Elizabeth City Extends Glad Welcome To Gates County Folks and Others At Day's Festivities Rare Opportunity Offered For Friendly Intercourse y And Profitable Dealings ______ A City of North < jiroliniaii*, fur North ? ui'oliiiiun-, Vhow People Have an Interest That I* More Per sonal Than Commercial, ami Whiwr Store* I lave Attractive W'aren at Reasonable Price* Elizabeth City today welcomes the people of (latex Coun ty and the Albemarle district into her confines, and hids them make merry to the fullest. Nowhere on the coastal plain of North Carolina is there a city of comiurahle size that has richer natural resources, more attractive stores, or better facilities for friendly and profitable intercourse. First of all, Elizabeth Cily* is a North Carolina city. Folks from dates County, as] well as from elsewhere in the; State, are at home here. They ' deal with neighbors, not strangers. They find an in-i terest that is more personal than commercial, and is im-| bued with the spirit of neigh borliness that makes business j transactions something morel than a mere exchange of dol-j lars for commodities. Elizabeth City ho* retail atorea that are the pride uf thla hmiIoii of the State, anil that vie In M tractiveue?? with tho l>eat that nearby cities cau offer. Rent* are! relatively -low here, llvlnx expenw-4 es are not exceaaive. Hence y,,e merchants are enabled to do bual jt nets at lower coat than In many ? other cities. The customer gets the benefit of this In lower price*. Old American HU*k Shaded with venerable elms. Elizabeth City Is a city of homes whose beauty and refinement greet the eye of the visitor with refresh tag proof that thin If h city Peo pled almost exclusively from the old Anglo-Saxon stock, American all the way through. The foreign ?lemeut Is negligible here. Unlike many a Southern metro polis. Elisabeth City today Is im bued with a spirit of progressive ness that promises many things fot the years Just ahead. Many worth | while enterprises are in the mnk ] lug of this strictly North Carolina city, a city of and for North Car-, olinlans. i One of these Is the taking over ? by the" Government of the Dismal Swamp Canal, a historic water way surveyed by George Washing ton and maintained as a private enterprise for a hundred yeanr Congress already has authorized the purchase of the canal/ and it . Is to be opened as a toll free wat erway by ilext spring or earlier. . ? when details incident to the pur I chase have been completed. Kllubeth rlty l? on the route ol the Houlh Atlantic Cnaatal Highway, a ureal north anil Houlh , tranaportatlon iirtei v traveralnK ; t the coast country from Washing- 1 ton, O. C.. to Jacksonville. Mor Ida. 200 mllea shorter than any other route between these points. | and already having more miles or bardsurfaced road than any other, | The State has authorized a bond Issue of $<500,000 for const ruet Ion i of a bridge near Edanton which ; will prove a vitally Important link | In this highway, and will bring I ( additional thousands of tourists \ thin way. fc A country club representing an * Initial outlay <?f fRO.ODO has been launched In Elizabeth City, and | the clubhouse now Is. nearly fin ished. It will be opened formal-: ly In a few weeks, and Is added proof of the progresslveneas of, the cltv and section. Its nine hole gulf ruurn" on which P10* lh* year round is an exceptional fea iur? in declared to ho one of the in the South. This alone It expected to attract many worth while visitors to this part of North Carolina. HiMwim of Prog re? On every hand there are ovi- , dencea of progr*'^ her*'. New stores are going up and old one* are being enlarged and modem lied. Mills and other Industrial concerns are expanding their facil ities. The city Is on the up-grade.' despite having passed through the, most difficult period of depression In the recent history of the 1'nitcd States. Elisabeth City Is resdlly acces sible from Gates County. From Sunbury hero the distance Is 27 mile*. 