( Secure I.icense A niamaso license was issued in the niunly this week to Dewey L.-s Edvard* o! Williamston and Ethel Lan Speller of KFD 4. Windsor. Here Tuesday Mr and Mrs Waltei Kennedy ol Kinston visited Mr and Mrs. Marvin Cnlti.hr. here foi a short while Tuesday. Here Wednesday Mr Henry G. Shelton, district highway commissioner, of Speed, was a business visitor here yester day. Mr Shelton was accom panied In Harry Weseott of the State Utilities Commission. ■ Austir^jNichols CLUB RESERVE t BLENDED WHISKEY $2.101 pint - $3.35 j fifth I I I Vba StrargM Wh.sVay; In Ihit pro4wfT in $ I — jfion or mon old, SttQtqh! Whiiktv. 40% ■ 1 tram Niutral Spirits, 84 8 proof. I Return!! To Home His condition much improved following treatment in a Rocky Mount hospital. Mi John Bland returned to hi.* home near here this week. Returns To Rich Square Mrs. Edwin Holding returned to her home in Rich Square yester day after a short visit here with' relatives. In Greenville Yesterday Mrs C. H. Godwin. Sr., and Mrs. W. F. Coppage visited in Greenville yesterday. Building Home Mr and Mrs. W. L. Howell are starling the construction of a home on the corner of Lee 'and, Vance Streets near the new hos pital. Visits Here Mi N. C. Everett of Roberson-; ville visited here yesterday after noon. Spends Day Here Mrs. Walton White of Norfolk spent Tuesday here with Mr. and Mrs George Harrison, Jr. Spend Day in Beiltaveii Mr and Mrs. C J. Brady. Mrs. W H Belssing and Mr. and Mrs Bruce Holloman spent Wednesday in Belhaven. Attend Graduation Exercises Mi and Mrs. Carlyle Langley, Jr. have returned from Cullo whre where they attended the graduation of their son, Carlyle Langley, 111. from W. C T C. The young man was graduated with a bachelor of science degree. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. i Peele’s — Jeweler* 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 ! Business V’isilor Here Mi . M. F VanNortwick of Rob ersonville was a business visitor hero yesterday. To Attend Meeting Mi. ahri. Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Mi. and Mrs. C.ofr-tez.Gr-eeri. Mi. and Mr- Fiartk Margolis. . Bar bara and Richard .Margolis , and Mrs. Earl Wynn will - leave Sun • day- morning for Virginia '-Beach where they ;w.il) -attend a three day meeting of the North Carolina Building and Loan League - Tour Mountains Mr. and Mrs. Rubin-Bailey, Mr. and Mrs June Beach and:daugh ter. Diahne, and Mrs. Nellie-Hardy toured the mountains in Virginia last week-end, driving through the Sky Line Drive. Returns To Base Pfc. Rex Singleton of'the U. S. Air Force, has. returned to his-base at- Shaw Field. Sumter. S C., for reassembly after a forty-day• fur lough spent here with his mother. Mrs. Perlid.Gardner and family. Receives Degree Mi Robert Bryan Jones was graduated -with a bachelor of sci ence degree from W. C. T C., in C'ullowhee last week-end. Visiting Parents William K. Lilley, Jr., who has returned recently from Seanda navia, is spending some time near here with his parents. Mr -and Mrs. Kader Lilley before going to Ins new station in Georgetown. British Guiana. Announce Birth of Daughter I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van ; Landingham announce the birth of a .daughter, Elizabeth Diahne. j on Wednesday, June 7, in a .Wash j mgton hospital. Mrs. Van Lynd j ingham is the former Miss Mar garet Moulin of Plymouth. In Kitty Hawk Yesterday Attorney Robert H. Cowen at |tended to business in Kitty Hawk yesterday. June is dairy Month i IT WOULD be difficult to estimate how ?m*It kmMbm'e lnqh stdiiJaid ui health is diiecdy due to <mx <Wn tocaseea und milk distributors. For milk is more lavishly available to mare families ia America, and at lower cost, than ia any other country. It is the best milk in the world, and abundant supply plus our system ol low-cost distribution, ornate a standard which is a model for the