WANT AD RATES * she type, 2 cents per word. rl im charge <0 cenU. -? size type, 3 cents per ? minimum charge 60 ? is size type, 50c coluirn inch. faementa wit! be published feeding to desired schedule rat extra charge. In advertisement* should be or ted Immediately. The ntalneer will not be re gf \e (or more than one H et Insertion. ADV*RTISFMFNTS ARF H m ADVANCF. Cash must gpany orders sent by mail ids most be in office be 1#:30 a. m. on day before eatton to ruarantee to be ?nt ad section, on wish to Insert a want ad GL. C-5301. Special Nolices [ONUMENTS see Havwoo<f iment Co.. next to Farmers ince on Ashevillo Poad. H. j n*el, manager. Dial GL 6 -i iDORLESS sanitary sentlcl Mcleanine. call Canton 3274 j Plumbine Co J 19-tf Jox FTTTTV ACFS?Free nates. No down pay ts. Three years to pav imatic Heating Com r. GL 6-5291. A 12 t'i .-fessional Services 3SIONAL. IM ANO TUNING g and repairing Paul Sher ; /I Canton, N. C. Tel. 3123 S 14-* ' jy, t SINK of Waynesville lias j ickets tor the Strand The-1 it the Mountaineer otliee IDnOW Ai11 I. to .'.rr.'pt ; ;d number of piano stu Mrs. Grady llarrineer -5812. ?' 1,M3 j ^ I ^ffihlTFR COST "?AND THE RFST rWAL, AOF.NCV RFRVICE Zrolina mutual DURANCE AGENCY ?-Mil It" 1Nlain St" n? For Sale FOR SALE?Used Watches. Com pletely reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. From $8t)0 up. Kurt Gans, Jeweler, 207 Md'n St. A 5-tf FOR SALE ? New 54-inch Geneva Cabinet Sink. Reduced from $139 95 to $99 00. Martin Elec tric Co. Dial GL 6-3341. J 6-10 FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES?8/4 Hemlock Framing, 4/4 Hemlock boards, 4/4 Locust boards, 4\4 Locust Posts, 4/4 No. 3B Common Hardwoods, dry, Slabs and strips cut into wood. Warner Lumber Co. Saw Mill, Lake Logan Road. A 16-tf CHARLES WAY of Waynesville has two tickets for the Strand Theatre al the Mountaineer of fice. FOR SALE ? 16-20-24 per cent Spartan Quality Dairy Feed, Cot- ' ton Seed meal and hulls, straw, hay and shucks go to Parton Feed Store. Phone GL 6-4581. N 11-tf FOR SALE at a considerable ] saving, several adding machines used only as demonstrators Kaiser's Book Store. J 3 tf FOR SALE: Lots and acre age in good residential. City 1 conveniences. Houses, busi ness property, small down payment. Chris George. Pho. 6-5424. N 18 tf rOIt SALE ? Frieidaire upright freezer. 12.5 cubic feet. New price $410.95, reduced to $365.00. Also 1 Frigidare Automatic Iron- ? cr. Used as demonstrator. New price $154.95, reduced to $75.00 , rash. Martin Electric Co. Did GL 6-3341. J 6-10 vOR SALE?lTsed Furniture from our basement floor. Just brought in a trailer load. Also households bought locally. Lots of furn iture to pick from. Some antiques. \ e w furniture and Norge Appliances on Street floor. Haywood, Furniture Store. Dial GL 6-3611. ?lower Justice. Owner. ^ J 6-10 j FOR SALE: 5 metal shower stalls complete with fixtures, slightly used, excellent condition. Low price. Contact Jim Murray, Wavnevilla Motor Court. Dial ] Dial GL 6-5571. J 6-10 ( For Sale FOR SALE ? New 19" 4 Krigldalre j' Electric Ranee. Large over, all porcelain, with deep well cook- I er and lift-up unit, 2 large stor age drawers, full width fluores cent light, clock and automatic i oven control. Reduced from $319.95 to $267.00. Martin Flee- 1 trie Co. Dial GL 6-3341. J G-10 j WOOD ? Wood for sale Dry or | - green. $3.00 load. Call George I Patrick ? Phone 6-6332. 321 Boundary St. Jan 3-6-10-13-17-20 24 27 i FOR SALE: Argus C-3 used 1 camera. Perfect condition. Kais er's Comcra Shop. J 3 tf FOR SALE - Frigidaire Auto matic Ice Maker, floor model. Originally $735.95. Now $635.00. I j Martin Electric Co. Dial I GL 6-3341. ~ J 6-10 FOR SALE: House and 15 acres of land on highway ISA & 23. } one mile from Balsam. See Roy Brooks at BalsaSn. J 6 10 f 3 17 20 24 27 31 F 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 j RECONDITIONED TYPEWRIT- " ERS for sale. Prices start at ' $35.00. H a y w o o d Typewriter j Company, 107 Church Street. | Phone GL 6-4630. D 23 tf ; FOR SALE ?? Youngstown Dish Washer - Electric sink combina tion. Complete with food waste s disposer. Reduced front $489.95 * to $350 00. Martin Electric Co. 1 Dial GL 6-3341. ' J 6-10 FOR SALE ? Four-room garage apartment at Hillside Terrace. Ray Ellis. GL 