14 of which are of wall graded sand-clay formation and the remainder a paved highway Jrom Newland Methodist Church Ap this city. Visitors from Gates, M\n find this city easy and eon -j "lenient of accaas. and will be ae-l \ (Continued on page 3) M "AL" SMITH IS POPULAR HERO WITH NEW YORK Single Noli- Arisen From Both Democrat* and Re publican* and That Ik a Note of Praiite UK 1)11) THE JOB Governor Set Out to Pill Hylan ami llearst ill the Ash (Uiii and He Did It Very Thoroughly lly ItOIIKttT T. HMAI.I, , New York, Sept. 17. ? "Al" , Smith at ill reigns supreme. Any doubt "an to where he stands with the Democracy of Greater New York ? which in the Democracy of ; the empire atate ? bus been swept away. The governor made good his promise to put Hylan and j Heurst "in the aahcan" and the Job was ho succeaafully and over ! whelmingly accomplished that no | one wait particularly interested to I day as to whether or not the de* ] fen ted mayor would determine up jon an independent candidacy. It ha* been made plain that a third party ticket, headed by Hylan and 'financed by Heart*!, would have 'no backing at all within the Dem ocratic organization. The most loyal of the Hylan leaders have announced their Intention of stay ing "regular" and getting behind Senator "Jimmy" Walker, the nominee, whom Hylan tried to be little an "a Broadway butterfly." There la but a Mingle note In the city today. It arises alike from Democratic and Republican sourc es, It is a paean of praise to Gov ernor Smith for hla work in the campaign. Without him It is frankly admitted that Mayor Hy lan would have been renominated and re-elected. Republican papers in their Joy over ridding the city of "Hylanliim" are Intimating only In a roundabout way that they are hoping to defeat the new Tam many candidate at the poll* in November with their candidate, Frank D. Waterman, pen manu facturer. who says he would give the city Its flint "business admin istration" in half a score of years. It may be possible that the Re puhlloanH can win the election In November, but It la not probable, even If the defeated Hylan and Hearst combination do their worst to upset the Tammany ap pie-cart. Among the enrolled voters of the city the Democrat outnumber i the Republican* by some 'thing j more than 270.000. Of course ' thla does not mean quite as much I (Continued on page 3| CONFERENCE FRIDAY ON PROBLEMS OF AIR Washington. Sept. 17. A spe cial hoard appointed by I'realdent i Coolldge to Inquire Into the sir craft situation was organised to- ' day with selection of Dwlghf W. I Morrow, New York financier, as chairman. Washington. Rept 17. -The much debated queatlon of the ade quacy of American air power en tered another stage today with the convening at the White House of the sperlal board appointed by President Coolldge to Investigate the subject. COTTON M/%IIKKT New York. Sept. 17.? 8pot cot ton closed q ?i let . middling 24.65. a decline of ft points. Futures, closing bid Oct 24.40. Dec 24 76 Jan. 24. OS. March 24 23, May 24 <2. New York, Sept. 17 -Cotton futures opened today at the fol lowing levela: October 24 (55. De cernber 14.96. January 24 25, larch 24. CO. May 24. >0. Views of Downtown Section of Elizabeth City %? 8irt**t h<hiihm In the downtown btiHknf** of CIiIh city, anil 'a if Ihi- Norfolk Southern Ilnilroud dock* at I In* of t li?* early Irish potato sciimiii. HIS LATEST PHOTO Here undoubtedly In the photograph of Hallet H. Ward, former ConKreanman and principal Hpeaker at th?* celebration today. It wan Knapped by John Peele, 10 year-old aon of the editor of The Dally Advance, at Currlturk Court laat week. I NEGOTIATIONS BEGIN A WEEK FROM TODAY Washington. Sept. 17. ? Nego jtlatlona for funding Ffance'a |4. I ooo.ooo.noo debt to the United , Staten will begin here one week j from today. i Art In k Secretary Winston of the Tfenaitry. aecretary of t lio Ameri I ran debt commia*ion. today iaaued la call for n preliminary meeting [of the American rommlxHlon at 'ten o'clock uext Thursday morn ling hy which time the French mia | Mlon headed hy Finance Minister : ('alllaux will have arrived In I Wnwhlngton. I 1'realdent Coolldge haa nuked I Mr. Winston and Myron T. Her jrlck, American ambassador to ! France, to meet the Frenrh mla ! akin In New York. The French antbaaaador also will be there. HOLD FAIR Philadelphia. Sept. 17. - The annual food fair will open here October fifth with about 1,660 grocers participating. Reside* food exhibits all aorta of house hold appliances will he on view. HlfJII FKICKI) ItAMRH San Franflaoo. Sept. 17.? Ixtcal feed lota are not expected to carry large numbers of lamha on feed thla year owing to present high ? price*, which range around $14 to 914 '.0 RAIXft ON RAHOF. Fort Worth. Sept. 17. Sab? of two and threo year oUI