world. One oet of every 15 U. S. families is dependent on milk tor a livelihood, end 1949 cash farm income from milk, in Virginia, Weft Virginia end North Carolina alone, totalled $122,162,000. A situation so mutually favorable to psoducer, dirtsthsrtor and consumer could oxist only under our free enterprise system. And electricity, supplied by business managed, tax-paying utilities such as VEPCO, helps make the Modem dairy fan* a land of milk—and monay! Thanks to choap Elactricity — thia tiasaandoua dairy iatMtaMd and tha haalth of tba familios in VEPCOland asa both iwfadrJ by electric refrigeration and hot-watefr-by-wue. Expected Here Today Captain and Mis. J. D. Bowen and son will arrive Thursday to spend a month here with rela tives. They returned recently to ! the states after spending three years in Germany. Here From Gatesville Mr. Bill Cross of Gatesville was a business visitor here Tuesday. In Rich Square Wednesday Mr. H. H. Cowcn. Jr., attended j to business in Rich Square yes ' j U i day. Visit in Tarhoro Mrs. Irving Margolis and den- ! ghters, Sandra and Gail, visited j in Tarboro Tuesday. Business Visitor in Robersonville Mr Rill Barber attended to buso,- is in RobersonviHe Wed nesday. Attend Finals at State Mrs. Charles M. Peele, Mr. and Mis. D. B. Rogerson, Mrs. George M. Peele, Mrs. Jasper Jones and daughter. Annie Faye. Robert Peel, and Mr. Chas. M. Peel. Jr, who is visiting here from Nor folk, attended the graduation of Howell Rhodes Peele at State College last Sunday To Take Refresher Course Mrs. Bill Manning will leave Sunday for Durham where she will take a week's refresher course in music at Duke Univer sity. Business Visitor ni Raleigh Dr. Charles I. Harris attended to business in Raleigh Wednesday. Return Home from Hospital Mrs. Percy Welch and her in fant son have returned hofne from Tayloe Hospital in Washington. Visiting Here Mr. and Mis. Pete Bland of Au j burn, Georgia, are visiting Mr. Bland’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bland, here this week. Returns From New York Charles Davis, proprietor of the Outlet Store here returned home , Tuesday after spending the week end in New York purchasing mer- , chundise for the local store. Visiting Here Mrs. Ruth Crofton and children of Lumberton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Staton Avers this week. Square-dancing occupies the attention of Sheila Ryan, Vir ginia Welles, Phil Brito and Warren Douglas in “Square Dance Kat.v,” Monogram musical playing at the Marco Theatre Satur day. Vera Vague is starred. Miss Ethel Lane speller Weds Dewey L. Edwards Miss Ethel Lane Speller, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Speller of Windsor, and Dewey Lee Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Edwards, of Wil liamston, were married Monday afternoon, June 12. at five o’clock. The Rev. George Leggett of Wind sor officiated. The couple have returned from a short wedding trip and are mak ing their home here. Mr. Ed wards is employed by the Worrell Appliance Company. -o————— MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. Samuel C. Ray of this city announces the marriage of his daughter. Mrs. Fannie Ray Moore, to Mr. William Moore Perkins of Baltimore, Maryland, on Decem ber 10. 1940. at the First Methodist Church in Baltimore Mr and Mrs. Perkins will make their home in Baltimore where Mr. Perkins is connected with the In ternal Revenue Department. BOARD TO MEET The Executive Board of the Williamston Woman's Club will meet Monday afternoon, June 19. at 3:30 in the club building. The I purpose of the meeting is to ap- | point committees for the coming year. All past presidents and interested members are invited to attend. ---^ At Camp Charles Hugh Lindsley, son of Mr. and! Mrs. K. P. Lindsley, is spending! some time at Camp Charles where he is employed as a councilor. I MISS KATIE LEGGETTE TO | wed Titus s. critcher| Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waiter Leggette request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Katie Clyde, to Mr. Titus Stuart Critcher on Sat urday afternoon. June 24. 