ip | Y ' ry>PPY DAY is not just an ordinary day! It is a day of sorrow for'many— and yet it is a day in which to rejoice that you have been spared from grim death m> I 1 that you may let those brave, good and true warriors sleep amid the poppy fields of “■3j r ‘T •' . ' . . 77 ■■ , " . •* ., v . /’*• I “ They have died so that we might live, others are suffering untold tortures and hardships resultant of the war. It is for the purpose of remembering those who died & and those who still suffer that you should buy a Poppy and wear it on your coat today. ■ Ijfi * i Mr «• a — ■ - ~ - s : *-• . WEATfIBK I An!; ThanUay, j •**“ jwliU) rale* la wml portluß*. V i . ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■■*■■■♦ TM>m TWOi NIUBER 81. j •. i in : June 14thIs Date For Klan Konklave Here BANDITS SLAY 88 CHINESI CEREMONIES WILL BE HELD AT LOCAL FAIR GROUNDS, IT IS SAID Official of the Organization, Said to Be From At lantay<OetH Permission of Authorities to Stage Meet There, It Is Learned Thursday. June 14. is the date of the bisr konklave of tClansmen from all over eastern North Carolina and parts of the country to be held in Goldsboro. Thia became known yesterday when it wa« learned that * an official of the Klan, presumably from Atlanta. Ga., the im perial headquarters, had secured permisison of the authori . ties to use the fair urounds in which to stajre their cere -1 monial. * The ceremonial, Os rites, will be open to the public, thia i official also intimated, but so far no invitation to attend has 1 been extended to those outside of the order. While fair official* seemed a IllUe 1 reticent about the visit erf the Klan oracial and hi* subsequent request for tba use so the fair ground*, they gfatad that he left the Impression that IM koahlare was not to be held on the Inetruction* Os Imperial beudquar-1 tarn, but that it Waa a '.•gel-to-getber" J meeting o( the Knlgbla of Klus < Klan on the Invitation of the local klan. KtlH Many Vliffnta From other soqrce* it I* learned that many dlatlngluahed official* of the Klan from Chicago. Atlantic City and Atlanta are expected to be present, nnd though hla name ha* not been mentioned In connection with the ap pioathing ceremonial, there la much speculation locally over the probabil ity of, Judge Henry D. Grady of Clln | ton, alleged head of the Klan In North Oaroliaa. being present, and If he would lahe an Important part in the ceremonial. .The number of Klansmen slated to he present here on June 14 l* iil problematical, but tbete aeem* lo be little disposition to question the orig inal estimate of 5.900, secured from authoritative source* by The News •one days ago. This figure was dis counted locally, many mil elder* freely oppressing the opinion that there were & 1.000 Klansmen In Kaatern North .'When Ini* was called lo the t attention of a local Klansman, who steads high In the councils of the or ganisation. be slgtnd that there "might not A lira thousand present." but that k m. he time Goldsboro people bad seea EL parade of the tlaitora. garbed In naked hoods, tba'regalia of the order, they "would think there were aevernl limes five ihousaad present Keel la Last Vat One Hay Since the ceremonial la for one day only, It la now assumed that moat of tba visitors w 111 depart for their homes Immediately following the files, which nrn expected to UuM until the early fcnvn of the next morning * Jr THE GOLDSBORO NEWS SIX PAGES The parade. II la reported, will be a colorful affair, local Klansmen now being engaged In making hundreds of crosses. which w'brli Ignited, will flam# at shot intervals. Preparation for the barbecue are now underway, nearly a hundred pigs having been marked for slaughter. KMANITGIVENA GLIMPSE OLD SOUTH 4 . ' „ Vinitorn To Atlanta Arc Enter tained With Old Time Plantation Melodic* ATLANTA. May 2»—lJgrter prlv lleged children, the crippled, the dn- j sensed, the blld who stands baffled and confused al the liar of the juven ile court, have found a staunch fileud In Klwauls InlernatloiiHl that organl xallon waa told by Dr. Owen K love joy. general secretary of the Child Welfare committee In an address at j the national convention here today The speaker told the Klwanlans there were in the past year, or since they have centered upon the single, approved activity of "aervlce for the linder-prtvlli ge4 children” ha.s help j ed lo make thd work of Ihe child la bor committee easy. Aside from the general session of the afternoon at which reports were received from several standing com mittees and addresses made the ac tivities ot the delegates today wi re centered In a score or more of con ferences. Every phase of Klaanis work was discussed In these small er gatherings. Tonight the delegates and visitors were entertained with a glimpse ot the old South with-a series of tabloid, lidng and dance