I E M S YOU l ' s. Hat, Shoes anjl Hose t6 @1 i you is here awaiting' your H| ReadyTo-Wear, Millinery, sj ties are now comnlete Our 1 - - r.. - i r id for equal quality. Spring -.y- , ly. Easter is not far away. P ressed for Spring anji Eos- Ij j t you see buy their clothes m buy from us, because they f B Come arrd let us show you. Ja ve rob' !' B ^ fcf Burns 1 V' EST STORE! . II deposit r Rent v ; ; ' ' YEAR $1.00 V t YEAR $1.50 " - | YEAR to.nn " I - . mm r ~ ..a. x'_ 1 . ' . "' -. - . ,.-f ' - :' ?I Bank | your Money I fetymr 1It is your ... II ^ ' r-'?? ' gj& , i - r " V . ;J .... a ie'for his wife and CMt- - " r"'-J of'tlw-FUTURE; Some,,f?? ' " v -The pleasures wf today oper 'attention to the furrtisfer*Jater>on. . 7*' A nk to<fay'whh,tfie ste^cbv ' ^y r? MONEY for your ow.rt I bring happiness to -ypu y yy / " - ~ . _ . rrte you.". y*""7" . ' ;"? ? , ' , es Bank ~^ ' J i 1^1 Ur" , ?--S-" . . ' " ^ A-'- ' ? ? !

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