1950, at 5:30 o’clock, Church of the Ad vent. vVilliamston, North Caro lina. No invitations will he mailed in town. Able To Return Home Showing remarkable improve ment following a throat opera tion in a Durham hospital last Friday, Ira Price, Jr. was aide to | return to his home near here this week. Undergoing Treatment Undergoing treatment in a Washington hospital for some time, Alfred Griffin, young boy, j was able to return to his. home near here early this w'eek. In Nags Head Mr. Dan Sharpe is in Nags Head today visiting his family who are spending several days there. In Raleigh Yesterday Mr. K. P. Lindsley and Mr. Ol iver Wolfe attended to business in : Raleigh yesterday. 'Remains Critically III Mr. Millard Lilley, formerly of Williamston, continues gravely ill at his home in Ahoskie, accord ling to information received here j this morning. | In Fayetteville Mrs. Dennis Griffin is spend ling a few days in Fayetteville. Announced Birth of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bond, of Williamston. announce the birth Sunday afternoon in a Washing ton hospital of a 9 pound, 10 ounce baby girl, Carole Ann Mrs Bond is the former Edith Knob, of York, Pa. Return To Durham Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peele have returned to their home here after spending several days in Durham and Raleigh. While in Durham they attended the graduation ex ercises of their son, William Oscar Peele. Jr., from Duke University. Spending Some Time Here Jo Peele Smith of Raleigh the daughter of Mr, and Mrs Bill Smith, is spending some lime here with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Oscar Peele. Spends Week-end in Raleigh H. M. Peel, Jr. of Hamilton spent the week-end with Edward Bagley, in Raleigh. BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — It Cooks — It Heats — It Makes Ice — Courtney Gas Co., Inc. Dial 2572 You can haul more loads... more miles...for less... with Chevrolet Trucks Take time out to talk to some Chevrolet truck users. You'll find it revealing. You'll discover that Chevrolet trucks pay their way by hauling more loads—more miles—for lessl And you'll find that this extra measure of value is even more apparent in the new Chevrolet models. Definitely, they're America’s first-choice trucks. Heavy-duty units feature a brand-new 105-h.p. Valve in-Head engine with the power to pull heavy loads and conquer steep grades. They offer new Power-Jet carburetion for smoother, quicker operation. They bring you the fast, safe shifting of Chevrolet’s 4-speed Synchro-Mesh transmission. But whatever your hauling requirements, Chevrolet trucks are your best bet. See them in our show* room. You'll agree, ADVANCi-DKSIGN TRUCKS ► ► ► PERFORMANCE LEADERS Here or* the moil powerful Chevrolet truck* over builtl Two groat Valve-in-Head engines—the Thriftmaitor 92-h.p. and tho now Loadmaitor 105-h.p. ongino have ttepped-up powor and performance. PAYLOAD LEADERS Low operating and repair cost* of Chevrolet truck* are due to fined engineering and rugged conduction. Chevrolet truck* let you deliver the good* with real reduction* in fed per ton per mile. POPULARITY LEADERS For the lad full year, Chevrolet truck* have outtold tho next two make* combined) That'* evidence of the owner •atidaction they have earned—proof that Chevrolet li the nation'* mo*t-wanted truck. ► PRICE LEADERS Vou'ro money ahead with Chevrolet truck*! Chevrolet'* rock-bottom initial cost—outttandingly lew cost of oper ation and upkeep—and high trade-in value, all add up to the lowed price for you. Roanoke Chevrolet Company—Williams! on, N, C.

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