VOL. 1. nrTjT? . *' A nt-# Caswell County Linked With The Virginia Line Caswell county's public square "is-cow linked with the Virginia state line, just beyond Gatewoods, by one of the very best paved roads in North Carolina. accord ing to expressions from a number of excellent good road men who have driven their cars over the wonderfully fine herring bone finish. This smooth and inviting sur face has already been thrown open to the traveling public from Yancey villq to a point beyond Hogan's Creek, with the promise that the remaining stretch from the later point to the Virginia connection wi!) iikewise be open in a few more days. There yet remains a considerab!o,amount of shoulder construction on the route, but it is now indicated that this work will be put over with the quickest possible dis patch. When finally competed, it is generally believed that this road will carry with it the most splendid reputation for efficiency in construction Fed by the streams of travel down No. 65 from the Rocking ham county tine; from No. 62 leading from Trottingwood, and Ttnatty frbm the magnificent oited surface of No. 14 from the pubtic square at Yanceyvitte to Prdspect Hitt, the Danvitte Yanceyvitte hard surfaced road wit! moist cer tainty be one the heaviest travet ed routes anywhere in this sec tion, it is betieved. Caswett county's historic pub tic square witt shortty be covered beneath a strong sheetirtg of con Crete, it is now indicated With practicatty att of the excavation work in shape, and with the mer ry music of the mixer ringing out from earty morn to dewy eve, promise <of an earty comptetion is most evident. The scope of the work takes in the entire surface of the pubtic square and when hnatty com pleted such a thing as age otd red mud of the plot wit! be unknown. This work, it is retated, is a co operative one. it) which the State oYNorfh Carotiha. the Caswett county board of commissioners and the Caswett county road commissioners and abuting prop erty owners are the contributing parties. MCREBI8LE STORY Rf A 0R6 AMR A S9MRRR .^ There is a Boy Connected With It, Too. This is squirrel hunting sea son. One night last week there was a bunch of men gathered at W. T. Oliver's store in Miiton. There were G. G. Donoho, Jim Brandon. Fieid Gordon, and sev eral others. Some of them were setting on the counter, some on nail kegs and the rest of them were standing around, backed up against the counters. Capt. Donoho said, 'T want you to hear that squirrel story that was just told here a while ago ' So he goes out and brings in the man who had just told the following yarn: A man had a single barrel, muzzle loading shot gun which he kept in the rack, loaded He had told his boy he couldn't use the gun. But one day the boy had such a hankering to go squir rel hunting that he decided to take the gun out and kill him a squirrel. He thought if he could bring back a squirrel with him his father's displeasure would be appeased So he called up hus dog and went on out to the woods with the gun. Pretty soon he spied a squirrel up in a tree, got a good (CoatuMted o* Page S) REGISTRATION BOOKS OPEN ON SATURDAYS The registration books of Cas wet) county wit! be open on each Saturday through October, the tast Saturday in the month being ^hattenge day.. Those who wish to make use of the franchise now in the pos session of at! the citizens of this repubtic on the condition that they be registered had better have themsetves registered if this has not atready been attended to. say the authorities. H SEMEME ttttPQSEB EM MUM HUH Judge Hatchett Commits Louis Collins to Jait on Two Counts. In a triat before the Recorder's Court at Yanceyvitte last Tues day, Judge T H. Hatchett pre siding, Louis CoiHns, of Puriey, was found guitty of transporting and setting the anti-Votstead pro duct. It is understood that Sheriff John H. Gunn and his deputy as sistants made a raid on tast Sat urday night and caught Louis red handed. . The; report that comes to The Messenger over the wire is that Judge Hatchett put the ctamps on Louis and fixed him so that he witt not be annoying the taw abiding citizens of Purtey and demoratizing the neighborhood for at teast "eight months, the length of the jail-sentence impos ed. It is atso teamed that the Judge gave the county commissioners the privilege of hiring Louis out to the Atamance county officials to work on the roads of Ata tuance. TEACHERS OF CASWELL TO DO EXTENSION WORK Superintendent Istey Appeals For Large Attendance. Caswell Teachers: Dr. Dashiell of the Extension Teaching Department of the State University will be in the Bartlett Yancey school auditorium. Yan sreyville. next Saturday. October [6th. at :0:3d o'clock, to begin work in the extension class. A course in "Genera) Psychology" or "The Psychology of Learning " or a course !n English can be given Mr. Little of the Depart ment says. Likely the second course named is the best for teachers who have not had it. This course gives credit in re newing or raising certificates ; or toward A. B. degree 1 think the fee is $:o.oo for the course To qualify for this course col lege entrance credit must be offer ed or the Elementary B. certi ficate will qualify one to enter Please read over this letter with all teachers. All teachers who are interest ed should be on time for the cohrse. October :6th, 10:30 o'clock. Ajound 30 teachers at the meet ing Saturday, October 