j^pQ^^p^a^SS^P'OPOO<=,00^^<S30'OOOOOOOOOQ-0-Q-0'PO~0'0'0~0'0'Q'Q'Q0^9 ^1 TOWN OF WILLI AMSTON PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCVL'YEAR 1950-1931 AMICI PA TEI) REV EM E Penalties <>ii Taxes_& 525.00 Pav iiiy Assessments_ 2,000.00 Privilege License_ 900.00 Null) Tags_ 650.00 VIM’ & Vi ine-Beer Profits-- 1 1,000.00 ,[. I*. & Mayor Courts_ 800.00 Cemetery Lots_ 2,000.00 Solvent Credits- 2,493.46 l tilities — Franchise Tax- 1,27 <.32 Tax Advertising_ 25.00 Rental City Hall_ 1,200.00 W ater Serv ice Sales_ 35,800.00 Water & Sewer Connection Fees_ 3,000.00 Current Tax Levy — 1950 Valuation_S3.866,556.00 Kate $2.00 Tax _ 77,331.12 Sewer Service Fee_ 7,400.00 Parking Meters (Town Share)_ 3, <50.00 Taxi Privilege License- 480.00 Traffic Fines___ .">0.00 TOTAL _$150,681.90 EXPENDITURES GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: Salary of Mayor_1_ 600.00 Salary of Treasurer_ 3,120.00 Salary Vssistanl_ 1,600.00 Salary Commissioners_ 1,000.00 Salary Janitor_ 780.00 Legal «SL Audit_ 500.00 Lining Faxes and Preparing Tax Kooks_I_ 425.00 Stationery — Office Supplies_ 500.00 Telephone — Lights_ 300.00 Repairs — City Hall_ 6,000.00 Insurance and Bond Premiums_ 1,0 <0.IK) Kent and Leases_ 155.00 Colored Recreation_ 600.00 Advertising _ 500.00 Library _ 600.(Ml Membership Dues (N. C. League of Municipalities and Ocean Highway Association) _ 325.00 Custodian — City Hall_ 600.00 Rat and Mosquito Control___ 1,200.00 Kmplovees— Ins. and Hospitalization_ 762.60 Fuel — City Hall_ 700.00 TOTAL_$ 21,337.60 CEMETERY: New Land Payment_$ 2,666.66 Interest (3 1-2% of $5,333.34)_ 186.67 Labor _ 3,160.00 Supplies _ 700.00 TOTAL_$ 6,713.33 SW 1MMING POOL: Supplies _ 500.00 Insurance _ 223.95 Lights _ 50.00 TOTAL_$ 778.95 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Salaries _$ 1,680.00 Salary — Part Time Fireman_ 420.00 Repair to Equipment_ 200.00 Supplies _ 500.00 Gas and Oil_ 100.00 Insurance _ 250.00 Convention _ 150.IH) 3,300.00 TOTAL _$ POLICE DEPARTMENT: Salary Chief ___„_$ 3,120.00 Salary Policeman_ 14,950.00 Supplies _ __ 250.00 Kf|iair» lo Equipment_ 350.04) 4ias and 4)il_ 450.00 Telephone and Telegraph_ 200.00 Medical _ 120.00 l{a<lio — Service Charges_ 120.00 Clothing _ 750.00 New Equipment_ 750.00 TOTAL _| 21,060.00 STREET H SANITARY DEPARTMENT: Salar\ Supt._$ 1,710.00 Labor _ 18,500.00 Supplies _J___ 5,000.00 Gas ami Oil_ 2,000.00 Repairs to Equipment_ 1,500.00 Telephone ar.it Telegraph _ 75.00 New Equipment (1 pick up. 1 truck & body)_ 4.200.00 Light* _ 55.00 DUAL_$ 33,785.00 WA TER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: Salary of Supt. _$ 1,710.00 Labor - 10,000.00 Supplies - 3.000.00 4»as and Oil_ 1,000.00 Repairs to Equipment___._ 1,000.00 Water Analysis_ \ 65.00 lelephone ami Telegraph__ ' 55.02 Convention _*_ 100.00 Sewer Expansion _ 7,44)0.00 Water Mains_ _ .7,500.00 Repair to Water Tank__ 1,000.00 New Equipment ( I tVuck, pick-up)_ 2,500.00 New Meters_ 1,682.00 TOTAL _ __ _$ 10,4)12.02 DEBT SERVICE: i Principal on Bunds_. __$ 14.50if.00 interest on Bunds_ 9,195.00 TOTAL ___& 23,695.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES_8150,681.94) : TOWN OF WILL1AMSTON, C. M. Cobb,'Treasurer. Old Axiom Is True As Ever New York.—For a while this year it looked as though at least one economic axiom no longer held true: the one that says neither farmers nor city folk can prosper long separately. Accord ing to winter and spring forecasts by many economists, 1950 was to be a year of depression for the farmer, of continuing good times for his city cousin. It doesn't look that way today. Unless the Ko rean war throws the entire econo my out of whack, farm folk will have prosperity this year too. Overall national figures show a dip in farm income to date, but the trend appears to have turned up again. Agricultural economists are now predicting that the Depart ment of Agriculture will have to revise earlier estimates that 1950 rural income would sink 17 per cent below 1949 levels. In Indiana —a typical corn-hog-cattle pro ducing area in the great midwest “breadbasket region" — farm equipment sales (a good barom eter to farm prosperity) are de finitely on the upgrade. One deal er reported an 80 percent sales gain in May over the same month of 1949. Good volume for tractors, corn planters, and similar mach inery was also maintained all through June. "Farmers seem to have changed their minds about conditions,” says this dealer. “I don't know whether it’s fear of inflation, or the war scare, or | what it is. But they're coming in i and laying down the cash.” That this is no isolated case seems evident from the following summary of the situation by Iowa State College: “A boomlet . . . a dose of mild inflation . , . the outlook is good." -- — ..