6-3173. D 2-tf Wanted 1 ?????? . WANTED: To buy goon used furni ture. Haywood Furn. Store Main St., Waynesville, N. C Phone 6-3041 Apr 8 tf WANTED ? Men for local 1500 family Rhwleigh Bu -m Many Dealers doing $100 to $300 or more weekly. Good opportunity to have profitable busihe-s o' your own. Write Ravvkiah's I Dept. NCA-581-L. Richmond. V? j Jan 3-6-10-13-17-24 28 l Lost & Found FOUND ? Boy's StW 6'"- "Tap | Brown with ear muff- Can b< I picked up at tire Mountaineer of j flee. j if U. S. mints have turned out 4';* billion nickels since 1866 when the ?oin was first, issued. RAY'S SHEET METAL SHOF ? Warm Air Heating ? Install and Repair Guttering ? Services and Cleaning F?v All Makes of Furnaces. Wall Street Dial GL 6-633 IF YOU DON'T KNOW INSURANCE, KNOW YOUR AGENT H H Get low coif Form Bureoe ?uto Insurance ? icrve up ?? 25%. Standard, noncmess able policy ... quick, friend ly claims service. Second largest mutual auto Insurer in U. S. FOR INFORMATION, FHONF AL MARSHALL II .iw I wood, Dial GL 6-3644 Ft For Rent STORAGE SPACE fOR RENT? Excellent for furniture, imple ments, machinery, etc. Large or small amounts accommodated. Call GL 6-3001 or 6-5414. Thrs. tf ?"OR RENT?One nice three-room apartment. Call Howell Craw ford at Crawford Funeral Rome GL 6-3535. N 29-tf 0 "OR RENT?Four room apart ment. unfurnished. lleat and water furnished. Close in. Call 6-6566. . D 6-tf OR RENT ? Large attractive apartment, beautiful location, partly furnished, located at 123 Keller St. Can be seen after 4 p.m. D 30 J 3-6-10 'OR RENT: Apartment at Kirkpat rick Apts. Adults preferred. Call 6-4155 or 6-3137 after 4 p.m. Jan 3 tf "OR RENT?One furnished apart ment. Electric kitchen, tile bath, oil heat, car port. Sham rock Motor Court. 603 Walnut Street. Dial 6-6349 J 10-1? ELEVATED NEWS DECATUR. Ill (API ? Dean Voolridge, publicity chairman of he VFW, called the local news >aper to report a news item. The eporter asked for a check on the polling of a name but Woolridge -villained it would be several min itrs before he could furnish it. "My book is on the ground." le said. A telephone lineman, he was ?ailing from atop a pole. The Virgin Islands produce about 1.000 tons of cane sugar a year. FOR SALE Two bedroom home?Large li\ ing room, den, beautiful kitchen, carport, and util it v room. Large corner lot in Grand view. Price $10,500 ? With $8,600 already fi nanced. South Clyde ? New .'5 bed room brick and perma stone construction. Large utility room and carport. Lull basement. Located on a large lot with a wonder ful view. Let us show you this fine home. Price $16,000, with $10,000 al ready financed. Nice two bedroom home. Extra large lot ? Hazel wood. $5800 ? Terms. FOR RENT Saunook community ? Three bedroom home, 3 baths, also maid*s room with hath in basement. Hrick construction ? Auto matic oil warm air heat. Many fruit trees, grapes and large garden. Heauti ful swimming pool in back. Available March 1st. $85.00 ier month. Farm homo with large gar den. Hyatt Creek. $20.00 per month. LINER REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE CO. Dial GL 6-4331 Main Street vou CAN SI SUR|...ip irk VAtbstinghouse Sold In Waynesvllte Only Al MASSIF I I KMTLKE CO. AUDREY RETURNING TO STUDIO RADIANTLY HAPPY are Audrey Hepburn, Oscar winning actress, and her husband, Mcl Ferrer, as they return to London from their honey moon in Rome. Miss Hepburn is scheduled to start work in England on a film version of "Ondine," her Broadway hit. (International) . lural Firetruck . ] THEBES. 111. (APt ? Fire pro 'eetion is assured rural residents, t The Thebes Men's Club has pur- i ?hased a fire truck and w ill re- j ( ?pond to the out-of-town calls 1 j while the village truck stands by j j in town. The club is in debt $5,500 for ; 1 its second truck. The first one was j. destroyed bv fire in a wheatfield. ' ( Dads Sentenced LYNCHBURG, Va. (AP) ? Two >oys, aged 11 and 12, were brought >efore Juvenile Court Judge O. R. rundiff, charged with burglam ng a grocery store. He ordered an nvestigation. Their fathers said they didn't enow the boys were out that night, ludge Sundiff gave the dads 60 lays in jail for neglecting the boys. I * CQIl u?<i MS??** Bates ore US?* Here are some examples: ' WAYNESVILLE To: KNOXVILLE, TENN 10c WASHINGTON, F). ('. ? 