MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 13, NO. 28. SPAIN63 LAKEVICW HAHLfiY SPRIhOS PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Aberdeen and Southern Pines, Nortn Carolina, Friday June 9, 1933. FIVE CENTS 4' Grade Crossing Elimination as Unemployment Project Championed by Lambeth Af' r> — r-' Graduating: Class of Southern Pines High Congressman Sees Big- Oppor-| tunity To Save.Lives Through Use of Federal Aid Funds i $9,805,300 FOR N. C. In a statement given The Pilot this week Representative Walter Lam beth of this Congressional district de clares for a program of ^rade cross ing elimination in North Carolina through the use of Federal Aid funds. Mr. Lambeth saya: With the Industrial Recovery Bill nearing enactment in a form appar ently very little subject to change so far as the main features of the program are concerned, I believe that our people are ready and eager for an early start along the lines of ad vance proposed. Especially, perhaps, Our Johnny Johnny Allen, former Aberdeen Hotel clerk, now star pitcher of the New York Ameri can League team, let the hard hit ting Philadelphia p , Athletics down with but one hit in a game play ed during the past M J week, and struck out the champion home run hitter of the league, Jimmy Foxx, three times in succession. is this true of the public-works title.' VfJI TTll HU TAI)AY I want t odiscuss briefly the opportun- -I v/U 1 H V/l 1 \JUr\ 1 MUST REBUILD A BROKEN MORALE briefly the opportun ities presented in the way of highway constinction, with particular refer ence to the elimination of some of the grade crossings now responsible for many deaths and injuries every year. Section 204-a of the bill as amend ed in the House reads: “For the pur pose of providing for the emergency construction of public highways or related projects, the President is au thorized to make grants to the several States in an aggregate amount of $400,000,000. Sec. 204-b proceeds to change the basis of apportionment among the States from the one pre viously existing, so that the $400,- 000,000 will be apportioned one-fourth to area, one-fourth to mileage and one-half to population, instead of one-third each for population, area and mileage. Thereby it is estimated <unless this provision shall be chang ed) that North Carolina will receive $9,805,300, an increase of $180,000 over what otherwise would have been her due. The term “grant” is used in the sen:e of a free gift. No grant need be matcS'.ed to any extent whatever by the State. Limitation to 30 per cent of the cost of labor and materials, affecting a wide variety of other pro jects opened to States, counties, muni cipalities, etc., and even private en terprise, with provisions for supple mentary loans do not concern us here. I call attention to the further fact Dr. Julian Miller Pleads With Graduates to “Make Democracy Safe for the W’orld” 16 AWAFJDED DIPLOMAS Upon the shoulders of the young , people graduating from high schools j and colleges today falls the task of rebuilding the morale of America and Americans, the discovering of a new philosophy of life, because we of the i present generation in control have fallen down. Dr. Julian S. Miller, asso ciate editor of The Charlotte Observ er, told the Senior Class of Southern Pines High School and those gathered with them for their graduation exer cises in the school auditorium on Wed nesday night. Dr. Miller delivered one of the finest addresses heard in this section in a long time. Apologizing for the chaos wrought by his own generation, a period mark ed by war and destruction of life and property, by a general breaking down of our economic, moral, religious and education system, he expressed re gret that “there is no one to tell you what you should do.” Constitutional government is being thrown out the window. We are pass- 20 Pet. Cut in Valuations in County Realty Commissioners Vote for Hori zontal Reduction Rather Than Revaluation SET DAYS FOR HEARINGS At the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held on Monday, it was ordered that a hori- I zontal cut of twenty per cent be made in the valuation of all real estate itt Moore county for taxation for the year of 1933. Many of the counties in the state are this year making a hor izontal cut in the valuation on which last year’s taxes were based, in or der to give relief to taxpayers, rath er than to entail the expense of a revaluation. This twenty per cent cut, i added to the relief effected by the State’s providing for the eight months schools, should make a considerable reduction in county taxes this year. In some cases, additions and im provements have been made on real estate since .April 1, 1932, snd in other cases the opposite is true, buildings have been removed or destroyed. To adjust su.h property values, the Com missioners will sit as a Beard of Equalization and Review and hear those who wish to have adjustments made on the 19th, 20th and 21st of June. On Monday 19th, citizens of I Sandhill and Mineral Springs town- ' ships will be heard; on Tuesday 20th, Reading from left to right, Top Row-^Rob ert Cameron, John Adams, Charles Beck; Middle those viaving property in McNeill, Row—Eleanor Adams, J. D. Arey, Jr., Ruth Travis, Harold Tate, Mary Welch and Robert Dorn; i Carthage and Greenwood townships Bottom Row—Margaret McCall, Hunt Fisher, Allan Thurman, Patricia Hyde and Carlisle Page, and on the following day, those having property in Bensalem, Sheffield, Rit- I ter and Deep River townships will present their cases. The Board voted to levy the niaxi- ; mum “Schedule B” taxes authorized by the public laws of 1933 to be levied ARF'RFIF'F'N TF AM ■rt.ULill'A/Lil.ii 1 