nuinbera, and music was staged by the local commlttae .under th« name of "Plantation Bays." UOI.I'tHOKO, M. <5, WEIIXKMDAT *OKM,M., MAT m, im. , Whereabouts ot Matilda Kennedy Still Unknown * • • e ' Despite Her Failure to Appear in the Role of frosecuting Witness, Trial of I. R. Stroud Gets Under Way in Superior Court ’ .'b ' ■ • »-- - i Contrary to expectations In some quarters Mias Kennedy, the prose cutlug witness In' the case against t. H Stroud, Duplin county Baptist b.nlste>, wuo suddenly disappeared i'u«»ila* afi ''noon. fr,''cd tu show up when court was convened hero Ibis nom i g. Despite ber disappearance, the case against Stroud »»» ordered for trial by Judgeiilfo/ton. who la presiding, and a number of wltnesaes, chief of them being U. Holland, proprietor of the Holland Hotel, where Slroud and Mina Kennedy are alleged to hava registered as man and wife, were heard. » ■ " Efforts to locale Miss Kennedy con- 1 ttnue, and laet night the police r.ent teiegrana giving ber description to authorities In every town and city where the young woman Is known to have retellves. Altorneys for Ihe prosecution, bow-j ever, still maintain ber testimony is not essential lo secure a conviction, and they seem lo be mystified over her disappearance Her father, deeply con cerned. waa said to be "almost craiy" j by one of the defense attorneys. Except for the Introduction of a few character witnesses, chief of whom Late Wire Flashet. COTTON CLOSE New York. Mav 129. (By the Associated Presn.) —Cotton futures closed steady. July 27.26; October 24.68; December ' I 24.20; January 22.96; March 22.92; Spot cotton, <iul«t; mid dling 28.90. ' ' I POINCARE (JETS VOTE OF CONFIDENCE Phris, May 29. (By the Ansociated Pres*.)—-Any doubt as to the Holidity of Premier PoincareVposition wan net at rest tonight when the Chamber of Deputies by.a majority of 428 expressed confidence in him and hin government and voted him the money he needed to carry out his policies in the Ruhr. . LITTLE HOPE FOR KITCHIN Wilson, May 29.—At 10 o’clock tonight Representative Claud Kitchen was reported to be slowly sinking ut a local I hospital where he was taken several weeks ago suffering with stomach trouble. His physicians stated that unless there was a decided change for the better in his condition, the end was a matter of hours. FUNERAL OF FOLK TOMORROW New York, May 29.—The funeral of Joseph W. Folk! former governor of Missouri, will, la* held Thursday after* •won at big birthplace, Brownsville, Tenn., it was announced tonight by hfcs sister at whose home lie died yesterday. She started South with the body Uaight aspect!ag to arrfv* early Thursday morning. t* ' * was R O Maxwell, ex Populist Hens lor from Duplin, the state had Its ln ; ning yesterday, putting Mrs. Holland. K Grirnn. Mr Holland. Mr. Harrell, a former clerk al (be Holland, and Albert llurgl*. a negro waller, on Ihe ; stand . In the main, ibelr testimony was the same given In Ibe previous trial - of Htroud. Mr. and Mrs. Holland, and the former clerk testifying to the presence of Stroud and Miss Ken nedy at the hotel on the night of Sept, -'dli Stroud registered himself and Miss Kennedy us "J. R Greer and wife." they told the court. Court will nol reconvene until 1:20 o'clock today, Judge Horton having found It neceildhry to appear In court as a wltnesn this morning In Qreene vllle. -RTtiMIA KX POUTING DM AIN j —... —x BERLIN, May 25 -I By the Aasoclat-j ed Press)—-Front thtrly to 70 carloads j or Suasion grate are arriving at Re val dally for. trans-shipment lo Ger many. The consignments are said lo be parts of more than ho. into tom tagged for this export They coasts! 1 mostly of wheat and rye. , ' \ LEFT MESS 81 CIMOEIFM. LITTLE 8111M8IC HI Carter Taylar, Here for t|M Rad C’roee (Conference, Telle of * Sorrow n of tJie Place CONTRIBUTIONS WERE , 1 RECEIVED FROM WAYNE The pathetic laurei us ■ IHtb ril(lil-)Mr-ul4 girl, left mat her leu ks tke Untklf Im4h Ink „ rwamlaa IW eeigkborboed, plak* Ilk ip a Mil ktrr and thin, la i| many tragic laHtlenle ' related' here yesterday bp Car* tar Tap Ur, Had t'rea a fallal Marker, wbe Ma> ieat ,la (am dra la taka charge al tba relief Mel tbeir death la thU ire, attead 4ha Had I rani regional raalereanv la .speaking as hi* nark la CaaUaa, «aMi . “Although liotb dtaailara war# ra aulta of It re 4&e rattal work of tba bed. (.'rotui at Hamden. 