FEBRUARY 18, 1949 HE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE ONE (Second Section) L I' A I'S lainoM I'ulfV'. VP t. ... Sweets For Small Fry PI l'J S A treat to beat the iii-i. rwH- 52. .ill 'Bwl&l lit Serve 'em 'a apple IU A'S'I ()F. I homemade (;;-.( Ii,,l:ii' ' Tu niaki i I lie muck in .11 i i i ,iiio now . o iiik ylnor ,, , ,ii ii .ice r k :' .( u 1 1 i '.' i O1 r . n r( I"!' "I wilder ; ,,,jn,.: , , u. I , , n rs moie i- y.jii 0V(. ,.,, ,. ,:.,.j..,: r, than "Meil- : ... , ,, ... . .... I hoi inuus ol ' ll':''.-l.i-nti: 1 pa: I.:.,- compiv.vs- ljM,.-j )(, (mi or (n leu j'.idiiiii.ii ' ' 'i tuj' yM ,.,-in . lukewarm Wider. ' cn: .raided l ;,!,,, I and , "nll: ' ' ' " 1 'I'""" . !.. l.,.vt sail. 1 r;:;: or 2 cue vuik;. i ii) ... .. .i. .. ,. i..'... 1 shorleiiiii ,'. I ' cups -.died enrich- EU 11111,11 Wl II ,. vj , en,.,! cd (lour, I cup currants, ' i cup h.r'rance of clioi!e:l mil-,, ( Vrini I ( ll.i.v. rhop- between -meal refreshment... tSS, :Zm !thi wmmmmm. . . yp Pet's Feature Flavor of Yes, Pet Cherry-Pineapple a rare flavor treat.. .it s so rvw...ever) -ouuy " - - double portions! And, you know. Pet Ice Cream is 1 ..:.. r...u hnlp milk and daily fresh 111HUC uuiy ui unity yu" .- sweet crea w! That's why it s so creamy and rich. 5iO, buy Pet Cherry-Pineapple Ice Cream often this month and enjoy its delicious flavor and healthful, refreshing goodness! At ail your parties (his month... serve Princei! 1 Pet the deluxe Ice Cream in the Orchid Carton. stamped with the Crest of Qualky! It's so extra creamy, extra rtcb, it makes every occasion a royal feast! Washington's Birthday Calls For Cherry Treat R CF.CILy BROYVNSTONE Associated Press Food Editor Cherry preserves will help make y festive snack for your family and friends on George Washington's birthday. If there are youngsters in your family they'll adore cutting out a paper hatchet pattern that in turn can be used to shape the bi cad shapes for the snaoks. Spread each bread hatchet with a layer of softened cream cheese, then with one of cherry jam. Another bread hatchet may be added in sandwich style. You'll like this easy to make inall-si;;e recipe for the jam. FEBRUARY CHERRY JAM Ingredients: 1 one-pound pack age quick-frozen red sour pitted cherries, 2'4 cups sugar. 5 table spoons powdered fruit pectin (mix contents of package thoroughly be iore measuring. Method: Thaw cherries as direct il on package: then drain, reserv ing luice. Chop cherries fine. Meas uie cherries and juice and add 1 .A.ZSSL.Ii ZL.ZS! C'HFJiRY JAM HATCHETS . . . Patriotic snack I real. ' ! JELLY, CHEESE AND CRACKERS . ped mils. Method: Soften yeast in luke warm water. Top cooled milk, add shortening, sugar, eggs, salt, and enough flour to make a rather stifT drop batter. Beat until smooth. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Stir down and add currants and chop ped nuts. Inlo greased, fluted muffin pans place two teaspoons of baiter into pans, filling one-half full. I.cl rise until puffy. When light, bake in moderate 1 375' F.i oven 25 In 30 minutes. Makes about !1. To prepare Caramel Glaze: Make a caramel sirup by mixng together one-(iiarler cup firmly packed brown sugar. 4 cup water, and ' 4 cup nulled butter or margarine. . CINNAMON PUFFS liicretlicnls: 1 cup ready-lo-cat bran, 1 i cup shortening, 'i cup .ugar. I teaspoon salt, 1 cup scald ed milk. I package compressed or granular yeast. 1 egg (well leateiii. 