steer* has been stimulated by heavy ralna In Ihe range country and Im proved gra?H The livestock out look la ths bent In flva jraara. SUNNY SKIES MARK OPENING OF EVENT With sunshiny (ikies and a lore I taste of autumn In thc? air. Klix jabeth City's gala "get acquainted" celebration marking (lie Joining of hands between Mates and I'asqflo tuok counties across the in w I Acorn Hill Highway began tliln J morning under tin* most favorable of auspices. The crowd had he gun to arrive by H o'clock, and ' long before 10 o'clock, the hour | for beginning the program, thcj? I was a liljeral Mprinkllng of red and . blue tags, denoting visitors from | dates and other count leu, to b | observed in the steadily Increasing I throng downtown | The Southland Jubilee Singer*:. ' eight talented colored entertain ers. arrived early in the morning, assuring that their part of tin- pro gram would begin on time. Ilefore 1 10 o'clock, the monster Navy sea plane of the type of the I'N !? No. I. world famous through its flight across the l'aclfic. hail arrived and was circling over the city to an ac rompanlnient of droulng motors The eighty-four pig* to compl i ? the major element in the bar i becuo to bo Nerved at noon had baked and simmered all night long over live coals In the cook Ing department prepared (or them at the rear .of the lire department headquarters, and long before noon were wafting an appetizing aroma for block* aroupd. Dozens of Elizabeth Citv folks, attracted by the bonfire* which supplied the coals, gathered about the chefs in charge of He* hiii Im rue last night, and many H malned until well towaid morning The various committees were on the Job emly In the morning, looking after the well being of tin visitors In a multitude of w?>.? Everywhere there was orderly haste, bul nowhere confusion. The early vtages of the celebration moved along with a well oiled pi? clslon that harbored well for the day. A lively air by the Elizabeth City Hoys' Hand opened the day < fesilvlt les In Stirling fashion promptly at 10 o'clock. The l?oys were resplendent In their white uniforms, trimmed in gold, and the sunlight glanced In fitful shafts froin fhelr brightly polished hand Instruments. Ity that lino the crowd had begun to assume major proportions. With eight thousand pounds <>f barbecue, a tot) of potato <ta1ad, veritable acres of tasty cornbt>-ad. cooked I)ix|e style, mid feftlfttefit upon regiment of tasty pimento and ham sandwiches, to say noth Ing of many thousand bottle* of cold drinks, every Indication was that the monster throng would be fed to veritable repletion The Southland Jubilee Hingcrs And the Portsmouth Navy Yard Hand contributed a liberal quota )f vocal and Instrumental m? h?dy ? during tlx* morning, after Hie J lloyM' Hand hud opened t li?* pro . gram. and tin* speech-making be , Kan promptly at 11 o'clock. willi iC. K. I'ugli >im master of cercuion ' lea. Hallt'i S. Ward, former mem ber of Congress from this district. ' i was the |*i liic-l |?u I speaker. hmm r ? Congressman John li. Small, of , 1 1 1 1 h district, also made a short ad drpKs. i In introducing Mr. Ward as Ho nrs! Kpcuker, Mr. I'ukIi reft-rri'd to 1 the occasion as iiiii|Uestionubly the 'most auspicious since the bulhlinr. of the Norfolk Southern Hailroad. through tilt* fact that t|M' Acorn Hill Koud made possible tin- iniei ? mingling of the people of t hi* en tire wet ion in a fashion hitherto impossible. through lack of high way facillt I* m between Hates and Pasquotank counties. K J ?* stressed tin* fact that the people of other counties, n* well as those from Hates. Were (lie gile*tS of the city, and all were equally welcome Pointing (o tin- Acorn Hill ltoml as evidence that KlixiihHh < "i t y ijnd the Albemarle section i?en? t ally had a goodly sprinkling of In telligeiit. forward looking leaders, backed hv a progressive citizen , ship, Mr. Ward luiiuched into a discourse on the merit* of co oper atlve niarkotliig. urglnu Its addi tion on a broad scale by the farm < rs of Northeastern Carolina II ? predicted that this section, huvlnr solved the problem of adeqiial | highway connections, would meet .still greater problems In the early future, and expressed the hope that tiie people would deal with. (Continued ou I'afce 4.) ? . _ . I CAN UNI) NO TRACE OK KKI1HM KI) WltKCK Aalievllle, Sept IT lO-poris early today that a motor bus had j turned