IPje lUMfc Price On. O.ll.r P.r Y..r "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY ANO OUR COO." Slagl. Coplra Flv. M, VOL. 28. SMITHFIELD. N. C.. FRIDAY. APRIL 16, 19()0. NO. 8 RICHARD ACHILLES BALLINGER ??? ? Secretary of the Interior in Presi dent Taft's Cabinet?As Mayor ol Seattle, Washington, He Closet* up the GamblingDens and Gave the City a Clean Government. Four States may claim a proprie tary interest in Richard A. Ballinger, the new Secretary of the Interior. He is a native of Iowa, having been born in Boonsboro in 1859; after practicing law in Illinois for a while while he removed to Alabama, and In 1889 he became a resident of Port Townsend in Washington State. The next year he was appointed United States commissioner at Port Town send and later was elected judge of the Superior Court of Jefferson coun ty. Five years ago Mr. Ballinger was elected mayor of Seattle, and when his term as mayor expired President Roosevelt appointed him Commis sioner of the General Land Office. As a practitioner at the bar Mr. Ballinger made a specialty of the ad miralty and maritime law, and his position as Commissioner of the Gen RICHARD A. BALLINGER. eral Land Office gave him a wide knowledge of the land laws and oth er important problems which will fall under his jurisdiction as Secretary of the Interior. Mr. Ballinger's father studied law In the office of Abraham Lincoln, and his ancestors on both sides par ticipated in the war of the revolution and the war of 1812. He was pre pared for college in the public schools and is a graduate of Williams College, class of '84. He is the au thor of "Ballinger's on Community Property" and of "Ballinger's An notated Codes and Statute of Wash ington." Mr. Ballinger is a Repub lican State committeeman for the State of Washington, and was a mem ber of the advisory committee du ring the last campaign. The following from James B. Mor row's article in last Sunday's Phila delphia Record will serve to show what kind of man Mr. Ballinger is: "On being elected mayor of Seat tle," I asked, "what methods did you follow in cleaning up that city?" "I appointed Thomas R. Delaney chief of police and enforced the law," replied Mr. Ballinger. "Seattle had be?n a wide-open town. The rush to Alaska for gold, and the return ing tide of miners, gamblers, and swindlers, brought us a great many rough characters, and evil conditions followed naturally. We not only had all the wild performances of life on the frontier, but border ruffianism, which is the climax of crime, sudden ly changed a well-ordered community into one where robbery and violence became a regular business. Persons engaged in legitimate trade said that a puritanical regulation of vice in variably meant a dull city or town. Men, they argued, should spend their money in such ways as they pleased. I soon showed them, however, that a larger and fuller dinner pail was. after all, the only sound and lasting foundation for growth that was ac tually profitable, and for prosperity that was really permanent. "Representatives of moral element in the city asked me to be a candi date for mayor. I had a good law practice and was unwilling again to hold office. Assured that I should be independent of faction, party, or influence, I gave my consent and was nominated and elected. Inside of six months all of the gambling places were closed. Under the law, I couldn't stop the sale of liquor. . but loggers and other workiugmen who came to Seattle with money in their pockets, were no longer drug , ged an robbed. Disreputable hous es were centralized and controlled. 1 In Bhort, the city was made whole some and respectable. The work was both hard and exceedingly dis agreeably. I was told almost daily that I would be killed; such fool information, however, gave me no | concern. But one term, I thought, j was enough and 1 refused another election." Easter Dance Here. The Neuse German Club gave their annual Easter dance at the Colonial Monday evening. The ger ! man was led by Capt. and Mrs.. H. L. Skinner. The following couples participated: Capt. and Mrs. H. L. Skinner, Mr. an< Mrs. W. N. Holt, Miss Onie Abell with W. R. Sanders, Miss Gertrude Parker with J. A. Campbell, Miss Rosa Peacock with R. R. Holt, Miss Annie Pou with J. B. Adams, Miss Ruth Sanders with L. F. Turlington, MUs Ruth Young with Dr. A. H. Rose Miss Corrie Palmer with W. M. Grantham, Miss May Moore with D^ W. Parrish, Miss Crecy Morgan with