THE Roanoke Beacon Washington County News PUBLISHED EVERY THIFRSDAY In Plymouth. Washington County, North Carolina The Roanoke Beacon is Wash ington County's only newspaper. It was established in 1889, consoli dated with the Washington County News in 1929 and with The Sun in 1937. Subscription Rates (Payable in Advance) In Washington. Tyrrell, Beaufort and Martin Counties: One year._ $2.00 Six months_ $1.25 Single copies, 5 cents Outside of Washington. Tyrrell, Beaufort and Martin Counties: One year_ $2.50 Six months_$1.50 Special to men in the armed serv ices of the United States: One year_ $1.50 Minimum subscription: 6 months Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Plymouth, N. C., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. and November 2, 1944 It’s Your Duty To Vote Next Tuesday As we've said before on several similar occasions, this is on'' new paper that has no inclination to tel! folks for whom they should vote. It’s your ballot and your decision. We hope you decide wisely and for the best interests of the county, state and nation. However, we do want to add our voice to the chorus of those who urge every qualified voter to go to the polls next Tuesday and express an honest choice. There's room for dis agreement about the parties and about the candidates for offices: and it is up to you to choose between them. But there are no two ways about your obligation to vote: It is a duty inherent upon every Ameri can, and you should not shrink it. This is especially true this year. Despite the dire prediction# of pessi mists. we do come again to a free election. And it is being held in the middle of a war being waged for the right to hold free elections, among other things. The one sure way for our democ racy to fall into evil hands is for our people to neglect to vote or to take the ballot lightly. The destiny of the nation itself is our personal des tiny. It is up to each of us to de cide and register our wishes for the future of our government. Your county, your state, and your nation needs your vote next Tuesday. Vote! Congratulations To War Fund Workers As we go to press, it is evident that Washington County has “dood” it again—gone "over the top" in a campaign related to the national war effort. This time it is for the Unit ed War Fund; and our satisfaction over its early success this year is heightened by the fact that we fell down on the same job a year ago, one of the very few occasions when we failed to measure up. Our sincerest congratulations to P. Bruce Bateman, county chairman, and his coterie of loyal workers throughout the county, ft is a splendid accomplishment and you have a right to be proud of it. -$ Mrs. Everett Urges Women To Vote Xorth Carolina women do not take the interest in affairs of government that they showed a decade ago, in the opinion of Mrs. B. B Everett, vice-chairman of the State Demo cratic Executive Committee. Pointing to the pride which w’omen in this state showed in their first op portunity to participate in the af fairs of state and national govern ments twenty-five years ago, Mrs. Everett declared that the prediction at that time was that women would bring about great changes and re forms. "Although possibly for a time we tried to live up to our new oppor tunities, in recent years we have suf tered a lapse in interest. Xot only have we failed to show’ the proper interest in public affairs, but we have neglected to use our right to vote, and we have failed to train our young women to realize their opportunities,” said Mrs. Everett. bhe explained that women this year are expected to cast more than sixty per cent of the vote and warn ed this goal will not be met unless each woman in the "smallest, most remote precincts of Xorth Carolina registers and votes." "In this year of decision it is every woman's duty to get out and help. We [must not leave this matter entirely to the registrars and the election of ficials." asserted Mrs. Everett in pointing to the opportunity women of Xorth Carolina have to play a part in the decisions of government. Mrs. Everett reminded democratic women of the state that registrars will be in designated places in their res pective precincts with books open for registration on October 15, 21, and 28. She urges all women of Xorth Carolina to keep these dates in mind, but in doing so not to for get election day—-November 7. -» At Durham Hospital Mrs. Ambrose L. Owens entered Duke Hospital at Durham Wednes day for medical treatment. Visit in Wiliiamston Mrs. George Peele. jr., and son vis ited Mr. and Mrs. George Peele, sr., in Wiliiamston Saturday and Sunday. /’NEURALGIA'* I Capudlne relieves Neuralgia and I I Headache fast because It's liquid. Also I I allays the resulting nerve tension. Use! I only as directed. 