Weddings Personals Club Meetlncs Encarements EnleitalnniewO. Society and Personals OF WILLIAMSTON and MARTIN COUNTY rhis Department PHONE Anything for To 4 6 kisit Hrrr This Week Miss Eff 11* Waldo. Miss Lottie Wil- , iams and Mrs. Dave Matthews, of iamilton. visited here this week n Washington Tuesday Mesdames Myrtle Bunting. Dave tiatth* ws. and Henme Ballard and diss Effle Waldo, of Hamilton, vis ted in WasTuiigrnrv Tuesday .'isiting in Charleston Mrs. Johnny Wynne and children, dandy and Louise Mac Wyyvne. and jfiv< F|i-/jihi th Rn.lo 1-f Bear Grass ,rc spending the u eel; end i: Charleston \ H Shady Banks This Week Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rose arc visit- j rvg at S.ha IV Banks-on the Pamlico j his week n Norfolk for Fourth Mr and Mrs. Bill Myers aiid fan - j Iv are spending the Fourth in Nor- ! oik. '? ? i ?pends W eek -end Here Bill Hollomaii. ot Washington City, s vis it. it-it; "relative- here the week ?no Vas Here Wednesday Mr: Jesse Martin, <?! Jamr isited hen Wednesday s Visiting Here Mrs. W O McCluskey. of Ohio s?vwUnjjh-h^r- mother. Mrs I .an raj "aylor. here. n Richmond This Week end : Miss Mary Brown Allgood is vis ting in Richmond tin- week-end i (siting in Wilmington Mr and Mrs. Miller Harrell are p'-iuin.p the ssifef iTid m Wilntinp, n Everett* This Week Mrs. C B Roebuck visited; in Fv- 1 retts this week fere at Summer Haven Mr. and Mrs Titus Cnteher, Mr nd Mrs Asa Crawford were tin lerriott at Summer Haven Wedries av niRirr-- ? } pends Week Here Miss Gloria Avant. ol Elizabeth 'ity, spent this week here .with ei mother. Mr- Eva Avaht '.isiting in Elizabeth City Mrs. W. A James is spending the \>urth m Elizabeth Git v. n Norfolk Wednesday Mr. Victor Champion* was a busi iess visitor in NorioJk Wednesday. -fc * ? ? ! ? Champion Typist First woman to win the title in 20 years, Margaret Hamnia, of I'rot.l; Jyn, N. Y., was crowned world s champion amateur and professional typist after typing Hi* words per minute, a new record, in the inter national typing t ??litest ill ( hicajfrt. She used an all-electric machine. Returns to Hi I nun g ton Mi- Matron' Mahler has return-. r*d to her houn in Wilmington after spending a few days here with Miss Lurene Weaver Are at Virgiinu Keaeh Rev. and Mr:. Z T. lhephofl and sun. Zack.'and George Cunningham, are spending ti e Fourth at Virginia Beach Wei l. i1 : il< re Mi Ruby Wit e. of Rich iiit'id. r y siting : parents; Mr. end Mi. J act". (' n. here "this \ (siting at Virginia Beach Mr and Mrs Jann Bullock are spending tlie week ? nd M Virginia Beach In Raleigh Yesterday Ut and Mrs Johti'U. Biggs visited m Raleigh yesterday1* v-$> . (jetting Along Nicely Mrs. F. U Barnes is getting along nicely * tn>ni injurirer received in" a Tall at her. 'home" Tuesday night. ? ' Visiting in Baltimore Mr, and Mi K hi Webster are spending the week-end m Balti Are at \ irguiia Beach Misses Marv Carstarphen and Ka tin*i me Hardi -in..are visiting at Vn ginia Beach for a few^ days. Visiting in Iraiiklin. Va. " Mi's' Frank ."story" is sp<? riding ' ihe ] wo k ? nd m Frank]Tn. Va . w i(h Mr. StotA ? ! ? -i~- - In Scotland Neck Monday Mrs J I) Biggs visited in 4Scot I land Neck Monday Visiting iii Norfolk Miss Fleanor Tayloi is spending week in Norfolk 111 Marion This Week Rev. J II Smith was in Marion this week assisting in the training course at tin First Baptist Church there Leave for Texas Mr and Mrs Victor Champion will leaye Sunday for Dallas, Texas, to visit then daughter, Mrs. Travis Kitchen, .Old Mr. Kitchen Visiting in Durham Dr. and Mrs. E. Thayer Walker are visiting in Durham this week end. They - were accompanied by Miss Mary Ruth Cooke, who return ed to her home in Kernersvijle Visiting Near Here Miss Eva McKeel, of Washington, is. visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. Eason Lil lcy near here. In Richmond Yesterday Mesdames Kate York, James Bail ey Peel, J O Manning and H. B Richmond hospital yesterday, where he is responding to treatment. In itockv Mount Wednesday Di. J. S. Rl.04es. ar1d Mr. Marion Cobb were in Rocky Mount Wednes day afternoon attending a meeting in connection with tlx local draft board. Visiting in New Bern Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Hardison are spending" the fourth in New Bern Are Visiting Here Mrs. W E Riles and children, of Rocky Mount, are visiting Mr. and Mi.