Watch This Figure Grow! THIS WEXE 2,234 Net, Paid -In -Advance Subscribers , 2,234 LAST WEEK ?[!)? <ijigManb# Jllacontan PROGRESSI f "A' LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LXII? NO. 16 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1947 $2.00 PER YEAR PLAN COURSES IN SWIMMING. WATER SAFETY Red Cross Also To Offer Classes In Accident Prevention Here Arrangements to offer county wide courses in first aid, life saving, water safety, and acci dent prevention were made at a meeting called Tuesday by the ltev. W. Jackson Huneycutt, county chairman of the Amer ican Red Cross. The courses will be free, and county-wide participation is urged, Mr. Huneycutt said. Features of the year-round program will include a swim ming Instructors' class, swim ming classes for beginners, and intermediate groups, and life saving; and classes in first aid and accident prevention. The swimming instructors' class will be under the direction of Ellis D. Fysal, Red Cross rep resentative in first aid, acci dent prevention and water saf ety for North Carolina. Mr. Fysal has had wide experience in the recreational field, hold ing an A. B. degree in physical education from the University of North Carolina in 1929. He was All-Southern guard on the 1929 U. N. C. football team, and served as football coach at Elon college, the University of North Carolina, and Wake Forest. Present plans call for an in structors' class in swimming to be held during the first part of July. This course will offer three hours' instruction daily for two weeks. This class will provide instruc tors for swimming classes for ? Continued on Pace Eigh* Mars Hill Glee Club To Present Program Sunday The Mars Hill college glee club will conduct the program at the morning service of the First Baptist church Sunday. The glee club, made up of 50 voices, is conducted by Mrs. Elizabeth Logan Souther. On the program are both clas sical and modern numbers, as well as two spirituals. There was a good deal of amusement last Friday night at the "Spelling Bee", notwith standing several of the parti cipants were pretty badly stung. Those who went in bet ten cents on being a good speller. Frank Ray was an excellent model of the " old field" schoolmaster and he organized his forces on the old knock down system. F. S. Johsnton and J. S. Sloan were captains to choose out. The two classes numbered about eighteen to a side. It was not long be fore some of them began to take "bad-spells" and had to re tire to resi. In fact, about three dozen, less one, had a bad spell. The only fellow to | have a good spell was W. R. Johnston, who took the prize? a bouquet of flowers. The amount realized for the par sonage fund was sometiung j.ei five dollars. 25 YEARS Ago Mr. Walter E. Furr, who Is a student at the Atlanta Dental College, will have an added in ducement to hurry home this spring. For he is now the proud papa of a baby boy, who made his appearance In Frank lin on Monday April 10. 10 YEARS AGO Organization of an active chamber of commerce, which has been under discussion in the business circles of Franklin, now seems to be a certainty. Meet ings have been held this week by various groups of business and professional people of the town and directors have been chosen to represent them in forming and carrying on the ^Organization. The following have been chosen by the various groups: Hotels, Miss Lassie Kelly, utilities, John Archer, professional people, not yet sel ected, petroleum products deal ers. John Cunningham, merch anU, T. W. Angel, Jr., A. R. Hlgdon, and J. E. Porry. GIVEN ^iTATE POST? Herbert A. McGlamery, Macon County representative in the last gen eral assembly, has been appoint ed' state probation officer, and assumed his new duties Monday. Mr. McGlamery, who will serve in this district, will have head quarters in the courthouse in Asheville. In his new work, he will deal with defendants put on probation by the state courts. He plans to move his family to Asheville about June 1. MISS A. SLAGLE DIES SUDDENLY Well Known Macon Native Succumbs At Niece's Charlotte Home Miss Annie Slagle, 81, widely known Macon County resident, died suddenly at the home of her niece, Mrs. C. R. Zachary, of Charlotte, Saturday night, following a short illness. Shortly before her death, she had ap peared to be in her usual health Miss Slagle, or "Miss Annie" as she was known to the many local residents and tourists who had stopped for a meal or a summer at her home, a fertile farm located at the foot of Wayah Bald, lived with her brother, the late John Slagle, most of her life. At this historic and well known Macon County landmark, she had offered a haven of rest to all travelers who passed by since the days of wagon trips to "The Bald." She sold the farm last year and had been residing in Char lotte with her niece since that time. Miss Slagle, the daughter of the late