2 ! i cups sifted flour. Method: Add bran, shortening, .ugnr. and salt lo scalded milk and until shortening is melted; I lo lukewarm. Soften yeast in mixture. Add egg. Stir in flour o make a soft dough; cover. Let land 10 minutes. Knead on lightly i floured surface. Place in greased spoocc ; the Month 1 Ice Cream is such , enough water to make 2 j cups. Place in a large saucepan. Measure sugar and set aside. Place sauce pan holding fvuit over high heat. Add powdered fruit pectin and stir until mixture comes to a hard boil. Add sugar at once. Bring to a full rolling boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, skim, pour quickly into jelly glasses. Paraffin at once. Makes about 3 six-ounce glasses. Another tivat for a Washington Birthday party for youngsters is to top vanilla or custard pudding with the cherry preserves and then improvise drum-style containers, as shown in the photograph. For an all-year round tea party a large wooden platter that will hold several kinds of jam. jelly or preserves and an assortment of crackers is attractive. Spread some of the crackers wilh cream cheese and leave some plain so that I'uests mav take their choice. Tasty any time. 'Champion Housekeeper Title Goes To Man j CHICAGO 1 UP1 Chicago s can I didate for world champion house- keeper is a man. K. G. Fischer. 44. j Fischer has been put in charge ol i "keeping house'' in the 2.10f)-room Palmer House here. He is believed to be the only male housekeeper hi i any major hotel. He has under his supervision be tween 300 and 350 employer,. He boasts he can make a bed or run a vacuum cleaner as expert Ly. as any of them. In two National Football League j games against the Washington Jed 'skins in 1 51.17, fir Philadelphia ' L'aglcs coi.ld mtce only four first , riow ns. bowl; cover, lid rise n, warm plac I until double in bulk. Punch down. Half-fill greased muffin pans with 'balls of dough. Cover, let rise un til dt)ible in bulk. Bake in moder : ate (375 F.1 oven about 20 min J ules. Poll hot ouffs quickly in one i half cup melted butter or margar I inc. then in mixture of 2 teaspoons cinnamon and two-thirds cup sug ar. Makes 18, about 21 4 inches in diameter. WOMEN'S WORK U. S. Navy Thinks Sailors Should Eat Well By ELIZABETH TOOMKY UP Staff Correspondent NEW YORK (U.P.i The Unit ed States Navy doesn't believe that men go exclusively for ti." good old meat and potatoes diet. The Navy cook book is being revis ed to give a "liner" touch to the meals. Countless dainty delicacies are tested ei;eh week in the lest kitch en of the Navy's commissary re search department in Baynnne. N. ,1 Meat and potatoes and veg etables get 111 on the recipe test FOOD IS AN EVERY DAY NECESSITY AND AN EVERY DAY EXPENSE. YOU MAKE IT AN EVERYDAY SAVING WHEN YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR OFFER LIKE THIS TO BUY 6 STOCK UP FOR TOMORROW AND SAVE TODAY AT ALL DIXIE-HOME SUPER MARKETS. Phillips No. 1 Can 6 For Del Monte No. 303 Can 6 For TOMATO JUICE . . . Sc . .25c GOLDEN CORN ... 21c . . 1.93 Beish No. 1 Can 6 For Vacuum Pecked 2 12 0z. Cans 6 For PORK & BEANS ... 10c . . 55c LIBBY'S CORN ... 37c . . 1.01 Welch 46 Oz Can 6 For Midwest 21 4 Oz. Bottles S For TOMATO JUICE . . 29c . . 1.64 TOMATO CATSUP .33c . . 89c Torsch Cut 2 No 2 Cans 6 For Comstcck 2 No. 2 Cans 6 For GREEN BEANS ... 37c . . 1.00 PIE APPLES 35c . . 97c Green Giant No. 303 Can 6 For Happy Vale No. 303 Can 6 For PEAS 20c . .1.14 LIMA BEANS 19c ..1.03 Virginia 2 No. 2 Cans 6 For Halves No. 2Vi Can 6 For TOMATOES ....27c . . 75c HUNTS PEACHES .29c ..1.63 Kounty Kist 2 No. 303 Cans 6 For iibby's No. 1 Can 6 For GOLDEN CORN ... 31c . . 83c FRUIT COCKTAIL .27c . . 1.42 Dairy Department Dixie Home Lb. Oleomargarine 25c Sunlighl Cr'mry ' lb Panics l.b BUTTER .35c Sthreibcrs 2 Lb. Bo Cheese Food . 77c Kraft American Z Lb. Bo CHEESE . . 89c Clovcrblooni Collage I-b. Glass Jai C H E ES E . .25c Schrcibcrs Natural Aged l.b. Pl8 CHEESE . .57c Palmolive 3 Reg Sizes Soap . . 26c Palmolive Bath Size Soap . . 12c Large Pkg. Super Suds 30c Large Pkg. Vel . ... 29c Ajx 2 - 14 Oz. Cans Cleanser . 23c Octagon Laundry Reg. Soap ... 8c Octagon 3 Reg. Sizes Powders . 