over between Ashevllle and, Johnson City. Tennessee, kill ????; . seven people, nre thought to be ' without Infsls, ii h no trai-e of IlieJ accident cun he found. KI.IKKS WILL SAIL ON PKIDlY MOItMNi; Honolulu. Sept. 17 The ten ? alive sailing time of tlw> ship ] Which will lH?ar the fliers of the PN-*. No 1. hark to San Fran- , flsco has been set for eight o'clock Friday morning. WAT KM MIHHOUNDS 9 HUNDRED TOWNS Peking. Sept. 17. Nlhe tiQP ilred villages are surrounded hv water In ciHisequenc? of the break, of the south dike of Yellow river ( at Yuan Chenslan, official advices from Shantung state ? HILLY MITCHELL Tit HE CHIEF n IT \ ESS I V tlM K ih T I'KOItE i lit Tim I'fm* I \\ a-liiiiulon, 17. ? ( 'ol 11111*1 William MlfHii'll, nIoiiu) |M*t|-?*l llf till* nil* !???>, |ti'iiluilil) will In- lli?? tiik'f wit im'ns Iwfoii1 tin* \rt\al r?nn1 w li l?li Is to lni|iitr?' Into fJu* ui-nkliiK of I III* Vmil iiirstitp SIm'ImimIohIi. KELLOGG BARS ONE BRITISHER Communis lVlrmlirr I >?*Ic? pillion I llillkn AllM'I'H'llfl Too Aristocratic Washington. Sept. 17. Thft American ii(ivi>rmii?'iil hat* iliruwn up tin* bar a against Hhapurjl Sak , latvala, Communist member of the Itrltirdi lloun* of Comnioijtt, who roukIiI ??? atUud 11m- Intor-Parlla- I iiipiiI a rv I'ii ion' here next month. ((evolutionary utterances we rf to-Ill an tin? reason t?y Secretary Ki'llnjji'. who i'f>vnki'il llic visa. Umiloti. j?f . 17 - KhUpiiJI Sak lalvula. ha r red from the 1 ' n H ?>?1 States ii m a member of the llrlllsh ili'Ji'Riil loti to tin1 luter-l'arllantcn tary Conference hi Washington, I Matties Secretary Kellogg for h 1h Iron l?l or. 1 I to Maid today thiit t li<* Secre tary hy former association with thi? pcf-rx lioro had become I mimed with iht irlaioentic Idem of tSreal llritnlii, ami expressed the opinion that hy revoking Ills visa the Secretary had violated consti tutional practices aft well us laws regulating ' Inter parliamentary [ ninfiTi'lu'^H. I OI K NBW AIM MAIL IIOtlTKS APPROVED WafthliiKion. Kept. 17 I'ont tliaster (*encrul New has approved ; pet ii ions for air mall service on I four additional routes ami will Is- I sue a call shortly for proposal* ' fr<?in prospective contractors. CONMKIIKNCES Wll.l, DKCIDK UNIFICATION Nashville. Tenn . Sept 17. I'lfleen con ^erenc?*s of the Metho- j di*t episcopal Church. South, wblcli meel in October, with the Id Houston und Louisville con f rences which convene September no. will largely determine the suc cess of failure of the pending onl- ' flea f Ion plan. Included In this llsl are the) Western North Carolina Confer at Stufesvllle Oetote-r I I. and I the North Carolina Conference at I Itah.-lgh, October 28. Queen Of the Albemarle Bids Neighbor Folks To Visit and Be Convinced Strategically Situated at Foot of the Dismal Swamp ( anal, ami Fjijoviiig Excellent Hail, Water ami High I wuy Connection* W itli Outhiile World, This City Anticipates Itoxy Future, Klizabeth City is undisputed queen of the Albemarle dis trict?that part of North Carolina Ijounded on the east by the Atlantic, on the south by Beaufort and Hyde countics, on ? the west by Chowan River and on the north by Virginia. It is I situated approximately in the center of this rich district, on Pasquotank Kivor at the foot of the Dismal Swamp Canal, i which soon will become a toll free waterway maintained by : the Government. THIS STATE IS SENDING FOOD TO AID FLORIDA While Florida People Are So KiihImmI Willi Boom of liii*iiieMH INorlh Carolina , Help* I* KICKS IIIGHEIt (iliickciiM Shipped lo Jark Honville Sold for Two Out* a I'otiiul More Than in New York Halelgli. flop!. 17. While Flor Irn people are busy making mon ey. North Carolina In helping to supply them with food This wan pointed out today by the division of markets* of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. A shipment of 8. 