-v 11 R Williams, here. In Norfolk Tuesday Mestlumey. John Henry Edwards, W E Oltf. Shelbon Hall, G. P. Hall and Walter Micelle visited in Nor. foik Tuesday Is Visiting Here C. -H Hinnant. of Milio, is visit' ang his sist? r. Mrs. Wheeler Man ning. arid Mr Manning, here this week-end. Leaves for New Tork. I Hy Mr. Irving Margolis left last night for a few days' trip to New York City. i- 1 Are at Atlantic Beach ?Mr. and?Mis Johio L. Rpdgerson and. .daughter. Miss Mary; Misses Mamie Clyde Taylor. Lucy Williams. Bolton Cow en and Marjoric Lmds iey are spending the Fourth at At laijtic Beach Visiting in Washington Miss Lola Phillips is spending the week-end in Washington with rela tives. In Rocky .Mount Yesterday Ernest Mears visited relatives in Rocky Mount yesterday r-sSS? Visiting in Rocky Mount Miss Nell Johnston is visiting rel atives in .Rocky Mqunt?this week end. Returns from Myrtle Beach Mr. Wigg Watts has returned from a theatre owners' meeting at Iviyrtle Heart. ; Spending Holidays Here Di and Mrs .J L Spencer and daughter, Mary Morton, of Ports -rnrrtrthr-atxi - Brlt Chase, Jr., of Nor* folk, aru spending IhE holidays lieie with Mrs. J^W Andrews Visiting in Richmond Mrs. J wSain Get.sijiger is spend ing a few days with friends in Rich mond. $ Is Visiting in Wilson Miss Mary...Blade- speiidmg?iLe 110Inlays with friends in Wilson and Wriglitsville Beach. I caves for Ridgeerest Bctuije ...Weaver left this morning for a week's stay at Ridgeerest. Car Ivlr Langley is leaving Saturday af ternoon and on Sunday afternoon Madeline Taylor, Helen Weaver, Mary O'Neal Pope. Darrell Clayton, Ware Twiddy and Grace Burrouglis will go to Ridgeerest with Rev. J H Smith In Raleigh I'or Holidays Mi . and Mis. Cliuiles Leunaul and son spent tlx Fourth in Raleigh ???f Birth Annoiinceinent Horn to Mr and Mis Walter R. Jones at their home on North Haugh ton Street, a daughter. Verda Marie, on the 2nd of July. Visiting in New Bern Mr and Mrs. Guilford Flowers are spending the Fourth in New Bern lis iii Atlanta Mr. John Tulloss is a business vis itor in Atlanta; In Norfolk This Week Jack Green is speeding this week ht Noifolk visiting friends. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Calvin Ayers, of Bear Grass, was a business visitor in town yes terday. ? Spending Week-end Here Fred Williams, stationed at Fort Jackson, is visiting his parents, Dr and Mrs John W. Williams, here | this week-end. KITCHEN SnoWER Miss Ruby Harrison, bride-elect of August, was honored at a kitchen shower Wednesday night bv Miss : Kathleen Price at her home on West Main Street. Mini'i, jjiTuTiu* cookies Wi re served throughout the i evening and Mrs. Garland Barnhill' won a deck of cards for winning a kitchen utensils contest. "? Guests were Mesdames Vernon Bunting, Leman Barnhill, N R Man nnig. W L Howell, Miller Harrell, Garland Barnhill. Stewart Davis Jarms Bullock, Oscar Anderson! Henry Harrison, mother of the hon "m Stevenson, Guilford Flow" ? rs and Garland Wooljfrd; Mrs A P ' Barnhill, of Everetfs; Hisses Marie Griffin, Lola Phillips, Polly Dew i'm'u r Danl1'. Grace Barnhill, Julia Everett, Grace Manning, Nell cu'd'T- c,min pivd^Taylor Mary Rodgeraon. lam Bieen, Marjo.rie Lindsley. Kutlif Wa t ill Eloise Banning, Evelyn | ? R"by and HHrn Johnson.- , Visitinu in Wilmington M.SS Lorenc Weaver is spending the week-end in Wilmington. \ niting in Wilmington George Mahler i visiting relative ifi Wilmngton At Kayview This Week ?Hess Rogers. Mrs E IJ Har "? ai'd Ml'.- Knssoll lingers ami son. Miss Grace Roger . Bruce Mod lin and Mis- Dons Rogers, of Bear G'-i.