HJaEaTI jjjx collector was ordered to : proceed to collect said “Schedule B” Russell Crashes into Pinehurst taxes. Serious School Problem Confronts DIRTY BASEBALL Authorities in Southern Pines TO WIN FOR Reduced State Appropriations, Unless Supplemented Locally, Will Mean Meagre Facilities Favor Bank Plan Page Trust Depositors Here Vote for Liquidation and Reorganization By Bernice Kenyon Gilkyson The School Board of Southern Pines is very anxious for every resident to Aberdeen depositors of the Page understand the facts about the change, -frust Company at a meeting held in in our school system. To most of us, the Community House last Friday Player in Last Desperate Ef fort to Save Game WEBB IS KNOCKED OUT It was ordered that the improve ments at the jail and county home be made at once. What, More Beer I! Applications for license to sell beer jn this connection that the new road . , , , w . ing through a political revolution, con- appropriations are additional to the j » ... ... .1 verting cherished democracy into a already existing ones, which, as enact-; , ^ «d by the last Congress, did quire matching by the States To Spend $400,000,000 For the total expenditure ot the j upon the shoulders of these young ^400,000,000,000 the Bureau of Pub-j persons to reshape democracy. Wood- Jic Roads in the Department of Agri- row Wilson said something about culture will have the primary respon-, making the world safe for democracy, fibility as under the Federal High-' you have got to make democracy safe •way Act of 1921. The Federal district | for the world. You must decide on our engineer will be its representative, as j form of government, must build before. But I shall presently quote a anew.” provision for enlisting the services j Dr. Miller emphasized the import- of the State Highway Departments ance of building a new morale. Our or Commissions; and no doubt where, faith is shaken, he said, in all lines, as in North Carolina, the organiza- j We have neglected the building of tion is thoroughly competent, it will, manhood in our mad rush forward in <be given wide scope. Especially will Outplayed by Pinehurst in a Moore were approved, as follows: the proposed change from a nine- night, voted unanimously in favor of County League game on the .Aberdeen Herbert Stutz, for the sale of beer months school term, under part State the proposed plan for organizing a Wednesday afternoon, the Hemp; N. P. Ray for the sale of ^ to an new bank to take over the closed Page ^ ^ ^ j i beer in Southern Pines; Williasi L. .Aberdeen team resorted to dirty base- and part District support, ^ . eight-month school term entirely un- ,Xrust Company, the North Carolina resorxea lo si^onds, Aberdeen, for the sale of . 'form of socialism. At present we are der State support, means only one|gank & Trust Company and the In- ninth inning beer on the premises of Mrs. Creel; « y t e ast ongress, i no re j,j anything which will re-j thing: the children will go to school dependence Trust Company of Char- its effort to win with the itesult ! c. N. Boaz, for the sale of beer in lieve the American people of their, for one month less than they have lotte. The vote was taken after the that one man was knocked out and or near Cameron, staggering burden. But it will fall | been going for most of the past thirty i^rge number present !had listened the contest ended in what for a mo-; j. T. Spiegle was granted the right years. This does not look serious, as ^ to the report of the committee which ment threatened to be a free-for-all to peddle lawful wares in Moore one month of school more or less looked into the plan for liquidation fight. 1 county for a period of one year from does not seem so very important. But and reorganization. Pinehurst led from the first inning, date free from tax on account of his the facts are far different from whatj it is understood that most of the when it scored two runs off Pitcher being a disabled W'orld W'ar veter- they appear to be on the surface. towns in which the Page Trust Com- Bobby Pleasants of Aberdeen by clean an The following facts and figures ^ pany has branches have passed fav- hitting aided by those fielding. Three have been compiled to show you how orably on the new bank, though Ral- more runs were added in the second. it presumably function with regard to feeder or secondary roads as pro vided for in Sec. 204-2. An important provision: Neither under construction within municipali ties nor upon payments per mile do the limitations of the Federal High way Act apply. Regarding labor, it is provided that TJO convict labor may be employed, that “so far as practicable and feas ible” no employe other than execu tives, et al, shall work over thirty hours a week, that preference in em ployment shall be given specified | classes beginning with ex-service ^ men and local residents, and that “just and reasonable wages” shall be paid. Getting down to the spwific provis ions fo|r grade-(brossing elimination and related matters, I quote from Sec. 204-a-l: “For expenditure on the Federal-aid highway system and ex tensions thereof into and through municipalities. The amount apportion ed to any State under this paragraph may be used to pay all or any part of the cost of highway construction, including the elimination of hazards things really stand. Up until the present time, the State eigh depositors are objecting. After and Aberdeen picked up a couple of ^ a meeting this week a request was runs. There the score stood going into has been presumed to support our | made of Commissioner of Banks Gur- the last of the ninth. Then, with one schools for six months of each year. | ney P. Hood to extend for one week