Elam Slagle and Aman da Crawford Slagle, was born May 11, 1865. She was a member of the Slagle Memorial church for many years and later be came a member of the Franklin Presbyterian church. Surviving are a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at the Franklin Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, rector of the St. Agnes Episco pal church, the Rev. B. Hoyt Evans, pastor, and the Rev. J. A. Wallace, former pastor of the Presbyterian church, conducting the service. Interment followed in the Franklin cemetery. Pallbearers were Dick Slagle, Javan Gray, Jim Gray, John Slagle, George M. Slagle, and Cliff Slagle, nephews. The tody was brought to the Bryant funeral home Monday, where It remained tintil time for the service. Mrs. McDonald Dies At Otto Home At Age Of 83 Mrs. Tlshie E. McDonald died at her home at Otto Tuesday night at 8:30 o'clock. She was 83 years of age. A native of Clay county, she was the widow of W. T. Mc Donald, who died about five years ago. She had lived at Otto for about 35 years, and was a member of the Coweta Baptist church. Survivors inclu'de one brother, Henry Holden, of Otto, and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were set for 3 p. m. today (Thursday) at the Asbury Methodist church, with the Rev. Oeorge Cloer of ficiating, and burial In the church cemetery. Pallbearers: Tom Oladwell, Charlie Moffltt, John Conley, James Powell. Greenlee Holden, and Rufus Holden. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Bryant funeral home. SCHOOLHEAD TO BE NAMED ON WEDNESDAY About Ten Applications On File With Board; Committee Act* The Macon County board of I education will meet next Wed nesday morning at 10 o'clock for the purpose of electing a county superintendent of schools for a two-year term. When the board takes up the question of a superintendent, it will have before it approximate ly 10 applications for the posi tion. The exact number of applica tions on file could not be learn ed, since Chairman C. Gordon Moore is in Raleigh this week. A week ago, however, he an-; nounced that he had received eight, and it is known that at least one other person has ap plied since that time. Wednesday's meeting will be the second since members of the new board ? Mr. Moore, | Frank Browning, Ed Byrd, Wal ter Gibson, and Bob Sloan ? were appointed by the general as sembly. At its first session, held April 7, the board deferred nam- 1 ing a superintendent, in order to comply with the law requir- ; ing 15 days' public notice that a superintendent is to be elect ed. Meanwhile, the local school 1 committeemen appointed by the board at its first meeting have been active. The Franklin committee, after discussing its duties with Supt. Guy L. Houk Friday, held an organization meeting at which John E. Cabe, former member of the school board, was named chairman, and A. R. Higdonwas elected secretary. After discuss ing the committee's first duty, the election of a principal of the Franklin school, the com mittee set April 30 as the date for a meeting to choose a prin cipal. The committee in each district is responsible for the election of a school principal and teachers, subject to the ap proval of the school board and the county superintendent. Also attending Friday's con ference with Mr. Houk was Clint May, member of the Nan tahala district committee. Two members of the Highlands com mittee discussed their duties J with Mr. Houk at a conference I last Thursday. : I MissB.McGee Dies On Her 68th Birthday Miss Elizabeth (Betty) Caro lyn McGee, much beloved and widely known Macon County resident, died at Angel hospital Tuesday morning, her sixty eighth birthday, as the result of a heart attack. Miss McGee had been con fined to the hospital since suf fering a broken hip on election day last fall. In recent weeks, her condition had been much improved and she had expected to leave the hospital in the near future. Miss Betty, as she was known throughout the county, was born in Macon County April 14, 1879, the daughter of Charlie W. and Mrs. Virginia McGee. She had spent her entire life in this county, and was widely known for her unfailing cheerful na ture. For the greater part of her life she was a member of the Mt. Zlon Methodist church, but in recent years she had trans ferred her membership to the Franklin Methodist church, hav- . ing been a member of the F. S Johnston Bible class and the Woman's Society of Christian , service. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Mt. Zion church. The Rev. P. E. Bingham officiated, assisted by the Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were W. L. Setser, Bob Tallent, Charles Holland, Harry Wilhide, Will Waldroop, and Horace Nolen. Surviving are two brothers, Oeorge McGee of Franklin and Ed McGee of Cleveland, Tenn.; two nephews, Earl Harrison and Ray McGee, and seven nieces. Bryant funeral home was In charge of the arrangements, Grand Jury Recommends County Have Full - Time School Superintendent The Macon County grand jury, in its report this week, recommended that the office of county superintendent of schools be made a full-time position. The report, which emphasized schools, also suggested that school buses in this county should be equipped with heaters and with tire chains, and made five specific recommendations for improvements at the Frank lin school. Another important feature of the report was the recommen dation that a new courthouse be built as soon as possible The report, signed by Manson L. Stiles, fireman, was filed in Superior court Tuesday after noon, at the conclusion of tfce grand jury's inspection of coun ty offices and institutions. Pointing out that its school inspection committee had visit ed the Franklin school plant and county garage, the grand jury's report opens by saying that "as a result of our inspec tion, we recommend that the following improvements and corrections be made: 1. "Concrete steps placed at at the rear of the elementary building so that the student body would have added exit for fire drills and in the event of a fire. 2. "Water connections for two of the urinals in the first floor rest room for high school boys. 3. "Surface on road leading from state highway no. 23 up the rear of elementary build ing for the purpose of loading buses. 5. "Stopping of leaks in audi torium and patching of plast er. "At the county home," grand jury report continues, "the up stairs front porch needs repair ing and a new floor. The whole building needs a new roof; also the fire escape needs repairing j and the house needs painting. | The inside of the house is in ! good shape, including the bed ding. "The prison camp is in good condition. "We recommend that all 1 school buses in Macon County be equipped with heaters and j tire chains. "We also recommend that the county have a full-time super intendent. "We also recommend a new courthouse be built at the earl- j iest day possible. The old building is in bad condition, and there is not room enough j to keep the records in good shape; that extra book racks be installed in the register of deeds office until a new court house is btiilt. We found sev eral books just piled up on tables. "We recommend that the wat er system at the Cartoogechaye school be examined. It is stat ed that they do not have enough drinking water. "The jail was found to be in good shape as could be ex pected, considering its being an old building" Young Folk Here Trail, Get Sign F rom Eisenhower Few persons knew it at the time, but Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, chief of staff of the U. S. army, passed through Franklin Sunday afternoon. Had it not been for a group of curious young peo ple who happened to be downtown at the time, it might not have been known at all. Seeing a procession of four cars, with state highway patrolmen at the front and the rear, Lyman Gregory, Anne Cabe, Ruth Angel, Ann Lyle, James Stockton, Howard Horsley, and Neil Mooney decided to find out what it was all about. Jump ing into a car, they roared toward Cowee mountain, and soon overtook the motor cade. They sought to drive by in order to sec who was in the automobiles, but pa trolmen would not allow them to pass, finally ex plaining to them that it was a military group. So they followed. And at Sylva, where the party stop ped briefly, the young folk took another street and drew up alongside the gen eral's car. From him, they received a smile, a wave, and a "thumbs-up" sign. Assisting the highway pa trol in escorting the pro cession through this county was Patrolman Pritchard Smith, Jr. Officers To Be Elected At PT A Meeting Friday Election of officers for next year and a student program, to be presented under the direction of Principal George H. Hill and some of the teachers, will fea ture the April meeting of the Franklin Parent-Teacher asso ciation. The meeting will be held at 7:30 o'clock in the school audi torium Friday night. A slate of nominees will be presented by the nominating committee. Members of that committee are Mrs. John M. Archer, Jr., Mrs. Clinton John son, and R. S. Jones. Out-of-town attorneys here this week for the April term of superior court Included George H. Ward and Walter Haynes, of Ashevllle, John M. Queen, of Waynesville, McKinley Edwards, of Bryson City, J. B. Gray, of Murphy, T. M. Jenkins, of Rob blnsvllle, J. M. Bailey, Jr., of Marshall, and Edwin Hyde, 01 Murphy. COURTHOUSE IS CALLED 'WORST Judge Biobbitt Recalls Many Recommendations For New Building The Macon County courthouse Is considered the worst, with one exception, in Western North Carolina, Judge William H. Bob bitt, of Charlotte, told the grand jury in ms charge Monday. The April term of superior court, which opened Monday morning with Judge Bobbitt presiding, was