.TURSPAY, January page twelve THE WATNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ARMY CHIEF WELCOMED HQ MEET THE PRESIDENT: (No. 3) From Senate to White House Farm Questions mi, 13 and Answers (Compiled by Extension Service at SU CoUere) 0 ili ! i HUH it:' I I Almost 'Third of a Four-Part Feature ovrrnight. Senator Harrv S. est Ifice in the land, faced with a tremendous responsi Truman was ! bility. raised from relative obx urit to national prominence as ! "Last night the whole weight of the noon and stars chairman of the war investigating committre So high and all the planets fell on me," he told reporters. "Please as its prestisr that the granting of funds for its work pray for me. I mean that." was almost automatic. Alter the first appropriation, the In his first speech to Congress, Truman endorsed a senate never voted less than SlOfl.O'JO at a time. Truman's world organization to maintain the peace. President rommittee became the symbol lor honcstv in carrying out Roosevelt had arranged the San Francisco Conference, war contracts. in which statesmen of 50 nations produced the ('barter Before the Democratic National Convention at Chi- of the United Nations. He died 13 days before the dele cacn in 1944, Truman turned don suse-dions from his gates were to convene, and President Truman carried on friends that he enter his name a? cindiuiitc tor vice presi- , in his place. i,'"t- On his 61st birthday. May 8, 195, President Truman "I have the best ob any man could have, and I want announced the unconditional surrender of Germany. "For to stick to it," he said. But Truman was dratted as a com- this victory we join in offering our thanks to the Provi promise candidate, to he Franklin D. Roosevelt's fourth dence which has guided and sustained us through the dark ister Clement Attlee. The Big Three discussed a master plan for reconstruction of Europe and for dictating un conditional surrender terms to Japan. Truman's primary objective was to get final agreement on Russia's entry into the war against Japan. The meeting took place from July 17 to August 2, 1945. Dr. Vannevar Bush, who supervised the war work of American scientists, has revealed that President Truman made his decision to use the atom bomb against Japanese cities while attending the Potsdam Conference. On Aug ust 6. 1945, Hiroshima, once Japan's most modernized city, was blasted to ruins by an atomic explosion. Three days later half of Nagaski was reduced to rubble. Next day Japan offered to accept the Potsdam surrender ultimatum. V-.l Day was proclaimed on September 2, the day the Question: How can a dirty egg be cleaned without reducing its mar ket value? Answer: The egg should be wash ed in hot water which ranges in temperature from 140 to 160 de grees Fahrenheit. If the egg is washed in cold or lukewarm water, the contents of the shoil contract and draw in the outside dirt and bacteria. But when hot water is used, it's a different story the egg expands, thus causing the in side pressure to force the dirt out of the egg shell pores. It's better, of course, to protect eggs so they won't get dirty, since any kind of washing destroys the egg's natur al protective coating. joined in solemn prayers for world term running mate. Resigning from the war investigating : days of adversity," he said. He led the nation in bumble . Japanese signed unconditional surrender terms aboard committee, he campaigned vigorously. . thanksgiving and Three months after his inauguration, President Roose- peace. velt died. Harry S. Truman, whose formal education ended At Potsdam, he conferred with Soviet Premier Joseph with high school, a former Missouri farm boy who had al- Stalin, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and, after the ways worked hard and lived simply, moved into the high- Iatter's defeat in the British elections, with Prime Min- the battleship Missouri, anchored in Tokyo Bay. "God's help has brought us this victory," said President Truman. "With His help we wilL attain peace and prosperity for ourselves and all the world in the years ahead." AP NEWSFEATVRES MEET THE PRESIDENT: (No. 4) Peace Problems -Hot and Cold PIfl 211 (Last of a Four-Part Feature" Peace brought new problems, both domestic and international, to the quiet Missourian in the White House. The nation was plagued with a record number of strikes as prices skyrocketed into inflation. Sharp disputes over ideologies of the East and West developed into a "cold war" between the I'nited States and Russia. Idleness due to strikes and walkouts rose to 116,000. OMOman days in 1946 three times the figure for the pre vious year. Truman broke the paralyzing railroad tie-up in the spring of 1946 after two days, by threatening to run the trains with troops. War-time price controls were dropped in June. 1946, when President Truman vetoed a watered-down bill for rxtenslon of the OPA. The bill, he said, offered only' a "choice between