- an pending ihis week .,i Buy v ifv\. Interest In Slieen Is In State A demand, far exceeding the sup ? y* '"miTicn ial ewes and regis '"e^ rams IS inuicatue o| a very leflfffte increase in the interest in -beep throughout North Carolina eports L i C;iM, extension animal' ?lUMiandljymmif N C Stale I'ollep,. despoil , lo the liitciost, m the form importations of Western owes and I, ams. has la-en suggested to countv arm agents by the "extension spec- 1 ( Gas, -?,d that Kenlnek. of ' '"-'ijor lamb producing statos is ' low buying about BO per cent of her I! ?y-c stock Tennessee and Virginia t ue increasing purchases' of Heeding sheep. j | Catrnly agents are Comiiiling I,vis 11 ?f farmer- who are inter, stcd in ' Joying Western ewes and registei j d rains from either Western North I' -urolina or neighboring States ' Wt ''ink we can buy Western ewes for mT I f'"' yearlings and $ti,50 , ami's, delivered - Case said The ewes are mainly mining ml,, III. Southeast from the Northwest ' i"'1', Hanipshire Rambouillett ,-n T'"'y Wl" *??"'?" about [S pttbods at-thl "mil.. . I j i ?;.y."iv. i'1'"" nil develop, nicely under good care ind will shear about B pounds of ugh quality wool. They are prac jically partuule tree When they arc hied - as yearlings tlie.v w ill uiajallv homTTrnHTilO l? 1(1,1 pcimTTnlaliTb^ lops. Alter (ho first yea. the ewes boughby Kentucky sheep men have i I I ops. e ~ "'i^Miurces of registered rams T ? nuilahl, dlTTTTs tTnte.11, suggmtTiT^ hat farmers interested in increas l ng "I entering the sheep raising 1 business should contact iheir farm I agei, immediately Several eastern I Nor I, Carolina bankers have shown 1 "> I'M in financing the import*-< lions of Western ewes J 41 ... Commissioner. N ,ii ,,NOlT|CI OK SALE North Carolina, Marlm County Iudor and In virtue of the power i sale contained a certain deed I I, i executed to the undersigned I U 1.1, hy Cms Peterson and wife i ^r ! y3a"",nd? ?2"d d'.'.y uf Nm'?; ptr, 19.J0 dn<^ of rc.c.ord t, . hcj^gistry Of Martin County in I BRIDE ELECT .Miss Rebecca Ellen Knig|)>t-> whose parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Dor us Williams Knight. of Rocky Mount, announced her engage look E-3. at page* 75. tin undersign - ?d trustee w ill <?|i Monday, the 21st lay (if July. 1.941, at twelve o'clock) loon, in front of the courthouse door ale t<> the highest bidder fot cash j :he fb 1 low ing described real estate, I :o v. it: A certain tract or parcel of land ! icing section two and four of the Alex Peterson land situated in God3e 1 Nest "TV^yTTshTp. rind shown pti map! m Public Registry of Martin County, -oiitaining fifty acres more or less. This the 18th day of June. 1941. 1. R EVERETT. |20- It Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. In Hie Superi >r Court. County of Martin vs. J. It. Cherry. Under and by virtue of an order of sale made by 1<. B Wynne. Cl?rk rrf?4+tr?Superior?Court?of Martin. C<?unT\7_<?n Monday, the 27th day of May, 1941. the undersigned commis sioner will, on Monday, the 7th day of July. 1941. at twelve o'clock noon, m front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston. offer for t<>-the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: Lying and being in Williamston Township, Martiie County, state of Ninth Carolina, containing 040 acres. Tnufi^TTT tessrcornrnonly known and designated as tin Spruill land, ad - joining N C Highway No. 125. the lands of Jesse Whitley, tile lahds of Roberson and Peel, and others, and being the same place known as the home place of Joseph B. Cherry. This the 27th day of May, 1941. ELBERT S PEEL, PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State <?f North Carolina. Department of State. To all to w hom these presents >may come Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion. by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by -the unani mous consent of al the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Williamston Hardware Company, In ment last week rnd to ( arroll <iodwin Crockett, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. <i. Crockett, of