out, Bradford McLean got to first on For this it has levied a 15c land tax.' the time limit for depositors to reg-' an error. Folley fouled out. Bill Maur- In order to provide the additional | jgter objections to the plan, but Mr, three months of schooling, and to Hood has expressed himself as op- D. Mack Parson was appointed con stable for McNeill township upon his posting bond in the amount of $260, the same to be in force and effect un til December 1, 1934. It was ordered that the M. M. Way tract of land ot 84 acres known as er made first on another error. Me-1 the M. C. Stutts land, Carthage town- Lean getting to third from which he i ship, be listed for taxes for 1933 as (Pleaie turn to Page 8) (Please turn to page 4) Moore County to Get $3,060 for June Relief Receives First Installment this Week. Improvement in Em ployment in State Reported Moore county receives this week the first of four installments of $3,- 060.00 allotted to the county for June relief, the Governor’s Office of Relief sending the checks out to county treasurers to be followed by the three other installments as the month passes. North Carolina will have $651,300 available for June, about 13 per cent less than was i-equested of the Re construction Finance Corporation, and about 20 per cent less than the $866,000 received for May. “Reports from all sections of the State indicate a considerable improve ment in employment,” the report said. The lesser amount available is expected to be sufficient to take care of the more pressing needs, especial ly in view of the general reports of improvement in eniployment. scored on a wild pitch. Leonard Russell came to bat. Two out, two runs needed to tie the score. maintain all year two extra high-1 posed to ®ny extension. The time lim- school teachers and one extra elemen-; it expires June 19th. tary teat’ier (all three of which have Notice of assessments for 100 per- been absolutely necessary to prevent | cent of their stock holdings have been j One man on base. It was a tense mo- overcrowding in classrooms and to sent to all stockholders of the Page' ment for the large crowd of Aber- keep the school work up to standard), Trust Company, and unless payment I deen rooters who had seen their team the Southern Pines School District jg „,ade by June 22nd, judgments will' go six innings without a run and were has levied an additional tax, 33c this be docketed. I having their first excitement in a 1 long time. Russell swung at a low SOUTHERN PINES SEEKS R. F. C. ball, sent it high in the air along the past year. Thus the citizens of the Southern Pines School District have been paying a total tax of 48c for operation of their schools. Actually, the money given us by the State has by no means covered the cost of six FUNDS FOR MUNICIPAL HALL The directors of the Southern Pines Chamber of Commerce, at a special months schooling without the three meeting held yesterday, voted to send extra teachers. It allows us only about half the cost of fuel. It gives us only $310. a year for janitor ser vice in two large buildings. It gives us not one cent for maintenance of the school buildings, and not nearly Dr. L. B. McBrayer to Washington to look into the possibility of secur- first base line. First Baseman Webb I 74 acres as per a survey by the coun ty surveyor. To correct a similar er ror, the W. H. Branson tract, listei previously as 100 acres, was ordered listed as 80 acres, the correct acre age, for 1933 taxes. L. E. Weather- spoon was relieved of $500 valuaticii on real estate on account of the de struction by fire of a dwelling, the same to apply to 1932 and 1983. Money for support was allowed as of Pinehurst was under it, ready for j follows: To Sam McNeill, McNeill the catch which would end the game, township, for support of four orphan- But before the ball hit his glove, | ed nieces making their home with something hit him a hard enough blow him, $5 per month; to Mandy Wil- to knock him out. Russell had crash ed into him on his way to first, pur- ing funds from the Reconstruction posely, to all appearances. Russell Finance Corporation for the build- [ claimed he did not see him, a thin COMEDY TONIGHT TO BENEFIT liams, Carthage month. township, $2 per ing of a Municipal Hall in Southern excuse, for there is no reason for a Pines. Frank Buchan was named to baserunner not seeing where he is enough sanitary supplies to keep the'appear before the Board of Town Com-j going. Umpire Phillips of Southern schools clean. The citizens of the {missioners to ask that_body to send Pines called Russell out for interfer- Southern Pines School District have, a representative along with Dr. Me- i ing with the catch. The excited Aber- been, by their local tax of 33c, trans-jBrayer. I deen rooters crowded on the field. forming their schools from crowded, | Players gathered around Webb, lying under-staffed, and out-of-date six- A huge still of 30 gallons capacity prostrate on the diamond. A few fists month schools into warm, clean, was captured last week near Cam- [ started to fly but cooler heads prevail- healthy, modern, well-run nine months eron by a federal officer and two ] ed. Aberdeen claimed Russell was not deputy sheriffs. One negro was j (Please turn to page 8) 1 caught after a chase. (Please turn to page 4) FUND FOR ABERDEEN DAM “The District School,” a play sponsored by the Aberdeen Home and Garden Chib, will be produced by lo cal talent tonight, Friday, at 8:00 o'clock at the Dixie Theatre in Aber deen Lake dam. The admission fee is to be 15 and 25 cents. Leading citizens of Aberdeen are to play the princi^ pal parts and a full house is eif- pected.

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