expected to ad journ late today (Thursday). After concluding a heavy criminal docket, prosecuted by Solicitor Dan K. Moore, of Sylva, Tuesday, the court turn ed to the trial of civil cases Wednesday and Thursday. Among cases disposed of were a number of divorce actions. In the case in which the town of Highlands seeks ? a court order to require Frank B. Cook and J. Harvey Trice to remove the front porch of Highlands inn, Judge Bobbitt granted in part and denied in part a defense motion to strike out a part of the complaint. The case was then continued until the next term of court. Following the opening of court by Deputy Sheriff Walter ? Continued On Fate Eight Young Men's Class Will Hold Dinner Meet Friday Night The Young Men's class of the Franklin Methodist church will hold its annual election of of ficers at a dinner meeting to be held in the church basement tomorrow (Friday l night at 7:30. All the young men of the church and others interested are invited. The dinner will be served by members of the Wesleyan Guild, the funds earned to go into the guild's treasurer. Plans Going Forward For Boys', Girls' Week Plans for the observance here of National Boys' and Olrls' Week are rapidly being whipped into shap, and details for the various programs the week of April 27-May 3 will be announc ed in The Press next week. The observance is being sponsored Jointly by the Franklin Rotary and Lions clubs. PLAN RUMMAGE SALE A rummage sale will t>e held on the Public square Saturday morning, sponsored by the Woman's Society for Christian Service of the Franklin Metho dist church. MARTIN GIVEN 18 - 25 YEARS IN FLATS ROBBERY Officers Leave At Once With ^iim For Raleigh; Many Cases Handled Carl T. Martin, 24, Tuesday was sentenced to from 18 to 25 years in State prison lor the assault robbery of Weaver Cochran at the latter's store at Flats the night of last Decem ber 12. Officers left with Martin for Raleigh soon after sentence had been passed by Judge William Bobbitt, presiding over Macon superior court. The defendant has been held in jail in Bryson City since his capture in Geor gia, a short time after the rob bery. Martin, said to be part In dian, pleaded guilty to the charge. The bill of indictment charged him with robbing Mr. Cochran by force of arms and taking about $2,000. The Flats merchant struck in the head was left unconscious on the floor of his store. Witnesses testifying in the case included Mr. and Mrs. Cochran, J. H. Grant, Bruce Smith, Patrolman Pritchard Scores Of Cases Handled But Not One Reaches Jury This week's criminal court probably was the first in many years in which not a single case went to a jury. During the two days scores of cases were disposed of, but in every instance, ex cept the few cases nol pros sed, the defendant plead guilty. Smith, Jr., T. A. Sandlitt, and Wymer Cochran. Big Sum Collected In handling the criminal docket, completed Tuesday af ternoon, the court collected in fines and costs a total estimat ed by J. Clinton Brookshire, clerk of the court, at approxi mately $4,000. Most of the cases were for driving intoxicated, violations of the prohibition law, and aban donment. Judge Robbit ordered sus pended sentences of 18 months and 90 days, given Frank Raby at a previous court term for robbery, placed in effect. Banister Middleton plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the automobile accident death of Mack Allen Adams, and judgment was continued until the next court. For violation of the prohibi tion law, William J. Berry and Edison Hedden were fined $300 each and the costs, and were given suspended sentences of eight months. Other Fines Earl Munday was fined $100 and costs, and given a six months' suspended sentence. Fines of $50 and the costs were imposed on Monroe Wat kins, Nelson Jones, Lee Long, Clifford Hammond, and Mary Lee York, Charlie C. York *nd Mrs. Charlie C. York, indicted ? Continued on Page Seven Jones Named President Of Rotary Club R. S. (Dick i Jones, Franklin attorney, was named president of the Franklin Rotary club at the club's annual election of of ficers Wednesday night. He will succeed Harmon H. Qnuse when the new officers are Installed in July. W. W. Sloan was reelected secretary-treasurer, and Mr. Onuse, as immediate past presi dent, automatically becomes vice-president and a member of the board of directors. Elected to serve on the board of directors, in addition to the three officers, are John Alsup, H. W. Cftbe, J. C. Jacobs, and Carl S. Slagle. John B. Ray was chosen pres ident on the first ballot, but Mr. Ray, explaining that his work with the Nantahala Power and Light company will keep him out of town much of the time, Insisted that he was un able to serve. Mr. Alsup reported briefly on plans for the observance of boys' and flrta' week here April 27 to May S.

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