de Sam's Giant of the Ait Tin* Marling Bomber Is the world's biggest airplane. Required two and one-half y?*rs to build, cost ing $400,000. As 90ttn.:i? Lieut. John A. MtcReady finishes expeiimental flight tests it will be stored at WcCookPMd, Daytdl; Ohio. ' /? ** **?" MOTWF.R:- et cher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Sub stitute for Castor Oil, - T?aregpric, Teething- Drops aflr! Soothing Syrups, pared for Infants in arms and Children all ag?s. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of i'rovT ''"rrtions ?2 ?2?li rackago. Physicians everywhere recommend it. <momi YOVR HOME TOWN WRCHAHL <e? wcaotw-cqs rv/s ?K? WrrHGHILO LABOR, LAWS AND w?men *( Politics therc ? nothimg For father to do our GOTO WORK-, ^ro THE FARMERS OF PERSON COUNTY: DO YOl) WANT TO HELP YOUR STATE? DO YOU WANT TO HELP PERSON COUNTY? DO YOU WANT TO HELP YOURSELVES? Then sell your tobacco in ROXBORO ? Farmers From GRANVILLE, JXJRHAM, CASWELL and ORANGE COUNTIES are selling here at HIGHLY SATISFAC TORY.PRICES. WI^YjjotYOU? Sales are heavy every day, but we manage to get around ? without blocking and the farmers are not kept waiting as on the larger market. At the same time eVery lot is given closest attention and no pile overlooked. All grades of good tobacco are still advancing and the average has risen more than $5.00 per hundred pounds since the first of the season. Common tobacco still predominates in the offerings though we are selling some good serviceable tobacco everyday. * Mondays sa^ amounts to about" f60,(]()Q -lbs. and rep resented tobacco from eight or mor? counties in N. C., arid some, from Virginia. So bring your tobacco to Roxboro and Save long waits on the big markets and hauling charges,; HYCO WAREHOUSE, W T. Pass and Co. WINSTEAD WAREHOUSE CO T. D. Winstead Co. PLANTERS WAREHOUSE, W L. Umstead y SLOT SFAMS. Tn the smaH p-iati at the right I )*ve shown' the process of making ?the slot eeams that arc used . to trim many of the more tailored } ^eilumes. To make this kind cf i aaam you will need a .<ay atrip ?>f t he material a3 ffcSwn r.t A." This strip should be cut a:* lot'.T -- seam is to be and 6b oil and a half wide. Tho t kit < .'Lhe seam shbuld be b...*k . i.rl basted to' the play.- strip ? ? .hut there is a narrow or dkei: betWeen them. Tho ??r.vh-m; shown at B and C is usually rrytia about three-eights of &n, inch hark from the. edge-. 1 It is always Vest to press a acam i of this kind both before and .ofte r it ia: stitched. JtEABFRS:? rtJTII WYWB il'KAHS' filOBtratrd itfinpkU* ,#ALTi:ulN(? PAT . TF.RN8 ANV-. F'.tTiNC" h Ut*. Sk?TI Chftwer ><tot? driunnklns problems \V ritl ?r in care of thU neirapftptr, . endvsin# ?tra In uuupfckt. 1. ? - ? FAIIJY TALES Do Fairy Tales and Dreams Ever Come Tr'ue? - Tlie tiny wards cf . St. Vinccnt'^ crphan asylum for girls at Syracuse { N\ Y.V declare that they do? if cne wishes hard enough and lcnjg enough And they " to i.riow, for just ree what wishing did.?<Jr them. Being an orphan doesn't p.revent one from wishing, and fsr- a long time thefce little girls hav e c;r. i? t v ? ' eri cn a wish for an autonte-nuc. " Not an ordinary, automobile,' but a big sleek limousine with wire | Wheels and shiny nickled fitting's | that would glide silently down., the* boulevard and ' kweep. up t the Ird^s with a ; migh.ty surge of power. . And then, one- day, there appeared -at the; doer the orphanage, as if by magic, just "the car .of thvir dreams,. They rubbed their eyes and pinched themselves, hut there it stayed with the ^uiv glinting on . its __ . ~ ? * ? ? | Subscribe for THE COURIEIl ~i nicklcu fitting ?. I ? A very rich man . made ponsible : t'pe foHfilmentof the 'dreams of' then orphan children. ? He bought) a Lincoln Umcusim) art;i presented" it Iff the asylum, perhaps jn remem brance of the day* wtien he sold nuwpapfrii on the streets of Syra cuse and dreamed his dream* A one-day conference; on fertill lers will bo held at State College, ^December 9. A program giving facts found about fertilizers in No.lh Carolina. Las UctAi arranged. i Tsiri TkAeel ?*>.' Its is minx to fied up >:kk producing ration 'to h'i? ' hens this winter and get some of thai. I nrcnev being spent for high-prie?t- ' oKga. _ \ . i ? ? 6 ? __ In three cariri- houses of Bed fort 'County, 24, <100 bushels of sweet, potatoes have been stored and are about cured out.- Two'<cf, the houses are filled to capacity Some f?np ers of the count}- made a yield ?( 300 bushels ? pjr acre of first tTsde : potatoes, reports County Age?t E. I>. Welch. - ' *iif L s ? ? 1 1. ^ ? The ! Danville Warehouse Co. OPERATING 5 BIG WAREHOUSES IN DANVILLE VA., FOR OVER 50 YEARS THE LEADING BRIGHT TOBACCO MARKET OF THE WORLD. ACRE'S BANNER WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE M. O. Nelson", W. T. Keeling, , W. T. Fowlkes, ' - J.- C. Roberts, J. E. Neal, Mgrs. S. P. Robertson, Mgrs. ^HOLLANDS PLANTERS WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE - H. W. Winstead, Mgr. J. K. Dudley (Formerly of Iioxboro ? C. B. Davis, N. C. Mgrs; : ; ,1 UNION WAREHOUSE Geo. A Myers and H; C.Swansdn, Managers. Prices continue as high as they have been on all smok ing types, particularly so on grades having COLOR. Fine wrappers in demand and high. One of otir branches having sold a small pile of 30 pounds to one of the "Big" Companies , at $1.00 a pound. . Bv Bring us your next load and we, will Convince you ? that no man or men can. sell your tobacco for a HIGHER w PRICE. ... S' Each of dur houses are managed by men: who:< name P m<?ans something to the tobacco growers ? Men who B have spent a life .time in the business. We 'want to please you and will work hard fo'r your beat interest? Eg Come. To- See Us: ? T" Sj . ? . Yours for Service, The Danville W arehoose Co. Acree's, Banner, Hollands, Planters =? and Union For Undertaking Gall On mWh % f E. D. Cheek & Co. [ Better Prepared I har* Ever Betore To Serve 1 ou ||

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