85c MIAMI, FLA. 1.20 ST. PETERSBURG. FLA 1.00 FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. 1.10 ATLANTA. GA 50c \ These sample rates are for three minutes, station-to-station, after 6 P. M. and all day Sunday. Federal excise taxes are extra. W | . ... Coll by Number ?ir* Fosterl Southern Bell ^ Telephone and Telegraph Compan^ MRS C. M. HINKLEy of Waynes- 1 ville has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF CLYDE BUILDING - AND LOAN ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of stockhold- . ers of Clyde Building and Loan As- " soeiation will be held at the Asso ciation's office in Clyde, North Car olina. on Monday, the 17th day of January, 1955, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing Direc tors and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. This 30th day of December, 1954. LOIS H. ROGERS Secretary 2496?J 3-10 Housework Easy Without Nagging Backache When kidney function slows down, many folks complain of nagging backache, low of P**P ?"d energy, headaches and dizziness. Don't suffer longer with these discomforts If reduced kidney function is getting you down?due to such common causes as strew and strain, over-exertion or exposure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan's Pills?a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 60 years. While often otherwise caused, it's amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these discomforts?help the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan's Pills today! Doan's Pills 1 I -? Let us help. Your insurance problems are important to us too. Phone ... KILPATRICK ? FELMET REAL ESTATE GL 6 - 3631 W Sor ' COLO DISCOMFORTS * 33# Pgr* Pottlf GARRETT FURNITURE CO. INC. Main Street 4 INCOME I TAX BOOKKEEPING SERVICE | NOTICE: H. E Haynes, USN, li not responsible for any debts incurred by Mrs. Pearl L. Havnes on or after Sept. 26, 1954. Reason, divorced Sept. 26, 1954 Jan 6-10 I'se Mountaineer Want Ads PLUMBING AND HEATING GUARANTEED WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES Either Contract Or By The Hour DIAL GL 6-4169 FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. 416 DEPOT STREET State Plumbing & Heating License No. 1542 SYLVANIA T. V. For SERVICE & REPAIRS On Any TV Set Call GL 6-5011 Haywood Electric Service LINER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CO. GL 6-4331 131 Main St. farm bureau I "*lM' Avtentebile Invrmti C*. II W1Ihiioal Fire ItKvronct C*. II \\Sg^v lif* Insurance Ce. H Mr. Home Owner! Let Us PAINT Your House Now (Inside or Out, or Both) . . . And Pay Later ? Take lTp To 12 Months To Pay! ? Low Interest Rates ? Free Estimates "No Job Too Big ? None Too Small" Cline-Bradley Co. DIAL GL 6-31S1 attentTOW Young Men Join TANK COMPANY 120th IN FANTRY. NORTH CAROLINA NATIONAL GUARD NOW and be eligible to attend FIELD TRAINING at CAMP STEWART, GA., this summer. For Informa tion call GL 6-3312 or visit tho Waynesville Armory. "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" Phone GL 6-4531 ALL FORMS OF TAXES CLOSMAN OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE CITY SIGN CO. 203 DEPOT STREET PHONE GL 6-4311 !\VAYNESVIIXE, N. C. ALL TYPES OF SIGN LETTERING RtiCKS ? WALLS ? WINDOWS ? HIGHWAY SIGNS ? NEON SIGNS AND REPAIRS CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES IT'S TIME TO RENEW YOUR AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE AND THE PEACE FOR THE A BEST PROTECTION IS If L. N. DAVIS CO. IN STREET GL 6-3501 | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS & CURED COUNTRY HAMS t Bring to WAYNESVILLE PIXIE - HOME SUPER MARKET VjH THE FLOP FAMILY i i I/-" uftxin; ?? ' uf\y{ ? a ' I ^OIAI cm \ 6?tT c\ WILV the. m\6HY ' sou ??ofo^?C TO ne.oEAR \ ?i _ , ?iWHK. I JUVT 6f\T THE?t-HUN& HE AO AMO $A\0 '?"w-r r-iOTK\MCsr ? I?' T^ifnv^ By SWAN r PvHO THfvT ulf\4 THt LPi^T* I T^E * EAJ?tf $*u> woo THPsT VvJAWJ, u n pi'V i p F^W?Lx-- I cs ' \irx MYRTLE RIGHT AROUND HOME By DUDLEY FISHER ^ SO? TJ^AV'S I > TUE ?AV COR VV > AUCMtNCe.' ) ~Xzir V <5 VE IT U (TO 'A ? A SNOW ON top of tp at one - ano i wkswt not i Be asls to aer x bach wet?e fop ) a we?</ ' M3LrtPE WISE TO ^ PLAY IT SAFE, J 7 MVRTVe '

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