Unemp. ''14 J$::r'P Josephine Roche, Chairman ' Young Ptopla Now Thay "J By WILLIAM C UTLEY ITH snort of disgust the young man tossed his bat on the table. And as he sank into the chair, bis worn newspaper, folded . with the "help: wanted" ads to the outside, ' . their- gray columns smudged - with the sweat of much handling, fell to the Boor; he didn't bother to pick It np. . - Be bent In defeat, his bands hang : , Umulv from the arms of the chair. , Bla eyes fixed in a red stare on the thin carpet, his nostrils widened In a sneer and his lower Up panted. i He looked as If he would do some- , thing desperate If there were any; thing desperate to do. ( , Ilia throat was dry as he spoke. . . "1 give npl . "I've been In every darn place in this town where they might need . anybody to do anything, rm a grad uate engineer, with one of the best : records in my class and I can't get ,. a Job washing dishes., rve been ? trying for three years, v "The Jobs there are go to married men who have, families that , need food and a home. That's all right, 1 suppose they .'Should. BotLord,t want to get married myself some day, and here I am twenty-five with out a chance in sight of getting my self any kind of a start I've got right to my life and happiness. But rve got to work! ' "And what do they say to me? : "You've no experience. We can get good men with years of Experience for what we have to pay you.' "Good Lord, how am I going to get experience If I can't get work 7" The man Is, of course, a hypothet : leal case. ' But If yon think his coun terpart does not exist In reality and , in appalling numbers, you are sadly mistaken. The International Labor office at Geneva has Just Issued a statement which declares, that at least 25 per cent of ail (he world's 25,000,000 unemployed are less than twenty-five years old. . , t But wait, despairing youth ! There may be an end in sight for all this. .America has an Idea. It may work and it may not, but at least some thing Is going to be doDe. ThePres- . Idem of the United States Is speak- lng . . . ... . . '-. - "I have determined that we shall do something for the nation's nn ;. employed youth because we can ill . afford to lose the skill and energy of these young men and women, They must have- their chances In school, their turn as ' apprentices . and their opportunity for Jobs a ' ' chance to work and earn for them elves. . ' "In recognition of this great na tional need I have established a Ns tlonal Youth administration, . to be under- the Works Progress admin- i Istraflon." - . ' 1 $50,000,000 for Youth. ! Out of the $4,880,000,000 which congress In the emergency relief ap propriation act of April 8 turned over to Mr. Roosevelt that he might : elnk -public dollars Into the mire of depression to' make a foundation for a sturdy structure of sound pros perity, $50,000,000 will, be poured -as a pylon to support the new NYA during its first jrear. .' vy-'-.fV' - As chairman of the executive' com mittee of the NYA, the President named Miss Josephine Roche, assist ant secretary of the treasury.' She was long a professional champion, of youth and later, as a coal operator, waged the, battle for the rights of young men and women In different tform. As executive director she win have Aubrey Williams,' first assist ant to Harry L. Hopkins, worka progres adminJ8tratot,.'-::;':',-:-t.!;, These two will set up the organ ization which will execute tha chal lenge taken up by .the President to remove youth from the depths of disillusion and defeatism and the danserous' radicalism which so often arises from such conditions. Youth In the case of the NYA is limited to men and women between, tha aget of sixteen - and twenty-five. Here are thg services the , organization will attempt .to perform: . 1. MIh id. Ye to Get a Chance of the Executive Committee of tha Ara Out of School. 3. Aubray Williams, Exaeutiva Director. . u , X. Find employment In private In dustry for unemployed youth. "Work designed to accomplish this shall be set going In every state In order to work out with employers in Indus try, commerce and business, ways and means of employing additional personnel from unemployed young people. 2. Train and retrain for Indus trial, technical and professional em ployment opportunities.' 8. Provide for continuing attend ance at high school and college. 