000 pouiidn of poultry from Hend ernon to Jacksonville wax cited an an example. The prlcen oh tulned for thh particular nhlp meiit averaged about two cents .higher than the New York market. , It wuh mated. I The division of markets H Just ] now launching a campaign to ? "put North Carolina behind the J ken" and to Incourage Increased j poultry production In thin Mate. I Then* will be an Inspection of j hatcheries, with a view to en - ,couragiug the product Hon of cer tified flocks. It wuh recently au !uounced by the division Kustern North Carolina farm , ern are being urged by the dlvl , slon to Invent some of the money that In coming In from cotton In fennen. looking toward the pro duction of more feed and live , ntock More dairy cown are ' urged. "It seems that our Kantern North Carolina farmern are to , have the benefit of a good cotton crop thin year." nald an official i stutement Innued by the dlvlnlon I today. "So far. weather condl 1 lions have been good for getting out the crop and no doubt a good 1 price In In More for the producern "One of the benl thlngn that . could be done with a part of thin cotton money, by our farmers, would be to purchase fencing ma 1 terialn to Vnce their farmn and be in ponltlon to get full value for the crops that are grown "flooner on later," the ntate inent ad vines, "our cotton grow ern are to find out Junt what a good crop of weevlln can do. and a wet year, following a dry one like thin ban been. In likely to occur at any time. Our producers are growing more crop like velvet beann, noy heann. and tame hay that can bent be uned with livestock. With more ernpn like velvet bean*, soy farmn must come more pastures, whether permanent or temporary, and with pastures must come more fencing." In discussing the need for more dally cows, the statement nays "Many of our eantern North Carolina from placen hundredn of miles away, to be made Into Ice cream to furnish food for our folks, when this might be fur nlshed by our own farmers. At prenent. the dairy sections of the stale are found In* the Piedmont , and mountain counties. There In j a ready sale In the state for all i milk and dairy products. HKCKKIW Hit VAN Philadelphia. Kept. .17. ? The; appointment of W. M. Cobjr of Hlr rnlnghsm. Alsbama. as member of the Presbyterian General Council to (III |||? vacancy caused by the death of William J. Bryan Is an-' nounced by Kev Dr Charles Krd- , man, moderator of the Presbyte rian General Assembly. The city and its suburbs together have a population estimated at 12,000. It is within twenty hours of the Nation's leading market*, and haH abundant rail and water transportation facili ties; with adequate highway connections. Its back coun try produces a wide variety ?>f crop?, including such staples as corn and cotton, hihJ an abundance of May peas and Irish and sweet po tatoes. It is the soy bean center of the 1111111*1 States "IT""" bu.h.l.'of HetjT \ """ "r"d,,r"l <? "I. ylar h K' r"y l-t Urn, " Kr"W" """ ?? ' ,hr?"Kh ??" "peclally f?. i"* lnriii<n<? of . Him.t... ?ro ?roi,g|y |n < >no Toil' aeed' firm "h '*d purP?trs -hipm, .?,? of ,bhrhr?*Jf.r iniiiiil t..r . ? a ?n.tant de I Wale. ???"??? "I the All .!} ,T',rl,ln? SKl? & s=?;?s|vH:;s dlllon (? furmnhln'/.r^,,1.0 nr?/, v;:,p.urK^*b*,.h ihi?S5 h ? n rt h II'k" YuaM ,* " < of both comrtiodlllc. ?-ai l, year KlUubnth city ?a, ;*?- - Err .-7ud'rnr.r.^ . u furniture factory ' "lluii ii ml hosiery inlllH ,hln 'yard. machine .hop," a.' ?? io,u;":vbr,,? lory a brick yard. a tent and 1-w.iinr Plant. ? ti?llr mill .everal fi-rllll/cr pl.nl. . Ill" 1,1 ?ra?a ?auli plant I " harvester manufactories In,?, peeking and banket factories .h J,!'" '!!" h,K flv" 'our white and one colored It ha. - :?r?l" hoaple.l. a motor^J 'kit ? municipal mar r.h i " lhor"?Khly modarn tsoo oia"!*"!; J' ISOO.OOO In bonds f?r th, Dur, li.hT '"'.d m?darnltatlon at 4ta !h- WI "?**r plant., aad M work of rehabilitating them I. ?ow It ha. mil., ?f paved .treet. and .15 mNen at, paved aldewalk,. ,nd I, on tha ,<??? of undertaking an ambltiltnii ? ?h? r P?vlng program. Thl. I, . C|,y ot han(lK>m# uroho. Them are nine In all reprinting ?" the malor d.' nomination.. The nvweet ll tfce Klr.t Methodl.t Church. at Road and Fearing atreet,. which U re garded a, one of the finest roll J edifice. In thl. part of Ue a yen .ru M hf'? ' K|""''"p"1 Church. .Venerable temple ?f wfefellfn dating hack to ante helium day, "mr""*h mod.? Hallon which will |ean> ,h? ,everely be.utlful Zt thl! fttrurture unmatred. The Ban ambition, building program prMf the .tllir marie Hllaahelh City'. .i?re? are the pride of the Albemarla. Many of hem recently hay* been re huHi i and refurnl.he.1 along mod ern line,. and hare been "?'"'a, "r Vlaltora fr," fST Z. I.* ?!" ?Pon them r*1 for * ftny?hera ",1" ?nd declare they ""I" '"en favorably h tho.e |? ,h<1 metropoliiaa (Continued on

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