N. M. Lawrence, Miss Minnie Lunce ford with B. A. Washburn, Miss Lil ly Star with D. W. Tomlinson. Cha perones: Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Broad hurst, Mrs. E. S. Abell, Mrs. F. H. Brooks, Mrs. W. M. Sanders, Mrs. H. P. Stevens, and Mrs. E. W. Pou. SAND HILL SCHOOL HOUSE DOTS The people of this section are very busy planting corn. Miss Effie Stafford, of the SandtiJ Chapel section, spent last Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Nellie Phillips. Mr. Jesse Alford spent last Sat urday night with Mr. Alphonso Phil lips. There will be Sunday school at the school house every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Everybody is in vited. There was prayermeeting at Mr. J. Pilkington's last Sunday night. Mr. D. A. Bizell is very sick. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Master Edwin Denning and his lit tle brother Johnnie, spent last Sun day with Willie and Walter Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Starling and little daughters, Annie and Mattie, spent last Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Phillips. We are expecting a marriage in our section soon. There will be prayermeeting at Mr. G. M. Phillips' next Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Everybody is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Whitley spent last Sunday with Mrs. Whitley's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Tiner. Mrs. Sophronia Alford and son, Gardner, spent last Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pink Woodall, of the Sanders Chapel sec tion. N. V. P. THE JOHNSON NEWS. Miss Mattie Byrd, of near Benson, who has been visiting in this sec tion, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Johnson is right sick. Hope she will soon be up again. Mr. Barnes, of the Little Creek section, spent Sunday in our burg. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Griffis, of the Bethesda section, spent Wdenesday with their nelce, Mrs. Amos Johnson. Mr. Walter Johnson spent Satur day with his daughter, Mrs. C. V. Byrd, near Benson. Our young people went fishing Easter Monday. They report a pleas ant time. Messrs. David Price and Avery Godwin, of the Bethesda section, spent Sunday afternoon In our burg. J. A. M. Jones-Smith. Clayton, April 10.?On Tuesday j night at the home of the bride's pa rents near Clayton, Mr. Arthur Vic tor Gulley and Miss Viola Jones were happily united in the holy bonds of matrimdny. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Smith. The j bridal party entered the parlor with Mr. Tom Cook, of Clayton, as best man. followed by the bride, leaning on the arm of her sister. Miss Ber tie Jones. Other attendants were Mr. Norman Jones with Miss Nor ma Gulley. Mr. Garner Smith with Miss Myrtle Jones, and others. ? A DELIGHTFUL EVENING. A Surprise Jlirthday Party at Greens boro Female College. Tuesday evening at 10:30 in the room of Misses Julia Mayo and Mae Ayers was a scene of great delight when Misses Lucy Hood and Margar et Jordan were escorted in, to find a great surprise awaiting them in honor of their eighteenth birthday. The jolly party, seated upon the beds, floor, table, etc., wefe . first served with salad course. Next am. brosia and nabiscoes were served. The third course was del^ious ices and cake, and last, but not least, was the school girls fate "Old Maid Tea" of which all participated. While the tea was being enjoyed, one of our old maid hostesses, Miss Annie Wood ley, arose from her seat upon an ice-cream freezer and gave this toast. "Here's to Margaret and Lucy, both eighteen years today, may they always abide by the old maid's ad vice, and never answer 'Nay.' " The response, as follows, was giv en by Miss Hood: "Here's to*'Shadow,' 'Jule,' 'Tom' and 'Annie Wee,' may the advice of tonight prove satisfactory to me. If perchance fate should go against me, I hope we shall always good friends be." After this Miss Jordan arose and responded with his toast: "Here's to the 'Old Maid's Club,' so kind and true to each member, your kindness and advice we always will remember." After this the entire rarty gave the following toast: ? "Here's to the jolly party, in Fish er Avenue we with a vow to be just as quiet as ever girl could be." A gentle top at the door reminded us that th ? time was up and we, very obediently tip-toed to our rooms. The hostesses were Misses Mae Ayers, Julia Mayo, Ruth Adams and Annie Woodley. The guests wore Misses Margaret Jordan, Huldah Hambrick, Ruth Coltrane, Eleanor Vann and Lucy Hood. L. E. H. Greensboro, N. C., April 14, 1909. : Cutting Affair in Cleveland. In Cleveland township Monday night last at a gathering of the col ored people a row occurred between several of the colored boys, in which knives and other weapons were used. Johnnie Sanders was badly cut in the breast by Wright Bridge rs. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Bridgers by F. T. Booker, J. P., but [ up to Wednesday night he had not been apprehended. Sanders' wouuds ! though not fatal, are quite serious, j Box Party Tonight. There will be a box party given at the store formerly occupied by Mr. E. O. Aycock, Friday evening, April 16th, for the benefit of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist church. Everybody is invited to come and bid for a box, containing a nice lunch, "enough for two." Ice cream will be sold for 10 cents a saucer. Music will be ! furnished by the Orchestra and dif ferent musicians of the town. Young Man Hurt at Saw Mill. Mr. Hubert Stephenson, a son of Mr. Dock Stephenson, was badly hurt at Mr. C. L. Dickerson's saw mill, seven miles east of Kenly, last Friday. He was running the cut off saw which was sawing some out sides when a belt broke and let the saw down on one of Mr. Stephen son's legs. It struck just below the knee and sawed a gash upward about a foot long. It is said that sawdust was made from the bone of the leg. He was taken to Kenly and from there sent to Wilson on first train for treatment. He Is well known at Smithfield, his home being near here. Much in Little. McKinne-Peterson. Friends have received this invita tion. "Mr. Peter C. Peterson requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of his daughter, Ethelynd, to Mr. Malcolm McKlnne, on Wednes day evening, April the 28th, 1909, at eight o'clock, 641 Fullerton Boule-: vard, Chicago." ( I New Wealth for the South. We very greatly hope that the j cotton stalk paper mill at Cordele, I Ga., whose construction begins to I day, will prove an unqualified suc I cess. If this plant can profitably I produce newsprint paper from Its j intended material, the South will be ; come endowed with a new sourco of wealth. To recall that no important use was made of cotton seed until | a comparatively recent period is to anticipate how succeeding genera tions will look upon the manner in which cotton stalks are now treated. Of the cotton plant's adaptability for paper-making there can be no reasonable question. It is simply a diminutive tree?not so very diuilnu tive, either, in some countries where it is native. Cotton stalks are true wood, and of a proper softness. So highly fibrous, however, is this soft wood that the practical difficulties 1 in the way of utilization for paper making have appeared formidable. Paper could be made, but could it be made with success commercially? The Cordele mill's projectors evi dently believe that this question now admits of an answer in the affirma tive. Whether or not the process has yet been sufficiently perfected, it certainly will be before very long. The modern industrial world, hungry for material of every kind, often forc ed _ to seek substitutes for material approaching exhaustion, cannot neg lect the cotton stalk indefinitely. As an important factor In the cot I ton-stalk paper mill's possibilities there must not be overlooked the constant rise in paper prices to keep pace with forest destruction. Paper produced under circumstances which ?five years ago would have been high ly disadvantageous might well earn good profits now. With this tenden cy continuing and with the cotton stalk paper people improving meth ods as their experience increases, we may reasonably expect the new in dustry to establish Itself upon a firm foundation. Once it becomes so es tablished the boll weevil will receive an important check, for all investi gators agree that complete distruc tion of the stalks each fall is the best preventive yet suggested. Here's to the cotton-stalk paper mill ?the next broadening of Southern industry.?The Charlotte Observer. President Eliot's Worth. What was there "in it" for Prof. Eliot after half a century of work? Oh, nothing much. Not as much as Croker got out of a few years of political "influence," not nearly as much as Rockefeller got out of mo nopoly, and Eliot's whole wealth wouldn't pay the price of a Harri man pleasure trip. No, there