Expia ted Home Soon Entering Duke hospital last week Mrs. Abner Brown in im proving and is expected home within a iew days. Returns Home Mr. Sylvester Peel returned to his home in Griffins Township Thu: j»ci. y r.ftet hi irig c<mfim -j in Brown Community Hospital for several days. Returns Horne Mrs. Robert Graham of Red Springs returned home Thursday after spending the past ten days here vviin her parents, Rev. and Mrs. B. T. Hurley. Fxpetted Hume Soon Mrs. John L. Goff expects to re turn soon from Narrows. Virginia, where she went to vei» '•« •• mother who sustained a broken arm in a fail recently. Spending Few Hays Here Mr:. Walton Whit, of WV-bii.g ton 1* spending a few* days here with Mr. and Mrs. George Harri son, Jr. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiggins Misses Gladys and Mary Kail Wiggjns of Tarboro. and Mr. John Lawrence oi Rocky Mount visited Mrs. M. IX Wilson V.-u S .nday. V isificg In Newport News Miss Mittie Lee Sills of Oak fit; is v; itire her sister, Mrs. if- Oiiivi is iii Newport lie port1 For Discharge Lt (> paid Hurley. Jr., ar il' ed Tuesday i -'rn Ne\" Y«vV rr|;-.rted to Norfolk Wednes day for his discharge from the 1 N:. vv.nl lei . ervipg 33 months. 24 ‘>t which was -ea duty. Reported Improving W. J. Smith who under r.t an Hoi -at-on in u Washing led oving. She will sped several days with her ■daughter. Lt. Commander Jessie Mae Holloman, there before re turning home. Spend Day In Richmond ' Mr, :i”d Mrs. Iverson Skinner spent Wednesday in Richmond whei e Mi Sk inn< r went for. a medical examination. Attending Conference Hey John L. Goff leaves Sun day afternoon fon the Young Peo ple's Conference at Atlantic Christian College where he will <'rve as director of recreation and "cinl life, learning and leading in these activities, hands In New York John !, Goff. Jr., Q. M. 3/C, j landed in New York lust Monday waih the Eighth Fleet which com pleted maneuvers recently. The sailor i xpoets to return to civilian life about June 15. Business Visitor Here farmer Roland Coburn of Dar dens was a business visitor in town W< ■ J nesc!ay. V isits ft) Palmyra M s. W. M. Kittroll of Rober sonville v. a: guest of Misses Hat tie and Margaret Everett of Pul myra Friday. Attend I’eanut Meeting Mes. r-. Carlyle Langley, Hob Fdie- nelson. John Gurkin, W. C. Wind ley and John A. Manning at tended a meeting of the National Peanut Council in Virginia Beach this week. Ill Newport News This Week Mr. Frank Cursturphen and W. las Bobby Harrison and Woo'ard were in Newpoit Nows this week handling a busi Here Wednesday Mi. Charley Davenport of -hnni --.dli was x business visitor’ lu re Wednesday morning. Visit In Smithlicld K‘ v- and Mrs. B. T. Hurley, Mrs. B- 1 G a>r-: and sen, Franklin, font Thursday in Smilhfield I with friends. Here On Business Mi Garland Anderson was here Weilin .-.day troni Jamesville at- j tending to business. In Sanford This Week Mr. H- 1- Coburn was in San-' ford attending to business this! week. “P” IS FOK PROTECT'ION 0 0 Policies that Protect. Since 1927 ... for 19 years . . . we’ve been writing policies that protect. That’s why we say . .. “Honestly, It's the Best Policy” HARRISON & CARSTARPIIEN INSURANCE Phone 83 Williamslon. N. C. ^—S ANNO l!NCEMENT PARK MEW HOSPITAL SCHOOL OI M RSINC ANNOUNCES A CLASS FOR SEPTEMBER 1940 An all expense program: complete maintenance, books, and uniforms furnished during the three year’s course. A candidate for the School must be 17 years of age, of good health and character and a graduate of an accredited high school. Write for application blanks to— Director of Nurses, Park View Hospital, Rocky Mount, N. C. MADAM CARROLL SCIENTIFIC PALMIST AND ADVISER Will give you true and never falling advice on anything pertaining to your welfare. Tells you just what you want to know without ask ing any questions, no matter what your hope, tear or trouble may be. This lady can and will help you. She guarantees to do what others CLAIM to do. Will give you advice on business affairs, love affairs, wills, deeds, and lost and stolen articles, will give names of enemies, and friends and who and when you will many. All readings are confidential with satisfaction guaranteed. Office hours !):()() A. M. till tl.liU P. M. Open Sundays. Readings to White and Colored. Look lor Name on Hand Sign - Located in Private Office Three Miles from Suffolk—(Magnolio)—on New Highway from Suffolk to Norfolk—Route ‘Hid Buses from Norfolk and Suffolk Pass Our Office Every Hour Special Reduced^ Price* 1 Protect, beautify and renew at extremely low cost. $10.95 to $16.95 Pure Straw Fibre. Let us install yon a fctt today. All colors to fit all model ears. Western Auto Associate Store • J. Miller and Son I In Washington Monday Mrs. Ernest Etheridge spent Monday in*Wa'■ Mvtngton. Spend Week-End At Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wyatt spent the week-end at Pamlico and bad . their guests, Mr. and Mrs. ' Sunk" Beil of Cherry Point. Attend Wedding Mrs. Collin Peel and Miss Irene , Tetterton attended the Rose-High i smith wedding and reception in Robefson.y.ilie. W.e.d.n.e.sria-V...