8. C„ will ha vanity dtfferaat from Ibe retail work 1 at N«w Bara Al New Barn only one life waa lial. Tba relief work there couslkted a I mint entirely Os bat pine tba thouaaad faintllaa barn «d out of boNie to get back to nor mal living condtttbm : At t'amdan there was practlgally no property lons Sevan!y-sevan Uvea wara lost Forty children wyre orpbsnad and a few w orpin ware widowed. Tba re liaf Job at Catuden will consist al inuHl entirely of making provision* for tbe pernianenl welfare aud edu cation of orphaned children, and providing for the permfrilcul support of widows. Thin work at randan will be done by making careful tank for each per non. aud than he It lag up a trust fund, under Rad 'Teas aup ervtilon. to Insure Ibe plana being carried out. Ilia relief roinmltteg at < Mimlen has resolved lo give each orphaned child an education at loaal as good at It would have reeatved If the tragedy had nul occurred. Rad cross trained Workers kill • co-oper ala with the local Camden Relief ' conitulltee by helplug lo work out the l<eit pomlble plain. In ash erase I •;li U diflicuft' for on# who has pot been on the scene lo picture the ant faring and distress arblch the Clave land school tragedy has brought on ibe llllle fanning community. In uur preliminary survey we fouad lour farms where the eullre faintly luid been entirely wiped out. r We round Hie rattle and stock on these farms rolng without feed or atten tion. and of course made Immediate nr inurement lo take caret of such situations. * “There aiV several cases where Ibe death of both parents have left families of children without a head. Theta are othera where the death of tbe mother has left the father with usual farm duties and little lime to devote to household caret and uttentlru to children U’e found, leu aiagipU, that a little eigbt-ygar old girl, wheat wMawed father lead (Continued ow Page Five.) HIT PAGES SHORTAGE OF FM| FORCED BANDITS SLAY MANY CAPOTES First Tying: Their Feet and Placing Identlitiilifc Tags on Their Bodies, the Brigand* Helpless ( hi new Captive* Over CIHI ■> SHANGHAI, Mag 29. (By tha Aiaoriatnd Praaa) Short agH of food in the bandit's stronghold lit Pbdttufciltatf ’ before the kidnapping of a number of foreigner* jfmk'ni / Shanghai-Pekin express May 6, cauaad tha brigand* tm tim* * eighty Chinese prisoners to their daath from one dfHMIw • mountain diffs, according to inforoutUoa recaigad tor* tap day from Father William -Lensers, German prleet, «| matin several trips to the outlaw haadquartaMib-' •#•■■y * \ I The information from Father Lstifars. which eaaaa tar a letter declared that the priaoners feat wara bound ami gfetaF * was labeled with hi* 'name and identification befor* hZ* f hurled to death. One of the priaonera, a woman, fhm Umm over with her child in her arma. ,v » * Later the bandita notified the famlllea of tha captives, and relative* were permitted to remove thi identification being facilitated by tho tags . Father Lenfera denies that troopa wort in hum dg the outlaws lie declared that the addira have honii?r~d ing the bandits for months resulting In an Ulitt kaMk ' water and food. The rai<l on the train at Suehow7ts fllafi said, was in the nature of a diversion to some tho iMMtgp withdraw. iUMMER MURDERESS LI ID Slim Clara Phillips, Instead of Ap pearing Desperate, Is in Buoyant Mood NF.W ORI.KANH May Zb-Tiara who neaped from Jail in' Lon Antelnn last December aftar tba conviction lor tba murder of Mra. Alberta Meadow a, returned lo tkla country today from Honduraa In tba rustody of California ofßcara and to night waa reeling In tba New Orlaana pariah hortae of detention prepara tory lo aiartlbg tomorrow on bar long Journey lo the Pacific ceaal. Tbe former Waco. Tiles. girl Who stepped from tba IlnaC lopan waa not the Clara PhllUpa New Orleaae people had eipected to sea. They bid prepared for a woman over her recapture aftar one of the moat aenaathmal aacapea aver ac complished In Ibis country Inalaad aba seamed to he a bauyant aplrlla and lout little Ituie In tellnlg news paper men that aba waa returning borne voluntarily to eetabitah bar la- Beuce and that alia coaSilenced tbla ild be acrumpliabad. | Mra. Phillips waa on deck as tbe Copan draw Into bar pair with her, aiglet. MUs Etta May Jackson, un iConUaued on Pag# Five.) ■ 11 —■—t —^—— : MEMBER OR , I ASSOCIATED PUf I ■ ■ ■ -w—TXmJ 1 *l|»r» bald cMMvtwtVt l fa the Male depertOMM lOflhl 1 I) MU i«.r Hcheurmao to !*!**». *»', ilui Ik* bandit leaden r their flee demands to Ihi flNUll tt Uriels on lha eight of Mhf If. f The terms preeentsd wars lows: “N "I. Withdrawal of xoMtors V Central noearntoto* to to|** the bandits reonlarty Wtth fbM'iM I to I 111 II ( "1. Ten tbousand bd##lto to toil outhweaiern district to b#. W#£■ Into four mixed hr!nips adder fto ill rest control of the rent ml jnf tfb - ment which rvmleboo arm* 4at«»'. munition , * X 4 ' .f p-r iiotlo exceed • totj, toU months pay “I. Dpon eenaont of Up Rovemment to the slows toffl* aßreement to be dratm || bf|toN ihr central roeernmenl and the Mm rhlef to be sited la the prynehi/ of Uie lepreeentstleae o( the dtototoat • orpe who are lo set SO tOMtogl Theanaokincemont ‘Tim# Vfctflfcb Stele Department made In# ottoMto on those terms.

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