10c, 30c and 60c sizes. | Liquid CAPUDINE <y/ie Chair of the Centurv • i * J ust makes a room; stunning in colorful prints—won derfully comfortable with resilient hair filling. The decorator’s ideal chair—blends with all styles....You’ll g. have a lifetime of pleasure with the Gainsborough— Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. MADE BY TOMUNSON—assurance of quality. J * $59 95 EACH ... $99 A PAIR k M. H. Mitchell Furniture Co. 1^ R. E. DUNNING MgT. | Stanford N. Mizelle With Famed Fighter Squadron in Britain An Eighth Air Force Fighter Sta tion. England.—Staff Sergeant Stan ford N. Mizelle. of Plymouth. N C.. has received official recognition of his skill as an airplane mechanic in a Mustang squadron here. General orders recently published at this Eighth Fighter Command Mustang base, under the command of Col. William J. Cummings. jr„ of Lawrence. Kan., awarded a special qualification to Sergeant Mizelle which he will wear on his uniform. The order further stated that he was given a rating of "excellent" in his performance of duty. Sergeant Mizelle is member of an Eighth Fighter Command P-51 Mus tang group which recently passed the 450-mark in victories over Nazi planes, becoming the third American fighter group in the European Theater of Operations to make such a record. Sergeant Mizelle is a veteran air plane mechanic in a Mustang squad ron based here and his work contrib uted to the group's high record of combat efficiency. As a part of the organization which enables the fight er pilots to devote all their time and energy to the pursuit and destruction of the Luftwaffe, he is helping to keep American fighter planes in combat against the enemy over every corner of occupied Europe. This fighter group established a record for American units in this theater when it destroyed 44 enemy i planes on the ground and 7 in the i air on one mission. And in four low level attacks, the group destroyed 118 German planes on the ground, an av erage of more than 29 per mission. Sergeant Mizelle was employed as a projectionist by the Plymouth The atre before he went into the service in May. 1942. Mrs. E. L Owens Entertains Bridge Club Wednesday Mrs. E. L. Owens entertained her Bridge club on Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. W. Read was high scorer and Mrs. Lloyd Owens was runner-up. Hors-d'ouvres and coffee were served at the conclusion of the game. Services Announced for Edenton Catholic Church Edenton.—The most holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered Sunday. November 5. at 9 and 11 a. m.. each I including sermon on "Pray for the Dead." Holy Communion, prayer for peace, and concluding in 45 minutes, it was announced this week by the Rev. Father F. J. McCourt, pastor of St. Ann's, Edenton. Sunday. 7:45 to 8:15. St. Anns choir practice: 8:15 to 8:45 p.m.. Ro sary and other prayers for the dead, hymns, benediction. Confessions Saturdays, 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. Sunday 8:30 to 8:55 and 10:30 to 10:55 a.m. Everybody invited to all St. Ann's services. Pleasant Grove Pfc. Arthur Spruill, of GreeHSboro spent the week-end here with hi; mother. Mrs Pearl Spruill. Miss Annie Belle Blount, of Mack eys, was the guest of Miss Catherini Grey Sunday. Mrs. C. G. Guivanus went to Wash | ington Saturday for a minor treat ; ment. Mrs. Henderson Davenport anc Mrs. H. G. Suruill were guests of Mrs Clara Snell iffrnday. Capt. N. Spruill. Mrs. Bettie Spruill and Benton Tarkenton. oi Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Swain. Mrs. T B. Bell. Miss Myrtle Tarkenton. Miss Nellie Tarkenton Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Campbell. Mrs N B. Stevens and Mrs. Ethel Jones of Plymouth were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L Wynne Sun day. Mrs. W. W. White and Mrs. W. B Chesson spent Friday in Williamston shopping. Mrs. Allen Weathersby and fam ily were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gurganus Sunday. Mrs. C. F. Wilson and little Dol pheus Lamb spent the week-end in Coleram. Mrs. Pearl Spruill and Miss Mar garet Spruill accompanied Mrs. Adrian Willoughby to Rocky Mount Tuesday, when Mrs. Willoughby en tered a hospital for throat treatment. Mrs. Evelyn Lamb left Tuesday for ' Oxford to spend some time with her children. Mrs. S. A. Holton was the guest of Mrs. W. B. Chesson Wednesday. Mrs. William Greenbill. who has been the guest of Mrs. Milton Lamb, left Wednesday for Myrtle Beach. S. C,, to visit her husband. Mrs. Robert W. Pugh and son. Sam uel Davis, of Norfolk, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Dav enport. Mr. and Mrs. B G. Campbell, of Plymouth, and their guests. Mrs. Ethel Jones and Mrs. W. B, Stevens, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Chesson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. J. Barnes was the guest of Mrs. Will Riddick Sunday. Miss Annie Mae Wilson and Mrs. Evelyn Lamb went to Elizabeth City shopping Monday. Mrs. Effie W. Gurkin and Mrs. T. W. Tarkenton spent Thursday in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chesson and sons. Larry and Billie, and Mrs. Wil liam Phelps and daughter. Jean, spent Thursday in Plymouth. ---— Visit at Jacksonville Mrs. O. L. Driver and daughter. Ann. visited her husband. Marine O. L. Driver at Jacksonville during the week-end. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the many kind expressions of con dolence extended to us during the past few days of our anxiety. Every one has our most heart-felt thanks and gratitude. We will remember you with gratitude.—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davidson, sr.. and family. Mrs. W. A. Davidson, ,ir.. and son. VERY PRETTY ASSORTMENT Ladies’ Boxed HANDKERCHIEFS Always a Good CHRISTMAS GIFT ITEM 39c - 50c - 59c - 69c 89c and 97c AIK MAIL STATIONERY 10c Pkg Note Book Binders IETAL 15c WITH METAL RINGS FULL ASSORTMENT CHRISTMAS CARDS, with Envelopes 3 for 5c — 2 for 5c — 5c Each BOYS' GLOVES 20c - 25c - 39c Men’s Knit UNDERSHIRTS 35c Formal Showing of Our LOVELY DOLLS Be Wise And Buy Early 79c - $1.39 - $1.98 - $3.49 - $5.79 And Several Prices In Between Aeroplane CEMENT 5c Window Shade BRACKETS 3 Pair 5c Perfection Stove WICKS 29c FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES Limited 10c Each Metal Extension CURTAIN RODS Brass Finish, With Fixtures 10c Each HALO SHAMPOO 10c 6 Good Shades DR. ELLIS NAIL POLISH 10c Dr. Ellis NAIL POLISH REMOVER 10c WINSLOW'S * * 5c TO $1.00 STORE Creswel] FFA Take In 10 New Members -$_ The Creswell Chapter of the Fu ture Farmers of America has added 10 new members this year, making a total of 27 altogether. On Friday ! night. October 6. the new members were initiated, after which the mem - i bers had a weiner roast. The officers of the class are as fol lows: A. H. Tucker, advisor; Fred Col j lms, president; Harold Phelps, vice president; Harrel Woodley, secretary: Harold Gibbs, treasurer; and Aubrey Woodley, reporter. The FFA members are as follows: .James Davenport. Howard Davenport, j 1 Victor Davenport. Roy Davenport. ! Horace Ambrose, William Clifton. I Milton Phelps. L. A. Hufton. Edward Spruill. Robert Stillman. Robert Phelps. George Stillman. Melvin Da vis. Samuel Phelps. Wade Phelps. Horace Furluogh. Jimmy Spruill. Den nis Phelps. Harry Spruill. Stancil White. Phill Spruill, and James Dav enport. GOOD SPRING HAY CROP Plant more than a full seeding of grains with two-thirds of a full seed ing of winter legumes and fertilize well for a good spring hay crop and extra roughage. NOTICE North Carolina. Washington Coun- ' ty. Superior court. Washington County vs. Logan Laugh- j lin and wife Mrs. Logan Laughlin. The defendants, Logan Laughlin and wife. Mrs. Logan Laughlin, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Washintgon Coun ty, North Carolina, as folows: To foreclose the lien of the tax certifi cates held by the plaintiff for the years 1929 to 1943 inclusive against the land of the defendant, the said land being described as follows: “160 a Lot No. 41” and the said land be ing more particularly described as follows: Being that northwest quarter of Section 41 as shown on that certain map recorded in Washington County in Land Titles Book 2 page 159; and being Registered Estate No. 113, con taining 160 acres, and the Certificate of Title issued to Logan Laughlin! for this land is recorded in Land Ti- | ties Book 5 page 246. Washington' County. That there is due on said certifi cates the sum of $584.04. with inter- I est. as alleged in the complaint. The said defendants. Logan Laugh lin and wife, Mrs. Logan Laughlin, will further take notice that thev are required to appear in the office of the Clerk Superior Court at the Court House in Washington County, Plym outh. North Carolina, within thirty clays from and after the 2nd day of November 1944, and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. This the 6th day of October. 1944. ol2 4t W. B. COX. Asst. Clerk Superior Court, __ Washington County. , '-V The Next Time Call lor LIGHT WHITE FLOUR and Your Baking Will Show a Decided Improvement H. E. Harrison Wholesale Co. PLYMOUTH FOR HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE See or Call MARTHA HORNTHAL Representing The Slate Hospital Association, Inc. OF TARBORO. N. C. F amily Group or Individual Policies Phone 241-1 or Leave Word at Hampton's Office And I Will Be Glad To Call on You To Explain Details of the Hospital Insurance Plan VOTE DEMOCRATIC W. H. (Jack) Peele Democratic Candidate For Representative General Election November 7,1944 Your Vote and Support Will Be Sincerely Appreciated ’ “The People’s Choice” SEE DRIVER OR CALL US FOR YOUR Fuel Oil and Kerosene For Cooking and Heating Have Your TANKS FILLED NOW Plymouth OIL COMPANY TELEPHONE 244-6 TEXACO PRODUCTS SEE VS rOB IMPROVED ROLL BRICK SIDING Asbestos Siding and Roofing CYPRESS LUMBER No Priority Needed for Cypress Lumber, and We Have It In All Sizes Don't Forgel Us When You Need Sheeirock and Asphalt Roofing - Asphalt Shingles - Roll Roofing oi AU Kinds - Brick-Lime-Cement-Plaster - Rock Wool Batts, Etc. H. E. HARRISON WHOLESALE Co. PHONE 226-1 PLYMOUTH, N. C.

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