Wil liamston. The wedding will take place on August 2nd. eorporated, a corporation of this State, whoso principal office is sit uated at No. 227 Washington Street, in the City, of Wiiliamston, County pit Martin, State 01 North Carolina (Elizabeth Brown Harris being the agent there in and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations,'^ preliminarv to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I, Thad Kure, Sec retary of State oi the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the kaid corporation did, on the 23rd day of June, 1941, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration. executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and tha aaaord of 1110?proceedings I aforesaid are now on file in my said II ffice as provided ,by law. In testimony whereof, I have here i to set my hand and affixed my offi cial seal at Raleigh, this 23rd day of June, A. D.. 1941. THAD EURE. j27-4t Secretary of State. NOTICE North Carolina, Martih County. In The Superior Court. Jack Harrell v. Sarah Harrell. It appearing from the affidavit of B A Critcher, Attorney in this ac tion. that Sarah Harrell cannot after due diligence be found in the State and she is not to be found in the County of Martin; and it further ap pearing that a cause of action exists aguinst the defendant in favor of the plaintiff, to-wit: An absolute divorce on account of two years' separation It is, therefore, ordered that sum mons be served on said Sarah Har rell by publication and to that end that notice of this action be publish ed once a week for four weeks in the Enterprise, a newspaper published in Martin County, setting forth the title of the action, purpose of same and requiring the defendant to ap pear and answer the complaint with in thirty (30) days after service here of. This 2tth day of February. 1941. L. B WYNNE. jy4-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE To ALL I'jegw conic to tlic office of flic Martin County Sup erintendent of Srlioola and secure your TEACHER RETIREMENT FORMS 2 YEARS/ OLD I **? 75r <*? 1.10 Attention Farmers ^ on arr now liarw'xtinj: tour Toharro (>?|i. Don'l npt-iul mpiirv unit lo lo?c it. I(r wiw ami protect it with Kirr In Miranri' while in tile Park IIoum*. INSl |{i; WITH I S !NOW! K.B. CRAWFORD s ? All Kimls iff Insurance Sunday July 6 "Tight Shoes" JOHN HOWARD and BIN NIK BARNES ay-Tueaday July 7-? "Billy The Kid" ?obert Taylor, Brian Donlevy, Mary Howard ALIO 8BLECTK Turnage Theatre -- Washington. N. C. WrdntMla.v-TburMUy July 9-10 "Time Out Fur Hli* linn" Rl'PV VA1.1.EE ami ROSEMARY LANE ^ Friday-Saturday July 11-1X "Man Hunt" V, WALTER PIDOEON and JOAN BENNETT SHORT SUBJECTS MARKS FAMOIS HISTORIC SI'OT SITE OF FIRST. ENGLISH SETTLEMENTS.. IN NEW WORLD. 1585-7-BIRTHPLACE OF VIRGINIA DARE. FIRST CHILD BORN OF ENGLISH PARENTS IN AMERICA, AU GUST IB. 1587. * More than 100.MM visitors to the Virginia Dare country will see this marker this summer in connection with the fifth sea son of Paul Green's patriotic drama. The Lost Colony at the birthplace of the nation?Man too, Roanoke bland, N. C. T*a 354th anniversary of the Roan oke bland colonics and the birth of Virginia Dare will be mark ed through Labor Day, Septem ber 1, 1941. PEI1DER Quality Joan Storei ENJOY PENDER FINE FOODS OVER THE FOURTH! etosmc itom^^FXJR jinrr^TH: Closed All Day Friday, July 4th Thursday, July 3?6:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. New Treat SALAD DRESSING. 32-oz. jar 21* Trecsweet OliANGK Juice, 212-oz. cansJ7c, 46-oz. can 27c Navy 44* BEAUS 2 lbs lr SALMON ... 2 cans 29* 55-FOOT ROLL WAXED PAPER 5c N. II. PRIDE ASiOHTMENT, 1-lh. box , 25c SO I'Til I UN MANOR TiNY PEAS, 2 No. 2 cans 29c Double-Fresh GOLDEN BLEND COFFEE 2 lbs. 29c Triple-Fresh OUR PRIDE BREAD 0 LARGE "IC * LOAVES IN OUR MARKET Branded ROUND STEAK lb...29c NECK BONES 4 lbs. 25c SPARE BIBS Ih.. lSc PORK CHOPS . lb...23c STEW BEEF .. .. .2 lbs.. 25c \ .

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