TING INDUSTRIES The Aim Ik Fr?a*- I Indepi W TWE DISTANCE THATijWE CAN DO _r r ?? ;-,y-V 11^4=; ? Mli * OM. A CHRISTMAS forest to the, p?ople of Brevard oc curred in HendertonviUe1 at-tfc* Parsonage First Methodiat Church in tho hut evening o M psii d fa now connected with a at)Hazelwood. Towniend^ U well y known 01*0 a Via Vi On MAM., i? ' - ' J- ' It Quebec," and ts name. -SSSSOt lame" QuTbeTihas 3fr. lfan^Ihave^S^r the tot few years una ny of jwr Jtemi ?Ocences in tt? Brevard NewB, And J?m sorry f dM not pitetxmn themr since they cofaSwn no inueh ml the eajJy history of the eotanizafion, t*m ting facta -covering out dofcty shodld ;b* lost t? further poatefity. > If you ha^ not already gixen one or tm tome Hitortcal Society ifor preserrat6?, I sbwld be jiemmi to know what you mold charge me to gtre s? *? complete a history mf. the county as you cda from the first settlements made ha our border . until h; vacant yean.. If y<ju are ""ihort" /on acme "facte covering the rrry firat settle ments made, I am of the opiaion that you could get qtflte a lot ?f interesting wrea ftom fid Uncle E. B. Clayton. ( I should be pleased to h#?e interesting facte concerning chnrch history, also anecdotes oi happenings all down through our erfonty'6 history, *Will you, undertake to wrtte this odt for tne; ?nd, if so,-. at what pteet j? ,;h;, * * Please let me know at once what will do, as I am anxious to pre serve the many interesting facte vou hare gfren us doting the past WA** US ~*T ' >? : . x The Chamber of ' Commerce, Tran Men- and Women's Association will hol&ka atanual meeting at the bturi 11688 rooms in the Breene Buildhjfe on Tuesday, January 14, 1924, at 8:90 Pi H. ; Every member!* plan itrong in membership and*ita ft nances #*<? ?!$ splendid $1? ?wd hijs had?* most wonderful and !.?.? business block1.; borne., iu. . It i* predicted however, that the ye* . 19^4 fcrf T^TJr'S!-?b. bricklayers, painteraand Wwiw I Grade w6rkeri in And. 'around Bre vard to ^omptpte dnd make p<pM for ?nr oounty to hare's* pe^ma iveat tt*- trroTOda Buch aa has ? loac bEtti needed. TTILjWi I'iAli mmii il Hi Tl It i i "Ehe long '.heralded #ilverate?n AAwdrth building rtkk' is to :-ke tafflt <na the "' large eonfcr lot <*f Oridwdl and "Main will lb e erected tins -yaar. Tkis building-when eo*i jflitea Twill- wsily oatrarik anV of tie laisre 'taA beautifal buiWtag* off tewd tapd will be dflaaaed .with Hhe Br?rrard . Banking Company; to taBB , pfaninjf far aeme thae'te ere^t '<* moUarn Bank Buildin#^*nkl while fhe plans. ?nd ijiecificaUonti ate -.about {completed it is hflliired tfcat this modern struefcare will mot be started oittil March - ?Ef tjiis yea^ iTUi;. amildteg iwill ihii -mmst modern ^ respect T#%:Wwjrtfal tile flooring, braa* copper .and mahag ?r **ure*, ?te.v wtmffim H pri de. a* .alt. Weateri Worth. Carili !$ 0 EaM Bagwell Crooaqr ?*?? present located grocery, atore. She plana to htjfta a mort a p- to -date Ire prowf g-i?eery store btiliding Che present ft*e hazard soon bt torn derm. PWlhf? Bak-r. j George Philip's new artery iaJ very neaity completed *n<^. he '.ex-j pects to aaove into thin grand new. bakery betiding at a vaJjjr - earf^j date. TMa bulMbng is a rmy val uable add toon tto Brevard* ever' jWwtng'bnateeas -district. Tie ov-l tm and fixtures 40B of the nest up-: to-^ate kind and the citizens are toi be 4^ngratulated upon having each' a staunch and hustling baker as one of their neig&hgea. Frmak Cl? -nt Beildia ?. The ?ew Jewelry Store completed and located on Mate Street which has been erected by Frank D. Clero etat fat one of the. beat hulU business blocks In Brevard. The ' store is Sottraetivo, having two stories b one of the'npweat and most !t*e new buildings in Bre*?rd. Mr. ClejSent will ioytf? unTwfc day*. ??w'(U'riWi, The Low# (Motor P^Hpftrty. ? who recently completed their, handsome new garage building predict a won-' derful ?yeafr for Brevard. Their business is increasing by leaps and bouttds and they art ever awake in lj(<bEt!r.e "The Land of Waterfalls." Jud, McCrario's new building on Cold well Street wtyich houses Jess Smith's garage, the Ross Cafe apd the large MtQfwy- parage is a great additions to Brevard's jjbsinese dis trict. ' The qtirens of ;this commu nity are united in their apprecia tion^ this stupendous undertak ing which "Jud" put over in build ing this large structure during 'the m ml ' I New Furniture Store. J'e sylrania county Thenewfurnlfcore store is: unusually Attractive and the display of new and wonderful furniture,1 household ar^lcjea, etc., ia unsurpassed anywhere in -the Sonthl ""Cafe.' , : & ? ? ' ,,i, . . .. . - 1 mage being erected Baptists is/a lovely 11 be completed inl ior-.tne Baptists ?w???wj>. ? day/ School- -y rootas by the Br dwelling" ? hi1"'! k Iwtelve A)oms erection will WT% ? n -has recently : her 'home on t +>\r ?