wasn't much "in it" for Eliot. But, you notice, when men speak of him it's different somehow; and if you com pare Eliot's face with those of oth ers, it's different, too, and when you think of the different life he led, j you feel different. And you can't j quite stifle the feeling that he has accumulated much that he can take with him when he crosses over to the other side?you can't feel that way about the others. Perhaps there was "something in it," after all.? .Detroit News. ARCHER NEWS. Mr. C. S. Fowler and Mr. B. G. Mooneyham spent Easter with Mr. Fowler's people near Kaleigh. The young people in this section report an enjoyable Easter. There were several picnics around, among the best were those at Archer and Williamson's pond. The B. C. R. Ball team will re organize Saturday. We hope the boys will get about it right and have a good team this season. Sunday evening Mr. James D. Wall and Miss Emma Castleberry were happily united in matrimony. Mr. Wall is one of our prominent young men and Miss Castleberry is one of the charming young ladies of this section. We wish them a long i and happy life. Miss Carrie Hobbs, of Knigbtsdale, is a visitor in this community. Mr. W. A. Newton, of Franklin county, spent Easter in this section. Rev. A. A. Pippin filled his regu lar appointment at White Oak Bap tist church Sunday. E. H. R. Archer, April I*. INHERITANCE TAX FRUITFUL. Britain Realizes from $90,000,000 to $95,000,000 Annually. Gross Capi tal Values of the Estates Con tributing to This Revenue Is $1, 500,000,000. British inheritance taxes, drawn from a population of 44,000,000, yield $90,000,000 to $95,000,000 annually, out of a total internal revenue of $470,000,000 to $480,000,000. This is the substance of a report by Charles M. Pepper, who has been | investigating the subject for the Hureau of Manufactures, Department of Commerce and Labor, in connec tion with the tariff revision. Revenue from the death duties, Mr. Pepper says, is a little more than half that from excise imports and considerably more than half the apiount realized from the income tax. The gross capital value of the estates contributing to the inheri tance tax in 1908 was more than $1, !>u0,000,000, and the net value was a little below $1,400,000,000. Gross value of the personalty was $1,113, 000,000, and of the realty, $415,000, 000. Of various classes of inheritance taxes the chief sources of revenue are estates proper, which last year netted approximately $71,500,000; leg acies, $19,500,000, and successions, $3,500,000. An indication of the kind of wealth which is made to contribute to the revenue through the inheritance du ties is afforded in a detailed state ment of the different classifications. On a little more than $1,000,000,000 gross capital value of personality, shares or debentures of public coin anles were valued at $48,000,000; mortgages, $93,000,000; loans on sends, notes, etc., $07,000,000; stocks or fuml3 of the United Kingdom, $45, 000,000; foreign stocks and bonds, $55,000,000; insurance policies, $41, 000,000; house hold goods, $;<4,000, 000. Detailed analyses of valuation show that about 4,000 estates pay the bulk of the inheritance taxes. Of the 67,533 estates contributing in 1908, 3,915 were of $50,000 ana up ward, and aggregated a total net capital value of approximately $1,000, 000,000, out of the total of $1,400,000, 000. In only two years since 1899 have the estates of this class ex ceeded 4,000. In 1900 they number ed 4,227, and in 1907, 4,172. In oth er years, since 189, they ranged be tween 3,768 and 3,945.?Washington Herald. BAPTIZED IN ICY WATER. Eighty Negroes Are Immersed and Forty-five Back Out. St. Louis, Mo., April 11.?While thousands of persons struggled for points of vantage today, 80 of the 125 recruits for the "Navy of the Lord," a negro church were im mersed in the icy waters of the Mis sissippi river by Kev. J. B. Parker, who is called "the admiral" by his converts. The baptized negroes, after run ning from the water, changed their garments in a nearby boiler shop. Forty-five of the recruits turned their backs on "The Navy" when they felt the cold water. Nine years ago in all of North Carolina there were only eighteen lo cal school tax districts, all of course in the larger towns. Now there are 757 public school districts in the state that levy a special school tax. Not only have all the towns and vil lages such a tax, but there are hun dreds of distinctly rural