2nd, de cided to enter the extension class. This is a personal appeal to you and to the other teachers to tielp get the work started and to help keep it going. The class will need you Most cordially yours, Robert W. Istey, County Superintendent Schools. * Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Long and Miss Alice Thompson,* of Haw River, were guests at the hqme of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Thompson. Sunday. , _ Assistant Attorney General Renders Decision Says CasweH Messenger Is " Proper Vehicle For Legal Notices. The report has come to us that some legal adverttsmg and notices have been withheld from the columns of The Messenger because it is being printed out of the county^ On hearing this we wrote to the Attorney General of North Carolina for his opinion and decision in the matter. Assistant Attorne/ General. Frank Nash, replied to our letter saying that The Caswell Mes senger is a "proper vehicle for the publication of legal notices." This settles the matter, and no one need hesitate to publish any legal advertising or notices whatsoever for fear that they would not have full force in law. or would not he valid, or would he illegal in any sense of the word. Notices and advertising pub lished in The Caswell Messenger are of full force in law. and meet with all the requirements indicated hy the law. The tetter of Assistant Attorney General Nash on this sub ject is printed in full below: STATS OF WORTH OASOMWA DEPARTMENT OP ATTORNEY GENERAL RALBKm ' DBNNI3 G. BRUMMITT. Attorney OtaenU AwMsat Attom+y! 9*a*rtt: rSAWH WASH CHARLES ROSS . JOHN H HANWOOB October 4. tqjh. Mr. Cecil Jones, ^ _, Yancey ville, N. C. Dear Sir: Tbe Caswell Messenger, under the circum stances detailed in your letter of September 30th and as it appears upon inspection of the paper itself, is published In Caswell County in such way as to make it a proper vehicle for the publication of legal notices. Yours truly. FRANK NASH Assistant Attorney General. A MttMM UUMIERLY MUfEREttCEOIREW HQPE MUton Circuit Ofhciafs WiU Meet on October 33rd. The fourth and Rna! quarterty conference of the annua! confer ence year for the Mittun circuit witi f)e hetd at New Hope church on Saturday mominn. October 23rd, at < t o'cfock. I hc' stewards and other of hciats of the churches on the cir cuit ar^ appeatiug to the mem bers to meet their church oh!tRa tions for ttte year, prior to the 23rd. if possible. ft is their de sire to be able to render a good account for each of the chrucht?* at the conference at New Hope. And The Messenger is asked to say that a fu!) attendance of the stewards, trustees, and other of hciats is earncstiy desired. MRS. C W MEADOWS DIES SUDDENLY The sympathy of the entire neighborhood went out to the be reaved husband and children of Mrs. Claude W. Meadows, this week when her life suddenly passed away at her home near Gatewood Store. Mrs. Meadows was the mother of eight children, the youngest being*only four months old Be sides her husband and children she leaves a widowed mother and three sisters to mourn her loss. At the time of her death the four youngest children were ill with whooping cough. CASWELL SINGERS CONVENTION TO MEET IN YANCEYVILLE The Caswell County Singers Convention will meet at Yancey ville on the fifth Sunday in Octo ber, at 2 o'clock p. m., says Rev. I. T. Underwood, one of the pro moters and leaders ^ Li tty e Helen Fry Long, of Durham, is a guest of her grand mother, Mrs ). M Long, this week. PtWMMEMMMETEOM MO. M EMOEO OCT. 5 Road WiH Be Open For TraHic In t# Days. The Messenger is in .receipt'of the following message with re gard to the completion of the Construction work on highway No. t4 leading from Vance vvi tie to Danville. After the last of the concrete poured on October 5th has,been allowed to. set for t4 flays it is said that the highway wilt be opened fof traffic. A)) Casweti wit! rejoice in this good news, and there is no doubt but that numbers of the Dan vide people wit! be equally gfad. A correspondent from the Gate wood Shady Grove neighborhood sends the following report: The constructiott of the new road is nearing cpmplction. The pouring of concrete was held up on Friday by rain but they re sumed work on Saturday, and it is believed that that portion of work will be competed by Tues day, October $th, as planned, ft is certainly a systematic manager merit and an orderly crowd. It is a pleasure to see so big a piece of work going on so smoothly and with such entire absence of disorder. Strictly business seems the motto. On Saturday the mixer was about half way be tween Gatewood and the resi dence of Mr. N. C. Hodges when work began in the morning, or it may have been a bit nearer State line. A detour for those on Shady Grove road was for sev eral days through fields and woods of Mr. E. W. Carter. But on Friday a bridge was plac ed across road at junction of Shady Grove and YanceyviHe roads eliminating that detour, except for those living on left. The dry fall has been greatly to the advantage of the construction force. Mr. and Mrs. Oeve Wagsta?, of Person county, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paut Stephens. ... .. .Ma ... \ .. . . . Mr.'and Mrs. (1. C. Snapp Injured In Auto Accide CASWELL POULTRY OWNER WINS PRIZES S. R. Attred, of Caswett, coun ty exhibited 28 pure bred Ancona chickens at the Six-County Fair hetd recentty at