23c Octagon 2 Reg. Sizes Cleanser . 15c Octagon 3 Reg. Sizes Toilet Soap 23c 1 mw m ' " ing, too, but desserts, sauces and salads occupy a surprising prom inent place. The Navy has been putting out recipes for its cooks since shortly after the turn of the century, so the jump from hardtack to apri cot whip wasn't overnight. But this new revision will mark J the first time the recipes have been issued on cards to put in a galley index. The latest cook book, is sued in 1945, got too battered with hard galley wear. The recipe cards will' be made of almost in destructible paper which can be I tossed in an ordinary washing ' machine, hung up and dried with ' out harm. j Like Varied Desserts I "The Navy may be largely a j man's world," said Lt.-Comdr. L. ; W. LeForge. Jr., the officer in (barge of the commisary research 'department, "but we've found the I men go for a finer touch to their meals And they like planty of rr BOSTON BUTT POE2K BOAST Top Quality Beef U. S. Good Grade Ground Sirloin Chuck BEEF STEAK ROAST 43c lb. 69c lb. 45c lb. Porterhouse Club Short STEAK STEAK RIBS 69c lb. 69c lb. 31c lb. Veri-Bcst YELLOW ONIONS ... 3 lbs. 14c Presh, Green BELL PEPPERS 2 lbs. 29c Turnip or Mustard 2 Lbv Fresh Florida 2 Pounds Fresh Greens 23c Eggplant . . 29c New Crop Red Bliss 4 Lbs. U. S. No. 1 Irish 10 Lbs. Potatoes - - 35c Potatoes . . 49c Fancv Green Topped 2 Bch. Crisp Golden Heart 2 lg Stlk. Carrots - - - 21cCeIery - - - 29c variety in desserts." Fruit cakes have been getting special attention lately. The Navy wants to develop a fruit cake which can be cut immediately after bak ing without crumbling. "Oatmeal peach crisp" is another dessert (just added io Navy recipes. j The recipes ar.' designed to make 100 portions and refer to gallons and pounds instead of cups or tablespoons. But the civilian tech nologist supervising the research kitchen. Lendal Kotschevar, had one of the new recipes in family quantities. Here is the Navy's recipe for Steamed Carrot Pud ding, cut down to feed six. Steamed Carrot Pudding INGltlCD'KNTS: 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 2 teasps. baking powder, 1 teasp. salt. 1 teasp. soda, 1 cup finely grated l av carrot, 1 cup cur rants. 1 cup seedless raisins, '4 teasp. nutmeg. ' 1 teasp, cloves and 4 teasp. cinnamon. METHOD: Mix and sift dry in VERI-BEST "School Boy" Wincsms are your Veri-Bcst buy today' Not Too Big, Not Too Small, Just right for those healthy young appetit-s! "School Boy" Wmcsnp 3 lb Kraft 3 lb C'llo APPLES 39c 41c Keep America's Younq Cheeks Rosy with thco Red, Crisp Winc sap Apples. gredients. Add remaining ingredi ents. Mix thoroughly. Sleam two hours in small molds which have been greased and floured, or three hours in large mold. Serve with lemon, fruit, hard or other steamed pudding sauces. Every six months a batch of about 100 of these new recipes goc- to Washington for final approval by the subsistence division of the bureau of supplies and accounts. New cream puff recipes are ter.tcrl right along with spaghetti and meat balls. Food companies have formed a food committee of the Navy Industrial Association to help check the recipes. "We want our recipes so fool proof the newest cook can't ruin them," Kotschever commented. Through the centuries, Warsaw, Poland, has been dominated bv Sweden, Russia, Prussia and Germany. 1 W ' MEATS POUND Produce SEAFOOD Fillet Of Cod.. Fresh - Large Mullet . Mackerel Steaks Fillet Of Flounder Pound . . 37c P: . ,., . . . 27c Poi i.-i i ... 49c Pound . . . 43c Po'.ini Soeckle Trout 49c Dressed (1-1 v2 lb. sizes l b Flounder . . . 39c Fillet Of Poun-J Haddock ... 39c Medium Pour I Mullet . . . . 21c Fresb Fillet " Perch - . M H 4 r ' E I Ml . I. v. hi K 1 t ,"1 i I' ;) i e e e SLii 1 ' ' ' -- ' ."' ".' . 1 t 1

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