-<+)■-. . Master File Of TheRacketeers A master file of all prominent racketeers is being prepared by Senate crime investigators in Washingtori, it was announced re cently. Chairman Kefauver stat ed that a special committee of the Senate is engaged in compil ing a file, cross-indexted, which little by little may piece together a pattern of how these crime oper ations interlock. Senators can cross check the records of every suspected operator in the world of gambling, narcotics, and other il legal interests. Investigators will use the records to trace the way the underworld operates. The Se nate Appropriations Committee made public confidential testi mony of F. B. I. Director J. Edgar Hoover, saying that local and na tional crimes have increased a great deal. Mr. Hoover said that "our crime picture today reflects a much more serious problen than during the pre-war years ’ TkM elite l>» uk«» ■ from *e i«*boy» *nd wear* l * »rrir kwrW «» >>er H" ‘7' „ aad m»I<4iin* kerchief are jr,.tcrf from *beer «»•**«■ gin* -«-« check. *7 <i*»7 7d Ixird. CinirhaBi i» «®c* popular for m.mmtr frock. »•*•« accordin|; I® Na*t«n»l CoUon - fadtioa expert.. A large percentage of certain crimes are being committed by youths under twenty-one. He add ed that youths under twenty-one are responsible for 43.9 percent of all automobile thefts, 38.5 percent of all burglaries, 30.4 percent of the rapes, and a fourth of all rob beries and larcenies. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Martin fcounty. In the Superior Court Before the Clerk Iona James, Administratrix of John James, deceased, v. William Little and wife, Terusha Little, James Moss and wife, Odessa Moss, John Thomas James, George King, Lester King, Wil liam Thomas King, Edward King, Amanda King, Lucretia James, Linwood James, Langston James, Glennie James and Ulysses James and Clarence Griffin, Guardian ad litem. fhe defendants, James Moss and Odessa Moss, John Thomas James, George Kfhg, Edward King, and Lucretia James, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against them in the Superior Court ol Martin County for the purpose of selling a part of the real estate belonging to the late John James, deceased to make assets to pay the remainder of the debts and cost of administration, and the said defendants will take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, on the 15th day of August, 1950, or with in ten days thereafter, and an swer or demur to the petition fil ed therein or the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This 13th day of July, 1950. L. B. Wynne, Clerk Superior Court, jl 18-25 au 1-8 r? J' ' M t ft i NiC July 19,20,21 and 22 DURING BOOSTER DAYS WE ARE OFFERING 10% OH On I GARDEN HOSE s- FOOT NATS ^ ELECTRIC FANS IRONING BOARDS X 14 Ql. Burpee PRESSURE COOKERS ' Woolord Hdw. Co. BULLUCK’S Mid - Summer BOOSTER DAYS ATTENTION MEN! i MARK BULLUCK’S YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR OUTSTAND ING VALUES DURING THIS PROMOTION ! » REDUCTION On All SUMNER SPORT SHIRTS AND POLOS STRAW HATS Clearance of all slraw* on our shelv es. We mi”lil have your size left. Drop in aiul see. Values to $5.00. $1.21 up SWIM SUITS Iteauliful sharkskin and gabardine swim suits in all sizes and colors, solids and fancies. $1.66 THESE MUST GO! H i > O.X ,y Yl.oy SUMMER SUITS uim-“ r'\ (,?»' “if"" rr. $21.88 - $25.88 (2 pair pants) All Wool TROPICALS way price. 11,1 a* •!*!» £ive at $42.50 Suit - $21.88 (f. mun cloth POLOS SIi|eliIly soiled. Sizes, Medium anil Large. 77c SHANTUNG PANTS and SHIRTS To Maloli. $4.44 Suit NYLON SHIRTS $5.95 Value $4.88 % REDUCTION On All SUMNER < PANTS w AND V \ BULLUCK'S J Headquarters for the Finest In Men's and liny*' H ear WIELIAMSTON \ BOOSTERS

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