4. Works-relief projects designed to meet the needs of youth. An estimated 150,000 youths will receive Job training of somelort; 100,000 wlU be aided In finishing their high school courses; 120,000 will be assiated in pursuing a col lege education, and additional thou sands will be given financial aid to enable them to take post-graduate work. Many more may be absorbed without cost through the finding of Jobs In Industry. . 'r . -, The smallest unit in the set-up will be the local or community com mittee. This will be under the su pervision of the state administra tion, which in turn will report to Washington headquarters, Efforts win be concentrated upon youths who are out of work and no longer financially capable ' of attending school. .. ... ..." -., , The tasks of the various divisions, according to the announcement from the White House,' will be ' mo bilize the Industrial, commercial, agricultural and educational forces to provide employment and other practical assistance to '" the unem ployed youth ; to develop and carry out a co-ordinated program of work and work opportunities. Job train ing and retraining for. unemployed youth, utilizing all existing : pub lic and private agencies, Industries, schools and various training facul ties which can assist In meeting va rious phrases of the problem.'? , ' How Money Will Be Spent: - These tasks will all be undertaken with a view of furnishing youths (who ara eligible for relief) com pensation for work they may do on their new Jobs, or expense; money if they are going to school, Boys and girls over sixteen who have been forced to stop attending high school because they have no money for, car .fare, : lunches and Incidentals will be given an aver age of $6 a month to enable them to complete their courses. ' , ,, An average of $15 a month will go to unemployed high school gradu ates under twenty-five to help them finish college. ' Institutions- will re ceive no subsidies; the students win be expected to pay part of the cost themselves; as they have In the past There Is a - rule now that those receiving work relief shall not ac count for more than 12 per cent of the enrollment of Institutions of higher learning, but this ' will la all likelihood be revoked or changed to make room for the NYA proteges. Post-graduate students who have been unsuccessful In their Job-hunting will, be carefully, selected for aid In completing- their Study.' A special effort will be made to find Jobs for graduates of the -class of An average of $15 a month will be . paid to . youths given outright works-relief Jobs; since one of the qualifications la that they must be from relief families, it may be as sumed that the bead of the family win be holding a works-relief Job at better iy.t;.j-r9y,itM k , - Take National Census.,' p' Work relief youths win also be kept busy taking a national census of all youths In the United States between sixteen and twenty-five. ' ' - To secure employment, the NYA will ask Industrial employers to hire youths 'aa , apprentices under spe cial arrangements. Governmental bu reaus, county, municipal and state. will be . asked ' to take appren tices and train them for public service. Concerning the latter the NYA said: V ' ; EL NYA. 2. What la to Beeomeof These i "The opportunity afforded by this type of work should be used to de velop a new type of trained public servants, rather than to merely add to the immense, groups of men and women who now clamor to get into government service." t. - It ha been called possible that this may overshadow a permanent civil service organization, like that of England. , , . . Job training and Job placement are to be accomplished by:' '.; (a) UtiUzlng available school shop facilities for Initial or basic trade training', through special late afternoon or evening classes, taught aa works-relief projects by needy un employed persons qualified to teach the special field, k, : (b) Utilizing available private factories, industries, or plants, at times when they are not in regular operation, as places to hold train ing classes, taught by needy . un employed. ; ' (c) Using pubUc libraries for training youths to function aa li brarians and enabling the libraries to be kept open for the public a greater number of hours a day, . Co-Operation Needed. ' "ThU undertaking win need the rigorous co-operation of the citizens of the several states," said the Pres. ldent ..'