#' 4-W~ T> , V '<tTT- 'M'?. * BbvbxmX '.*rw 'capapa are .' planned and "wfl^le ,fhc News is not in pc>8 senon .I07 title facts; "it 1 is beliere<3 that vet ibeatt, two of these new camps "will -Tajik with the very, heal that irre n?w established in Tran gyHoxriia fGimrty. . ^ *':? In Industries there is some pros " -of a "3 hue factory locating here ?will 'be done by the same cor ?represented by Mr. J. S The Whdlesale Grocery Store which ?tl he established early tide year -trill maan much to this coun ty. & -Will i?ve thouAhds ^of dol lars to >e Circulated at homfe which at the present time is helping to build ? up other towns and cifies. Messrs. JMh worth *nd Wm. Henry are be Wed j^kis proposition and with 'men of such influence and C&araetef -there can be little doubt but that snch * venture will be a great success^ Several other citisens an deeply interested in each 'business interprise, ljut it will take the co-operation of everyone te make -this the fastest need in Transylvania county m genuine and hn?e success. Inpr'oTt Hat?l. J T. W. Whitmire of Asherille, con tem plates vast hnprovtfmerts on the buildings he owns to Brevard. The Aothelwald Is < to be completely I overhauled and a new store bnild &g on Main Street one story in height ts to be erected. The cerner block occupied by the Dttvis-Wslkejt Drug Company, and Smith's Buffer Shop is also to bo *" d reps $ ROBERT E. LEE SERVICE. L__ k. The FoUpwl^- L^ur Wll.*. pf { to Many RquUr*, i V.) ; ?V*' - W' ??'?> ;y 3 ' 1 M k R Canton, *J. 'C., Deo. 28, Mti*\An9le Je<m Cash, JRVm i. On Sunday afternoon, - January 20, 10154, at 4 o'clock In St. (Jrew's JSplscopal Church in Can ton, we ? #re to. have .a ROBERT E. LEE SERVICE- We, extend to you ?nd your .Chapter a very- cordial'' invifce$o/i .to ' l??"j?rith ub ^o ?end ?, delegation from your Chapter to tHe" service, which promises to be a very notable one. May, we hear from you as t cf Juat the number, wlyj will come from Brevard, bo that w? j can make pew, reservations for'ydm? Tfre^ Bervice will constat^oip Lee music, sermon ?n Lep by the Nec tar and the Presentation of the fl?? uu- ? ? L ?Kindly give the W?,Vice ot tW? service to your local newspaper Bnd cS? member? and' ni^fh^ Chapter members and pjease Ihave a' goodly number of Brevard folks present. ^ - VW hineeireijf *6uw, Clwence 8.' McCIeBw, .. .. .. Rector, -r EPISCOPAL ASSEMBLY GROUNDS '^tlKE^Y TO*B? SITUATED^) I ? ! IK . THIS''; SECTION, , KfertW town or- near what town ? a_ ' y *i?i ? ' <???? ?w mmvvu wr/ nwr , wwfi , ww ^ mittee/ will decide on is of c< yet; -not kntam. Many places *? froM yter th??i com heT coun> It "would ' look l|ka ^Hendersoh or Tn&asyivania, /by i^Maon ipl/ their ?Dfi CMTCft XrOTUtl Hftanu XQ6. :hifncc ? fwr. -/securing / the, bdt no Dae yet knows jutt -what the committed will decide upon or -where thew yill choose the site. ? ,_If' jonr subscription label reads Bee. 23 it Tneins iDecemW 1623? I renew at tmce. ^ \J | . M ??V '. The j?*r '.1924; is an election year J^nd no doubt . Transylvania county usual, , have; to, ex I citSng|j?hKtlan. ( The j present office holders ,of the county are ' . -iD: very \ efficient i ^nd1 public ;*pbated servants of \the peo- i pie. So tar ? afi / The \ News is ' con . cerned, we wauld suggest \making . 1 their' re-electron unanimous'/ Kith- I y^ia erofcj. I like tie tma sad excitement \ot an election.' ? \ - . \ ? V Transylvania county ij now un-j der^tlje State-wide Primary Law, and so* both; parties must* hold . a penary and ^ot a convention. , We also have the Australian bal lot \eystem 1 which . means a clean, fair Selection. 'The . present county commissioners have done much to help the ? county not only v by their great savings the county, but by their ^systematic economy in * every ipay. There has ijeen, many changes in the pereonel of the different offices and there are jl many who thilU* that this was foT (I the better. ? ' ? However, we believe in fair play I and will handle the political situa- ? Hon in the usual manner by treat- 1 ing both parties and all' individuals I alike, and by prihting the News I fairly ^nd honestly regardless of I party affiliation. Al political ad- 1 yertisements must be paid for in ? advance, and while we spend the I money we win think of the many I aspirants for office ' .who will be ? keenly disappointed on next No- 1 vemiber, 1924. I We are still a candidate for the I office of "Printer" in Traiisylvania ? county aqd hope to be reacted. I I I NOTES, F&ygjMg are /> publicly ,e: afld one of < PHiegsSiSwiwr orf the U. DVC extend to ft?t be: .rekyed fan** w ftwrfcfdt. ?y>* , Second, ,;'^That copies ?? 'th?e resolutions , J*. sent tet Ue. family, be placed upon the records'' of'the aarrtw.M1?? ? ' D. fatten; ': -

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