communities that have taken upon theraselvse the work of increasing their school fund by Increasing their taxes. These facts speak well for North Carolina. They show that the people as a whole are at last waking up to the importance of the schools and are going about the work of improving and bettering them in a way that is bringing results. Raleigh Times. Earl Cotton and Tim Holderfield were taken to the Penitentiary Tues day to begin serving 30 and 10 years, respectively, for the murder of Dr. E. W. Smith, of Richmond, near Ral eigh on the night of November 14, 1908. They first gave notice of an appeal but later decided to take their medl^ne, a new trial, " If granted might give them even worse seMences. AROUND PISGAH. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones spent Saturday and Sunday in Wake coun ty. Mr. Paul Whitley spent Sunday af ternoon near Clayton. Miss Lillie Higgins is visiting friends in Smithfield this week. Messrs. Zeb Atkinson and Rober son Woodard, of near Kenly, were in this section Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Geo. T. Whitley who is a student at the University, spent Eas ter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Whitley. Messrs, A. G. Jones and R. H. Higgins visited friends in the Wil son's Mills section Sunday. On Sunday night, April 4, one of Mr. Frank Davis' children died. The parents have our sympathy. Mr. Ira Stephenson and sister, Miss Mattie, from Pleasant Grove, spent Sunday at Mr. Israel Stephen son's. There were quite a number of vis itors in this section Sunday and Mon day who were off for the Easter holi days. Last Sunday, April 11, the members of Pisgah Sunday school met and elected the following officers for this year: Superintendent R. H. Hig gins; Assistant J. W. Jones, Secre tary Miss Emily Stephenson; Organ ist Miss Bessie Higgins; Assistant Organist Miss Rffie Jones; Teacher 1st Bible class, W. J. Alford, Assis tant Miss Lillie Higgins; Teacher 2nd Bible class, A. G. Jones, Assistant E. W. Massey; Teacher for Primary class, Miss Effie Jones, Assistant Mrs. Ophelia Munden. A cordial In vitation is extended to the whole community to come out and join In this noble work. X. Married. On Wednesday, April 14, at 3 P. M., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gilbert near Benson, Mr. Luther D. Hinton and Miss Hattie Hines were married. The ceremony was performed by tflder A. D. Johnson. The attendants were: Mr. Seth Woodall with Miss Lillie Turlington, Mr. George Wheeler with Miss Priila Gilbert, Mr. Willie Johnson with Miss Bettie Ryals, Mr. Herbert Ryals with Miss Ilawley. The bride is the sister of Mrs. Gilbert and has many friends whose best wishes go with her into the new life. The groom is an energetic farmer and has many friends who congratulate him on winning a fair bride. Immediately after the marri age the happy couple with a few friends repaired to the home of the groom near Peacock's Cross Roads. We wish them a pleasant Journey through life. G. P. Easter Exercises. Easter eexercises were conducted at Baptist chapel at Smithfield Cot ton Mills Saturday night, April 10th, consisting of recitations, speaking and music. Prof. N. M. Easomi direct ed the music. The exercises lasted about one and a half hours and were enjoyed by the large crwd present. The House, after three weeks con sideration and discussion, passed the Payne Tariff Bill last Friday by a vote of 217 to 161. One Republican Voted against the measure and four Democrats?all from Louisiana?vot ed for it. It is believed that the Payne Bill, should it pass the Sen ate in its present form, will be a more unsatisfactory measure than the Dingley Bill. Instead of revis ing downward It has increased the rates on many of the necessary things of life. It is also stated that it will not provide enough revenue to run the government. Many be lieve that its passage will give the Democrats controll of the House in 1910. Swinburne, the Poet, Dead. London, April 10.?Algeron Charles Swinburne, the poet, died today. He was 72 years old. He had been in good health, and celebrated his 72nd birthday by taking a six-mile walk. Next day he had contracted cold, and pneumonia developed. Swinburne nas occupied a unique place in the ago of Victorian literature. For fifty years his pen has been busy and some of his poems are accounted among the most beautiful in the English language.

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