Mebane He won eteven ribbons and $2600 in cash, with first and second prizes on at! birds except two. Mr. Attred says that he is ex hibiting chickens at the" Virginia State Fair, Greensboro and t otumbia, S. C. It is a source of much grati fication that the peopie of. Gas wet! are getting rid of scrub chickens and cattte, and reptacing them with pure bred stock. CASWELL AM UMiMIA OFMEHS HAKE RAIO Capture a Still on The Virginia Sids. Sheriff Gunn, of Caswett and his deputies !ast week assisted the Virginia authorities in captur ing a stit! at or near the home of a Mr. Doughty, who lives just off of highway N<b. !4, so it is re ported. - And according to this report fifteen gattons of hooch were atso found on the premises and con fiscated or poured out. The Messenger witt endeavor to secure a more debited and accurate account of this raid, which is considered to be one of] mote than ordinary importance, since ^t invotves one of the king bees of the btockading business. TEACHERS CONVENTION MEETS AT YANCEYVILLE Athietic Association For County Planned. Through Miss Atice Taytor, a member of the facutty of the Cobb schoo), it was teamed that ptans are being laid for the or ganization of an athtetic associa ! tion to be formed by the seven targer sciuwds of the county—r, : Cobb's, Yanceyvitte. Pet ham, Sentora, i.easburg, Anderson, and Prospect Hitt. Miss Taytor was present oh tast Saturday to hetp in the or ganization of the athtetic associa tion of the county, and to assist in arranging a schedute of games. ft was teamed that Cohb^s basketbati team was the prize team of the county under the coaching of Miss Taytor. The friends of athtetic sports throughout the county say that they woutd tike to see the teams of the various schoots composing the association disptay reat sports manship this year, and be abte to ptay together in harmony, with out the exhibition of iti temper and unbecoming jeaiousies. THE POLITICAL POT IS BEGINNING TO BOIL As November the and ap proaches the candidates for the various offices to be supptied this year are beginning to bestir themseives. The citizens, who wish to vote inteiiigentiy shoufd post themseives on the issues and shouid hear the candidates. And those who hope to vote at ai! shouid he safe to be registered. ^ J. E. KrNG. Of CASWELL, HAS OPEND AN OFFICE IN BURLINGTON Ou&feHow citizen, J. E. King, together with C W Hotmes, Jr., of Aiamance. have the Homeiite ^aies Agency for the state, with headquarters at Buriington. Mr and Mrs C, C. Snapp, weM known citizens of the New Hope community, were painfully injur- 3 ed in an automobiie accident Sat urday afternoon around four - o'clock. when the car in which they were riding, was struck^by ^ a Dodge touring car Privet' by Jack Fuqua. near the WiHiamao* curve on the county road leading_^ from Yancey vitte to Milton. about three mites east of this place, % Mrs. Snapp sustained the'fq&c ture of se\-era) ribs and was sett ousty cut about, the face. Mr. Snapp. white injured to a slighter degree, stit! received painful cuts' ^ about the head and arm. * Four persons were in the Dodge car at the time of the contact, and neither of them was hurt. In the Dodge car, beside the driver, Jack Fuqua, were John Dowdy and two women from Danville. The entire party was from Vir ginia. The car. it was said, be longed to John Dowdy. Mr. and Mrs. Snapp were brought to Yanceyvitle where they received first aid treatment by Doctors Malloy and Gwyno. SheriH Gunn and Deputy Bark er, immediately after the accident, visited the scene of the wreck where they found both cars badly smashed Particulars of the wreck, it is understood, will be k Fuqua will be given a hearing be fore the Recorder's Court. ft is understood that the Vir ginia car belongs to John Dowdy who lives on No. t4 not far from the North Carolina line, and that Jack Fuqua. John Dowdy and two youyg women from Danville, were returning from a visit to friends in the Semora section and were on their return home when the accident occurred. ))!HS. TOCKER HOSTESS TO MILTOM BOOH CEO! Mrs f K "Fucker washostCSS to the Mi!ton Book C!ub on Thursday afternoon, September to, at her tovety-country home, T,ongwood." There was no titerary program, the time being given to a business session, which inciuded unfinished business from tast year. Election of officers, making the new ro!t, selection of new books and arranging the programs. The officers for the year. tQ36 !Q37, are as fottows: Mrs. J. E. Tucker, president: Mrs. C. B. Austin, vice president; Mrs. M. S. Angte, secretary; Mrs. W. L. Thomas. Jr., tibrarian. The open ing meeting for the year wiM be he!d by Mrs. C. B. Austin, on October nth. Three hew mem bers were invited to join. Mrs. J. 1.. Satterfietd. Mr. F. G. Batd win. and Mrs. John Newman. At the ctose of the business meeting Mrs. Tucker, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Ei!en Donoho, served deiicious refreshments. The guests present on this oc casion were Mrs. WiMiam Mor ris. of -Shanghai. China, and Mrs. Theodore D. Caswe!!. of Augusts, Ga. , ,:S COMMISSIONER FRANK PAGE OF RALEIGH, IN YANCEYVILLE ' : It is reported that Highway Commissioner Frank Page was in town a short while the other day It is presumed that he investigating .the*road cons) tion work at ready done, and ning for future A a ten ahon nnssioner. gretted th week

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