inflation with a statute and inflation without one." For the first time in 15 years, the Republican party gained control of' both houses of Congress in 1946. And then Congress passed tbc Taft-Hartley labor law over Truman's veto, banning (he closed shop and amend ing the Wagner Act to restrict other union activities. President Truman's programs for universal military train ing, broadening of Social Security coverage, long range housing, and the St. Lawrence waterway were rejected. Other major legislative measures pressed by Truman won approval, However. These included unification of the armed forces, change in succession to the Presidency, ap propriation of $400,000,000 for Greek-Turkish aid in ac cordance with the Truman Doctrine, appropriations for Marshall Plan foreign aid, and ratification of peace treaties with Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Rumania. The Truman Doctrine called for material aid to "help free peoples to maintain their free institutions and na tional integrity against aggressive movements that seek to impose: upon them totalitarian regimes." The plin of Secretary of State' George C. Marshall called for Ameri can aid on the basis of European self-help. Both programs have been denounced by. Russia. v .''feea Bngry lands abroad,' President Truman urgljd such voluntary measures as meatless and eggless days. Millions of tons of foodstuffs were sent to Europe. JJgxJ&Saw. U In The Mountaineer In 1947 alone, 18,433,000 long tons were sent overseas to meet the threat of "mass starvation". Truman's popularity was at a low ebb when his campaign for election in his own right began in 1948. Southern "states rights" delegates marched out of the Democratic National oCnvcntion to form their own party when Truman refused to back down on his civil rights program. Henry Wallace formed a Progressive Party, with the obvious intent of drawin gleft wing votes away from the President. Few prognosticators thought Truman had a chance to defeat Thomas E. Dewey with his smooth running Republican campaign machinery. When a Missouri voter suggested that Truman with draw from the Presidential race, he replied: "I was not brought up to run from a fight." At every whistle stop he castigated Congress as "the worst we have had since the first one met." His outspoken campaign was in sharp con trast with the quiet and colorless Dewey drive. When the votes were counted, Harry S. Truman had been elected President on the basis of a one-man campaign that all the experts had foredoomed to failure. AP NEWSFEATURES Announcement ojj INTEREST TO ALL READERS . . . RAIFF'S 4 6 that BENNIE REECE OF SYLVA Is Now Associated With RAIFF'S Bennie extends a cordial invitation to all his friends to visit him at RAIFF'S . . . and assures all that it will be well worth their while to see what this BIG STORE offers in the way of savings and selections. Renembei . . You can find what you want at what you want to pay at . . .. State College Hints To Farm Homemakers By Ruth Current State Home Demonstration Agent Long-handled equipment needed by homemakers: Even small considerations count in saving time and strength on cleaning jobs around the house, household equipment specialists be- ; lieve. For example, the length of ; the handle tf any cleaning tool is I important because it affects the ; stooping which causes unnecessary ; fatigue. In brushing up floors a long handled dust pan and a push broom are recommended instead of the common short-handled dust pan and dust brush because the long handles save back-bending. Before buying a vacuum cleaner, it is a good idea to try it out to see whether the handle is the right length for comfortable use. When waxing the floors, spare the back by using a long-handled waxer. When washing kitchen or bath room floors, use a long-handled mop rather than the arduous hands-and-knees method. Even in dishwashing a handle may prevent stooping. If the sink is too low or too deep, a dish mop is better than a dish cloth because - its handle saves that wearisome bend-ovcr. A rack for the sink helps build up the pan. Arrest Increase Shown In Report By Canton Police With 857 arrests made by local officers during the year 1940. vi olations of various laws showed a hike of 125 over the previous year, when 734 arrests were recorded. As was the case in 1947, drunk enness headed the list with 496 arrests made, or more than half of all the charges listed. The second nignesi tor tne year was 71 for driving drunk. More arrests were made in April on public drunkenness than in any other month, with 57 listed, the report shows, while May led in speeding charges with seven ar rests made, and September for driving drunk with 12 cases. Violations contributing to most of the arrests were as follows: Driving drunk 71; violation of traffic ordinances, 35; speeding, 32; no drivers' license 18; assault 17; warrants 15; reckless driving 27; dogs running at large 20; drunk and