."' ' "It Is recognized that the final so lution of this whole problem of un employed youth win not be attained until there Is a resumption of nor mal business- activities and oppor tunities for private employment on a wide scale. I believe that the na tional youth program will serve the most pressing and Immediate needs Of that portion of unemployed youth most seriously affected at the pres ent time." . The NYA la a definite step toward solving the problem of unemployed youth In America. What win be done about the remainder of (he six or seven million unemployed youths IB Other parts of the world la being considered by Geneva's Interna tional Labor office, with the object of doing away with the discontent that Often results In serious social dangers. It Is particularly worried about the method which la being used to a wide extent by many Eu- -ropean nations military conscrip tion. Forced . labor . camps and In corporation of young men In other organizations more or less of a military character It deplores: "Attendance at such unemploy ment centers should be strictly, vol untary, should exclude any tdea of military training, and these centers ahonld only, undertake work which under prevailing economic condi tions would not be carried out by workers in normal employment" - Serious Problem. ' In the ILO, subjects usually re ceive two discussions, one when they are first called to attention, and an other the following year, after aU the available information has been gathered. This question is consid ered too urgent to hold over,'' j'' The rear seriousness of the prob lem, according to the ILO, 'is to be found in the particularly unfortu nate consequences of continued Idle ness for yonng people, more than older persons. If adults, after long years of work, are unable to face the difficulties of life, on the other hand how can young people on their J own resources successfully resist the demoralizing effects of prolonged unemployment!" . , rji,., --; .The remedies for the situation. as held up by the ILO, ara pretty much the same as the plan which the President has outlined for this country. Tbey include work-relief. Job placement and apprenticeships; ana vocational training and retrain ing. ; ',. if It will bo Interesting to see what effect ! the President's ' NYA wlU have on the youth of . our nation. Bayo he: .. "The yield on this Investment should be high." ' ' , . f) Wtatera Nwpapr Union. li )R THE FEATHERHEADS i suppose -fail - - I SoI-BUT I HAP A liC-jj.' '1 ' I I HOli WATCH -THE UMPPRSTAMP r 'Jg aJJ & eJ N&? HOw -V ItNW AP SPEEP J I'M MOT A J r maS A SUCCESS 1 ABOiiT A. , -T.rf UPfJ CLOCK ,.M SATOBBy i - FINNEY OF THE FORCE -'ATZZStiL' n Fare Enough I Ht! Vc- 4 IUIM T , ,r-nr-: :i f..lil L. J r M... p mm 1 - - a nciSB i IN J Kvr , I And 0 W dart ....... "k" 1 I'll zz oti r r ou- 1 1 - A-' ,r - ' X'S::- " -"11 SECTION irJ. vi-J'-:': Timely tE6lr4' ON -SL eetJlN!CrltEF- ' SHTREBT HERE I XJSf BoRROWEl f . Mm,, - ; . . -THAT WASNT JUS I I OH SAH TARS HE f &URS-ajEU.- n ataxi T-1 1 J 1:1 p f-ri gut 9316 ; r t 1 1 r .y . V. at I ' t Mm It's as fresh as ttfe morning dew I And it was designed for an - those clever., women who, like to put In a smart appearance at the' very be ginning of every new . day. Three or four dresses made up by this pat tern would solve all your house frock -problems.,. And the expense will prove trifling. .Moreover, - tbla pat tern has been designed ao simply that to follow It will seem like a first les son n sewing. The yoke and'sleeves all-in-one, with a bit of bodice full ness below, and toe decorative pocket make this frock very' smart Indeed! Percale or gingham In gay plaids, or small geometric designs would be ef fective." Add nobby cork or wooden buttons.:.-??'-J'itV,5'r.-W' ; ?; Pattern 9316 may be ordered only In Sizes 14, 16, 18. 20; 82, 84. 86, 83, 40 and 42.' Size 18 requires S!4 yards 36-Inch fabric. - ; ' 1 ' SEND FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAMEf,' ADDRESS, STYLE ' NUMBER and SIZE. .'. . . Complete, Diagrammed Sew Chart Included. - . Send your order to Sewing Circle -Pattern Department, 282 West Eight eenth street, "New York, ' ANTICIPATION The Suitor Believe mft ' ninilva '"f ui. fivuuu fuu WB1K cu.- v xne . uardenette -It looka nice, doesn't It? All fnll of 'nmti tn nips, potatoes and onions. Detroit Had Exparlane '' Official I suppose you know some thing of the duties of tha offimt wn are to give you? ot-'.-1 Applicant Oh, yes. They are to eoae late, do aa little aa nossibie. go home early, and never miss pay- Offlclal You're ?c'a '' YouVa lust what we're looking for. ' I can see yon must have beld office before. ' v. ; ' ' ' - -He Had SampM Thm ' Miss Camouflatre Do von am anr harm in a girl using a lipstick f Mr. Hugglns Oh. no. So far as my experience goes, It's a mere mat ter or taste. , , .k r V .

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