<jttej;.-J , noon. Here Prom Elizabeth City “j Mrs. Joseph Pender, Jr., of' Elizabeth City visited Mr. and , •'J- Joe Pender here Tuesday! night.. I Spending Week At Pamlico Scouts Rush Bondurant, Jr., (John Watts, Mack MacLawhorn .and Charles Carver are spending , this week at Pamlico. In New Y'ork Mr. and Mrs. John Wier art spending a few days in New York attending to business. In Farmville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Baker and daughter, Joyce, spent Sunday in Farmville. Visit Father In Hospital | Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peel of Raleigh were here Sunday visiting his father, Mr. Sylvester Peel, who was a patient in Brown Com munity Hospital until yesterday. Move To New Home Mr. and Mrs. Raymond John son have moved to their new home in Martin Heights. To Visit Father Mr. R. W. Bondurant leaves Friday to visit his father, who is ill, in Rice, Va, Business Visitor Here Mr. W. T. Cross of Gatesvillc was a business visitor here Tues day. Here From Suffolk Mr. “Happy” Lawrence of Suf folk was here attending to busi ness this week. Visiting In Richlands Mis. George Harrison, Sr., and little Nanette Harrison are visit ing in Richlands this week. On Sight Seeing Tour Mr. and Mis. Sam Bundy, Mes dames Wheeler Manning and A. R. White and Lillian Peel accom ; panied the Beta Club to Washing I ton City on a sight seeing tour Sunday. They returned home Thursday. Visiting In Snow Hill Mrs. J T. Edmondson is visit ing in Snow Hill this week. Spending Week-End In Piedmont Misses Bernice Waid and Lib Taylor are spending the week end in Greensboro and High Point. Jimmie Ward, student at High Point College will accom pany them home. Visits Relatives Here Mr. Dick Daniel of Snow Hill visited relatives here this week. In Hospital Mrs. John R. Peel visited Mr. N. S. Riddick in a Washington Hos pital Wednesday. Shops Here Thursday Mrs. Grover Lilley and daugh ter, Shirley, of Dardens shopped here Thursday. Here From Roper Mr. Sam Davenport of Roper was heie on business this week. FEELING FINE-NOW, MRS. GORDY FRANKS RETONGA I II;:W In I'liirc Dovui \\ lial sl‘‘‘ \ml Siiffrml Wi*t‘ru]>ly Itiiiii liourt iuirn VihI Say* Well-known J{ <*<nl. Fools l ike l)if. Ii'n ul IVtsoii Now -« \‘ I had to force down whatever I ate and felt miserably weaken ed, but now, thanks to Retonga, I have a ravenous appetite and feel better and strong! r than in years,” happily states Mrs. J. R. Gordy, respected housewife of 794 Harold Avc .. S. K., Atlanta, Go. Telling of her experience she gratefully continued: I lilt let down and idh ly worn-out. My appetite was so jttdcd 1 had to use all nty will powt r to make myself eat. poor 'biui-iiuu made my head swim and 1 suttered agony frum heart 1 sen Seme days muscular pains "IU ■' si-veii' I eould hardly i aise my arms. My weight drop ped off. ftatui ally I felt com pietely w looped down when night eame. However, 1 felt so restless 1 would roll . ltd toss instead of sleeping, and mornings 1 still si omed worn-out. MRS. J. R. GORDY “Retonga brought me grand re lict. I actually crave food and can cat anyt mg f want and I feel bettor and stronger than in years. 1 am publicly praising Retonga because 1 can perhaps help others suffering as I did by telling of the blessed relief this famous medi cine brought me.” Retonga is intended to relieve distress due to insufficient flow et digestive juices in the stomach, loss of appetite, Vitamin B-l de ficieney and constipation. There is only one Retonga; accept no substitute. Retonga may be ob tained at Clark’s Pharmacy, Inc. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. John L. Beach an nounce the marriage of their daughter. Ruby Dell, to George Revels, on Sunday, May 26, 1946, , at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Crocker. The bride wore a white suit with white acces sories, and a corsage of red car i nations. Only close relatives and a few' friends attended the wed JGi? couple left immediate ly after the ceremony fu; a short 'TdY-fiding trip. , Visit Son In Plymouth | Mi. and Mrs. W J K'-. 