disorderly 12; affrays 6. Other charges ranged from six to one. Court Scares Defendant, Lawyer Worried, Too PRESCOTT, Ariz.. (U P.) Avery Fisher is a free man today but he had a few worrisome moments in a Prescott courtroom. When things began to look tough for Fisher, charged with dangerous flight of an airplane, he turned to his counsel, Jack Ogg, and whis pered: "This doesn't look se good and uus is me nrst time I ve ever been on trial. " Ogg whispered back: i i give up yet this is my first time in court, too." It seems that Ogg only recently opened a law office here after graduating trom the University of m juna. The jury took two hours to find risner not guilty. Few Bacteria in Frozen Foods: Reassurance from Experiment Sta tion scientists that if properly pre pared, foods have few. bacteria when home-frozen. .This test was made on vegetables. Miss Nita Orr. specialist in frozen foods, State College, will be glad to give you correct methods for properly preparing food for freezing. FISH YIELDS FALSE TEETH OSKALOOSA, la. (UP.) War ren Freel is telling about the 48 pound drum fish he hooked while fishing in the Gulf of Mexico off Port Isabel, Tex. Inside the fish Freel says, he found a partial set of false teclh. Want Ads bring quick results. i BI&COMrOKTS Beware Coughs From Common Colds That HANG ON Oeomulsioo relievo promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help looseo and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Oeomulsioo with the understanding you must like the War it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOIVIULSION fofgpughs.ChentColdBronchitii CK0O rTi1 (per. rr I Question: Is it necessary for a producer to have his cotton classed to get a government loan? Answer: Yes, the cotton must be classed by a government classing office before the grower may ob tain a government loan. The loan is made on the grade and staple shown on the class card returned to the grower or the class received by the warehouseman. n 1 ; ' W u O SeCKETAKT wr inc wtuni incline m iwjau vicn; arrives it ( airport from Europe and ia greeted, by Chief of staB Gal Bradley (right) and Undersecretary of the Army Willie J KoyaU, malting a inree-weex wur i rauciitaii military imf found U. S. troops in "Splendid shape." (fnfernotionoisJ Question: Is wet paint (on farm buildings and fence posts) danger ous to stock? Answer: Yes. The lead contained in many kinds of paint can kill domestic animals, especially cat tle. While paint is wet, animals are attracted to it because it con tains linseed oil. Dry paint doesn't exert the same attraction. That is why it is important to keep stock away from wet paint and discard ed paint buckets. An animal suf fering from lead poisoning will slobber and choke, show signs of colic, and will eat less. Dairy cows poisoned by wet paint will drop off in milk production, and sometimes a poisoned animal will run about and appear to be blind. A veterin arian can give an antidote if called in time. However, prevention of the trouble is far better than cure. Goat Wouldn't Budge, Woman Is Saved SCRANTON, Pa. (U.P.) Mrs. Inez Leccese, Keyser Valley, credits her life to her pet goat, Nanny. Mrs. Leccese was leading the goat to a stake where it was teth ered most of the time. Suddenly the goat balked and refused to ad vace another step. Mrs. Leccese was attempting to force the goat ahead when the ground collapsed a few feet in front of her, leaving a 35-foot pit, the result of mining operations. Methodist Youth Fellowship Sets Meeting, Feb. 7 New officers for the Methodist Youth Fellowship will be nominat ed at the February meeting to be held in Waynesville Methodist Church on February 7. The following nominations have been slated by the committee: President: Beulah Mae Mauney, Hazelwood; Jimmy Galloway, Eliza beth Chapel; Lillian K. Medford, Lake Junaluska. Vice President: Jerry Alexander, Canton Central; Dorotha June Gid ney and Joan Reno. Canton First. Treasurer: Wayne Howell, Bethel; Marga'ret Noland, Crab tree. Commission on Worship and Evangelism: Mary Chris Gates, Canton Central; . Frances Anders, Morning Star. World Friendship: Bill Rhea, Canton First; Peggy Noland, Eliza beth Chapel. Community Service: John Ter rell. Lake Junaluska; Elizabeth Medford, Rockwood. Recreation and Leisure: Kath leen Cooke, Bethel; and Rose Ann Duckett, Canton First. All Methodist young people are urged to attend the meeting on February 7. Toil m with this AUtJ V flO0j Do not overfrecze desserts made in the refrigerator; serve them as soon as possible after they are firm. fJW i, WMD1KV1ITIII' MSOIATOLISI, mc Rogers Eleq Phone 461 PAY YOUR 1948 TAXES OW! Penalty Begins February 1, 1949 A penalty will be imposed on unpaid taxes February 1st. Pa up today, while the matter is sti . 1. -resn on your mind, and save this penalty. m.,n id ' SEBE BBYSOIJ Tax Collector, Haywood County 4 ft XLuud - 3 vmi Bn

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