1 visited j the’r son, Durand Keel, in Ply. j mouth this week. J Shop In Raleigh I Mrs. S. R. Biggs, Misses Nancy Biggs, Marjorie Gray Dunn and Mary Charles Godwin shopped in Raleigh Tuesday. Spending Few Days Here Bt. (jg; Jack Baker Saunders, stationed in Williamsburg, arrived | here Wednesday to spend a few ! days with his mother, Mrs. J. H. ! Saunders. Out Again Mr. F. J. Margolis, who has been confined to his home by illness is now able to be out. Shop Here Thursday Mesdames C. C. Flemirg, Ella Paxton and F. A. Rawls cf James ville shopped here Thursday. Return From Trip Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Manning and children have returned from a trip to Washington, D. C., and the Shenandoah Valley. Home For Week-End S 1-c John N. Hopkins spent last week-end ne ir here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hopkins. He had as his guest, S 1-c N. C. Kaltz. Home With Discharge J. R. Edmondson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Edmondson, received , his discharge from the U. S. Army-: this week. Sgt. Edmondson spent 1 one year on the Azores Islands I and was associated with Maurice ^ Moore, Jr., another Wiliamston ! boy, while on the Atlantic Island. Just before he left Edmondson stated that Moore left for a seven day furlough in Paris. LOTS FOR SALE FAIR GROUNDS PROPERTY See J. S. Whitley & Son 'Funeral Held For | infant Wednesday ! Funeral -.'vices were held at the Biggs Funeral Home on West 1 Main Street here Wednesday aft ernoon at 4:30 o’clock for William Robert Griffin, Jr., who was born and who died in a Washington j hospital earlier that day. Rev. B. T.’ Hurley,' local Methodist minis j ter, conducted the last rites and i burial was in Woodiawr Ceme i tery here, ; Surviving are his parents. -«, Here From Hamilton Professor and Mrs. George Hazel, and son, of Hamilton, were visitors in the city Thursday. , Here Over Week-End Mrs. Irene Owens and daugh ter, of W’ilson, will here over the ’viaeA-tna. i Visiting Relatives Here Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sample of Oklahoma City and Mrs. W. O. Sample and daughter, Miss Bess j Sample, of Davidson, are spending a few days here with relatives. Here For Week Mr. and Mrs. Bob Levin of Chape] Hill are spending a week with Mr. Levin’s parents here. j Ladies Aid To Meet The Corinth Ladies Aid will ! hold its next meeting with Mrs. Carrie Devanport. Returns from Pamlico Mrs. J. F. Thigpen returned home Thursday after spending a few days at Pamlico. Here from Robersonville Mr. Wade Vick was here from Robersonville Tuesday. Call Dozen Cases On Monday In the Recorder’s Court —— (Continued .from page one) j again. “I feel sorry for you,” Judge Smith said. Entering no pita in the case ; charging him with violating the public health lav; ns it acts toVori: . trol the spread of tuberculosis, Joseph L. Godard was adjudged guilty and was sentenced to the roaus for six months. The road tc-i'tu was suspended on condition that the defendant enter the Mar tin County Sanatorium on June 3 and rer there until released by the superintendent of public welfare and the health depart ment. ^ Pleading guilty in the case dunging him with larceny and false pretense, Willie Biggs was sentenced to the roads for four months. Clifton Forbes, Jr., charged with operating a motor vehicle without a driver’s license, plead ed guilty and was fined $25 and required to pay the costs. The j court recommends i that no li cense be issued tin: defendant for one year. I Bill Brown, colored, was fined $25 and taxed with the costs in the case charging him with as saulting a female. The prosecut ing witness, his wife, said in open 1 court that they h ad come to a parting of the ways. Brown, a veteran of nearly four years in ( the service, has been out of the army hardly four months. c H E N Y U Clark's Nail Polish Lipstick Polish Accessories Cloud Silk Make Up Pharmacy w In the case charging the violating the Jiqucr laws, Godard pleaded not guii was found not guilty, arj Med Hr pleaded guilty of ^ ing illegal liquor. Modi1 fined S50 ar.d required to | Covernme House i Rum Imported by KWnion G. Show Now York Cit) Do You Nee Money? for # Repairs to Your Car 9 Farm Needs # Uuexpeeted Expenses We Lend Money o Your Car $50 to IN 15 MINUTE! No Endorser—No E We will also financ car you plan to b Drive in to Borrc Wnahinglo Finance C4| West Second Street N i Koell Motor Co.' TELEPHONE 111 WASHINGTON, N.i U Whether you take your water spoils seriously, or make a fetish of sun tail* ning without benefit of a«]ita puru — we’ve sunning ami swimming suits whose lines have been composed to every lady wearing sizes twelve to twenty! White, black and a gamut of colors worthy of an artist's palette — in monotone and print. MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL OPENS SATURDAY, JUNE 1 Margolis Bros i

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